Xue Haoran arrived home from school and narrate all that happened in school to Xue Yiran.

Xue Yiran only reply to the little guy was. "Tomorrow, I'll baked some cookies then you can share them with your classmates."

Receiving such promise, Xue Haoran was happy for the day. In the evening, Xue Yiran received a call from uncle Mike.

"Hello, Yiran. I just visited the shop location you sent to me, but I met a guy there. Could it be you probably made a mistakes when sending the actual location."

Mike visited the shop Xue Yiran informed to him, but saw a handsome guy busy attending to the customers, instead of Xue Yiran figure.

"It's not a mistake, uncle Mike. I just changed my total appearance."

"What! You mean that handsome guy in the shop is you." Mike was amazed.

"Yes. I did that so as not to be recognized by my previous classmates."

"You're such a genius. Being able to visualize such a face is something unimaginable. I've made a decision. That face would be the company product ambassador from now on."

A certain Idol who had been dead in the apocalypse finally gaining a brand ambassador "(⊙_⊙)"

And Xue Yiran who didn't know whether to be guilty for using his face without his consent, "[ • _ • ? ]"

"I'll keep working hard to set up the company. I see that the shop had gain a wave of popularity. The line there is unending." Mike was pumped when he imagined the flourishing future ahead of him.

"Hmmm." Xue Yiran also agreed along with him.

"Tomorrow, I'll take over and you'll go to school."

"Yeah. You can leave all the making of the recipes to the AI in the virtual net. I've already taught it the recipes process. Don't worry about the content being stolen. I've added a layer of security to it." The security was Susu himself.

"Okay then. Rest well and leave it all to uncle." Mike said the last line and ended the call.

The next morning, Xue Yiran prepared a boxes of cookies she promised to Xue Yiran to take to school.

After sending Xue Haoran off to school, Xue Yiran entered uncle Mike's car, and headed to her own school.

Back on earth, Xue Yiran was still in the beginning of high school when the apocalypse arrived.

So any knowledge on high school wasn't something someone like her should know.

However, her mind was calm. It's just going to a new school, and nothing else.

Mike followed Xue Yiran off to her new school. Hermes academy also have some reputation in Starry sky empire, by ranking 500th out of thousands of academy in the empire.

Mike followed Xue Yiran along to do the verification procedure, and then went to collect her school uniform, with the Hermes badge on it.

"Good bye, Yiran. Uncle will start going to work. Make sure to listen to the teacher in class, okay."

Though she wasn't a kid, Xue Yiran still listen to Mike, and watched him left.

"Your uncle is so nice." The lady beside her praised.

Although Xue Yiran could smile at Xue Haoran and Mike, that's because they are an exception.

Xue Yiran could read the concern in Mike's eyes, which is why she favor him. And, Xue Haoran was still a little boy, who isn't yet exposed to this malicious world.

Hence, she didn't bother answering the woman beside her.

Seeing that Xue Yiran had no intention to talk, the woman said, "Come, I'll show you to your class. Your combat and mental strength is below the appropriate standard of being in the third year. So you'll have to start from the first year."

The woman turned around to check Xue Yiran reaction, but saw that the girl was indifference, so she went on, "Although we promise your uncle to put you in the third year, it's not the school fault that both your mental strength and combat strength is low. Well, I heard you were some sort of bad student in your previous school, so you were expelled. Roland academy. You must be from a rich family for you to go to such school. Those rich people…"

Thinking she might have offended Xue Yiran, the woman quickly explain. "I'm not scolding rich people. It's just that those people of Roland academy are such a show off. Anyway, welcome to Hermes academy."

The woman showed Xue Yiran off to her class. She watched her walked in and couldn't help scold inside, when Xue Yiran didn't even give her a glance.

'What's wrong with her. Does she think she's still in Roland academy. Those rich people without manners'. The woman turned around and went to her work.

Xue Yiran entered the class. Due to the long verification process, Xue Yiran was already late for the first class. So, she met the teacher who was already teaching in the class.

Xue Yiran went forward to introduce herself to the teacher for explanation. "Hello, I'm the new transfer student."

"Oh, we got a new student. Come in and take a seat in the empty chair over there." The teacher pointed to the only empty seat in the classroom.

Xue Yiran walked forward and sat down. There were several students who turned to stared at her, but she wasn't bothered about it.

"Okay, pay attention. For the sake of the new arrival student, I'll start over again. So listen attentively as this will come out in your test."

The teacher then start to teach. For Xue Yiran who didn't know anything, the first year was the right class for her.

So summed with the little knowledge the original owner had when she was in Roland academy, Xue Yiran manage to understand what the teacher was talking about.

When the class was over, Xue Yiran was alone in her seat revising on the previous class, when two girls walked over to her.

"Hey newbie, I think you look quite familiar." One of the girl with a long hair said.

"She's the girl on the web who confessed publicly to Prince Ian." The bob hair girl beside her remind.

"Oh, I get it now. How come a shameless person dare confess to the prince publicly."

That's right, the male god whom the former owner had been crushing on was the crown prince of Starry sky empire.

"She still show no remorse after tarnishing the image of the prince."

"Hey, we are talking to you. Are you deaf?"

Xue Yiran who was distracted from revising, slammed her hand on the table, and looked up at the two girls with cold eyes. "Are you jealous? Could it be there's a law that state one shouldn't confess to the prince? Or could it be you wish you were the one who confessed in my stead? If that's so, then get your ass off to find your so called prince and leave me out of it. If you ever come to me again…" Xue Yiran suddenly released the murderous aura she had accumulated after killing several people in the apocalypse, and said word for word, "I'll ripped your head off."

The girls quickly scurried away after facing Xue Yiran dead stare.

"Jeez, that's scare me. Tsk, she just putting up a face. Let's leave her for now and see how we'll deal with her."

After the slight intrusion, no one came to disturb Xue Yiran till the end of the day.

~Roland Academy~

In the training room, two youngsters were busy fighting with the projected monster with sweat on their face.

"I'm going to rest." One of the boy hurriedly declared and turned off his projectile machine.

The boy sat on the floor, and saw his other partner who was still fighting with the projected beast vigorously, and cried, "Just let me die. It's been four hours since we kept training nonstop. Aren't you tired at all? I feel like I just experience an intense battle in the front line." The boy kept talking, but his partner wasn't even listening. "Come, let me tell you. I heard that the girl who confessed to you the other day, had been expelled."

The person who was fighting pause a little, but the little hesitation wasn't noticeable at all.

"You should really be named the untouchable demon king. How come a girl confess to you a second, and she got expelled the next. This is truly mind-blowing."

The person he was referring to continue fighting.

"Are you even listening?"

"If you have so much time to spend blabbing, why don't you use it to continue training. The interschool competition would be holding up in a year. I bet you don't want to perform woefully in front of the audience." His partner said.

"Continue training? Can you please take it easy on me. I'm not the same as you. The competition is still a year away from now, and you've been training me since three months ago. Just let me be. Is it my worse for being your friend, only for me to be subject to an intense torture like this." The boy cried out his bitterness. "As long as you're there, our Roland school would surely take first. There's no use of me working hard."

Ian just shook his head at his buddy, and continue fighting on.

Two to three students moved around the academy talking about a certain thing.

"What is 'Creamery Creamer'?" Ian who just came out of the training room, wiping off his sweat, asked his friend Colton, who also came out of the training room with him.

"How would you know what it is when you're always training." Colton nagged at this male god, whose life was all about training hard.

Ian glared at him.

Colton then explained to him. "It's a newly created store on the Star virtual net in the Z zone. You've been too busy to log into the virtual net so you are just as blank as paper. You should tried their chocolate popcorn and also the spicy chicken. It was just added to the menu." Colton gulp. "Hey, let's skip training and enter the virtual net to take a look. I still can't forget the heavenly taste. How great would it be if it truly exist."

Though, the Star virtual net could stimulate the realism of thing to hundred percent.

However, they were still fake.

So many wished the 'Creamery Creamer' store could be set up in real life and there, they be able to have such a delicious food in their stomach.

Pah! Colton head was slap.

"Ahhh!" Colton cried from the hit.

"You just want to skip training." Ian knowing his friend inner thought state out. "Let's go, we're having class in ten minutes." Ian said and walked forward.

"I know, but do you have to hit me that hard. Aww, that hurts. Damm, your name should be changed to mean god instead." Colton shouted and hurried after him.

And that evening, a certain male god logged into the Star virtual net.