"Oh gosh, I'm so full!", I said and skipped to his side. "Your foods here are so great"
"Glad you like it, you're a true Filipina after all", he said with his angel's voice and flashed me his glorious smile.
"Lets go, I know a perfect beach, it's just 20 min. drive from here. My house was built in there, facing the ocean"
He took my hands and that electricity ran through my veins again. Ugh. I don't know what's happening to me. It can't be possible to fall for him that quickly right? Ugh. Focus Trisha. Just think of the beach, the crystal blue ocean, the clear sky, the white sand. Ok, at least I'm not thinking about him.
He led me outside to his car. Wow, he's wealthy huh? He opened the passenger door for me and he slid to the driver's seat. We talked about random stuff as we drove to their beach. After 20 minutes, I can finally see the setting of it.
We were currently passing a long driveway which was shaped with palm trees hovering above the concrete pavement. The driveway led to a welcome arc. The security guards were seated with a coffee mug in their hands in the seats provided at the front. As the car passed by the two guards, they smiled and waved in recognition to Rio. He returned it with a dazzling smile that knocked the breath out of me.
We were now inside the beach. It had those white sands that invite you to lay down while enjoying the sun nestled in the clear, blue firmament. Cottage were scattered around, ranging from small to gazebo style. Palm trees were everywhere, providing shadows for small stores and beach recliners. The beauty of the ocean mesmerized me, with a reflected pathway of sunlight dancing with the calm blue waves glittering like crystals.
I didn't notice the car stop until I felt his warm breath caress my cheek. I stiffened.
"We're here", he said. Spinning around to face him, I froze, considering his close proximity, only about mere inches away.
"Um.. y-yeah", I stuttered, not forming any coherent thought as his eyes smoldered me. My heart is on frenzy and I felt the familiar blush creep up to my face. He smirked and turned around to exit the car. I was about to open my door when he came around running to open it for me. Oh, chivalry is still famous to him huh? What a gentleman. I smiled in return and ran towards the shore to get a better view of the sea.
The warm air hit my face and threw my hair back, tangling it. My arms were spread in a t-position, looking like a kid imitating a plane. Well who cares? It's rare for me to see such a beautiful ocean, scratch that, it's rare for me to see and visit a beach.
As I was completely savoring the moment, I heard someone chuckle. I stopped running and turned around to face the car. I totally forgot that I have Rio as my company and an impromptu audience in fact. My gaze instantly dropped to the ground after seeing his amused face, maybe choking with laughter.
"It was rare for me to see a beach, so, yeah.. I'm really excited to see one", I pouted, embarrassed. His laughter roared, gaining stares from passer bys. He stopped abruptly when he saw me bit my bottom lip.
"You don't have to be ashamed, I think it's adorable". I finally looked up to see his previously amused face with a tender smile. He walked forward and gently took my hand.
"Does a tour sounds good?", he said with a raised eyebrow and a suggestive smile.
"Yup!", I replied, popping the "p" and let him tow me towards our first destination.
"Um, Trisha?", he asked as he looked back at me and stopped walking.
"Don't be shy to express who you really are or what you feel, especially not around me. I would appreciate it if you would act as the real Trisha, please, don't feel uncomfortable with me" he finished with a smile. I blinked a few times and just smiled and nodded, and we continued walking hand in hand.
"And this is the titanic lovers' fountain", he said while gesturing to massive, exquisite fountain before me. I stared at it in awe, frozen as stone.
After we strolled near the shore, underneath the scorching sun, he dragged me to a trail that leads here. The fountain was built just meters away from a cliff.
The cliff was an opening up the mountain that faces the ocean. Hundreds of palm trees were purposely lined up to create a spectacular pathway from the start of the trail up to the cliff, to where the fountain is.
The fountain, I can't even describe it in detail without understating its splendor. It's like an artwork straight from a prestigious museum and from the finest artist ever existed.
Jack and rose were sculpted intricately, colored according to their physical attributes in the movie. It was like meeting them in the flesh. The scene that was captured in eternity was the scene when Rose spread her arms and Jack copied her. Water is gushing out from their outstretched arms, joining the pool of water stranded at the lovers' feet. I hadn't noticed that the sun was setting and the horizon was a mixture of orange and velvet. The setting sun illuminated the fountain, making a glowing effect which only intensified its beauty.
"What a beautiful sight…" I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling the slightly chilly twilight ocean breeze.
"Yes, unbelievably stunning..." he whispered.
I opened my eyes and glanced at his direction right beside me, only to see him staring at me, not at the scene.
"You're not looking at the panorama you know" I said a bit sarcastic and with a smirk.
He just shrugged, "Well, I'm pertaining to you" and increased the magic of his deep eyes that melted my insides.
"Um, thank you? I guess…" I replied with a timid smile, never tearing my gaze from his eyes.
And we just stood there, thawing each other with our stare. With the sunset functioning as our backdrop, his handsome face sparks with imperceptible stars. With my heart leaping off my chest, and the foreign warmth surging through my body, I can't help but wonder; am I falling for this incredibly handsome, humble, kind, angelic, lovely guy?
Oh heck.