Chereads / Beyond nature / Chapter 65 - 23[]Silent şcreams

Chapter 65 - 23[]Silent şcreams

I hate her I loathe her, ever since I was tortured inside the dream I've despised her, she dared try to push me to submit to her!

Ever since I woke up and until now I've wanted to do something, to at least hurt her, I even stopped caring about my safety.

Usually I would've never walked into danger with my own two feet, but now is different because I don't mind dying today, just to give her some pain.

Under the dim light of the deep hidden chamber I stood disoriented by the voices I heard, I heard more than I could comprehend.

It was all like chaos, but the type of chaos that I know has meaning.

I looked up at the tall ghost, she was grinning from ear to ear, she was waiting for my answer she wanted to hear what I heard.

I spoke "The fracturəs are growing..."

And as I spoke, my hand fell down from my ears slowly.

She was a little startled with what she heard, and as my hand fell halfway pointing at her, a rifle appeared out of nowhere and immediately fired.

The legs of the corpse fell to the ground and the body turned to ash, the edges were smoking, and Avatha spoke -

"She is not dead. Just because you killed the ghost's avatar doesn't mean anything, she just lost a vessel.

And this one... she got a lot of vessels."

I looked around at the spirits who were still bound by the black wires, and as I stared around I heard footsteps!!

I looked back around at the door but... there was no one there?

But I could hear footsteps clear and close.

Turning around, I walked towards the open gate with worry and anticipation, my hand held the rifle tightly as I reloaded it with ethereal bullets.

My other hand resting on the new knife just in case.

I have another weapon which is the spirit of that grotesque bird, who seemed to be still there but somehow in the gem that was embedded in my chest.

But using the bird's power to make taloons in my fingertips somehow deactivate the gem, which means no healing.

Even with all these powers I'm sure I'm easy to kill... not that easy though.

If I could feel fear I would've been terrified, but all I could feel was every feeling that was close enough to be almost 'fear', like anxiety...

As I walked out of the stone gate I looked up, but all I saw was the faint light of the top of the stairs far away.

Then suddenly, I heard footsteps close and clear, and that's when I realized that my new ears are making them 'close and clear' they are far... then the light dimmed more, the sound of footsteps turned to the sound of someone going down the stairs, each step growing louder...

A few seconds later Voll's face was clear, I saw his face from the start but now he was close enough to make out his expression.

He looked at me from a far up the stairs and spoke -

"Odd? What are you doing here all alone?"

He smiled as he continued -

"You know it's dangerous to go this way, don't you know" His smile grew from ear to ear like a horrifying mannequin - "... you don't seem surprised! That's something...

So, what will you do? Kill him? Or run away?"

'So that's how it is... it all goes back to her question.

Do I think that those are still them... alive somehow soməwhere?

Or do I think that they're dead puppets...'

The right answer is that they are alive, I immediately shot Voll in the head and ran up the stairs with the speed of a pike.

Here the answer doesn't matter because I was cornered, not doing it is suicide.

As I ran past what remained of his corpse I could feel my heart clench and ache.

But I just reloaded the rifle with no bullets and kept running up the stairs.

I shot the ghost not Voll but who ultimately died is him... he can no longer go back to his body, but maybe his soul will get to rest... probably not the underworld doesn't seem so welcoming.

As I ran over the stairs and through the corridors I forced myself not to look at the carvings on the wall, I don't want to even think about it.

I reached the circular stairs and there !! Standing with a wide mocking grin and a massive sword, Velverd ran towards me like a lunatic.

'Can I jump ovər him?'

But before I could do he was already too close, and so... I just fired !

What remained of his legs fell on different sides and his blood tainted the corridor.

I stopped for a few seconds staring at the blood painting... I could feel my heart freezing with guilt... and burning with anger.

I forced myself to run up the stairs, and the second I set foot on the first floor I got ambushed from behind.

I used the knife to cut what was behind me, my knife sank deep in the soldier's chest.

I immediately jumped away from him, I knew he was there because I had already heard his presence.

As I looked closer I recognized his face, 'Delve!' Whose name was weird had a friendly personality... seeing blood paint his armored clothes with red death was a revolting and a disturbing scene.

I couldn't even keep my eyes on his dead body.

Then I heard something truly terrifying, many footsteps were rushing towards me with madness !!

'Can she control morə than one at a time?!'