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The Story of powerful moments in relation to two lovely friends met in mysterious land.This is a high fantasy level Novel,met to educate and increase reading and writing morale to many writers.Moreso, observation towards past and present culture is seen.Good deeds are better to be emulated rather than bad morals.In the Novel most characters are seen taking intelligent parts.The main character is me.Other characters are available to make Novel story more appealing and interesting as possible.. Throughout the Novel you will realize some powerful occurrences same with great achievement at end .


The occurrence was like a questionable dream but outcome seemed more real.Myself l was standing silently in a terrifying desert surrounded by mysterious statues of past Philosophers staring at me.Fear swept through over my soft shivering body veins to the bloodstream,as l awaited the next occurrence.Suddenly after falling down,a strong storm passed past me from my back making everything available look invisible.After a short while,l heard voice in front of me which pursued that am one of the upcoming chosen Philosophers who from then help restore, control,lead and authorize massive to success.After the message,a golden ring fell onto my knees and storm vanished.The first seen desert now turned to a village full of different people in there daily search for income and food.Nobody seemed to bother me at all till when l made moves towards the preserved resident area guided by armed warriors in Millitary uniform.Now one of the warriors blocked my entry ahead to the residence, hence forcing me back.Other villagers at this time stopped what they were doing staring at me in much sorrow and concern .The occurrence l imagined from villager's sight was near death,but immediately a King appeared making orders l be taken to refugee custody without any arm.As l tried to defend my presence in the new Village with a King as leader,all was in total vein.In the custody l met with more than one hundred prisoners and whom some looked innocent.As we interacted with some of the prisoners,outside in the village a strange battle broke out .The Custody guards could not wait watching back the battle as they also joined in fighting.The Village had been attacked by neighbouring Kingdoms warriors around who fought with no mercy.Shockingly, through the refugee custody door l was able to pass with ease.As l refreshed my mind back,Heroe memory would repeatedly mention inside.With no much delay,l managed to join the battle finally defeating enemy side successfully.Moreso l saved King's daughter from same Village who was almost captured by the wrong people.

The amazement left villagers clapping but finally shocked to my success escape from refugee custody without realized,hence saving them from pended danger.The Village was known as of Horns.Whenever one made moves towards the preserved resident,smooth blow of mysterious music by horns was heard.The founder clan of the village as Ancestor,before vanishing to space left behind remourse words back."Let this village be ruled by a King not clan elders any more,as curse has fallen down upon youthful leaders chosen who have become unruly, backward to traditional laws."A foreigner from nowhere will come over and rule the village of Horns hence promoted to become head of all available Kingdoms."By doing so the village of Horns will be united with neighbors around building togetherness for strong kingdom. A villager after finishing telling me the prevailing History of the village,a deep sweep on my head by one of the warriors made me unconscious.

After coming back to my senses,l met myself in front of King's face surrounded by heavy equiped warriors.Nothing l could do rather than to follow every instruction given.The King's name was Setre,who then stood confidently and matched towards me."You young Heroe ..despite of saving entire village moreso my daughter Deyi from the bad people,l have to know much about you."l am the standing King of this village after a curse fell upon by past clan elder ancestors conclusion."let you tell us how you managed to reach suddenly to this village ."

As fear ran in me, it was impossible for any word to come out of my mouth.The King on authorizing l be thrown out from Village of Horns,Deyi his daughter made a wise request."Dad,instead of making final judgement like this action of inhuman, please let the Young Heroe join me in my dinner hence will try speaking to him."The plead was a success as l met myself in Deyi's ground .Feed here was sufficient and in pretty.Princess Deyi looked Considerate and also her physical appearance excellent.She was beautiful,tall,well kept,jovial , secretive and with long black hair.As we interacted with Deyi the Princess she lastly became amazed.

DEYI :How are you Heroe?Hope you are


HEROE:Am fine my Princess.

DEYI : Before much progress l would like to know your real name not only Heroe.

HEROE:Ok,but hope as much am free with you than your father,you shall remain secretive.My real name is Alex Missioner.

DEYI :Oh,now l can see.Wonderful name to hear Alex Missioner.You are from Africa if not wrong.

HEROE :Yes,but how did you know that my Princess!!!!

DEYI :Worry not friend.I was born with extra ordinary powers that even now are inside me.My father who is the village King is only one knowing this secret.Be secretive to this Alex.

HEROE:I will be much secretive to this dear Deyi my Princess.

DEYI. : Hope now to your issue you shall be open.(Humble and holding Heroe's hand).Tell me dear,how did you arrive to our village land?Nothing bad will happen..Am on your side .

HEROE:(Scratching chin)My Princess,how l landed here was like miracle in other way as magic..On my hand finally before meeting myself here l had a Golden microchip ring that changed it colour from black,blue,red then black again, after every thirty minutes.

DEYI. :(Amazed)Oh my goodness!!!Where did you get that??!!Ok get rest for now.let talk more tomorrow.

The Princess finally allowed me to rest in one of preserved guest rooms near her resident stay.She seemed to have an idea of the Golden microchip ring, considering her reaction.Unsettled moods were seen all over Princess Deyi's face.

As morning approached,matching of well trained soldier warriors was heard in near Millitary Camps from Village of Horns.The recruits were being promoted and taken by senior officials as fully trained enrolled Soldier warriors.The King Setre later woke up and ordered l could no longer stay in the village.The Princess had spoke to her father as King concerning my arrival with help of the Golden microchip ring.As l departed from the Village heading to unknown nowhere,Princess Deyi sent message through one of the warriors."Hello dear Alex the Missioner.Am Deyi Princess from Horn's village.Due to sudden departure from our village, following my Dad's command you leave, do not feel abandoned as l myself still love you hence one day shall meet again.Just be free with messenger l sent to you for any further information.l love you so much and appreciate saving my life yesterday."My secret treasure password Incase asked for,is Fight,Fight, Fight for success Battle.Goodbye."

As l read the message, lonely young man warrior approached me.The man sweet talked my presence movement upto City of Peace where now environment looked totally different from Village of Horns..All the people here after seeing me,they all clapped happily.The action made me confused as monkey jungling.It was a real modern Kingdom headed by King Zweu who led people to be in Union with everyone..Whoever went against Kingdom rules would immediately be executed by death sentence.The people welcomed me in Kingdom and immediately advised to take oath Covenant,that l will remain in peace moreso humble with Kingdom in whole.At first l became afraid not to bet my life but finally took a promise oath.Everything turned right and normal as all people in the Kingdom of Peace became my friends.The King also ordered to be fully guarded from any attack,as he witnessed a future vision in restoring broken Kingdoms back .

This king's information made me remember at first meet with Philosophers statues in mysterious desert,that l will in future lead massive to unknown success hence becoming great Heroe at the end.As my life continued in King's palace,the King seemed more friendly to me.Continuous Millitary training in this new environment the Kingdom of Peace, hastened my thinking capacity to super thinking as any kingdom disaster would find solution before destruction.During the Festive moments,all surrounding kingdoms including Village of Horns that was considered half Kingdom and Village, attended. Most of these events we met with Princess Deyi and interacted more than usual while celebrations continued.As l mentioned Deyi's secretive password,things seemed more real than expected.

As days moved while in peaceful Kingdom the more experience in leadership.Finally,one of festive moments when throne would be surrendered to next upcoming King Warrior arrived. To my surprise ,l emerged the senior most King of Kingdom of Peace . Fortunately without delay other neighbouring Kingdoms bowed in great honour and accepted me in kingship throne .I became also more than King as also led as overall Kingdom's King .

My orders would be followed without any question as rule was powerful Despite being appointed and chosen as King,l needed to select a lady of choice who would act as my companion in Kingship work.As l chose Deyi from Horn's village kingdom as my Queen, celebrations were all over hence occurred severally to mark customs and traditional culture for newly King select in Kingdom.

After fully marrying Deyi as my Queen,l was expected to make necessary changes to Kingdom rules and laws .

One night while sleeping l dreamt a dream that made me apply very strict rule concerning other eleven Kingdoms rather than Village of Horns half Kingdom .The decision of reuniting to be together as twelve Kingdoms would not be a simple task.The Golden microchip ring had fallen under my legs again In my second dream,hearing a voice of help at center of Kingdom's juggle.This now made me shocked to extent of getting more information concerning jungle,from Deyi my Queen .

"At center of the Kingdoms there is underground tunnel with no said end,leading to endless destination city that is not neither kingdom,village nor living place.Anybody who tried to access the tunnel would never return back again.The tunnel acquired curse from past important ancestral powers ancestor Kings before dying ,reason being nobody knows ."As Deyi continued with narration of mysterious history,a Millitary warrior approached hence saying,"Your majesty,it is true from my Queen's words .The underground Jungle Tunnel is very sacred,but inside there is a secret treasure box that can be used to reunite or destroy the Kingdoms ."Nobody was allowed to access the tunnel as unknown spiritual killers would appear guarding the tunnel from any entry ."Again,the only person who could access fully the tunnel it was foretold would come from foreign place to one of eleven united kingdoms and hence rule in power supremacy from previous Leaders ."

"Stop,stop,be silent"As l came to understand the truth myself as foretold foreigner King,l had to silent the Millitary warrior from more talk .

The Queen Deyi tried to encourage me and hoped for success in my present leadership.Immediately l had to assemble qualified strong armies from different kingdoms for later battle to the forbidden Kingdoms jungle .At first Millitary warriors were in great fear on hearing dangerous adventure attack but all ended well from my encouragement that success will avail.

On D-Day of mission to forbidden tunnel at Kingdoms center juggle,all were ready ,equiped and hoped for success.

After nearing the forbidden tunnel,a strong wave ahead of us appeared.We had to stay strong and calm for a while.From far shining rounded tunnel door would be seen."Oh my goodness,"l said in shock."I now understand why my presence in the Kingdoms far from my original thought place in Africa came to reality."On nearing the tunnel door,a strange red notice at the entrance that nobody allowed inside unless foretold Kings by ancestors.

Now the planned mission became tough and difficult as no Millitary warrior would enter inside the tunnel except myself only.The warriors stayed outside as l made steps inside the sacred tunnel.Darkness inside suddenly turned to strange light and locked doors inside opening.Footmarks with blue arrow directions appeared showing me which way to go.As two of my Millitary warriors tried to enter the tunnel,got struck by strange light hence dying immediately.This was a reality to remaining warriors outside.

The Footmarks vanished suddenly as l approached a waterfall inside tunnel.Their was also mysterious approach of an electronic sensor which blinked white and black,attached to butch of golden keys .The waterfall was disappearing making downward stairs to metallic door ahead of me.

On inserting key to the metallic door, different shocking sounds were heard.I tried to make an escape but could not remember way out. Suddenly the golden chip ring seen before fell ahead of me after mysterious door opened. After picking the chip ring,it was outward sensor to inner treasure box hidden.

The treasure box fell also behind me and powerful historical book full of kingdoms information and access to Super powers witnessed.l followed book's instruction and managed to reach silent room that had massive gold,silver,expensive ornaments.In front all all was a unique Golden microchip connected rulling King's stick meant to reunite broken Kingdoms.After picking the King's stick, everything vanished suddenly meeting myself outside the forbidden tunnel holding the rulling stick on my hand .

Now the tunnel became passable from past.Anybody could enter inside and out without harm.The kingdoms would access tunnel waterfall with ease moreso everybody reunited again.The half Village of Horns Kingdom lastly became a full Kingdom with it throne powers.

Some of the twelve Kingdoms Kings died in mystery forms during the tunnel mission at Kingdoms center jungle, symbolizing they were part of high failure to Kingdom people's success and unity.The festive celebrations and leadership sections took place in order to replace Kings in every Kingdom.

As l received unknown mysterious signal to go back to my original home place(Africa),the Kingdoms were pleased and happy to restore back their unity.Deyi the Queen promised to follow me back but was not sure enough for possibility of decision made .Still holding the King's rulling stick,l followed the powerful historical book instructions upon returning back to Africa my home .

Immediately l vanished in a mysterious way hence meeting myself back in Africa holding the powerful stick.As l moved around,Deyi joined me and headed to river source ahead.The powerful stick disappeared finally meaning all was well with left Super philosophy Kingdoms .Deyi vanished also but only left holding the Golden microchip ring which now did not change it colour .All was over,as l slept down on green grass in land of Africa to rest,before proceeding back home.