Hattie was born into a wealthy family. For years her family had ran a apartment buildings for as long as she could remember. She didn't know her heritage nor did she want to know. It was never any interest to her. She just quietly did as she was told. After moving into New York city into one of the oldest apartment building her family owned for college, her view begin to change.... What happens when one of her Neighbors within the apartment building feels oh so familiar to her to where she can't keep herself away. The Almond colored eyes pull her into a different world, in comparison to her blue eyes...
What happens within her college her next assignment is about her heritage. What will she find out?
Deja Vu- a feeling of having already experienced the present situation
Moments like this don't come very often,
but when it does
you have to take it...…..
Fragments of memories, lost into the unknown. Returning and feeling as if you've already been there
when you don't have a clue to where you are.....
you don't know.....
You don't understand
For some reason
It feels all so familiar
as if you know....
De Ja Vu