Lilith. An average normal girl,yet about discovering the truth about her life and all that was hidden deeply away from her. Leaving her to almost living a complete lie of a life...
Living a little outside of town with her mother is Lilith who just finished the university a year ago and is planning on moving in with her best friend Riele. When at a party of their friend she experiences the most strangest thing she'd ever felt. Coming in contact with a gem and a man in the shadows.........
Lucas Quinn. A sudden man with the most perfect figures,face and style that just appears to be a kidnapper in the eye's of Lith,in order to fulfill a one month quest has to make a pure innocent soul like that of hers to fall and embrace the darkess,which turns out to be a soul like his.
"I'm more than a curse Lith....."
"No..." her glass green eyes teared up.
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