Jake's pov
· I can't believe what am seeing, does such things really exist in real life?. I couldn't get myself to run. I Was completely frozen, frozen in horror.
Suddenly jenny touches my shoulder. she asked me what's wrong but I couldn't make words so I pointed instead. Jenny screamed as she saw the wolf like looking beast, something we thought only appeared in comics and movies. But here they were staring at us, standing there like they were waiting for something or someone. By now everyone was aware of the threat. (Awooo) the alpha werewolf howl. And with that all of the werewolf attacked. I guess that's what they were waiting for .And with that, the Party became a race for survival.
As we ran, I could see my class mate being smashed, eaten and torn apart. Blood everywhere, Jenny was right behind me, most of my class mate had been already been attacked. my mind was going crazy with fear and panic. i was crying as I ran, I wondered if Luke was dead, I looked back I could see that the wolf had Jenney in it's hands, I could hear her screams . I wanted to help but I decided to keep running I didn't want to die too. but as I turned to run I hit something solid.
"oh my god!!!"... I screamed as I was face to face it such a horrifying beast .The beast threw out it's claw aiming for my head I closed my eyes, ready for death but it never came ,All I heard was a whoosh, and when I opened my eye it's body was on the floor headless. I was confused was this a dream?. I look around and could see the beast who Had jenny had met a similar fate, looking beyond I could see there were still more like that, Then I saw it, A beast with similar features only smaller and it had yellow eyes unlike the others. it was still fighting, only it had greater speed and strength, it was just abnormal, and why was it fighting against it's kind. Looking around I could see numerous dead bodies of my school and class mate and at that point I realized that my mind was weaker than I thought, cause I was losing consciousness but in the distance I could here the police siren before I passed out
* Two days later *
I woke up in a hospital days after the incident, I could see Luke at the side of the bed
He had this sad smile , it looked like he had been crying.
Hey buddy, how are you feeling, Jake am really glad to see you alive
( Luke says with tears in this eyes)
(Jake tried to force a smile) I can't still believe it, its feels so unreal. I can't even believe am still alive, dude I saw people die, people I played with, people I partied with ,ate and drank with, people I.….( Jake begins to sob )
Hey dude don't cry. Luke puts his hand around him giving him a tight hug ( they both sob for a little while longer)
( Luke finally lets go) Am just really glad you are OK.
what's happening to me. Luke thought As he remembered what happened that night.