Chapter 152 - Doma resolve

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

While slicing the demon to piece Tengen looked around the room trying to find the real body, the one that if he die this moon would actually died and he found nothing.

All of Tengen senses told him to jump back and so he listen to them and a tree branch that was aiming at his heart attack where he previously stood.

Zohakutan was not the one who did it as he was currently more focus on healing so it probably was the man body.

He look around before he saw it, a tiny thing the size of an ant was running away from him, Tengen rush at it the second he got the chance and was ready to cut this little shits head.

His blade arrive near the demon neck before a clean slashing sound was heard as the demon head went flying and his body crumple away.

Tengen then dropped on the floor a bit winded but he had some more left in the tank he just needed sometime to win.

Tengen vs Zohakutan (winner Tengen)

Now we continue where we left off

Tengen started to breathe heavily, he had won the fight against the upper moon that he had failed to kill 2 years, and with this kill he had fufill one of the vows he made to himself before he became a pillar.

The life of a demon slayer is not a sweet and pretty and the death rate is pretty high and so he wanted to at least kill an upper moon before he retired.

He sure that him leaving wouldn't affect the demon slayer corp battle power by much, considering Atoru there but he can't just leave now that he had killed an upper moon.

He would try to at least help anyone he could the second he fully recover because getting into a fight exhausted was not a good idea.

Even if he doesn't show it, he has been battling this demon for at least 2 or 3 hours and having the gates on for all that time is quite draining on his physical body.

His muscle was quite tense after fighting for so long but his friend was giving it their all out there, and he did not want to get outshined again as he is the god of festivity and the flashiest Hashira to ever live.

He will not accept getting outshine by anyone else and so after five minute of resting his muscle he stood up before started to run in the infinity caste and he killed any demon he came across on his way.

As soon as any demon weaker than upper moon level saw him their heads were already rolling on the floor before they even realize it as Tengen was that much faster than any of them.

Pov change Shinobu

"Insect breathing Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon"Shinobu said as she launched a strike attack with which she aims to strike and inject Doma with multiple doses of poison at his weak spot.

She pierced his neck and his heart along with his torso, her last strike struck his lungs.

She decided to be a but more brutal as she aim some poison as his spleen and liver.

The poison that she injected mixed with the poison that Doma already had in her body and because Shinobu made sure the poison she used could amplify each other effect the poison did as she expected and made Doma skin turn purple.

Doma body was try g to destroy itself as Doma himself could not believe the amount of pain he was in but he loved it.

Every single second of it, he didn't care if his life was not on the line and that he may lose it at any moment due to poison because all he was feeling now his pure happiness.

This woman in front of him at made him feel and he didn't care that she was trying to kill him, she had succeeded at making him feel something and that made him truly happy.

He wanted to kill to show her his gratitude but it seemed like his body will not be able to handle the poison for long enough before the poison kill him.

And so what if he go for the next best thing which was to give her a scar soo deep that everytime she saw it, she would think of him? (A/N I feel like he would do that)

And with those Ideas in mind, Doma pushed his coupling body to the limit and was now on the offensive trying to scar the young demon slayer.

He rushed at her and started to attack her viciously but she dodged all of his attacks before she jump away gracefully like a butterfly.

She landed softly away from him as she made no noise and looked like an actual butterfly.

Do a then noticed that his pinky finger was completely erase and so he knew he was running on borrow time and so he ran at her again with an ice sword and started to attack her.

As time went on Doma body was crumbling to the floor but his will to scar her before she die was keeping him alive for longer, Doma will was so strong and it did not budge as he truly wanted to do this.

It showed on his face that he would not accept death as long he hasn't achieved his goals.

For the first time in his life truth determination appear on Doma face as he truly wanted to do something and he was not going to back down.

His body started to deteriorate at a much slower speed giving Doma more time to achieve his goals and he would do it no matter what happen.

He had a crazy look on his face as half of his face was already purple and starting to deteriorate at speed visible to the named eye but he still looked very terrifying.

He then rush at her with a brand new fire on his eyes as he was going to wound this woman even if it's the last thing he does.

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