My world is not normal. The reason why I say this is because strange things have became normal now.

Many years ago before I was born. People where attck by invisible creatures. Ghost or Spirits as you will. But nobody would beleave it at first. Until they become stronger and more violent.

People were being killed or strange explosion would occur.

How can you fight what you can't see. An all out war broke out. Curses, ghost, poltergeist, demons. Everything you didn't see was now is trying to kill you. The government didn't know what to do.

Until one day, they appeared. A few people who could fight back, The First Hunters. They are people with special abilities that can kill monsters that can't be seen.

Not long after more people began to gain the sight to see these monsters. Not only see and hear the monster but to fight back as well.But Only a very few had gained special abilities.

The strongest of the hunters gained supernatural abilities called Battle Spirts and Spirit Weapon. Each battle spirit is different. It's never the same. They say it depends on the individual.

But most can't summon a battle spirit at best they can see and fight.

10 years later after the war on ghost was won by the help of the Hunters. They began to establish their own private Guilds around the world. Those who are gifted would become hunters and could become a Hero.

50 years later. 95% of the worlds population can now see ghots. 40% of that stand a chance to gain super natural abilities. Only 30% out of them can form a spirit weapon and only 13% can summon Battle Spirits.

Guilds guilds began to build schools train those who have powers into Hunters. Now a Hunter's strength is recorded by rank. From F-S Rank, depending on strength of you abilities.

Decedents of the first Hunters all gain strong special abilities and there are those who work hard to become stronge enough to raise their Rank.

Present day...

My Mom always use to say.

"if you have the strength to protect the weak. Why not use it to protect the weak?"

That was my mom, the strongest person I know.

"I'm.. So...Sorry mom.. I..Died. I'm was so alone. Everyone left me. No came to see me. You, Dad and little sis all left me here. I've haven't had a warm conversation in so long. After you died i kept smiling very day. So please...Tell me....why?"

" Open your eyes boy."

'What? Who are thses giants?'

Kuru did not know where he is. Before him sits 4 titan sized beings. They are the Four Horsemans of judgment day.

"look at him cry. Are sure this boy can handle it?" A voice like tunder as spoken.

Pestilence, the titain wore a white robe. A piece of the robe cover top of his head. Casting a shadow over his face.

Pestilence looked like a skinny old man with no facial hair. His thrown is made of a million dying sick people crying for death. They are binded together by plants that look like posones vines.

"I can weigh the boys Sins, his perfect. I've never seen a boy live through such punishment and still not have any thoughts of killing himself. Life was truly unfair him."

Famin, he wore nothing but a piece of black cloth over his private. He too looked old with a long black beard but he looked as if he suffering from anorexia. He has many gold changes around his neck and wore gold bracelets. His thrown is made of gold and by his feat lies gold coins, different currency and food.

"What a pathetic State your in. To die with your head dipping in piss water."a domering voice. It sounded like a king's tone of speech.

War, he wore a red suit of armore that coverd his entire body. His helmet coverd his face but you could see his red eyes shine right though the. In front of him is a giant God like sword. The point of the blad is buried in the ground and he held the hilt of the blade as he sat.

His thrown is made of different types of weapens melted together. From old to new.

"Enough.." a voice that sound so evil. As it spoke, it made the other horseman stay silent.

Death, like the name. He is death. A being born before creation to carry out but one duty. To take the souls and power of those those who die.

He look like everything you would imagine he be. He wore a pitch black cloke made of shadow and inside his cloke is nothing but an abyss of darkness. Only his hands of bone we exposed. His thrown is made of different skulls. From giant to small and what seem to be different species.

"I truly did die..." kuru said while looking up at Death.

"So you know who we are?"

"well... everyone knows.... who you are. I... I just don't know who they are."

"hahahahaha" Death laughed and it seemed to have hit a nerve on the others.

"yeah yeah, the all famous Death.." Pestilence sarcastically said.

"After all these years it still gets to me." War said in a reluctant manner.

'what the hell is going on here?'

"Let us move on"

Death sat up a little and looked at kuru. Although Kuru could not see his face in the darkness. He could not help be feel fear. He couldn't move in the slitest. Paralyzed from fear.

"Boy I want to ask you. If I gave you strength enough to kill your those who have tormented your life. Would you kill them?"

'what did you say?'

"I... I.. Don't know?"

"I've seen your life you. Since your parents death. You have been abandoned by all those you thought loved you. Each day at your school. They would take you were no one can see. They take your money and beat until you can bearly walk. You tried tell your teacher but those children's parest were either rich or powerful figures. So the teachers look away."

Kuru on his knees, staired at the ground. His hair coverd his face and his mind flooded with memories of what happend. His body shivered as he did.

" you sat in class looking like a mess and yet everyone ignored you. Even when it was so obvious. Nobody helped because they were too are scared. Being your friend ment having to share your struggles."

Kuru eyes began to tear up but he made no sound. He clinched his fist on his pants as hard as he could to back the tears of his painful memories.

" but it didn't end at the school. Those bullies visited your small flat and used it as spot where they could drink and have fun. They would even mate with other women infront of you. Forcing you to watch and then beating you after."

Kuru's heart began beat faster and faster.

" do you still remember Kim Nana... "

" please stop... "

" She was raped in your home. You tried to save her but you're too weak. The next day she commits suacid. With some much guilt you visit her gave from time to time. Even tho it's not your sin to bear."

" please stop"

"and after that it still continued.."


Kuru's loud voice echoed throughout this dark place. You could feel his anger and hatred rise and yet sadness as well.

"I'll ask you again boy. If I gave you strength enough to kill your those who have tormented your life. Would you kill them?"

Without even looking up kuru answer.


Kuru's answer seemed to disappoint the other horse man.

"because that would be too easy.."

They looked back at him with curiosity. Even War whom has been ignoring Kuru looked his way. Death's eye shined of blood red from within the abyss of darkness.

"I would punish them. I would destroy them. Take everything they love and then only after I am satisfied with their punishment. Only then I would give them permission to die."

"hahahahaha" they all laughed with joy. Leaving Kuru confused.

"Boy you passed."

"I passed?"

"Yes.. There have been many before you and we have made the same offer. But they said they would kill them, spair them or rule the world. All of then had such boring ambitions. But nothing you said sounded like it came from selfishness.

But you, you want to punish them? You seek justice?" Pestilence said

" The people won't help you seek justice. Then you must take it yourself. You must take it is your own hands and crush their spirits." War said

" So what do you want with me?"

" If we are to give you such power. We want you to give us a great show."

"A show?"

"Yes, As beings that have see many humans in different universes. We have seen them all and sone even became Gods." Famin said.

"but hey all had ambitions and help from lesser Gods."

"but you, since the death of your parents. You have no ambitions, no motive, no peacse" War said

"b...but..thats why I asked. Why me... If i have no ambitions. Wouldn't it be boring?"

Death staired at Kuru and his that shined faded.

"The will give you a goal."

"what?...what goal?"

"Do you know how your parents died?" Death asked.

"The police officers at the time told me it was a care accident. They drove off a shape bend, off a cliff."

'Why did he ask me that?'

Death then reached into his dark cloak and took out a black book.

"As death I hold the records of the moment of Death. Although I can't yet tell you much but what I can tell you is.

They Were Murdered.

Kuru's eye wided to hear the word murdered. It repeated itself in his head continously. Kuru heart raced at a fast past.

"Theres more.."

'what, how can there be more?'

"I have no record of your sister's death."

'what?...wait...since you kept say my parents death. He never included my sisters death. If he did he would have said my families death.... Wait does that mean...'

"You sister is still alive.."

Kuru's eyes began to tear. Not of sadness but releaf. In his mind all he pictured her had handing me a flower.

"I could tell you more but nothing is free in any world." Death said as he closed the book and put it back away.

"We want you to become our disciple." they all said.

"I still don't understand what you all really want. Why would God's as great as you want from someone like me?"

"Because of the darkness within you. You have such a good heart for kindness and yet you have just as much darknes in your heart as well."

"it balanced out perfectly." Famin said

"I've... I've always felt that but I'm weak. I could never fight back. Why you ask me to become your disciple.

I'm just weak! I'm a coward! I'm an halfblood! I'm trash! And all... All....all I want to know is why does everyone hate me so much!" Kuru cried.

Death stood up from his throne bones and knelt down on one knee.even this shocked the other horseman. For a high God such as Death to do so is unheard of.

But even tho he did. It didn't make a difference in his giant titan size body. Yet kuru still did not look up.

" If you become our disciple. You will become the strongest there is and ever will be. Even tho you died I can give you a second chance at life."

Kuru looked up at him tears in his eyes.

"I will give you monsterous strength and deadly skill. You will master every weapon created by man and God a like. " War said as he stood up from his throne of weapons.

"I will give you the power of Greed and Envy." Famine said as he stood up from his throne of bugs, money and food.

"I will teach a 1000 of the most deadly different posins in a 1000 different ways to use it." Pestilence said as he stood up from his throne of sick and dying sinners.

Death stood back up over shadowing Kuru and he said.

"and I, Death. Will teach you all the ways of death, the true fear of Death and the ways of the reaper. After you accept our terms you will be freed and given a second chance to continue your life where you died."

"I hope you give us an entertaining show."

Kuru used his sleeve to wipe away his tears and determination in his yes.

"what do i have to do to?"

"10 000, devote to us 10 000 years and you will be freed. You go through harsh training. You die a million times and be brought back a million times. You suffer greatly, so far that you lose your sanity. Do you Tomo Kuru still accept?"

Kuru's mind flowed will all the punishment and harsh bullying he had gone through, the memory of him being his at his parents funeral and his sisters face. crying all alone.

" I accept "