Rainforest Prosthetic Hospital, a hospital dedicated to everyday-use prosthesis.
This is the public image portrayed by the Rainforest Prosthetic Hospital. Specializing in everyday-use prosthesis has made it the most famous and busiest prosthetic hospital in Sector Seventeen.
Although many people in 2166 have dreamed of transforming themselves into Terminator-like beings, limited financial resources make combat prosthetics a luxury that is beyond attainable for the average citizen.
Everyday-use prosthetics, on the other hand, are different. With just a month or several months' salary, one can implant useful additions into their bodies to improve thier lives.
For example, a drying device implanted under the skin of the hand, could help you become a better human dryer.
Or a daily-use prosthetic eye capable of storing documents and video materials, eliminating the need to bothersomely remember anything by heart. You could retrieve needed materials anytime and anywhere.