A moment of realization...
As he swung his blade, he felt the heaviness dawn on him.
The sweat rolling down his face...
The dust rising into the air that suffocated him.
The stuffiness of his armor.
His blistering palms.
The roars of Ruby and the shrill hisses of the {Argent Amphithere}.
Cain realized he had been so lost in the idea of surviving the ordeal, he had forgotten what this was.
'Right... This is a battle.'
His heart thumped excitedly. All the fear he previously felt washed away and was replaced with raw excitement.
He parried the blade of the {Stone Bloodknight} once again then promptly fell to the ground, dodging Ruby who came barrelling forward with the intention of biting into the giant stone knight's neck.
The Collosus responded fast, and her teeth chomping down on the rim of the stone shield instead.
Then it twisted its wrist and smashed the pommel of the stone sword against her head.