Several flying cars drifted out of the safety line, venturing into the dangerous zone before descending to a stop at a certain area.

The door of the flying cars were opened and several people descend from the car.

Xue Yiran also came out of one of the flying car along with the other Tyron guild members.

"I see you got another new member there, Tyron." One of the leader who got out of the flying cars said to Tyron while casting a glance at Xue Yiran. "I thought I would see you down for some time because I stole one of your team member. Instead, you got yourself another team members. I wonder if she will come over to my team if I bribe her. Hahaha." The leader laughed. "Luis, come over here. Shouldn't you greet your previous guild leader."

A person walked forward and stood beside the leader. "Hello, captain." Luis who was called greeted.

"Hey, Cedric. Do you think I'll watch you look down on our guild." Miley stepped forward and glared at the leader in a battle stance.

"Why? You want to hit me? Has it gotten to a point that a lady would fight for you, Tyron." Cedric scorn.

"You—" Miley was about to charged forward but was held back by Tyron.

"You should back down while I'm still being patient with you." Tyron looked at Cedric with cold expression. "I don't care whether you bribe my teammates or not, because our Tyron guild doesn't need any betrayal. Do you think now that he's by your side, he won't betray you. Don't forget, a dog who could bit its master could bit the other." Tyron cast a glance at Luis before saying to his teammates, "Let's go."

Cedric watched Tyron walked away and felt a raging anger build in his heart. "That jerk. How dare he lecture me." He turned to look at Luis who stood beside him and remembered what Tyron just said. "We'll be going deeper into the wild today. Luis, you'll be the one to lure over the beast. That would be a test to test your loyalty."

"Yes, boss." Luis said and lowered his head.

From Cedric words, Luis knew that the other person was already doubting him.

But what could he do.

It was true that he betrayed the Tyron guild. Cedric was offering him a high money to leave the guild.

Who would refuse such amount.

To be sincere, his life in the Tyron's guild wasn't that great.

He was the weakest among them, so he got the least share because of the little contribution he made.

Like a light, Cedric came in, offering him a huge amount of money to leave the guild.

He left, but now he was termed as a betrayal by them.

Why should that be?

It's not like he was stuck to the Tyron's guild for life.

The other members started to move forward and Luis followed behind.

Back at the Tyron's team, Jose was busy talking about how ungrateful Luis was.

"That jerk. He looked all innocent but he was all false. We shouldn't have accepted him back then." Jose was angry. "That guy Cedric had been looking for the downfall of our guild. Who doesn't know that we two don't see face to face. Yet, he went ahead and joined them."

"That at least made us known who he is?" Atlas pat Jose on the back to calm him down.

"It's okay." Tyron said. "He's not part of us any longer so we should stop talking about him."

"I'm just pissed he betrayed us after all we did for him." Jose couldn't help but be furious.

Tyron sighed and didn't say anything.

It wasn't that he didn't feel hurt, but there was nothing he could do.

Luis was the weakest among them and with Cedric evil intention, there was no way he wouldn't fell for it.

Xue Yiran watched all this with an expressionless face. The term betrayal wasn't new to her.

Most people would put their interest first before anything else, so it was quite expected to experience betrayal.

The group walked forward; meeting several beasts along the way. Some whom attack and some that went on their way.

Xue Yiran had the chance to fight with the beast. Maybe because of her increase in strength, they were quite easy to take down than when she was facing the projected beast.

"You're quite good." Kai who was standing beside Xue Yiran complimented. "It doesn't looks like your first time at all."

"Yes, it doesn't." Ryker walked towards them. "The way you struck at the beasts weakest point is that of a professional. I remember facing a hard time trying to kill some beast when I first joined the mercenary." Ryker laughed when he remembered his past results.

"I practiced with the projected beast. So I guess that's why I'm good at it." Xue Yiran put her kill into her space ring.

"Why wasn't I perfect as you?"

"You shouldn't compare Xue Yiran with your shaky ass self." Miley, who had already finished killing off the beast stepped forward. "I remember you were screaming when you saw those fat rat beast."

"You don't need to remind me of my dark past." His past was something he's embarrassed to talk about.

"Xue Yiran, these are for you." Miley took out the cores from the beast she killed and hand it to Xue Yiran.

"This." Xue Yiran stare at the cores in her hand and didn't know what to say.

"The cores aren't useful for me. Your strength is still weak, so you need it." Miley said and smiled lightly.

"Thanks." Xue Yiran was grateful for the other person care.

"Here, take mine too." Ryker also hand the beast core in his hold to Xue Yiran. Likewise Kai.

"Thank you everyone." Xue Yiran expression showed her gratitude.

"What's there to thank for. We're teammates, so we should looked at each other back." Miley saw that Xue Yiran had loosened a bit up with them, and was very happy about it.

When Xue Yiran arrived this morning, she saw that the other party demeanor was cold and distance.

But now, there seems to be an open gap in those cold stance radiating some warmth.

The group move forward and Xue Yiran space ring had a lot of beast cores pile up inside it.

Just like that, they reached the sliver wolves lair.

A panel suddenly popped in front of Xue Yiran.

[Sliver Wolf]

Class: D

Characteristics: Physically strong, Fast, outstanding defense, move in packs.

Physical Weakness: Abdomen.

Elemental Weakness: Fire, Poison.

Contract potential: D rank. 45% chance of breaking into next class.

Xue Yiran saw this, and knew this was Susu sharing her the information on the characteristics of the beast.

Being able to take down several beasts was as a result of Susu telling her about their weakness.

Right now, she has no elemental abilities and the only way for her to tackle the sliver Wolf was through it physical weakness— The abdomen.

Abilities are gotten after contracting with a beast.

That is, the beast master would have the ability the beast has.

Miley and the others each had their own several contracts beast.

Xue Yiran had only seen Atlas beast, which is the flying hawk which was used for scouting.

Apart from that, she hadn't seen the other call out their beasts or fight using their ability.

Each of them held the combat dagger used for killing beast on their hand.

Back to the sliver wolves lair. When the sliver wolves saw the intruder entering their territory, they all howl out, calling out their members.

Several wolves instantly gathered, surrounding the ten human with their sharp teeth bared at them.

The sliver wolves were very decisive and agile when fighting.

Together, they lunged straightforward at the team without giving them a chance to breathe.

"Milo, you look after Xue Yiran and prevent her from getting hurt." Tyron ordered.

"Got it." Milo moved towards Xue Yiran side, ready to protect her if she encounter any danger.

Killing the silver wolves pack were easy for Tyron and the others. Xue Yiran on the other hand still face some difficulties when fighting them.

One was that, these beast in front of her were more intelligent than the mutant beast she fought with in the apocalypse.

The mutant beast charge forward crazily whenever they saw any human and retreat when they saw they couldn't win in the fight.

However, that will be too late for them because by then, they would have been killed by the abilities users.

Whereas, the beast in front of her were very different.

They ganged upon the weakest person in the team— which was her.

If Susu hadn't informed her that the fierce beast in this world could detect people strength, she would have wondered how the beast knew she was the weakest one.

With Milo guard and Susu instructions, Xue Yiran finally got a kill.

The rest of the beast had been killed by the others.

This was the sliver wolves territory, so there were more beast to come.

The group went in deeper, killing off the wolves.

Their main objective was the sliver Wolf king.

The sliver wolves king would only appear once it's subject are all dead to avenge their death.

It sounds like a final boss game but that's how it is.

"Xue Yiran doesn't have a contract beast yet. We can keep the sliver Wolf king alive and allowed her to form a contract with it." Miley said.

Tyron, clearly aware of Xue Yiran state agree with Miley's words. "We'll form an encirclement and trap the sliver Wolf king. At that time, Gael, you'll release your Poisonous Flame Bird to cut off its escape route."

They might be able to trap the sliver Wolf king in an encirclement.

However, the sliver Wolf king might find a way to escape the encirclement if he saw that he was in a dangerous situation. Which was the reason why its nemesis, the Poisonous Flame Bird was needed.

The sliver Wolf king elemental weakness was that of fire and poison which was the innate attributes Gael Poisonous Flame Bird have.

"Okay." Gael summoned out his contract beast.

A very huge bird beast appeared and leaped up into the air with a loud cry.

This was the second time Xue Yiran would see a contract beast.

The Poisonous Flame Bird was a very large bird.

Its feathers gleamed with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage colour. It flapped up in the sky letting out several melodious cry.

The attributes of the beast instantly popped in front of Xue Yiran.


Class: B

Characteristics: A Poison and Fire Dual Elemental Beast. Its Wings Produce Fire and Its talons Contains a Deadly Poison That kills When in Contact With Beast Below its Class .

Skill: Speed, Poison, Fire, Sharp talons.

Elemental Weakness: Ice Elemental Attacks

Physical Weakness: Eyes, heart.

Innate Attribute: Poison and Fire Dual Element.

Contract Potential: A Rank. 70% chance of breaking into the next class.

The information on the Poisonous Flame Bird was very detailed. Its strength and weakness were listed.

Xue Yiran saw the contract potential and looked over at the 70% chance of breaking into the A class.

With such a high percentage, it's very possible that Poisonous Flame Bird might be able to break into the S class.

Having a S class beast as contract beast, isn't that powerful.

Xue Yiran looked at Gael with awe.

From what she knows, the Poisonous Flame Bird beast was just one of Gael contract beast.

If he could summoned out a beast capable of breaking into the S class at will, then he must have several powerful beasts in his hold which are his ultimate weapons.

No wonder the Tyron guild could stand at the top of the mercenaries list.