Chereads / David Grimes - The Walking Dead / Chapter 1 - Death Comes For All

David Grimes - The Walking Dead

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Chapter 1 - Death Comes For All

(A/N: Things have changed, but the same premise is there. Also I'm trying a different style of writing for this to see how it works out. Hopefully y'all enjoy it. I tried my best to cover any plot holes I made. And sadly I did change the wishes, I think these are better honestly, and they're more open to interpretation, kind of. Also like most first chapters, this chapter is setting the pieces up so it's borderline an info dump chapter.)

"We are under heavy fire, and we're pinned down. Where is our air support? We need it, NOW!" David yelled into his mic.


"FUCK, Jimmy got hit! He's not breathing, man. David we need to get out of here!" Pete yelled at David.

Radio clicks and a little static could be heard.

"CAS is 5 minutes out."

David threw his headset at the wall and ran over to Jimmy's lifeless body and took his body armor partly off and started chest compressions, "God damn it, come on, come back to us." David looked up to see the rest of his men looking at him, "God damn it guys, eyes on the enemies outside! Return fire!"

Pete ran behind David and started pulling him off Jimmy, "He's gone, man! We gotta get out of here now!"

Over the heavy fire, came a small noise, but everyone heard it. Their faces went 'Oh Shit'.



David had eyes on the grenade and without a second hesitation, he dove on top of the grenade.


Pete ran over to David and rolled him over on his back, and inspected the damage. David who is barely conscious, asked, "I'm fucked up, right? I can't feel anything."

Pete trying to hold back tears, "Nah, man. You're going to be fine." David had a few tears roll down his face, and he was spitting out blood.

The rest of the men thought it was all over, when the greatest sound they could ever hear started to drown out the heavy small arms fire.




Their air support arrived, and it changed the outcome of the battle, immediately.

Pete looked up towards the sound then back to David, "See man. We're good now." Pete grabbed his hand, David's eyes started shutting, "Stay awake, man. We still need you!"

David with the rest of his strength, "Retreat, Hell." Pete lost his grip on David's hand and it hit the floor with a small thud.

Pete finished, "We just got here."




A small orb could be seen wandering aimlessly around, "What happened?" David asked.

"You are dead, my child." A majestic voice said out of nowhere.

"I see..." David whispered, but then talked normally, "I take it, you're God?"


"Haha, Yes you could say that. However do not fret, my child. For death is just the beginning of a new life." The voice replied.

David has started to feel despair, but when he heard the last part, a spark of hope ignited, "I get a second chance of life?" David asked hopefully.

"Yes, child. I shall grant you life again. However sadly you cannot go back to your world, but I will allow you to pick the world and I shall grant you three wishes to aid you in this second life."

David thought to himself, 'this is like those stories I would read on 'NovelWeb' before deployments, "I'm ready to make my choices." David exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, go on!"

"For my world, I choose The Walking Dead." David said hurriedly, like the voice would say sike, but nothing came.

"For my wishes, I choose peak genetics for a human. I want to have an eidetic memory with the ability to understand anything easier. And lastly, I want Wolverine's regeneration." David said excitedly.

"Hmmm, that's cutting it close to four wishes, but I shall allow it." The voice said.

"Very well. Now before I send you off, you have a few options. First option, you become one of the characters. Second option, you can become someone new. Now with that second option, you get to choose if I make you a baby or if you want to tell me how you want it, that is also fine."

David started to rub his orb chin, "Hmm. I'm going to take the second option, and I want to be David Grimes, Rick's younger brother. But, could you make it to where I'm 18 once I'm there, leaving 5 years before the start of the apocalypse?"

"That is easily doable." The voice said.

David didn't say anything else for about a minute, "I think I got it from there." he finally said.

"Enjoy your new life. May it be peaceful or not, is up to you." The voice spoke for the last time.




'Ahh, I can feel my body again.' David thought as he pulled himself out of bed, walking to the connected bathroom he knew was there thanks to his new body's memories. He stopped in front of the mirror to see how he looked.

He saw a young man staring back with bright blue eyes with brown hair that had been cut into a simple fade. David started to stretch a little to get accommodated to his new body, and thought, 'Damn, God gave me an inch. I gotta be at least 6'5" now', then he pulled the front of his boxers out, 'Looks like he gave me a few more inches where it really counts though' he chuckled to himself.

David was interrupted out of his thoughts when he heard knocking at his door.


The door opened, "Hey David, I'm heading to work. Lori and I are going to be busy, can you pick up Carl? He's at his friend's house, I told him he would be picked up around 3."

David stepped out of the bathroom to see a young Rick in his sheriff's deputy uniform halfway in his room, "Yeah, no problem. I should be able to make that happen."

Rick raised an eyebrow and said, "You have plans already?"

David shrugged, "Sort of, I'm going down to the recruiting station this morning."

Rick stepped completely in the room now, "Are you sure about that? Just because dad was in the military doesn't mean you have to follow in his footsteps." He said sincerely as he put a hand on David's shoulder.

"It's just something I want to do." David answered honestly. Rick took his hand off his shoulder.

Rick stood there silently, "Well, if you are going to do it, I won't stop you. Just make sure you really mean it." he said finally.

David started flexing his biceps, "It would be a shame to not put all this to work for the United States of America." he said boastfully.

Rick smiled and chuckled, "Yeah, yeah whatever. See you tonight, little brother." Rick turned around back to the door.

"Be safe."

"You too." Rick said as he shut the door.




David was standing in front of the Marine's recruitment building, 'I guess I'll become a Marine again. I need to make connections again.' he thought to himself as he stepped inside.

He stepped outside about an hour later, 'I'll be shipping out in a month for boot camp.' David thought to himself as he was getting back into his truck.




David and Carl made it home. As they were walking inside, "Carl, your parents should be home at their normal time. I'm going to lay down for a bit."





One month passed quickly, and David was on his way to boot camp. The thirteen weeks there passed quickly, but he found a few men that he thought would be good to recruit for his group in the future so they kept in touch since they were going to different mos. After a few months he took leave and brought a farm on the outskirts of Senoia, Ga. And, 'accidentally' ran into a very attractive farm girl in Senoia.

David ended up doing his four years and got out, and over the years he had started building up his resources and beefing up the farm. He managed to find 40 more men throughout the years that were like-minded and most of them had the same access to classified intel as David did and knew something was coming, so when David told them about his farm they jumped on the idea of moving down to Senoia with their families soon. That put the total of 44 men, him included, that were combat ready. Which in the grand scheme of things are low, but David wanted only the best of the best while he could choose, leaving to fill out the rest of the 'roster' at a later date.

Not all of the men had any family, but the total amount that would be coming along is 95 so 139 including everyone. The farm at the moment is not capable of housing that many so with the remaining year it was time for David to focus on the farm.




David arrived at his farm, and decided to walk around to see what still needs to be done. He noted the second 'motel' as he called it, was almost completed, the motel was just a very long building (200ft x 50ft) that would be housing the families for now. He would have liked to have everyone in their own home, but it would have cost too much compared to these buildings.

He walked behind the motel to see his 3 shops, where they would be storing different items, they were 30ft by 50ft identical buildings with a 12ft door and a walk in door. The solar power would be installed by the end of the month so power was covered.

David walked up to a well by the shop and thought, 'At least we will have water, and if these run dry we have a small river behind us.'

Then he walked to the outskirt part where the wall was being worked on, and muttered "The wall is only like three-fourths done, but it should be done in time."

David decided to let the workers do their job and he walked away, he needed to stockpile more goods. Of course the farm already had a decent stockpile of supplies, but with a year left it was time to make it into a mountain while everything is easy to get. Thankfully with everyone pitching in money for this community, David was able to buy truckloads of canned food, over the counter meds, and he was able to get hands on a wide variety of weapons. Which included knives, spears, swords, axes, bows and arrows, and of course firearms and bullets.

The last year went by quickly, but with a few months before the end, the walls were complete and everyone had moved in and quickly adjusted to life here. Everyone here for the most part had an inkling of truth, something was going to happen since the intel got leaked to them, but they weren't completely prepared.




David was making his rounds on the farm when his phone rang, "Hello?"

"David, this is Lori. I've called to let you know Rick was shot today. He's fine now, but he's in a coma." Lori said, choking out the last part.

"I'm on my way. Love you, see you soon." David let Lori say goodbye then hung up, 'Time for the shit to hit the fan.' he thought as he made his way to his car. Once inside the car he started pressing buttons on his phone then put it to his ear, "Hey, Mike. I gotta go to King County for a few days, figured I'd give you a heads up.... Just keep everything running like we've been, it'll be fine.... I gotta go, bye."




The final days were approaching, and not many people were prepared. The first few days would be nothing but bloodshed. But, David made sure his group would be more than just prepared, he turned the younger family members into soldiers since nothing would be given for free. Of course they weren't spec ops worthy, yet. But, they would get there in time. That put the total of his soldiers at 86. He set up 5 teams for his original 40 men, which he simply named Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo. They were his elites, and the rest formed their own squads of 4 to do different duties, rather it was gate duty, patrol, or water collection from the river. The two that weren't in a squad were unpolished gems, so they were sent with different teams to shadow them basically.

The other 3 men, the ones David met in boot camp were Jeremy, Mike, and Xander they were his next in commands, and they oversaw different parts of the operation to take the burden off him.




David had everybody on base waiting for a meeting that was being held in front of the motels, as he was walking to the microphone the crowd chatter stopped, "What I'm about to say isn't easy to say or hear, but the world as we knew it has ended. We are on our own now, but we've been preparing for this."

Somebody from the crowd yelled, "What happened?"

"The dead are coming back to life and wrecking havoc among the living. The military has been pushed out, and resorted to carpet bombing infected areas. Which is still not enough. The dead will quickly out-number us. There is no government anymore, we truly only have each other now. Law and order is now what we make it." David replied.

Mike stepped up to the microphone, "Active personale report to the briefing room." Mike looked at the remaining people, "I'll answer any questions y'all might have now."

David walked away to the briefing room, and briefed his men. David and Jeremy set up the patrol routes for his squads, while the 5 elite teams are tasked with general security till things settle down a little.




1 Month In.


Once the 5 team leaders were present, David walked to the front of the room, "We are going on our first official mission, Xander please report."

Xander took David's spot at the front, "The radio team has picked up chatter about survivors trapped in a mall. They apparently were trying to radio their main group. The main group tried to respond, and we were able to narrow down their location as well. They're at that old quarry not too far from Atlanta." Xander looked at the Echo team leader, "Echo team will report to Jeremy for security detail, while the rest of us will be approaching the survivor camp. David and I will make contact with Alpha team at the front." He pointed at the board on the wall that had a map of the area, "Bravo team make your entrance here." He moved his hand over a little, "Charlie team here." Then moved his hand a little more, "Delta team here." Xander picked up a red marker and drew lines leading to the open area, "You guys will converge on this spot where we believe they have set up their camp." Xander looked around the room waiting for questions.

Charlie team leader spoke first, "Rules of engagement?"

"Don't shoot first, we believe they are friendly. Be wary on your approach, they may have people in the woods." David replied.

Xander looked at David then to the rest of the people, "Dismissed, let's get geared up."

(A/N: Fair warning some stuff will be AU, not to ruin the next chapter but the affair won't happen, you'll see how soon. And obviously the Atlanta survivor group will stay intact, for now.)