The moment Cain's Warblade struck the head of the {Blightbeast Terror}, a deafening shriek echoed through the fog filled battlefield.
The impact was brutal. His blade sank deep into the creature's malformed skull, and black ichor erupted from the wound like pressurized bile.
But a creature from the realm that loathe gods could not be killed so easily. Instead, the Blightbeast writhed violently, its entire form pulsing as though trying to reject the damage. Cain felt resistance, an unnatural force pushing back against his strike. The flesh beneath his blade twisted, the wound sealing even as he forced his sword deeper.
"Persistent bastard," Cain snarled.
He twisted his grip and poured more Demon Matter into Demon Dragon. A surge of crimson tinged black energy flooded the Warblade, sending shockwaves of raw power rippling through the creature's head. The air itself trembled as the force of the attack detonated outward.