Chereads / more than friend / Chapter 22 - Chapter_36

Chapter 22 - Chapter_36


What a bu-mmer!… Everything has been out of shape and colors ever since Angelina left.. In fact, my whole life has been boring without her… Ever since she left.. I've been miserable… I sometimes hung out with Salim and the others but they weren't as much fun as Angelina.

But not every day was a bad one cause Angelina and I kept in t©uçh… We would s£nt texts or voice mail each other even do a video chat with each other.. We couldn't communicate all the time because she was busy practicing and preparing herself her the dance competition… Angelina was sure having a good time, cause from the look on her face she was always smiling and laughing… I was happy for her and I wished her success in her competition…

My parents and hers noticed the change in me and @ssured me not to worry myself.. They advised me to find some thing to do to keep myself occupied… And they were right… I just couldn't sit down and look miserable.. I had to do something to keep myself from thinking about Angelina all the time…

Two weeks after Angelina went to Abroad.. I decided to go and see Nkechi's husband at the movie studio to see if he would give me what he promised..

So one Tuesday afternoon, I arrived at the studio and went straight to Francis office.. A lot of things had changed around the place since I last c@m£ here.. I asked some people for his office and I was shown the way.. I so got there and knocked at his door.. Seconds later, he told me to enter and I did… The moment I got in, I saw Francis talking to one man, when he saw me, he was surprised.


Francis ➡ Oh my goodness…. What's your name again… I forgot ?


Peter ➡ Peter Wright.. I'm your wife's..


Francis ➡ Yeah I know… Come have a seat.. My God! It's been a while.. How've you been?


Peter➡ I'm fine sir..


Francis ➡ Mr. Edward.. This is the young man I've been telling you about.. He has quite a spark for this kind of job…. Peter this is Mr. Edward Simmons.. He's among the alpha and the omeg@s in this industry.


Peter➡ Good afternoon sir. It's a plea-sure to meet you.


Edward ➡ Afternoon Peter… Francis has told me so much about you and he's even showed me your @ssignment… It's magnificent.. We've been looking for people like you.. We nee-d new ideas and new creativity.


Francis ➡ My wife told me you've graduated successfully.. So are you still interested in becoming a film producer?


Peter ➡ Yes sir.. That's why I c@m£ here.


Francis ➡ Good.. Then you're hired..


Edward ➡ Also.. We'll be going to Lagos next week to work on some film projects.. We'd like you there to see how things are done.. Francis will take you un-der his wing to show you how things are done.


Peter➡ Thank you sir.. Thank you..


Edward ➡ Don't mention it.. Alright Francis.. I'll be going now.


Francis ➡ Alright sir.. See you in Lagos.


After that Mr. Edward left the office… Francis told me that I could start coming tomorrow since I was now hired.. I thanked him and left the building….

As soon as I got to the street, I met with Kevin and Michael together with Salim in his car.. They offered me a lift and I accepted.. While we were on the road they began to ask questions.


Kevin ➡ Guy… What were you doing back there?


Salim ➡ Yes… We saw you coming out of the film industry…


Peter ➡ Well, I went in and asked for a job and I got it.. I'll be starting tomorrow.


Michael ➡ Ah… That was fast..


Salim ➡ So you're going to be an actor?


Peter ➡ Nope.. A producer?


Kevin ➡ A producer!? Seriously o.. Producers don't get enough cash… Actors and writers get the money.


Peter ➡ Well.. That's what I want..


Salim ➡ Anyways congratulations.. So have you been talking to Angelina?


Peter ➡ Nah.. She's been pretty busy with her dance competition.


Kevin ➡ I doubt it.. I bet she's having a good time with one white guy there.


Peter➡ Why did you say that? Angelina is not like that.. Okay? We promised we'd wait for each other until we've met again.


Salim ➡ Oh Peter.. You're so naive. This isn't a movie or a fairy tail, that a princess waits for her prince charming.. This is the real world..


Michael ➡ Tell am o.


Peter ➡ What are you trying to say?


Salim ➡ What am saying is.. You should st©p fooling yourself… Open your eyes man.. You see women.. Never trust them.. Their mind is complicated.. It's h@rd to tell what they're going to do next. You're here in Nigeria hoping that your girlfriend is there in Europe remaining faithful.. You're not there so you can't tell or see what's going on.. Angelina can't always be working on her dance.. She must have time to relax and when that happens..


Peter ➡ So you're saying that she's pla-ying the field.


Salim ➡ Of course. That's what naija babes are good at.. They'll say they love you but later on you'll see her cozying up to some random guy, and when you confront her that's when trouble starts. If I were you, I'd forget about her and move on with my life.. Don't cheat yourself.


Peter ➡ (sighs)


Salim ➡ Look, we're not advising you to leave her or st©p loving her but you have realize that's how life is.. You can't remain in one place forever.


Minutes later, We arrived at my neighborhood, and Salim dropped me off, I went home sooner after that… Later that day, I was in my room thinking about what Salim said and he's right.. Issues like this has happened to lots of couples.. I didn't want to think that Angelina was cheat on me but…In case she was d@t!ngsomeone out there.. I'd like her to tell me so we can end our relationsh!pinstead me waiting here like a nun. So to forget about the whole thing, I brou-ght out my phone to watch some theater videos on YouTube, immediately I turned on my data, My WhatsApp messages 💬 blinked on my phone and the first one that showed was Angelina's… I logged into my WhatsApp and checked out her message and I noticed she was online.

I texted her back and she made a video call.


Peter ➡ Hey buddy… How's Europe?..


Angelina ➡ It's fine… It's great. I'm having time.. Hmmm.. You looked worried? Is everything okay?


Peter ➡ Oh I'm fine.. You're sure looking good…


Angelina ➡ You too.. So what's up? Any latest upd@t£?


Peter ➡ Well.. Yeah.. Uhm.. I got a job as a producer in the movie industry.. I'll be going to Lagos next week to see how things are done.. They're going to be groomed there.


Angelina ➡ Jesus… That's fantastic.. Congratulations.. I'm so happy for you.


Peter ➡ Thanks.. What about you.. Any latest development?


Angelina ➡ Hmm, not much really.. Besides I spend most of the time practising my dance skills.. It's tiring I tell you..


Peter ➡ Sorry.. So don't you have to relax?


Angelina ➡ ba-rely.. So I have a surprise for you.


Peter ➡ What is it??


Angelina ➡ I've gotten 5 tickets 🎫 for my dance competition… I've spent it to my parents… It's going to hold this Sunday… I want you and your parents to come see me win.


Peter ➡ Really? I'll be looking forward to it..


Angelina ➡ Sure honey.. I'll be expecting you there… Once you get here.. You and I will have lots of fun.


Peter ➡ Yeah… I'll be seeing you soon sugar.


Angelina ➡ You too.


After that Angelina ended the video call.. I was excited that she had s£nt tickets 🎫 to us.. Finally, I would be going to overseas to see her.. That Angelina.. She's sure the best girl anyone could have.

Later in the evening, I was with my parents at the dinning table eating dinner when I told them about my job.. They were excited and they told me about the tickets 🎫 Angelina s£nt… They too were excited that they were able to get a break for a while.. The trip to Europe is all they nee-ded to relax.


The next morning.. I went to work early to meet with Francis.. I couldn't be afford to be late, I nee-ded to be serious about this job of mine else I might get the boot if I f-ck up.

As soon as I arrived into Francis office.. He dropped an unexpected news before me.


Peter ➡ Good morning sir.


Francis ➡ Morning Peter… How's your night?


Peter ➡ Great sir.


Francis ➡ Good.. Have a seat.. There's something I want to tell you.


Peter ➡ What is it sir?


Francis ➡ There has been a change of plans.. We'll be going to Lagos this Friday in the morning.. Apparently there's been some complications and there's a lot to do.. Also you'll be staying in Lagos for the mean time.. That's where the action is, so you'll have to stay and see how things are being done.. Don't worry about food or lodging.. The studio will take care of that.. I've talked to Edward and he says he'll handle everything.. So pack the stuff you nee-d and wait for my call.


Peter ➡ Okay sir.


Francis ➡ Okay then.. Follow me.. Let me show the ropes around this business.


I wasn't plea-sed about this change of plan.. Angelina's competition is holding this Sunday and I don't want to disappoint her.. Francis did a good job showing me how producers work and it's been fun, but I wasn't really paying attention, not after what he just told me in the morning… So later in the evening, I went home looking worried.. My parents asked if something was wrong and I told them about the change of plans..


Jessica ➡ Hmm, this is unfortunate.. What are you going to do?


Peter ➡ I really don't know..


Wright ➡ You shouldn't miss this competition.. Angelina paid alot for those tickets.. It would hurt her feelings if you didn't come.


Jessica ➡ Just make up an excuse… Like you're sick or something.


Peter ➡ Okay.. I just hope it works.. But I won't tell him tonight. Tomorrow maybe.


Wright ➡ Alright then.


After that, I headed straight into my room to relax… As soon as I hit the be-d, I brou-ght out my phone to see if Angelina was online after logging into my WhatsApp.. I saw that she was and I s£nt her a text.. But she didn't reply.. I s£nt her another one and she still didn't reply.. After some minutes.. She s£nt me a tired emoji




Peter ➡ Hey.. I've been talking to you.


Angelina ➡ So what?? Is there something you want to tell me?


Peter ➡ I just wanted to see how you're doing.


Angelina ➡ Yeah.. I'm fine.


Peter ➡ Thanks for s£nding those tickets..


Angelina ➡ What tickets?


Peter ➡ The tickets you s£nt for me and your parents to come to your show.


Angelina ➡ Oh yeah right..


Peter ➡ are you okay?


Angelina ➡ Of course I'm okay.. Gosh.. Why are you sure a worry wart?


Peter ➡ Excuse me? I'm just trying to be nice.


Angelina ➡ Yeah.. Whatever. I'm tired I nee-d to rest.


I couldn't believe what just happened.. Why was Angelina being so rude?… Before I logged out of my WhatsApp.. I saw her DP and I zoomed it.. Angelina together with Charlene and some white ladies were posing together with a guy… From the way they looked I'd say they went to a p@rty.. I sighed in annoyance and switched off my phone.. Maybe Salim was right about what he said… After thinking 🤔 for some time, I closed my eyes and sle-pt off.


The next day which was Thursday… I was pretty occupied at the studio, Francis was busy ma-king corrections on a movie that was being filmed, while I was busy helping the c@m£ra crew with their stuff… The job sure wasn't easy but it's worth it if you know it.. At about 12:30pm… Everyone went on a break… We went to the cafeteria to get some lunch.. While I was eating all by myself.. I was hoping to use this chance and tell Francis that I won't make it tomorrow but before I did that, I checked my phone to see if Angelina was online… Immediately I logged into my WhatsApp.. I saw a message from an unknown number… But it didn't take long for me to know who the person was… It was Charlene.. In her text.. She said she wanted to discuss something very important with me.. I didn't want to reply her at first but I realize it might be something concerning Angelina, so I texted her back.




Peter ➡ Hey. What is it you want to discuss with me?


Charlene ➡ Hmm… How the tides have turn.. How's Nigeria?


Peter ➡ Well.. Not the same without Angelina.


Charlene ➡ Awwn. Isn't it sweet?


Peter ➡ St©p wasting my time and tell me what you wanted to say.


Charlene ➡ Oh yes.. You see.. It's about Angelina.


Peter ➡ Is she alright?.. Did something happen to her?


Charlene ➡ On the contrary no!.. She's having a blast.. A good time of her life with br@d.


Peter ➡ What??? Who's br@d?


Charlene ➡ Some pretty white boy with a lot of offer her… They both make a wonderful couple.


Peter ➡ You're joking?


Charlene ➡ Me? Joke? No, no, no.. It's true.. I tried talking to her to tell you that she's found someone else but she insisted that you'd feel bad. So I decided to let you know .. She's done with you.


Peter ➡ You're lying.. That's not possible.


Charlene ➡ Unfortunately for you.. It is.. That's the circle of life.. Change is always dynamic.. It's time for her to spre-ad her roots and meet someone new.


Peter ➡ I don't believe a word you say… You're just trying to mess with me.


Charlene ➡ 😂 Oh Peter.. I do love messing with you but honestly for real… I'm serious… The reason why I had to tell you was because Angelina had crossed a boundary in which she can never turn back.


Peter ➡ What boundary?


Charlene ➡ Hold on.. Let me s£nd you the video… I think you'll un-derstand what I'm saying.


After some seconds… Charlene s£nt me video worth 15mb.. As soon as the video was done downloading. I cli-cked on it and saw what was in it..

I g@sp when I saw the video… It was Angelina and that guy on her DP.. She was on the be-d together with the guy and they were k!ssing… I watched with rage as the guy reached out putting his hands on her bre-sts and a**, Angelina m0aned to his t©uçhes, putting her hand on his d-ck.. Seconds later, The white b-stard re-moved his clothes, he quic-kly pu-ll-ed off Angelina's P@nts and mounted on t©p of her.. I quic-kly st©pped the video.. I just couldn't watch.. So all this while… She was busy ma-king fool of me.. Here I was being faithful to her while she's there in abroad f-cking white guys? God!! Why me??

I hated Angelina in that moment.. My heart was filled with rage for her betrayal.. Charlene went offline after s£nding the video.. In that moment.. Angelina s£nt me a 👋 message..

I wanted to text her and insult her but I was too angry to do anything. Instead I decided to block her.. Let her go to hell… I don't care if she gets hurt or not.. I'm not going to her show… I'm not her patsy… In fact, I don't want anything to do with her.. I don't even what to be reminded she exists.

In that moment, I blocked her from my WhatsApp.. I uninstalled the app and blocked her contact from my phone..

After watching that video.. The rest of the day felt like hell… In fact I couldn't concentrate in work… Francis noticed my mood and asked if I was fine, I told him I was.. After work.. I went back home feeling dejected and very pissed.. The moment I arrived home. My parents wondered and asked if something had happened to me, but I ignored them and went back to my room… I l@ystill throu-gh out the night, I didn't even eat any food, I had no appetite.. I still couldn't believe Angelina would so something like this.. If she wasn't interested in our relationsh!pwhy didn't she come out and tell me?.

Salim was right.. 100% right… I was a fool to believe that Angelina would remain faithful.. It was only a matter of time before she showed her true colors… God! I hate her.. I hate ever knowing her…. Around 12pm.. Francis called me and told me to meet him at Nnamdi Azikiwe airport 🛬 at 7:00am sharp… That night, I packed my things and folded them neatly into one bag.. After I was done.. I wrote a letter to my parents to let them know about my flight to Lagos, I kept it the letter on the dining table so that they could easily see it. By 6:30 am, I quietly left the house and went straight to the main road, as soon as I got there, I found a taxi and told him to tale me to the airport, as soon as I got in, the taxi took off driving steadily on the road.