Chereads / The Gemini Man / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - Diamond Dozen

The Gemini Man

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - Diamond Dozen

Norman Pierce, the walking enigma to a whole generation.He never got in trouble or had fights with other kids but he'd always be seen as a nuisance.He currently attends Monroe High, on the count of his mother working in the art program here, he hates everything about the place.

"Hey retard ….!" Said a boy as his friends laughed at him, Norman ignored it and continued to walk to class.He was irritated with the jokes but he's able to control himself.He made it into his class as he looks around and doesn't see his one true friend, Dexter.He's usually here first so he finds this odd, he goes to sit in his seat.

"Hey, hey Norman …..hey !" Yelled a kid as Norman turned around, it was Reagan, you could say he's a friend.He knew Norman for years now but they don't know each other that well.

"What do you want ?" Asked Norman annoyingly as Reagan replied

"Oh nothing man, just checking up to see how you've been ….?"

Norman felt okay with this and smiled,

"Well I've been doing alright, how you been ?"

Reagan took a moment as Norman felt confused on why he took a moment to pause.

" I've been alright but hey, not to bother or anything but can I borrow like five bucks man , please I'll pay ya back ? "

There it is, what he wanted the whole time; Norman felt unbothered by this and kindly took out his wallet and handed him five dollars as he said

"Okay….hey don't forget to pay me back this time man …."

Reagan smiled as he said

"Thanks man, really thank you; I appreciate you - and I will …." He took the five and slipped it in his pocket as Norman back around as class was about to began.He turned over to see Dexter still isn't here, this really worried him.

"Alright let's go to page 13-" said the teacher as Norman started to imagine the worse for Dexter.

"What if he's in danger, what if he's being killed right now, what if he's getting mutilated-"

He thought as his teacher took roll call,

"Norman, Norman !" She said a bit louder as he snapped out of it and said

"Yea…." She checked him off and continued with the names as he still felt out of touch.He got out his journal out of his backpack as he started to write down his day.He always kept track of the things that occurred throughout the day and even does some doodles along the way; he's been doing this for two years now.He has half a dozen notepads and journals filled to the brim with his daily life and other unexpected ideas.He finished his thoughts with

"Gosh I hope he's okay …."

School ended so quickly for him as he worried even more when he met up with his mother.She was in the school parking lot as he approached.

"Honey what's wrong ?" She asked as she closed up the trunk,

"Nothing it's just, I failed this math test today…" he lyingly said as she sighed as she got in the car.He entered as well as she replied,

"Well it's alright, you can never call something a failure if you truly tried okay sweetheart ?, plus it's that damn Mr.Mitchell; he's kind of an asshole when it comes to math …hehe…."

They arrived at home as Norman quickly went inside as his mom looked at him in disappointment.

"That boy ain't right …." She said to herself as she got out of the car.He entered quickly and rushed towards his room, he opened the door.He looked around as you see a room full of posters, pictures and stuffed animals.He goes to his little desk drawer next to his bed.He got his phone

Out of his drawer and begin to text Dexter.

"Hey man, you alright ?"

"What's going on ?"

"Text me when you can …."

You have to understand that Norman isn't just clingy, he is very worrisome.Even if you just met him and got a small bond, he'll automatically care for you, he's a self-indulged mess.

He waited for hours and hours as he still thought the worst, he walked around his room; back and forth.

"God damnit it, this Motherfucker !!!!…." He yelled as he mom yelled back

"Norman what's wrong, you alright !?"

Norman calmed down as he replied

"Yea mom, I'm okay …"

He sat back on his bed as his mom simply replied

"Okay honey….have a Goodnight …!! "

Norman laid on his bed as he put on his headphones and started to listen to his Spotify playlist.

"All Apologies " by Nirvana started to play as he just imagined the worst for him, it killed him every time; this is a defcon 1 for him.

He just couldn't sleep right, he laid on his bed in panic as he got a notification.He quickly looked to see it's from Dexter,

"Yea sorry man, wasn't there today; had a doctor's appointment…."

He felt relieved as he responded,


"Cool, see ya tmw man"

"Have a good night "

It's crazy to imagine that Dexter isn't Norman's best friend he just cares that much, he gets attached too easily.

The next day Norman awoke to at his usual time, he did his usual routine.He woke up exactly at 7:05 am, he got his clothes prepared and showered quickly, he takes about 5-6 minutes and was in cold water.He got out and hot dressed, he got his pack back and quickly went downstairs, his mother awaited for him in the kitchen.

"There you are, alright let's go ." She said as they both exited the home and headed to her car.

On the ride to school, Norman looked fondly out the window as he saw the neighborhood and felt abandoned.He seemed to feel it lost its touch, such a place that used to be filled with joyous activity in the streets; Children having fun and playing is a simple facade now.

"You okay ?" Asked his mother as he turned towards her and replied

"Yea I'm fine….."

it silent for a moment until he asked

"Mom, May I have a pet ?"

His mother was a bit confused but then smilingly asked back

"What kind of pet ?"

He shrugged as she added on

"Maybe a spider, or a snake or how about a rock ….isn't that still a thing, pet rocks ?"

They both laughed as he sighed and said

"How about…..a Guinea pig ….."

she was a bit stunned as she never saw him as a type for those type of animals.

"Okay, I'll pick one up later on today, it'll be waiting for you at home; sound good ?"

He smiled as they arrived to school, she parked as he replied

"Yea, alright mom thanks- love ya !" He said as he speeded out the car with his pack back.

"Love ya too …." She replied as the car door slammed, she looked at him as he walked into the school, she smiled.

She drove off as she got to the local pet store, she parked as she exited the vehicle.She got her purse as she entered the store,

"Hi welcome, if you need any help I'll be here …"

Said the store greeter as Norma explained

"Actually help would be nice- I'm looking for Guinea pigs …."

The worker escorted her to the rodents section,

"Well right over here- yep here we are …."

Said the worker as she started look in wonder at the different types of Guinea pigs.

"Wow- okay can you help me with one more thing ?" She asked innocently as he replied

"Sure …" they continued to walk around the section as you'd see all sorts of Guinea pigs, From Peruvian to sheltie's.

"Well I have my 16 year old son who asked for one but he didn't specifically clarify what kind…so what would you recommend ?"

He looked around and had his hand on his chin as he replied

"Hmmm- Ahh- our best option is an American Guinea pig; can't go wrong with that …."

He started to open the cage and take one out gently, he held it like it was a new-born baby.

"Now you gotta be gentle with these little guys, they're feisty but on occasion are in fear for their life when put in new areas."

She held on to it as the worker said quickly but calmly ,

"Please !- please hold it like it's a baby; you must not let it see the ground, on small chance it'll shake vigorously and will scratch you-which in return will make you let go and it'll hit the floor and- splat !"

He said as he clapped his two hands together, he held it right as she looked at the Guinea pig, it begin sniffing her.

"It's adorable, what's its name ?" She asked as the worker replied

"Uhh we gave it the name Thomas but when sold you can feel free to give it a new one …"

She gave it back to the worker as she said

"No it's okay- I like Thomas, sounds good …"

He put the Guinea pig back in a separate cage as the worker said

"Alright ma'am I can help you at register 4, I'll meet you right now and just in case you didn't see on the glass case, it'll be sixty dollars- will this be a cash or credit card ?"

She started to walk towards the register as she replied


Back to Norman, he has his headphones in as it's his last class of the day now.He's listening to "Plump " by Hole, a kid named Ryan tapped on his shoulder as Norman took out one earbud and got his attention.

"Hey Norman, you got change for a twenty ?"

Asked Ryan as Norman got out his wallet and checked annoyingly, he searched as he got out two 10 dollar bills.

"Thanks man …." Said Ryan as they exchanged bills,

"No problem …." Said Norman as he put his earbud back on.The song started to switch to the next,

"Dancing In The Moonlight " by Toploader started to play as the teacher yelled out

"Alright class !-" you couldn't hear him no more as Norman raised the volume on the earbuds to the max.You see the teacher talking as Norman stared off into the distance through the window of class with a big smile.

The day was over as Norma waited outside the school for Norman, she had the Guinea pig in the passengers seat; it was in a cage.

"Oh I just know he'll love you Thomas …." She said to the Guinea pig as she looked around.She finally saw Norman approaching the car in such a bad posture and awful demeanor.He opened the car door as he saw the rodent and started to smile,

"You like it ?" She yelled out as he threw his backpack to the backseat.He adjusted himself with the animal as he lifted the cage and sat down in the passengers seat.

"I love it mom, thank you …." He said with such joy.

"Alright now put on your seatbelt, and hold on to him right; you don't want him flying out the window…."

She replied as he did so.They began to drive as Norman just kept looking at the Guinea pig as she noticed,

"It's name is Thomas okay ?" She said as he nodded and replied

"Okay….Thomas, hehe…."

He was astonished by the creature as he was about to open the cage and get it out but his mother stopped him.

"Now wait- til we get home okay ?" She asked as he closed the cage and replied

"Oh alright …."

They arrived at home as Norman rushed inside with the cage as his mother yelled out

"Hey be careful now !- eh he's Got it …" she simmered down as she got his backpack out for him and locked the car door shut.Norman rushed upstairs with the Guinea pig as his father was in the living room watching tv, he was watching reruns of "Gun smoke ".

"Hey dad !" Yelled Norman as he speeded his way upstairs

"Hey son how was school-" he asked until he noticed Norman was gone.He brushed it off and went back to watching tv as Norma entered the home and closed the front door.She walked towards the living room and laid next to Theodore on the couch as she said

"Hmmm, I bought your son a pet…."

He was shocked as he asked

"What kind of pet ?"

She excelled as she replied

"A little furry bastard ….."

they laughed as he asked

"No Christ don't tell me you got him a dog ?!"

She smacked his chest playfully and replied

"No- god no, I got him this little Guinea pig named Thomas …."

He was at awe as they continued to watch tv, it was silent for a moment as he then asked

"You only got one ?" She replied

"Yea why ?" He gave it a moment as he added on

"Well if it's a boy, you gotta get him another to accompany him- they'll get lonely and you know feel depressed …."

She laughed as he said

"I'm serious, it's true ….."

They gave it a moment as seconds past,

"Well maybe I'll get him another tomorrow …."

They both laid their in silence as they continued to watch the show.

On to the ensemble that is about to occur, Norman had his earbuds in as he was listening to

"I Want To Hold Your Hand " by The Beatles.He danced and danced around in his room as he still had the Guinea pig in its cage.He dancingly approached the animal and got it out of its cage and dance carefully with it.He gently held it like a baby and proceeded to enjoy the song.

"I love you Thomas …." He whispered as he held Thomas very firmly now as he went into a sitting position.Thomas begin to sniff Norman a bit as Norman put Thomas near his face.He started to chuckle a bit as he proceeded to put Thomas on his chest, Thomas started to crawl around his belly and jump a bit towards his arms.Norman laughed even more as he grabbed ahold of Thomas again but this time was with a bit more force.Norman held him with both hands as he started to stand up, Thomas was in a panic.

Norman held him very tight as Thomas got defensive and started to scratch Norman all over his hands vigorously.

"Ahhh !" Yelled out Norman as he lost grip of Thomas.Thomas fell to the floor and all you can hear is a small Thud and squealing.Thomas laid there as he seemed to have broken his legs.

"Oh no- no no no !!!" He said in a panic as he got on his knees and grabbed ahold of Thomas.As he held on to Thomas, the song changed to

"What Difference Does It Make ?" By The Smiths.

He felt awful as the Guinea pig laid in his hands once again, Norman sat there in confusion.

"No no- why oh god- why !!!" He yelled out, he started sobbing.He held on to the Guinea pig as Thomas still looked afraid,

"This- this is your fault ! You did this !!!!" He yelled out as he started to tear up.He let out a cry in agony as he started to squeeze Thomas slowly and firmly as Thomas started to bite and scratch him with all he had left in him.

"You caused this, not me- you !!!"

Said Norman as he got the Guinea pig by the stomach and started to smack it repeatedly over the corner of his drawer.You hear the crack and squeals as he did it aggressively, with each hit he grunted.

"You did this !!!!- not me !" He showed emotions of anger and sadness as he began to look at Thomas.All you see is a little Guinea pig body go numb and lifeless, almost like it became a rag doll.Blood started to appear as it had some on the floors, the wall and a bit on the door.You can also see blood all over Norman's arms and hands, some appeared on his face as well.He then held the Guinea pig again as he laid in a fetal position and began to pet Thomas gently as he whispered

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry- ahhh why...!!!!" He let out in a cry as you'd get back to Norma.

All the meanwhile she got up off the couch and said

"I forgot to give Norman his backpack- hold on I'll be back …" she said as she got his backpack and walked up the stairs.

"Don't take long …" said Theodore flirtatiously as she chuckled.She got to Normans door as she opened it and said

"Hey I forgot to give- oh god !" She yelled out as Norman had been holding Thomas very gently but he was covered in blood.

"It's alright mama !" He said as Norma yelled

"Theo get up here !"