Chereads / If everything in the world collapse what would you do / Chapter 1 - chapter 1 (start of the worlds end)

If everything in the world collapse what would you do

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Chapter 1 - chapter 1 (start of the worlds end)

As the sun rises and shines upon a bed, there lays a teen about seventeen years of age asleep, he was wearing a white tank top that has a logo over it that says live your dreams he has a jogging pants on was sprawled on the bed his hair color was platinum blonde and his face was handsome sleek jaws and a equaly stunning electric blue eyes that made him stand out like sore thumb.

As the sun hits his face, eyes fluttered open as he gets up to stretch after that he yawned, he got up and took a shower after that got dress into a skiny jeans and a long sleeve that was in a black and yellow color and had the design that says live in the moment not in the past and went downstairs where he greeted his parents and the twins.

"How'd you sleep Blake? Guessing by the looks of your face you slept well huh"

"I slept well enough dad ohh right what's for breakfast mom?"

"Well it's everyone favorite chocolate pancake with maple syrrup"

As blake sits on his table his mother serve him a stack of chocolate pancake and orange juice he ate with the family with his family asking hows school and to tell them if he was stress and that they will help him relieve the burden on school projects if he wants, he refuse saying he could handle it, they made the same question on the twins with them turning it down saying they got each other to help the other if needed be.

"Ohh yeah i forgot to tell you kiddos about this there's been an increase on something irregular happening on our town, for some reason people keeps fainting and have fallen into a coma without a good reason, so do be carefull there are already 300 cases on our town to this day those 300 haven't woken up yet so be carefull on touching something or going somewhere dangerous."

"Yes mom i'll be carefull and i'll watch over the terrible two, that means no wandering all over town right now jack same goes for you jade."

"Hey! where not terrible where just going through puberty."

"Pffffttt! That's the funniest thing i ever heard from a kid about to be a teen."

The teen and his parent where laughing hard and teasing jack for that hilarious sentence with his twin jade joining the fun and tease jack until blake decided to stop and as an apology for teasing his brother brought the twins to an arcade.

Blake was for say a little waorried of the phenomenon that is happening all around the world, that's right this wasn't just happening to their town but all around the world News could be heard about 50 million people just passing out and going into a coma, scientist were baffled about the cause of it all they tried for over 3 month to find out whats causing the people to go into a coma but as they research it deeper all their questions about how did this happen were all blanks, all that research did was lead us to more questions than answer.

According to scientist they weren't in any danger but it feels like something is preventing them from waking up that was one theory but all the scientist denied that saying something like that would have taken a GOD to do since they only believe in the god particle that was neither alive or dead but it was a matter that can be harness in the future, for blake he sided with the theory cause something is doing something to those people ane it felt like apocalypse is upon the world with 50 million people just falling into a coma.

As blake thought about it his thoughts where interrupted when he heard jack scream in horror blake turn to jack and jade he saw jade just collapsing on the arcade machine his heart immediately drops.


Blake immediately ran to jade pick her up and went to check if she was breathing to his relief she was, he have to calm down his wildly beating heart and rush home as fast as he can with jack following closely they were pretty quick cause the two brothers were on the athlethic side after they got to their house they open it quickly and called after their parents who went to them quickly.


As they saw jade their eyes went red as tears comes pouring out this made blake tears up as he sets jade to the sofa he sat besides the sofa and just puts his hands on his face as he cried with jack by his side crying their parents seing this were heartbroken and went to their two sons and hugged them with everyone crying for jade who was in coma they just sat there hugging and crying after they calm down they went to sit by dinner table and just stood silent for ten minutes just griefing that jade was in coma for indefinite long time which can't be cured.

"What hap...pen son?." The grief was evident in his voice as his voice crack.

"I don't kn...ow one mom...ent we were fun pla...ying an game ne...xt thing i knew fell uncon...scious i blame my....self if we weren't outs....ide then could have been awake life" as he explain between sobs of regret and blame it on himself his dad notice this.

Blake wae suprise when his father grab him and thinking he'll blame him he look down ashamed.

"Listen Blake i don't believe it was your fault you were just trying to make your siblings happy that's what a caring big brother do, never ever say that it was your fault we don't know how the phenomenon works so don't start beating yourself up over something you can't control." He looked at Blake with sad smile as he said this.

"Your dads right there was nothing you could do to prevent that from happening and even if you knew this would happen their was nothing to stop it from happening cause we don't have enough info on that phenomenon to make a difference." She said as he comforted blake.

"Yeah bro this was just pure accident anf it was not your fault jade fell into coma." His brother said as he calm down and reassured blake that it was not his fault.

After calming down they went to jade and just watch as she peacefuly slept they were thinking she was sleeping with how peaceful she was sleeping but they mentaly shook their heads the phenomenon already has its grips on jade unless news were about someone in a coma waking up then jade is gonna be in a coma for a long time.

Blake sat in the chair wondering what cause the phenomenon to be active and what triggered it and how can someone wake up from the coma all this questions where on his mind and his mind was just coming up with blank and it made blake frustrated and helpless that there's nothing he could do to help his baby sister it was tearing him apart mentaly how could he let that happen to his sister he should been more attentive maybe just maybe his sister would have been awake and not in a coma.

He heard his parents calling 911 for an ambulance to pick his sister up and get the care she needs for her to survive the indefinite time that jade would be in coma it hurts the family that she would be hospitalize for a long time not in there house awake and happy it almost sent the family to fits of tears but they held it in and promise themselves to be able to be there every day so that if ever jade woke up it would have been to her family rather than an empty room in an hospital.

The ambulance arrive and took jade towards the hospital Blake's parent went with them to settle things and told the two brothers that they can come after they settle it and told them to call a cab once they call them on the phone they can visit jade to settle their fears of losing her to the strange phenomenon that put 50 millions in a coma.

Blake and Jack watch as the ambulance took off to the hospital called Mayo Clinic which was the nearest hospital near them, they went back in the house sat on sofa waiting for the call so that they can visit their sister and check if she's gonna be ok.

"Is jade gonna be stuck in a coma for a long time blake cause i don't wanna lose her." Jack asked with the most hollow voice blake has ever heard.

It was understable that jack was the most saddest of the family cause she was his twin nothing hurts more than the thought of losing someone who you were born with and spent all his time with that was what twins where about they were lot closer to each other than the rest of the family.

They finaly got the call on Blake's phone that they can visit the two quickly rush to call a cab they got in and rush to Mayo Clinic they waited an excruciating 30 minutes to get to their destination once they got out they paid the cab driver and went in the hospital and signed their names in the hospital log book and ask in what room floor was jade in and what floor she's in, once they got the number of jade's room they went to the stairs and ran to the fourth floor where jade was after they got their they saw jade strap with an iv feeding tube that deliver nutrients to the body and their parents talking with the doctor.

"Momm! How's jade doing." They yelled as they got closer to their parents.

"Honey she's fine but as for waking up their wasn't a given time cause they still haven't figured out what the phenomenon is or what it is and apparently a wave of patient affected by the phenomenon came in just today same day as your sister, about 500 people were brought in luckily the hospital has enough space when they move a couple hundreds in the next hospital so we were able to admit her in the hospital." Their mom said as she explain that the phenomenon struck their town.

"What five hundred were affected by phenomenon? Did the doctors finaly have a clue what cause the strange phenomenon." Blake question as he wad shocked how many were in the hospital and looked at the doctor his parents were talking to.

"It is unfortunate that we hadn't discovered anything about the cause of the phenomenon, the strangest thing is there's nothing wrong with them but their bodies are getting stronger and apparently their cell are more active right now and even the older victims of it are apparently getting a bit younger and began being more active although it seems like it's benefitting us the but the bad news is the total count of people who fell into a coma is 100 million it doubled were afraid that all the humans as a whole are gonna fall into a coma and just might end humanity as we know it." The doctor said as he explains how severe the situation of the unknown phenomenon has gotten.

"Hopefuly the scientist that are working on it seems to gotten a hint on how do we know if there gonna wake up by testing how active their cells are at a certain point the body will manualy wake itself up seeing as the most active of the patients require up to 6 months but there not sure if the data on that research is valid as it lacks evidence on it son, hopefuly they are right or the patient and jade might never wake up we can only pray and hope that they might get better." Their dad said as their was a possible theory that might be true as he was a scientist got a call from his work on how they needed to research on the phenomenon as many scientist were now required to do research on the matter.

Blake and jack along with his parents fell silent in sadness as they might never see jade again and might as well fall to eternal slumber along with jade. The moment of silence was broken by blake as he punch the wall of the hospital making his parents and doctor flinch in suprise.

"THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO JUST STAND THERE AND WAIT FOR ETERNAL SLUMBER!!" Blake shouted as his fist was bloodied from how hard he punched the wall he clenched his fist feeling devastated for his sister who might never wake up and for the eternal slumber he, and his family might fall into.

"Blake i know your sad and angry but there's no reason for you to shout at us were just as worried as jade and the phenomenon. I know it feels like all hope is lost and despair is all that's left but in between despair is sliver of hope just waiting to grow into something much brighter, so blake don't just wallow in despair but be hopeful instead, so that we can find something that can wake up jade and fight the phenomenon." Laurel blake's mom said to blake as she saw how broken up blake was.

with his mothers speech it ignited the kindling of hope inside his family as instead being devastated by sadness they can hope for the best with laurel's speech, as they calm down but the effect of despair still lingers in their heart on jade being awake but the kindling of hope suppress those feelings enough for the family to hope for a way to make jade wake up, as the family left to gather neccesities for a three days so that they can see jade and hopefuly calm their minds as they watch over jade.