The world was created from the great nothing, and it will one day, mix into the great nothing. At the very beginning of creation, there was darkness. And at the very end, there would also be darkness. And that is why he is always immortal. No matter how many times he's stabbed and killed and removed from the face of Earth, he knows he was there when it all started, and he will be there when it all ends.
His belief is strong - he says, no one chooses the wrong path by birth. Lotuses bloom in dirty water. Diamonds are found in mines. Purity is within everyone, but it co-exists with Mal. It co-exists with impurities.
Light, is never without a shadow. And that is to maintain balance. A world where it's all good cannot progress, and so would be the case for a world without good. A balance is required. And that medium of bringing balance is Mal. He is the one who brings out chaos, he is the one who destroys. But he is the one who makes you value the light in the darkest of times. He fights for the causes he believes in, the causes that he's conditioned to believe in, over the years, and he stays true to them. Mal teaches you determination. Mal shows you that if you believe, you can fight for it. You can live for it, breathe for it, and kill for it. But what he doesn't understand is that killing is easy. Building is not. Creation is that power that requires one to renounce the Mal residing in their minds and only devote to the bliss of life and love. But does that mean we can eliminate Mal? No. Mal resides within us. Mal speaks to us on a daily basis. Mal knows that you have lived in the darkness for way too long to hate it- he knows that you know the beauty that resides within the dark.
And it is true, the dark is beautiful. It is mysterious. It is endless. But if you get too caught up in it, you won't want to see the light. Hence, the balance through Malvictor. The equal power of mankind. Good and bad. Nothing goes without the other.
Mal was born in the dark, not knowing his life was meant to be one of darkness. Mal grew up in the dark, not knowing that one day, darkness would be his only ornament. Mal grew to see the world through the eyes of a hater, a hater that saw the flaws in the world. He knew that changing the world was only a myth when its people didn't know how to love. He knew love was fickle- if the people residing on the planet didn't even show it to people, if they only spew hatred, then how could they believe in love themselves? Indeed, maybe they didn't. Maybe it was Mal that they believed in. Maybe we all believe in Mal. Because Mal saw it- he saw the darkness in the world and owned it. He saw through the mortal bodies of the beings, pulling out their darkest desires from within and holding it in front of their eyes. He is the one that has the power to scream what he believes in, and keep his head up with pride while acknowledging that he is the one with the darkness. "And what is wrong in that? The ones who own the light are good, and the ones who voluntarily choose to live with the darkness are bad?" He says.
And while we say yes, it is, he doesn't understand. While we say it is best to curb the darkness within, he says, "Why, you didn't say that during the beginning of creation?" He questions boldly, and answers questions almost stripping down the qualities of the one in front of him. He shows them how gullible mankind really is. He shows them Mal resides within all of us and sadly enough, most people believe in him much quicker than they believe in the good.
Mal takes pride in his actions. He wants justice. He strives for it. He shouts in the middle of the crowd, attacking the one wearing the crown, saying, "Do you even deserve it? Or was it hereditary?"
Mal has the power to control. Mal has the power to move humankind with a single snap of his fingers and make them realise that the world is nothing without the presence of darkness. It is everywhere, and we drown in it every night we go to bed, or everytime we think of ending it all. We just don't want to accept it. He says, that's the fun of it all. They know they love the darkness, but they're ashamed to accept it.
While we only say, darkness is not bad. Darkness has its own beauty and its mystery. Good doesn't have its meaning without bad, and yes, humans do succumb to the bad. The darkness exists within humans. It is in their hearts. But the way it controls humans, is not good. The way it gulps them down and chokes them within closed walls making them feel like that's their only world, is wrong. The world is big. Bigger than any darkness ever. And that is because love is still alive. While darkness thinks that it is supreme, and light contradicts stating its powers, love remains in the middle, knowing its worth is way more than anything else. And love is what changes everything. The darkness within humans is controlled by love. People change with love, and the world is changed when people show their love.
And to that, Mal says, "Well where is it? Where is the love, then? I don't see it. I only see misery wherever I look. I only see people killing in the name of love. I only see selfishness grab people by the neck and stab them behind their backs."
And we say, "that's true. It exists. The darkness that you see, is because of your darkness within. And the universe knows that the world is a lot more than that. It is filled with compassion, love, and kindness, and with more days to come, it would be all over the world."
Mal wouldn't end there too. Mal would still reside in our hearts just like it does now. And it will still sing to you in the dead of night, the glory of the dark. But it will be up to you to choose, to choose whether you control the dark, or it controls you.
"Mal is the darkness within us. Yes, it resides within us at all times, and sometimes, it even gets through and talks to us. It signifies the human nature of giving in to the dark desires that we have accumulated over the years, but Mal also teaches us determination to stay away from the darkness and to use darkness in a way that's actually good for all."