Chereads / Naruto: Tales of Ashihara / Chapter 71 - Worldwide Chunin Exam

Chapter 71 - Worldwide Chunin Exam

Naruto: Tales of Ashihara

Kakumei – Arc 3: Naruto Next Generation


Chapter 71 – Worldwide Chunin exam


It has been a few months since Team 1 and Team Konohamaru's unexpected S-rank mission that was prematurely ended by the Hokage's involvement. Naruto's students went back to their regular daily lives and training. Izuna Uchiha is currently training with Lady Tsunade in her backyard.

He is simply exercising his physical strength more to rely less on his Ninjutsu, like his mother once did to make sure she'd save enough chakra. The 5th Hokage quietly spectates as she sits on a rock on the border of a small water stream.

She thinks of what she told and gave to Sakura last time she was in the hospital. Judging from how it's going, Izuna should be done with the seal in at least a year and half, she thinks. However, it will likely take longer than that, since Izuna will obviously go through action in his next years as a ninja.

The young Uchiha, after one more punch to completely shatter a rock boulder that Tsunade created with Doton, turns around to look at his master. He doesn't say anything, and waits for her to speak instead, feeling like she has something to say about his performance.

"You're doing great." she tells him. "You're even stronger than your mother when she was a year older than you."

"Good to know…" answers Izuna. "I've finished making up a new jutsu with Hokage-sensei last week. I'm sure I could blow up your house with this. Wanna see it?"

"I don't really want to lose my home…" she says with a mocking voice.

"Uh? Of course! I won't aim at your house, and won't go all out on it. It's just to show you."

"I'd love to see it, but I believe you have an important meeting with Lord 7th in a few minutes. Shouldn't you be going soon?"

"… You're right. Thanks for the reminder."

The young Uchiha goes to grab his red jacket that he left on the ground next to Tsunade. He then helps her stand up and gets her a cane that she laid against a tree behind her earlier. Once she stands ready to go back inside, the young man hurries to leave.

"Izuna!" calls the former Hokage, before he exits the yard.

He stops and turns around, waiting to know what she has to say. Tsunade just stares at him for a moment, wondering about how much he has changed since he was an 8-year old noisy boy, and about how much he'll still grow until adulthood. Sadly, she doesn't think she'll be around when this comes. She isn't even sure to make it to the day Izuna finally unlocks his Byakugo seal.

Out of her mind, she sees him still waiting for her to speak. Not sure what she wanted, and a bit confused, she just says "Keep going. You're on the right path". Izuna smiles, nods and runs away.


On the training ground, Naruto Uzumaki is sitting with his legs crossed on a tree branch, waiting for his students. In the meantime, he's discussing what's on his mind with Kurama. At the moment, what busies him is the promise that Sasuke made to him almost 4 months ago. He got no news of him since then, and can't know if he was true to his words or not.

"What do you think it is, that he has to tell?" asks Kurama to his jinchuriki.

"I don't know…" answers the Hokage. "I just hope it's not about some terminal illness or something…"

"An illness? Really?" the fox exclaims, intrigued by this theory.

"Think of it… His behavior, the way he speaks about that secret, the fact that it concerns Sakura and his family…"

"Not sure… How would a sickness keep him busy, out for personal business, for 4 years straight? He was clearly looking for answers."

"What if it is an illness? Remember around the time I fought Sojobo 4 or 5 years ago? When this epidemic that got Granny Tsunade crazy sick started. Sakura, back then, told me this sickness acted more like poison and really came outta nowhere. It seemed like an alien attack."

"Or a divine intervention." completes Kurama. "You think Sasuke caught the same type of thing?"

"What if this illness was actually secretly brought to us by the Otsutsuki clan, and while this happened in Konoha, Sasuke was personally exposed to something similar? It could have been an attempt to get rid of us both by someone, an enemy…"

"Nah, your reasoning makes sense, but that's just not it. Even if the epidemic of Konoha was god-made, its goal was clearly not to kill you. It wasn't even strong enough for you to need serious assistance. Our chakra was enough to stop it. And even if Sasuke had something similar but more serious, he wouldn't go around for 4 complete years without dying if the purpose was his death."

"What do you think his secret is then?" Naruto asks, out of theories.

"My guess is… A prophecy." Kurama suggests. "If I remember correctly, after we defeated Momoshiki, Sasuke went alone to finish him off. He probably spoke with that bastard one last time before getting done with him, and that's when he must have revealed something to him."

"Just a prophecy? Come on, Sojobo showed me plenty of visions last time, yet I didn't disappear for years."

"Yes, but you did speak about it and prepare to face these eventualities. You have the council and upper minds of the village to help you with such a thing. Sasuke isn't the Hokage. His way of opposing possible futures is by going alone, like he always did."

Naruto doesn't answer for a moment, flattered that Kurama seems to understand his best friend better than he does himself. After all, that's not all surprising, considering everything these two have in common.

"You think that he at least really told Sakura about it, like he said he would?" asks Naruto.

"I don't know, but if he did and she hasn't come to tell you since then, It's reassuring. It means it's nothing that requires your attention. Or at least not for now."

"I guess so… So maybe it's really just about his family." Naruto concludes. "In this case, I just hope it won't affect Izuna or Sarada in any bad way."

Naruto and Kurama's discussion has to come to an end and go on later, as Boruto, Izuna and Inoue all arrive on the training ground at the same time. Seeing them come, the Hokage stands up, gets off the tree and greets them. Once they're all ready to listen, he tells them about the reason he asked for a meeting.

"Chunin Exam?" asks Inoue, repeating what her sensei just said.

"Not just any Chunin Exam." Naruto corrects her. "The first ever Worldwide Chunin exam event of the Shinobi Union."

"Oh boy! So we're finally grading up!" exclaims Boruto, happy to learn about it.

"What does worldwide mean, exactly?" asks Inoue again.

"Generally, nations like to work together to organize this kind of event. This time, we got all 5 nations and other guests to participate. For us, the goal is also to introduce new countries to the union. We got others to sign in, including Ame, and are waiting for one more answer."

"Does it mean we'll have to travel to other lands to participate?" asks Izuna.

"Of course. Each of the three steps of the exam will take place in a different country. But we'll stay on this continent."

"Do you know of any other participant?" asks Boruto, wanting to know who could be his rival during this event.

"No, we're just now asking for registrations. You'll see when you get there. For now, I just need to know if you want to participate."

"We don't have to? I mean it's not mandatory?" wonders Inoue.

"Of course not. There are genins who just don't feel ready for this, or teachers who don't want to register their teams, since it's far from being an easy trip. There's also people who just gave up on it after failing many times."

"Is it really that hard?" asks Izuna.

"Well, don't expect it to obviously be your last chunin exam. When I had my first try at it, only one among all my friends from the village passed."

"Really? How much of these exams did it take for you to graduate then?"

"Oh I didn't graduate this way. While all my friends passed the exam again, I was out training with my master. Then the war happened, and whatever… I never took another exam. I ended up being promoted directly to Jonin around the time of my wedding."

The three genins say no more words and just look at each other, unsure of what kind of adventure they're getting into. Naruto, to reassure them, but also make things clear, clarifies a few things.

"I get that it can be frightening. Especially this year where you'll meet plenty of ninjas from other countries that you've never seen before, including many people that are far more experienced than you. So you don't have to accept. You can wait for next year if you don't feel ready for this."

"Pfff! Don't kid with me!" yells Boruto, full of confidence. "I got the best grades at the academy, even better than Grandpa 4th's. How many exams did it take for him?"

"First was enough, I think." answers Naruto with a smile, showing pride in his son's positive stubbornness.

"Well, Same for me. This one will be my first, and last!" enthusiastically says Boruto. "Count me in!"

Naruto looks at Izuna and Inoue, who don't seem as confident as their teammate. They just stare at Boruto, like they don't like what he's getting them into.

"What about you two?" asks the Hokage, to force an answer out of them.

Izuna and Inoue get startled and look at their sensei. They then gaze at each other for a long moment of silence. Deep into each other's eyes, they both find a kind of soothing feeling, that somehow washes their self doubt away. Pumped up, Inoue speaks first at Izuna's surprise.

"Like you said, even if we fail, we'll still be able to try again next year." she says. "So it's either we win, or we get experience for our next try. There's no bad outcome, is there?"

"That's the right way to see it!" says Naruto. "And you Izuna?"

Izuna sees everyone now looking at him waiting for his answer.

"What if I say no?"

"Boruto and Inoue will find another third member for their team. It's no problem." immediately answers his sensei.

Seeing the look in Inoue's eyes as a reaction to his question, looking like she feels let down, Izuna panics and shakes his hand while trying to explain.

"I'm not saying I don't want to, I was just curious to know how it would go since you two said okay already!"

"So tell us! What is it? 'Yes' or 'I'm an insecure idiot'?" questions Boruto.

"Yes! It's Yes! Of course!" answers Izuna, trying to ignore Boruto's attempt to provoke him.

Inoue smiles and turns around to look at the Hokage again. Glad that he got the answer that he wanted, Naruto adds some more details.

"Alright! First step will take place in Suna in just a month. It will be a written exam. You should study and recall everything you've learned from your missions. Be careful, an exam with that many participants will make the proctors want to regulate the amount of candidates who pass even more, so it could be harder than usual. But I trust you with this! You've always been extra. There's no reason for you to not get through this too."

The three young ninjas agree and nod, ready to go for some contextual training together.


In other countries the same explanation is being given and the same question is being asked to other teams of genin by their sensei. In the land of Wind, In Sunagakure, Kankuro tells about it to Shinki, the Kazekage's adoptive son, and his 2 teammates. Esteemed as a leader by his colleagues, he answers alone in their name.

"We have no reason to refuse. Will the daughter of the Raikage and the son of the Hokage also be there?"

"It is likely." answers Kankuro to his nephew. "All the favorites of your generation, from every country, should be there."

"Let's go then! It's the best time to show the world who we are." says a blond long haired girl with a lock of hair passing over her face between her eyes, sitting next to Shinki.

"I agree." adds the last member of the team, a brown short haired boy with a calm looking face.

"Fine. Sabaku no Shinki, Mira Fuhatsu, Shakiro Araya, I'll register your three names as a participating team for this exam." Kankuro declares before going on with the rules of the first part.


In Kumo at the same time, Omoi asks the same to Aoki's team, for whom it will be the second attempt at a Chunin exam.

"So, what do you say?" he ends his speech with.

"Yes!" Aoki exclaims together with Yukai, the amnesic kid who was brought to this village years ago after Momoshiki's attack on a suspicious convoy.

Ru, the third member of the team, stays silent, not as confident as his friends. He still feels bad for his last attempt at this exam being easily crashed by Takeshi Minamoto. Yukai looks aside to see his quiet teammate and expects an answer from him.

"What's up?" he asks. "Is something wrong? You don't feel ready for another try?"

"No, it's fine. I'll say yes, like you two." simply responds Ru, keeping his thoughts for himself.

Omoi stays quiet and shrugs his shoulders. He's not surprised. Ru has always been a quiet kid hiding his emotions and thoughts from the rest of the team and usually not speaking out. However, he prefers the 3 way team to stay a three way, and elects to ignore Ru's doubts.

"You already went through this, nothing new, ain't it?" he says. "Only difference is it doesn't take place in this country this time. It has way more participants and all."

"Oh boy! I'll finally see other countries!" exclaims Yukai, who never ever left his land, hidden from the outside by the Raikage who still doesn't know where he is from.

"About that, Omoi-sensei, I get that a union-wide event is good, but is inviting other nations to something that usually served to replace wars a good idea?" asks Aoki, trying to see the political relevance of this exam.

"Sure it's a risk." says Omoi, not willing to think about it, considering it's not his job, but still making up an opinion. "Something similar happened 20 years ago in Konoha. Any of the guest nations could send spies and fake participants to collect data about us during the first two steps and strike in the last step with a surprise attack. One of the fake participants would reveal himself to be a suicide bomber who would blow up and kill everyone in the audience, including the kage council and the participants. This would result in a complete downfall of the union and a great rise up of the terrorist nation. It sure would be the union's worst and last mistake."

Aoki and Ru make bored faces, having quickly recognized another of their sensei's chaotic scenarios. Yukai, however, like each time Omoi goes on with such rants, makes a flabbergasted face while listening very carefully.

"Sensei, the leaders of each participating country have to attend the final step." says Aoki, to prove her sensei wrong and reassure Yukai, like she usually has to do. "Blowing up the arena would mean killing their own leader."

"But sis, it means that if we don't see the leader of a nation at the final tournament, Sensei's theory becomes very likely." says Yukai.

"Yeah, whatever you say." answers the girl, tired of trying.

"At least now, we'll see it coming." adds Yukai.

"You never see anything coming, bro." answers Aoki.


In the same village, Minaa Nii, who's been named leader of her clan recently, is with her team of genin and tells them about the same opportunity. In presence of young ninjas, she forces herself to put on the minimal required uniform. Just a classic Kumo-nin flak jacket over her chest, and a black skirt. She calls her students one by one to know their answers.

"Wanna get in, Tarui?" she first calls.

"Yes." simply answers a very long haired girl with brown skin, black eyes, and her hair hiding half of her face. She wears a genin version of Kumo's uniform, and a beanie instead of a headband.

"And you, Toroi?"

"I don't really trust myself to win this, but if everyone participates, I'll follow." says a white skinned fat boy, wearing a beanie and a pair of round glasses.

"Great, and finally, Yurui?"

"What?" says a blond haired white kid, with the same blue marks as Killer B under his left eye and a lazy looking face. "I mean yes, I guess."

"Great! Fine! Good! Excellent!" exclaims Minaa saying every positive word she can think of while a black cat that she's brought there with her jumps off the ground at each new word. "First step is in Suna. It's a written test. Back when I was your age, I passed this step only thanks to my team's help. So you should look for someone else's help to prepare."

The three students, already used to their sensei's special personality and behavior, just nod in agreement.


In Kirigakure, Kokoro, the sensei of Takeshi's team, is with Mizuno, the sensei of Teru Uchiha's team. Together they reunited their students to jointly give the same explanation. Since Takeshi was already promoted to Chunin, and even to Jonin, it is only Kaori and Yukiko, the biological children of respectively Bakuton no Gari and Shakuton no Pakura, who are there from this team. The young Minamoto isn't even in the village currently, busied by his role as a hunter-nin. Mizuno's team is a bit younger and is made of Teru Uchiha, Mio (her daughter), and Mariko Uchida.

"Kaori, Yukiko, you'll easily find a replacement for Takeshi among the other people who failed last time." Kokoro reassures her students after Mizuno's speech. "How about you kids?" she adds, asking Mizuno's team.

"They're all up for it, aren't you?" answers Mizuno for them.

Teru nods. Mio, who looks just like a younger version of her mother but with blue eyes rather than brown, agrees as well. And Mariko, a long haired blond girl with green eyes, a very thin looking body, and an inexpressive face, nods too.

"I won't fail twice!" says Kaori, determined. "Not gonna let Takeshi ahead any longer!"

"But it's an international exam." Yukiko comments, more pessimistic than her friend. "It will certainly be harder than our last try."

"Yeah…" adds Teru. "Boruto, Metal and Izuna from Konoha could be there too. I just hope I don't meet them."

"Are they particularly strong?" asks Mariko, with a usual bored tone. "I know Boruto Hyuga is the son of the God of Shinobi, but who are these Metal and Izuna?"

"Friends." Teru answers. "Izuna is another member of the Uchiha clan. He's older than me, so I don't know what I'd do against him."

"Age isn't everything!" exclaims Mio, to reassure her friend. "You have a fully grown Sharingan and you're amazing with it. I'm sure you'd beat him!"

"Thanks but Izuna was already super strong when we were kids. I don't know if he has Sharingan, but if he does, he'd beat me for sure."

"Relax, you won't necessarily have to face any of them." explains Mizuno. "Make your way through it smartly and efficiently and you'll see."

"That is if none of Takeshi's friends are like him." Kaori remarks about her teammate's solo behavior. "One of them could go running through the field at the second step and beat everyone just to prove himself."

"This won't happen!" Kokoro confidently replies, reassuring all the others. "First, because no Genin is nearly as fast and strong as Takeshi. And second, because you'll see the second part of the exam was designed specifically to avoid the same scenario as last time."


In Konoha, Anko tells the same to her genin team, including Rebekka Tabiki, Namonaki and Metal Lee. Udon also summoned his team, Misora Shojo, Megane Fuma and Shiba Inuzuka. All the genins accepted to take part in this exam, either out of naive positivity like Misora, because they're eager to get promoted like Rebekka, or because they like the challenge like Metal. Others, Namonaki, Shiba and Megane, accepted just to follow their teammates.

In Iwagakure, Akatsuchi, the Tsuchikage's assistant, is explaining it to his squad made of Abachi and Genki Shintaro, a duo of twins specialized in elemental Ninjutsu, and Kaza Kamizuru, the prodigy of her generation in this country. They accepted as well.


In Amegakure, Buto Isshin, the young ruler, former leader of the rebel group that took the land over with Naruto's help, required the presence of many of his young ninjas and recruits. He gives a small speech to explain the point of this excursion.

"I have accepted the invitation of the Hokage to participate in a chunin exam. The Shinobi Union sees it as a way to strengthen our relationship. I see it as a way to select the best among you, and learn about the ways of the great nations. Form three way squads, register for participation, and stay discreet there. First step is a written exam. You were all more trained and formed for practice work, so this should be the hardest for you. Those who pass will already have my respect. Those who'll go even further will see themselves stand by my side as trusted ninjas, like your senpai, Tsuyoi Anshin, who is here behind me."

He turns around and looks at a young woman, who looks just 18, standing straight on the same pedestal as him, as his bodyguard. All the ninjas salute her and their leader, and leave, all using the Shunshin jutsu to go unseen together. These were a total of 57 ninjas of Ame and among them, a few 5 or 6 standing out, in terms of skills and capacities.



In Hikarigakure, in the castle where the leaders live, in the throne room, Oshio Uchiha is resting on his seat. He wonders about the future while holding a paper in his hand. This paper is a letter from the Kazekage. An invitation by the Shinobi Union to join a worldwide Chunin exam.

The Shinobi Union doesn't know who took the lead of the country after Gozen Tomoe's passing and Momoshiki Otsutsuki's defeat, but they hope to create good relations with whoever it is. Kakumei, the group who's secretly leading this continent, has no intention of being friends with the 5 great nations since they'll inevitably find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict very soon. However, this invitation is a great occasion for Oshio.

While he's deep in his thoughts, Kawaki, his right hand, and the one he made responsible for leading all the ninja forces of his village, walks in.

"You asked for me?" he says, pointing at a tattoo of a mitsudomoe symbol on his right arm, next to his shoulder.

"Yes, I did." simply says the young sovereign. "I think what Meinu was waiting for is there."

"What is it?" asks Kawaki.

"The right moment."

Just as he says this, Killin' Kiss walks in with Minoka (the former lab assistant of Suto) and the Yamanaka twins (Akiko and Fuyuko). Following her comes a young white haired man with red eyes that Oshio has never seen before.

"He's Mikitaka, a work friend of mine." Meinu says to present the newcomer when she notices the ruler's interrogative expression. "I got him in for our cause. He's one of many, but he's there because he wants to discuss his tasks."

"Let's say I have a first task for him then." answers Oshio, immediately thinking of a task he needs someone to accomplish.

"Which is?" asks Mikitaka.

"How about kneeling and respectfully asking?" yells Akiko at him, unhappy about this stranger's behavior toward Oshio. "Compared to you, this man is a god. You're not allowed to express yourself so carelessly in front of him without his agreement."

Mikitaka turns around and looks at Akiko with disgust. He notices her oddly masculine figure.

"Don't remember asking you anything, tranny." he answers provocatively.

"Want a piece of me, Dollar Store Kaneki?" yells Akiko, coming closer to face him.

"Enough. Akiko, it's fine, I really don't care about presentation." Oshio intervenes. "However, you, Mikitaka, I require that you treat my friends with respect."

"Understood, sir!" says the mercenary, now respectfully.

"So what were you talking about? And what's the job you mentioned?" asks Meinu, to get back to the main topic.

Oshio raises the letter in his hand and shows the signature of Sabaku no Gaara on it.

"The opportunity we've been waiting for is here. It appears that the great nations are calling for us to present ourselves on their own." he says. "This is an invitation to a graduation exam for young ninjas."

"But we don't use this same system at all…" Kawaki remarks, as he's the one in charge of controlling this country's workforce.

"We'll pretend to, just to get a chance to participate." Oshio replies. "Kawaki, I need you to prepare our troops to take part in this exam. Most importantly, I need you to sign in for participation yourself. You'll collect intel about the best participants and the countries you'll visit. It will get you a few trips by the way… And since you're here, Mikitaka, you'll be the second member of Kawaki's team and will serve as his bodyguard."

"In a chunin exam, full of prepubescent brats?" says Mikitaka. "That's my job?"

"She told you to be respectful, asshole!" says Fuyuko, before his twin sister intervenes again.

"Not only kids." rapidly answers Oshio, to interrupt before another argument starts. "The children of the current Kage could be participating in this. And the Kage themselves should be spectating."

"So the New God of Shinobi will be there at some point…" says Kawaki quietly to his own self, squinting his eyes and reminding himself of his naive childhood daydreams.

"Among and along them are people who could become major allies or enemies by the future." adds Oshio.

"More likely enemies, not gonna lie." Meinu completes Oshio's speech to make sure everyone is aligned with her way of thinking.

"… And who should I choose as a third team member?" asks Kawaki, after a short silence, following Meinu's remark.

"Anyone from your disciples. Someone not too young. Someone around your age." Oshio suggests.

"So not Minako I guess…" Kawaki thinks aloud, about one of his own subordinates that he has a particular affection for.

"Excuse me, but gathering intel is not getting into action. At least, it's not what I meant." says Meinu, a bit disappointed by this underwhelming news.

"I'm just getting there." explains the Uchiha. "This worldwide event will keep a significant part of the nations busy. During the last step of the exam, the presence of all 5 Kages is required. This should keep them busy. Even though I don't feel ready to do so, I know that you, Meinu, will not miss this chance. So we'll use this exam as a distraction. Meinu and Akiko, since you've been asking for it for so long, you'll be going to take down our first targets."

"This will certainly not go unseen." comments Fuyuko worriedly.

"Certainly not. Once this is done, there won't be no turning back." specifies Oshio. "You have the time of the first two parts to prepare. You will take action during the exam's last part."

"This is way more than enough!" confidently says Meinu. "Akiko, don't bother coming. I'll do it by myself."

"Is that so?" answers Akiko. "Listen, Sissie, when it comes to an assassination mission, there's no one better than me. To kill is literally the only purpose of Akashita's power. So you're the one who should stay in bed."

"Whatever tengu power you can use, it can't compare to my years of experience." answers Killin' Kiss, a bit unsettled by Akiko's vocabulary and attitude that massively changed these last years. "You may have been gifted the ability to kill, but I was born this way. My only purpose is to take people's lives until I get to see my dream world. Trust me sweetie, I'll have it done with no one noticing, unlike you."

"Born this way, huh? Sure, Lady Gaga. I'd like to see you at it." Akiko mocks.

"Akiko, you should let her do it. I know she's right." Kawaki expresses his thoughts, knowing of Killin' Kiss' reputation.

"Still, you'll follow her and make sure it doesn't go wrong for her." adds the leader, sitting on his throne. "So Kawaki, prepare your teams. Mikitaka, get ready and stop complaining. Meinu and Akiko, plan your attack. And Fuyuko, stay by my side. I still need a helping hand in the village."

"What about me?" says Minoka, the former lab assistant, who stayed quiet until now.

"Back to your lab. I have nothing for you at the moment. But it will come, abundantly." simply answers Oshio, who had almost forgotten about her, before letting everyone go and staying alone in his room, thinking of what he'll soon have to draw the world into.


End of Chapter 71 – Next Chapter: The written exam

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