Javin smiled, when Forth handed him a large, heavy box. He brought the box to the dining table, then approached Forth again to take his bag.
"So you've met Jock," Forth said in a happy tone that he didn't hide at all.
"Yes, Phi," Javin nodded shyly. "I signed a work contract for six months."
Forth looked taken aback. "Six months? Why?"
"According to Phi Jock, this is a new company rule to make it easy for management to evaluate employee performance," Javin answered innocently.
Forth cursed Jock and Shone in his head. They must be making a joke about him always losing assistants before the sixth month.
Javin walked into the kitchen and took out two cups. "Phi Jock let me have a look around while studying the place, he said to get me used to it because it's a big house. Your old assistants lived in their own apartment because you live in an apartment, so they don't take care of things like your food and clothes."
Ford nodded. "Yeah. You don't have to either."