Skill's power level

Primordial Skill's-

[{Primordial: Breeder Reacter}]

- Limitless Energy: This allows the user to infinitely store any energy like [Magicules, Stardust, Turn-Null, etc...] And manipulate them.

- Reacter: This sub-skill allows the user to infinitely generate every type of energy in existence. Like [Magicule, Stardust, Turn-Null].

- Magicule Dimension: This Ablity let's the user create a dimension infinitely large purely made of infinite Magicule, Stardust and Turn-Null. This sub-skill can be used to store any weapon inside the dimension and let it absorb the magicules, Stardust and Turn-Null to make it super powerful. The user can speed up time inside the dimension so that 1 millisecond outside will be 1 trillion year's inside.

‌[Evolved From: Magicule Breeder Reacter and sub-skill Turn-Null ].

‌P.L - X.N.V+.


[{Primordial: Primordial Divine Dragon God Asgorath}]

- Divine Dragon Physiology: Absolute Condition Almighty/Divine Magic/Meta/Omni/Transcendent (all Magic in the verse; Varies between verses)

Cosmic Manipulation

Cosmic Awareness

Divine Force Manipulation

Dragon Divinity

All Dragon-based Powers

Dragon Embodiment (Varies)

Dragon Force Manipulation

Draconic Element Manipulation

Conceptual Element Manipulation

Omni-Element Manipulation

Draconic Energy Manipulation

Transcendent Force Manipulation

Dragon Creation


Dragon Physiology or Giant Dragon Physiology

Environmental Adaptation

Flight/Wing Manifestation

Legendary Status




Omicron Physiology



Prime Being

Primordial Force Manipulation

Transcendent Physiology (Divine Archetype Variations/Types Mimicry Variations; varies)

- Primordial Dragon Physiology:

Absolute Attack

Absolute Defense

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Invulnerability

Divine/Angelic/Demonic Force Manipulation

Divine/Angelic/Demonic Slayer

Dragon Divinity

Dragon Creation

Dragon Force Manipulation

Dragon Manipulation

Dragon Physiology

Fear Inducement

Fearful Scream


Omni-Element Manipulation


Primordial Force Manipulation

Primordial Element Manipulation

Primordial Energy Manipulation

Prime Being; The user may be the Ancestor of all Dragons.

Supernatural/Absolute Condition

- Bahanmut:

Absolute Body

Absolute Stamina

Absolute Strength

Aquatic Life Manipulation

Cetacean Physiology or Fish Physiology

Cosmic Water Manipulation


Magic Intuition

Negotiation Intuition


Primordial Entity Physiology


Unnatural Size

P.S- All the other skills be it ultimate or primordial skills are completely utterly useless [{Primordial: Omni God Zeno}] as it makes you True Omnipotent, Omnipresence, Omniscient. even outer gods cannot kill you even Azathoth but you can't also defeat him you and Azathoth are equals

‌[Evolved From: All Dragon series skills].

‌P.L - X.N.V+.


[{Primordial: God of Death Thanatos}]

- Necromancy: Since the user can manipulate peaceful death, he has absolute control over death and the dead, as well as the ability to kill someone with a touch. The user is able to separate the dead from the living. And the Ablity to capture souls trying to escape from the Underworld and sends them back or make them your workers.

- Doors Of Death Control: As the god of peaceful death, Thanatos is usually in complete control of the Doors of Death, and is able to quickly pass between the world of the living and the dead. Interestingly.

- Necroscience: The user knows everything about death, the dead, the dying and who's going to die next.

- All of death: The user can manipulate all the death in the megaverse or beyond you can even kill gods like one above all or even beyonders because it literally overwrites "anything" to kill its user it will even destroy space-time continum to kill the desired target.

P.S- All the other skills be it ultimate or primordial skills are completely utterly useless [{Primordial: Omni God Zeno}] as it makes you True Omnipotent, Omnipresence, Omniscient. even outer gods cannot kill you even Azathoth but you can't also defeat him you and Azathoth are equals

‌[Evolved From: All sin series skills and {God of Supreme Destruction: Shival}].

‌P.L - X.N.V+.


[{Primordial: God Of Reality Pherus}]

- Realty Creation Manipulation: Ability Creation/Meta Ability Creation: The user can create several/all abilities and powers for themselves or others by changing their reality.

- Ability Mastering: Can master most of their abilities by just having experience.

- Meta-Teaching: Can teach anything to anyone, including themselves, such as talents, skills, abilities, knowledge, etc.

- Meta-Learning: The user can learn absolutely anything they desire.

- Absolute/Life Manipulation: Can manipulate the life of beings, such as people, animals, plants, monsters, and supernatural beings.

- Absolute/Life Creation: Can create life out of nothing if powerful enough by simply making it a reality.

- Creation Manipulation: Have control over creation.

- Creation/Omnificence: The User can create whatever they want and when they want to, even advance go even further with cosmic creations.

- Big Bang Inducement: Can start a new universe or create a smaller one inside a pre-existing universe in an instant.

- Concept Creation: Can create any concept/aspect of reality.

- Planetary System Creation: Can create complete solar systems with one thought.

- Universe/Galaxy Creation: Can easily build whole galaxies, or even universes.

- Grand Design Construction: Can create one's own totality.

- Chronological Creation: Can create anything and give it a past and a future.

- Dream Creation: Can create anything they desire through their dreams.

- Empathic Creation: Can create things out of emotions or emotional energy.

- Imagination Manifestation: Can manifest and bring imaginations into reality.

- Order Manipulation: The user can manipulate the law and order of reality.

- Law Manipulation: The uset can manipulate, create, destroy or change laws and rules of all reality.

- Remote Materialization: Can create anything over vast distances without any limitations.

- Vocal Creation: Can create anything through speech.

- Reality Destruction Manipulation: Biological Explosion: Can cause any biological life-forms to explode with just a thought.

- Chaos Manipulation: Many users can manipulate the chaotic nature of reality.

- Destabilization: Can destabilize absolutely anything and/or everything throughout reality.

- Destruction Manipulation: Control the destruction of all things.

- Destruction/Absolute Destruction: Destroy any kind of material, as far as anything going from a cosmic scale to absolute anything

- Game Over: Can tear apart the whole universe in an instant.

- Concept Destruction: Can destroy any concept/aspect of reality.

- Planetary System Destruction: Can destroy entire solar systems with a thought.

- Space-Time Destruction: Can destroy Space-time continum.

- Disintegration: Can reduce anything into dust and ashes.

- Death/Absolute Death Manipulation: Have a varying control over death.

- Omni-Negation: Can negate absolutely anything and everything.

- Ultimate Erasure: Can erase absolutely everything and/or anything in reality with little to no effort.

- Energy Erasure: Can make energy unreal/not real.

- Total Event Collapse: Extremely influential users can cause the complete collapse of existence/reality, leading to absolute destruction of everything within it, even the concept itself.

P.S- All the other skills be it ultimate or primordial skills are completely utterly useless [{Primordial: Omni God Zeno}] as it makes you True Omnipotent, Omnipresence, Omniscient. even outer gods cannot kill you even Azathoth but you can't also defeat him you and Azathoth are equals

‌P.L - X.N.V+.


[{Primordial: Omni God Zeno}]

- Supreme Omnipotent: This Ability makes the user The -

‌ ̶̧̧̯̝͇̪̠͇̖̗͇̯͎̩͓͎̪̲̺̲̞͇͙̩̺̗̝͕̭̿͊̌̈́̍̽̏̆̎͂̏̏̂̅͂̏̀̓̐͗͘̚̚͠͠͝Õ̴̽͊͗̾͐̔̅͒͌̀̄͑̚͝m̷̧̢͕̲͇̥͔͔̰̖̤͕̮̘̪͈̝̫̦̰̯͎͇͈̩͉̪̘̟͙̹̭̼̥͑̄͒̇̔̅̑͑̎̆̉̎̔̅̒͗͋͂̏͆̌͌̾̿̓̆̉̚̕̕̕͜͠͝͝͠͝n̷̾̃̈̆͗̂͘i̷̡̢̡̢̨̫͙̟̰͖͔̟͈̳͚̞̹͎̭͇̖͓͔͍̙̩̭̊͐̔̌̄̆̎̉̄̈́̓̌̈́̋̈́̀͊͛͆̇͛̒̑̍̐̄̽̔̒̕͘͝ͅͅp̸̨̢̨̢̢̛͈͙̩͖̤̖̲̝͔͍̳͍̳̞̪̮̲̘̮̒̒̊͛̈̈̐̇̄̚͜o̸̢̬̮̮͙̯͎͈̫̠̩͗̌͂͌͋̽͒̿̇́̀͘̕̚ͅt̸̛͓̜̟̩̗̮̣̍͋͆͗̽̉̓́̉̐̀̉͊̍̂́̆͊̈̈́̋́͘͘͝͠͝ĕ̶̢̝͕̭̪̰͖̭͓̠͉̪̘̩̘̯̰͎̫̫̯̰̜͚͚̲͇̾̿̋̇̂̈́̄̐͌̚͘͘͝ͅń̷̡̺͇̜̠͓̻͚̮̬̜̳͎̳̫̰̰̮̬̺̗̐͒́͘t̴̢̛̠͍̠̪̩̥̭̽͂͝ ̶̧̳̪͓̜͉̻̳͖̦͇̠̲̟̣̹̺̮̝͓͍̣͖̠̤̠̻̣̟͇̺̍̾̋̍̂̐̀̓̓̔͑̕ͅB̴̢̨̪͍͉̟̝̗̱̖͎̼̪͓͓͇͎̰̻̳̗̭͙̅̀̑̿̆̍̌͌̈́̆̀͛̏͝ę̸̢͓̺͈̦̖̪͍͎̬̺̟̮͆̃̉̓͊́͒̀͊͆̉̓̌̆̾̍̈́̅̍̚i̷̯̼̦͔͕̝̬̲̣͍̤̣͓͑̎̆n̵̢̛̝͖̠̼̬̣͓̲͓͚̺̖͕̪͉͇̬̭̋̽̍͆͑̇̄̉͆̈̑̈́͆̅͗̉̽̓͆̍̍̿͒̌͛͑͂͑́̔͗̎̕͘͜͝͠͝͠ͅǵ̴̨̢̛̛̲̭̞͉̮̳̜̜͔̜͕͓͉̟̆̍̌̀̋̂̿̆͛͊͋̀̿̽͌̉͊̈̈́̑̋̎̇͆̚͜͜͝͠ͅ.

- Supreme Omniscient: This Ablity makes you The

‌ T̴̨̢̼̮̹͎̯͎̣̣̙͔̦͔̬̜͇̼̫͎̹̠͎̞̲̬͙͎͙͇͈̗͖̊̋̃͐̈́́̃̀̌̎̃͆̐̐̃̾̾̈́͆̚͝͝r̶̡̢̳̦͇̬͓̱̓̄̿́̆̏̈́͆́͂̈̈́̃͆̇̈́̈̈͘͝͝͝ư̷̢̡̹̝͇̤͈͚͉̞̺͕̬̤̲̦̱̝͓̙̪̼̗̯̩̩̋̈́́̽̽̎̂̽͆̒̀̆̄̿̃̚͝e̷̛̮͓̦̯̙̺̔̆̈̏͊͒̆͛̍̏̀̂͗̽̓̿͆̈́̌̑̍̃͂̑̒ ̴̨̧̺̞̱̳̟̰̲̼͔̝̖͉̭͌̌̆̕͝͝O̵̡̹͉͙͕̤̞̳̩̳̪̺͗̑́̔͆́m̴̢̨̩̥̺̥͔̖̙̩̮͓̟͚̗̙̻̩͈͓̠̞͎͖̤͎̃̎́͋̈̾͗̽́̔̍̃̀̓̅̎̍̊̄̂́̕̚͠ͅņ̵͉̤̜̭͉̤̟͇̺̲́͝i̸͎͔͍̣͈͈̮̝̺̠̞̰͙̘̝̺͉̠͇͉̒̈͂́̀̈͐̀̒̀̊͆͝͝ş̵̡̫͚͍͓̝̘̣͈̄́̍̽͑́̉̋̓͗̊͜͠ç̴̛̛̰͚̦͈̺̯̑͆̾̓͊̂̃̽̽̿͂̑͑̋̌̽̿̇̔̕̚̚͝į̵̣̮̝̰̠̮̯͔̥̈̎̈́̂́̈́̐͑̽̉̈̈́͊̏́̔̒͋̽̋͊̂́͛̿͘͝͝ȩ̶̡̨̛̺̲̝̣͖͓̲̠̮͇̖̳̫̈͊́̎̈͑̇̽͑̾͐̓̀̎̚͘͠ͅn̵̨͍͚̱͓͙̣̼̱͈̬̿̚t̵̢̧̛̛̛̛̙͔̰̰͚̦͈̺̯̑̓͂̃̂̃̽̽̿͂̑͑̋̌̽̿̇̔̕̚̚͝į̵̣̮̝̰̠̮̯͔̥̈̎̈́̂́̈́̐͑̽̉̈̈́͊̏́̔̒͋̽̋͊̂́͛̿͘͝͝ȩ̶̡̨̛̺̲̝̣͖͓̲̠̮͇̖̳̫̈͊́̎̈͑̇̽͑̾͐̓̀̎̚͘͠ͅn̵̨͍͚̱͓͙̣̼̱͈̬̿̚t̵̢̛̛̙͔̰̑̓͂̃ ̷̨̛̞͓͎̲͇͎͔̜̹̞͍̰͉͂̉̀͂̀̉͊͂̇͑̄̓̌̀͑̍̈́̈́̽̀̄̋̉̕͝͝͝͝͝ͅB̶͈̝̀̍̆̈́̿̾͑̊͐́͂͗̅͆̉̎̓̐̈̐̈͝͝͝e̸̛̜̎̋̋̓̉͂͛͗̄̽̎̈͐̐̊͛̈̽͋̓̉̈́͛̕͝͠ì̴͔̘̼̲̱̭̘̳̣̣̟͍̟̬̮̬̞̤͍̳̐̂͌̈́̑́́͊͊͌̐̽̊̈́̕͝͠͠ͅn̸̯̳͕̺̹̺̝̼̙̟̙̗̄̔̓̓̉͑̐́̇̐͒̅̾̔̀̏̌͛̉͑̀̃͌̃̄̽̃͑͌̿͂̉̚̚͠g̸̓

- Supreme Omnipresent: This Ablity makes you The

‌Ţ̷͙̱̮̹̬͉͎͗r̴̛̪̺͔̬̞͖̒́̐̏̈̃̃͑̈̆̈̿̊͒͒̃͘͝͝ų̵̮͇̮̫͎̱̘̲̿̃͂͌͋̉͆̀͒̄͒̎̾͗̆̉͌̈́̊͝͝e̴̤̺̺̘͐͆͆̇̒̂̒͑̃̄̿̄̃͗̀̆͗̿͗̚̚̕͠ ̸̡̢͓̘̞̖͖̲̰͕̜͙̣̀Ò̵͚͇̄́͂͗͊̏̆͋̈́m̷̧̛͚͕̣̪̺̪̖̰̥͕̪͆̾̊̆̍̎̓̑̆͊̈̈́̓͑̅́̅̌́̔̚n̵̡̡͙̫̪̳̥̩̳̱͔̪̫̰̐̈̉̀͑̽̆̔̚̚i̷̛̙͒̿̆̍̈́̋͗̾͊͋́̚ṕ̸̛̬̍͑̈̀͊̀͆̏͆̇̊̈́̉̐̐̽̎́̈̿͜͠͝͝ŗ̶̧̢̪̗̬̫̺̻̹͈͉͕̩̗̬̙̼̺̩̦̳̥̋̋̊̊͗͊̋̇̌͐̈́͂́͐̾̚͝͠ę̵̭͖͚̫͕̓́̀̈̊̌́͊̓͘ș̵̣̥̑̈́͑͗̉͛̾̎̋͛̍͘ȩ̸͓̜̭̳̱̪̲̯̳̥̠̬̒̒̾̄̉̊̋̕ņ̷͉̬̖͔̤̓̔͆̋͑̈́̊̂̎̐͌̕͝͝ṱ̷̢̧̲̘̦͓͎̯̰̳͍͇͙͉̬̖͔̤̀̃͑͊͛̂͂̆̆̑̄̽̇̂̎̐͌̕͝ͅṱ̷̢̲̘̦͓͎̯̰̳͍͇͙̀̃͑͊͛̂͂̆̆̑̄̽̇̕ͅ ̸̧͓͕̗̟͖͕͉̝̅͐͌̈́́̒͊͝B̶̡̳͉̙̤̤̯̩̰͍̫͚̖͇̱͈͉̭̱̼̬̽̀̓͗̔͐̏͗̏͊̀͂̄̋̂̊͜͝ͅͅe̴̡̥̯̙̖͇̗͍̗̫̪̪̮͑̃̈̎̀͋̽̒̋̃̀́̕͜͝ͅi̵͎͈̫̰̹̫͉̣̼̞͓̠̭̱̪̝͙͇̼̣̩̖̣̓͋̄͊͌͠n̴̢̡͚̲̪͉͕̦̙̳͉̦̊̍̄̔̈́̓̚͠g̴̡̥̪̤̼̩͛͆̂̊͊̎̃̌̀̈́͐̊͒̽͋̉͘̕͝ͅ

- Complete Ereasure: The ability to destroy anything with one or two balls of blue magical energy. This includes True Immortal beings and entire Omniverses if there are more besides one since it eliminates every single trace of any entity, both material and immaterial.

- Dimension Manipulation: This allows the user to freely manipulate any dimension be it 1d, 2d 5d, 6d, 10d, 12d, 20d or beyond because it transcends the user that means the user is not bound by any dimension, concept like- death, life,Truth,fate,end,start or space-time, reality the user will be before anything even anything and Omniverse and will be after anything even after nothingness is gone and the Omniverse no one can kill the user because the user is beyond even beyond beyond concepts he is not bounded by abstract or "Anything".

P.S- All the other skills be it ultimate or primordial skills are completely utterly useless [{Primordial: Omni God Zeno}] as it makes you True Omnipotent, Omnipresence, Omniscient. even outer gods cannot kill you even Azathoth but you can't also defeat him you and Azathoth are equals

P.S- But as it said in the stat chapter some of them are not fully unlock so the mc can only use it in a Hyperversal+ level

Ultimate Skills-

[Knowledge Of World's: Atlas]

- Teleport: Ablity to another place anywhere in the Xennaverse even if you're never visit it.

- Map: This Ablity creates a hyper detailed map of the entire Xennaverse the user is in.

- Map information: Ability to gain any information about something or someone that appeared in the map.

- Place teleportation: Ability to switch place A with Place B on the map.

- Hyper Library: This sub-skill creates an entirely new dimension in the Parallel Stomach which is completely full of books. With each book containing the knowledge of one Xennaverse and this library is endless. And Allows the user to instantly know everything about the thing the user has seen once and it records it for further use and can be recalled anytime .

- Creation: Using [Goddess Of Wisdom: Athena]'s Parallel Processing and Hyper Library to create any skill up to Ultimate skills. By using [Goddess Of Wisdom: Athena]'s Parallel Processing to speed up the process and bypass the voTW system and using Hyper Library to get the required information and Saving the skill information so it can be created again without repeating the process.

______________________________________________ [ Forgerer Of God's: Hephaestus]

- Infinite Workshop: Thought acceleration with a mental space that allow user to apply the Prototype skill in. Essentially give you near infinite time to invent stuff on the fly. Also provide limitless storage of materials.

- Tesseract Forge: Allow matter creation.The matter creation cost nothing. Can also decompose matter into magicule and other types or energy. Using both side means user can transmute materials.This forge is everlasting and can be used to create any weapon or skill or even Omniverses.

-Infinite Energy: Inside the infinite workshop there is infinite amount of every energy from every world be it (chakra, Ki , God ki , magicule, Stardust, Turn null, nithility, etc...)

Supreme Creation:The user can create any 20th Dimensional objects. Or objects that transcends every dimensions, astral pane or abstract concepts like (Time, Space, Reality, Fate , Creation, Destruction) and more. They cannot be stopped by anyone else than Azathoth.

Note- [The astral pane is a pane above all even above void , reality , Time-Space. Even beings like Veldanava, Greek gods , Shiva , Bhramha, Vishnu And all the anime , religion's gods cannot access, manipulate, or surpass this pane The astral pane was before anything and nothing and it will be after anything and nothing the only one who can is Azathoth]


[ Limitless God : Saitama]

- Limiter: This sub-skill allows the user to grow infinitely stronger.

- Limitless: This sub-skill allows the user to get infinite S.S.I.V.E (strength,speed, intelligence, vitality, Endurance).

- Sleeping strength: This sub-skill allows the user to gain more S.S.I.V.E while sleeping.

- Emotionless: This sub-skill completely negates any emotions the user may feel this is due to the fact that you are incredibly strong and not many can fight you and you are sad about it.

- Limiter Lifter: This sub-skill allows the user to break their limiter and others limiters as well. The power to control/Create/Destroy Limiters is included with the sub-skill


[Elemental God : Azael]

- All Of Manipulation: This sub-skill allows the user to manipulate any element Like[Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, Darkness, Life, Death, Magma, Ice, Thunder, etc...]. At will at a XennaVersal level. The user can use these elements to do anything but it's limited to the users imagination.

- All Of Nullification: This sub-skill nullifies any physical or elemental attacks even attacks like Turn-Null.

- All Of Weapon: This sub-skill allows the user to create weapons out of any element that can even transcends the abstract pane and abstract concepts.


[God Of Supreme Destruction: Shiva]

- All Of Destruction: This sub-skill allows the user to destroy anything and everything it's even able to destroy the astral pane.

- All Of Death: This skill allows the user to freely manipulate death. This can even kill all the god's in the entire Xennaverse.

- Absolute Resurrection: This sub-skill allows you to resurrect anyone or yourself no matter what happens it will even permanently destroy the abstract pane if it has to do so to resurrect someone.

- Absolute Immortality: This sub-skill allows the user to live forever ever no matter what happens if the user has no longer the will to live he will be teleported before the creation of abstract pane. Even after the xennaverse has died it heals and restores the user even if the whole spiritual body/physical body is gone. No matter what happens you cannot die even if some one drops you into a Multiversel black-hole .

- Reincarnation: This skill will immediately reincarnate you to a different universe or Xennaverse if somehow you get non-detected by Absolute Resurrection and die.

- Ultimate Purifier: This skill allows the user to purify anything even the darkest and dirtest of souls.

- Game Over: Can tear apart the whole Xennaverse in an instant.

- Concept Destruction: Can destroy any concept/aspect of reality.

- Planetary System Destruction: Can destroy entire solar systems with a thought.

- Space-Time Destruction: Can destroy the local space-time fabric if powerful enough.

- Disintegration: Can reduce anything into dust and ashes.

- Death/Absolute Death Manipulation: Have a varying control over death.


[God Of Life: Protogonus]

- All Of Creation: This sub-skill allows the user to create anything and everything it's even able to create the astral pane.

- All Of Life: This skill allows the user to freely manipulate Life. This can even Re-Create all the god's in the entire multiverse.

- Absolute Resurrection: This sub-skill allows you to resurrect anyone or yourself no matter what happens it will even permanently destroy the astral pane if it has to do so to resurrect someone.

- Absolute Immortality: This sub-skill allows the user to live forever ever no matter what happens if the user has no longer the will to live he will be teleported before the creation of abstract pane. Even after the multiverse has died it heals and restores the user even if the whole spiritual body/physical body is gone. No matter what happens you cannot die even if some one drops you into a XennaVersal black-hole .


[Judgement God: Heimdal]

- All Seeing Eye: This ability allows the user to see anything inside or outside the multiverse be it in the (past, present, future) it allows the user to know anything [Evolved From: Information King Akashi Record And Sub-Skills: Hyper Library, Omniscient.Further Evolutions: None]

- Judgement: This ability allows the user to manipulate the heaven and hell at will and can judge any soul be it any mortal's soul to god's soul to either go to heaven or hell. And the user and freely gift or punish them.

- Soul Manipulation: This sub-skill allows the user to Control/create/destroy/take or give souls at will if any creature. The user can easily create octillion's of souls without a swet.

- Dealifeman Manipulation: This sub-skill allows the user to manipulate any object or being related to life or death like [Asuras, kais , B.H, W.H, G.O.D, G.O.C, planets, stars , galaxy, etc...].


[God Of Supreme Creation: Brahma]

- All Of Supreme Creation: This skill allows the user to create anything be it [soul, living beings, stars, galaxies, universes, Multiverses, etc ...]. And concepts.

- Ultimate Purifier: This skill allows the user to purify anything even the darkest and dirtest of souls.

- Absolute Resurrection: This sub-skill allows you to resurrect anyone or yourself no matter what happens it will even permanently destroy the astral pane if it has to do so to resurrect someone.

- Reincarnation: This skill will immediately reincarnate you to a different universe or multiverse if somehow you get non-detected by Absolute Resurrection and die.

- Absolute Immortality: This sub-skill allows the user to live forever ever no matter what happens if the user has no longer the will to live he will be teleported before the creation of astral pane. Even after the multiverse has died it heals and restores the user even if the whole spiritual body/physical body is gone. No matter what happens you cannot die even if some one drops you into a Multiversel black-hole .

Absolute Will: In most cases, users require nothing but their will alone to control reality.

Freedom: A powerful reality warper is unshackled to do as they see fit, with no restraint.

Ability Creation/Meta Ability Creation: Basic/medium users can create several/all abilities and powers for themselves or others by changing their reality.

Ability Mastering: Can master most of their abilities by just having experience.

Meta-Teaching: Can teach anything to anyone, including themselves, such as talents, skills, abilities, knowledge, etc.

Meta-Learning: Advanced users can learn absolutely anything they desire.

Absolute/Life Manipulation: Can manipulate the life of beings, such as people, animals, plants, monsters, and possibly supernatural beings.

Absolute/Life Creation: Can create life out of nothing if powerful enough by simply making it a reality.

Creation Manipulation: Have control over creation.

Creation/Omnificence: Users can create whatever they want and when they want to, even advance go even further with cosmic creations.

Big Bang Inducement: Can start a new universe or create a smaller one inside a pre-existing universe in an instant.

Concept Creation: Can create any concept/aspect of reality.

Planetary System Creation: Can create complete solar systems with one thought.

Universe/Galaxy Creation: Can easily build whole galaxies, or even universes.

Grand Design Construction: Can create one's own totality.


[Goddess Of Wisdom: Athena]

- Thought acceleration - This sub skill allows the user to accelerate the mind by 100 octillion times.

- All of All- Allows the user to comprehend any incomprehensible phenomenon and ability to create anything even if the user has no Magicules or knowledge about the object.

- Thought/Soul protection: This sub-skill protects user from any soul/mind related attacks and allows the use of more than infinite ultimate skills and infinite unique skills due to protecting the soul from the toll of the U.S and U.N skills.

- Alteration: Allows the user to modify or even evolve skills to ultimate Skills at will.

- Omniscient: Allows the user to see from a series of outcomes which is going to happen in infinite years in the Past, Present, Future .

- Synthesize/Separate: The ability to fuse and seperate everything like [Metals, skills, etc...]

- Parallel Processing: Operates on any matter the user wishes to analyze, separating it from the regular thought process. Any process under Parallel Processing is affected by Mind Accelerate and therefore sped up by a hundred septillion times.

- Non-Chant: This ability allows the user to use any magic without speaking it.

- Ultimate True Battle Mode: This is when the goddess of wisdom Athena takes control of the body and battles for you. While using this Ablity you are [True Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent] no one in the or beyond the xennaverse can dream to fight you except Azathoth.

- Editing: This Ablity allows Athena to edit your skills to Max potential like creating skills and then combining them.

- Absolute Concealment: This Ablity allows the user to completely erase their presence and hide their magicules even gods cannot detect the user's presence.


[{Father Of Angel's: Gabriel}]

-Nigh-Omnipotence: Gabriel is among one of the most powerful celestial beings in existence.

-Angelic Possession: The user, like all celestial beings, requires a human vessel in order to physically interact with humans on Earth, as it is a law that applies for all angelic beings.

-Immortality: The user, like all celestial beings, is not subjected to time, aging, or diseases, and doesn't need to breathe, eat, or sleep to sustain himself. Gabriel does, however, like all celestial beings because they're all siblings of one another, age and mature, even though he is the youngest of the archangel.

-Pathokinesis: The user, like all Archangels, have the ability to generate divine light. He can ignite or disintegrate any object or thing by touch. This ability also allows him to kill and exorcise demons by placing his hand upon their forehead. And he has the ability to purify the souls of those affected by demons.

-Invulnerability: The user, like all archangels, is resistent to any form of harm whatsoever, and can't even be harmed by other beings, unless something angelic is invovled, or if he is fighting another archangel.

-Superhuman Strength: Like all angels, The user presence within a vessel dramatically increases said user's strength, allowing him to exert steel-bending levels of physical power, strike with considerable force, single-handedly send grown men across as room, and lift Tremendous weights with ease.

-Superhuman Speed: The user speed makes him appear as a blur of motion even to the Angel's eye.

-Healing Factor: When The user's vessel does get damaged by something angelic, The user can heal the wound(s) instantly.

-Flight: Gabriel can spread his wings out and can instantly take flight.

-Teleportation: The user, like all celestial beings, can vanish and reappear anywhere in time, space, and any place on the face of the Metaverse.

-Healing: Like all angel's The user can heal humans.

-Telekinesis: Gabriel can move people and or objects just by thinking.

-Electrokinesis: Gabriel can generate strong electrical currents from his body, as well as manipulate and control electricity.

-Pyrokinesis: He can light candles from afar with only a thought

-Exorcism: Gabriel can kill demons just by thinking or simply by touching the body that they're possessing.

-Superhuman Intelligence: Gabriel possesses an immense amount of knowledge of the Metaverse.

Time Manipulation: Gabriel, like all angels, can move forward or backwards through time.

Resurrection: Gabriel, like all archangels, can easily revive dead people.

Telepathy: Gabriel has the ability to communicate using his minds and read the minds of others.

-Dreamwalking: Gabriel, like all angels, can enter the dreams and mind of humans.

-Induced Sedation: Gabriel, like all angels, can cause humans to fall to the ground unconscious just by touching their forehead.

-Healing: Gabriel has the ability to heal any wound that a person possesses.

P.S- But as it said in the stat chapter some of them are not fully unlock so the mc can only use it in a Universal+ level because these ultimate skill are megaversal++ level.