Chereads / THE NEEDLE / Chapter 30 - CHAPTER 29 - THE CAPTURE

Chapter 30 - CHAPTER 29 - THE CAPTURE

Chapter 29

The Capture

(The picture was culled from Social Media. They are from Negros Oriental . Retrieved 07-13-2022. The group must have consolidated their number showing their strength for possible hostility.)

New Peoples' Army or NPA is an armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Their Maoist rebellion and war against the government have been waged since 1969. Records would show that membership incurred losses and numbers deflated in many encounters against government military troopers. There were as many as 26,000 of their rank in1980's. Statistics would soon go down to measly 4,000 fighters in 2011 according to GMA News.

War of the Flea, Protracted War, Filipino Hostility. now dawned to him loud and clear as a sunny day. That confirms that there's no way the military can engage in fighting head-on collision against the peoples' military arms, especially right there in their camp. Precisely their men were called Sparrow Unit implying the nature of the birds feasting on anything eating grains in any space – pavement, road, basketball court, and all that -and flying high beyond reach when you attempt to catch them. Swiftness exhibited carried them on their operation disappearing and flying away that fast leaving no trace is what rebels are noted for. That's why they thrived today as the longest protracted battle in the world because of the way they just lost sight when the military hotly pursued them in their territory. Try attempting to do it if you would not be groping in the dark lost and dead from landmines planted all over. That if you could not become an easy target of their Snipers on trees along the road.

First things first. Their weapons, sidearm, and rug pack were confiscated. Second, they were stripped of their shoes and seven colors uniforms. Suited with pajamas, and a yellow shirt with a huge "POW" acronym for 'Prisoner of War', letters printed behind. They soon formed into columns moving towards where Major de la Rosa was seated in a plastic chair bandage on his head spotted with dried blood. Herded with his men like any sacrificial lamb eyes blindfolded, feet tied and hands hogtied at the back was like dragging each other towards the slaughterhouse. It's the usual feeling their faces signify as captured enemies. Today they will face the concomitant punishments people through the three elders acting as Judges inside the makeshift People's Court.

"Good morning 'and thanks for the necessary lift. Feeling fine now," he mumbled looking at the face of the young man – serene, mature, medium built, and seemed to have aged faster than his personality.

"Feeling fine now I supposed," the rebel retorted.

In the background were rebels of different ages. Their clothing was tattered, shredded and worn out and certified a ragtag bunch of rebels. Men have long hair and mostly have unshaven beards. In their shoulder hang long-barrel firearms cock-ready. Some were amazons mostly young 25 years old and above.

"This must be it and I hope and pray no coup 'd grace recalling anecdotes of some notorious rebels maiming captured soldiers!" the captive Major exclaimed in acceptance realizing the result of his miscalculation of the capability of the rebels. But what surprises him most wondering what happened in the world and why was his dear life was deliberately spared by them. Most of his men were unfortunate, almost all gone now few others remaining the rest recuperating from erratic bullet wounds.

"Might be taken as a hostage for possible swapping of their comrades in prison," his thoughts wandered.

"Not sure but possibly using his being POW as bargaining chips. Rebels have been there," he thought.

"The people are the best resource. Right Major?" the Interrogation started.

What a big surprise of his life undeniably caught on the receiving end now! Big fish caught big-time by the mere youngster. Surviving troops collectively looked at them observing the scene caged in big prison closed by timber and bamboo witnessing alongside rebels across the adjacent area.

"Congratulation Sir! Why not? For having survived the ordeal. It seems a feast is in order here celebrating your extraordinary feat reaching this far," the young man further said surveying his valiant and gallant captured guest.

"Isn't it Maj. de la Cruz Sir?" he said addressing Taklin looking straight into his eyes before slouching waiting for a corresponding response.

None. How could he say a word or two when the presence of these innocent young armed combatants so overwhelmed him for the first time with fear and trembling to recall known incidents when military men and officials overran by them were tortured? Some young even combatants would take their turn later giving coup'd grace the captors doing unimaginable barbarity they could think on the captors. Familiar displays of treachery among Muslim terrorists like cutting off fingers, hands, and heads, chopping them off behind while handcuffed, and gorging their eyes out from their sockets Major de la Rosa felt is unbearable. All right, Geneva Convention was protecting the rights of enemies but who cares when truth normally becomes the first casualty in war?

Deafening silence prevailed. How could he afford to return the compliment addressing "Sir" the kid far much younger than him half maybe his age? It is simply a disgrace to his solemn profession in the military. But he has no choice this time but to respect him never mind not appreciating their other rules of engagement. Having thought this, he was resolved to hold on to the institution he represents face to face experiencing now relating death is indeed a bridesmaid of any soldier.

Thus, the mantra "No Sir vowing to you in surrender" was shelved for the meantime with reservation but earning his respect is not yet an option. Subdued response mustering enough courage to cooperate realizing how dear and sacred those words of respect were before.

But not this time. It's the other way around. Its importance is more felt now offsetting what he meant back then mechanically addressing his senior officers in the military.

"My oh my, young teens already involved in the armed struggle! How could this be possible?" the question coming into his mind seeing many other young rebels keeping guard on them from the distance.

"What if one or two of these young men were featured among those who gorged out eyeballs from the sockets of those hapless soldiers captured leaving them dead before they were given coup'd grace . . . " the thought creeping slowly in his mind sending chills down his spine giving goosebumps.

"And who knows some of the adults are merely pretenders to be in armed struggles though in reality we're only drawn to it because of necessity like joining for the survival of the fittest staging raid to get service arms for money. Who knows? Just who knows given the creativity and free enterprise spirit of Filipinos," some disturbing thoughts played in his mind.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The shrill collective voices of "Mabuhay ang Pilipinas" repeatedly uttered reverberated in the air while the captured soldier dragged each other marching. "What say you comrades on the fate of these enemies?" blared the voice in the megaphone.

"Kill them, kill them, kill them." said in unison unceasingly gathering decibels the longer recited.

"Paid mercenaries, wolves, murderers killing innocent people, what do you say?" another kibitzer recited.

"Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em, "thunderous respond anew.

"Their lives not enough to compensate those among our fallen comrades their families suffering as collateral damage."

"Kill them, kill them, kill them . . .." chorused as a clenched fist was raised into the air while "Mabuhay ang Pilipinas" familiar ditty sang echoing too in the air.

Fidgeting to observe silence in the Court, the Presiding officer banged the gavel indicating the formal opening of the proceeding of lawsuit.

"Did you hear your verdict from the people?" the Chairman of the arraignment addressed captured soldiers.

"Yes Sir," echoed Major feeling the heat of the situation with resignation.

"Now we are paying for the crimes against the people," the thought coming at the back of his mind learning the reality the hard way paying finally the price of the system he was part not out of his own making.

The Presiding Officer's words were few and calculated his voice sincere no feeling of ill will, Trabaho lang, Walang personalan in Tagalog.

"You heard them straight from their hearts gentlemen. I can't do any less. Sorry, but we have been at war, and you held accountable for the past atrocities? Now that you are captive enemies time to mete penalties ensuing from the final verdict of Peoples' Court," the Chairman clarified.

"Pray then for the good of your soul and hope God up there could save you through a miracle from your predicament whatever I meant here," said the Presiding Judge intriguing Major de la Rosa the mention of God.

"Wow religious people yet can afford killing people?" he explored in his mind.

"Pray indeed for a couple of days each one of you accounting how far your participation went harassing our people you vowed to protect under oath in our Constitution."

"If you see that one comes back after an investigation, then that's your gauge that he believes in miracle and that God up there does it saving him."

"If he doesn't, that means he just paid dearly his own life for the lives of those he arrogated upon himself taking it."

"From all indications and frankly, that is an injustice not even enough compensation for collateral damage such atrocity committed against the blameless people."

"People who were supposed to be served are sacrificed on the altar of dictatorship, of the greed of power; same race, same blood, same color but you guys consigned to the dustbin of history running and harassing them mercilessly, holding them captive and later rendered them faceless statistics to this war against same people in the first place are feeding, elected putting you in power . . . ."

For the first time, the declaration was heart-rending but Major de la Rosa just kept his cool or once carried away might suffer an identity crisis.

From where they were standing in rows, the Chairman's message was clear. No need to ask a question. No one dared anyway. All they have to do is cooperate and indeed time to pray for a miracle to happen; that is if it still happens roughly two centuries after the first-ever recorded miracle in the bible turning water into wine on request by Mother Mary to Jesus at the marriage of Cana.

"Most unlikely, but why not?" Major de la Rosa's unwavering faith soared. That seems to be subject yet to validation only a few almost half of his men returned to their common prison cell, and few separated because of other nature of their participation.

After a few more days all eight finished facing an interrogator, Major de la Rosa's turn came face to face with his ill-fated brush with the Judge-Executioner, his life hanging in balance, his fate relying heavily on the merit of his case. The result would decide where the fulcrum would favor. It could be either life or death as the case may be the way some of his men just experienced.

. . . . . . . . . .

"Welcome to my world Officer de la Rosa and party!" the little youngster beamed arms outstretched then folding them back on his chest. It's been a week recuperating fast from injury bandages still sticking on his head and some parts of the body. Good thing that rebels treated him and his surviving troops well and with care. The rebels deliberately did not disturb the wounded soldiers waiting for a favorable time until they can manage to accept their verdict. That depends on the outcome of the investigation. People called it Kangaroo Court, the rebels didn't mind the description they do normally anyway explaining to the community using their megaphone the rationale of their offensive and its result. Mutual respect reciprocating this time similar treatment among rebels injured in encounters favoring military troops.

"You are a military officer," the interrogator probed.

"From Marble County yet,"

"Yap," Taklin nodded while still blindfolded.

"You seem to have started your career right,"


"Lots of talents hmmm on top of being super active in church eventually entering the Seminary before proceeding to PMA for military science," the interrogator revealed elated learning big fish among several small fishes captured. The captive officer was impressed by the efficient background checkup of his life.

"Nice to know," he thought.

"And what prompted you to execute that 360 sweeping degrees change of career?"

Major de la Rosa narrated all the incidents and was surprised to receive a cold response from the interrogator. It was long but the Interrogator didn't mind.

"Seems tragic indeed."

"More than that. The rest followed suit after killing my father in far most like manner imaginable yet,"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. May they rest in peace and their souls blessed by God making them whiter than snow," the Interrogator answered.

"It's as if there's an unforeseen hand directing all of those unforeseen events, "

"You're in the military and you appear naïve here. You should know, "

"It's been there. And let's accept the mistake."

"What do you mean?" the captor quickly queried.

"You're just too credulous!"

Major de la Rosa thought for a moment about whatever implication is there.

"Accept when power is held, decided, and controlled in utter secrecy by an exclusive group – you have a problem there?" the host declared.

"Ever wonder why assassinations here and all over are not solved?"

The captor nodded.

"That's it. Like the US. You can't just trust people. Who killed Che Guevarra? Who instigated world events for their good? In other words, who are the most powerful people on earth? One that's playing around with other people influencing world events all over the globe."

"Yap," Major Taklin bowed.

"They should and must be neutralized to avert even more atrocities to the innocents."

"CIA, FBI, Bilderberg Group over there in US, MOSSAD in Israel, KGB in Russia . . . "

"And NBI, Brown Shirts, RSM and all that, their counterparts right here," he added.

"Need to say more!"

Taklin choked.

"And you're bonafide officer Major. The wolf tattooed with the RSM logo on your back tells it all."

The captive officer remained a speechless relegated captive audience.

"And the bottom line of it all officer is – truth ending as the first casualty and subsequently; people, the most important economic resource sacrificed in the process. You in the military vowed to serve and protect."

"Your dreaded organization, well organized are spread around in the country."

"The farther you're spread the merrier isn't it?"

The captive military officer felt cold anticipating the next question.

"Can afford even disturbing innocent people and leaders in our Plenum."

"Killing them at will. Either salvaging those not here or wiping them out from the face of the earth through extra-judicial delivery of injustice."

"Unfortunately, you either win some and lose some in war. Isn't it Major?"

Long pause. There was a deafening silence as two men held Major Taklin's arm. "Let him stand!" the Interrogator instructed

"And now your prize for having been an enemy of the people would be delivered later together with your men. Nothing personal here gentlemen," the interrogator ended.

"That's what you get gentlemen when you fight against your people," he addressed the remaining captured military men stunned! You must be as intelligent and brave as you're a military officer, Major. Whatever happened to you guys can even afford to disrupt our Plenum killing as many people even innocent ones in attendance here. "

"What a disservice you are giving to ordinary people."

The arrested visitors were all still speechless their eyes remained blindfolded but sanity and calm restored Maj. De la Rosa rejoining back to them.

"Sorry," was all they heard from the Major.

"Interrogation done! His answers apply to all of you too by the way. What verdict he would receive similarly applies to you all!" they heard leaving them more stunned than confused.

It was the last words they heard before the rebels herded them back to their prison cell. Begging and supplication from some of the captors were heard all over. But not for long however as staccato sounds of armalites filled the air forever clipping their wailings and crying.

The cross-examination was loud and clear. The final verdict was swift and finally done. Game over!

. . . . . . . . .

All was silent on the battlefield. Common graves were teeming with dead bodies in their tattered uniforms. Burial grounds of fatalities of their comrades were separated with a huge cross planted on top soil as a sign of respect to their fallen warriors. The military casualties were many. Among them were those of Major Taklin men who were held captive earlier. His face bloody mess inside a cadaver bag; a military uniform drenched with blood. His body bore many shrapnel piercing just everywhere. Who would survive given that fate? Ka Emir and his men must have been too angry that they poured in bullets what with the devastation and atrocities committed against his people by the military men. His body finally entered inside a cadaver's bag. Sad indeed.

It was such a terrible fate Maj. De la Rosa suffered at Mt. Sungcal or so people might have thought.

. . . . . . . . .

The incident was tough and infernal. But what could he do if the country is at war against rebels? His chosen career shoved him into that hellish predicament realizing now that death is undeniably the bridesmaid of any military in the field. The man shocked his head wondering what happened to him. Gathering his thoughts reclaiming his identity gradually awakened his senses. Except for his unusual face, he felt light all over. He dislodged his bulletproof vest from his chest.

He silently prayed as soon as he reclaimed his sanity but before he could say 'Amen!' a feminine voice disrupted him.

"Good morning Major. Been waiting here. Listen up. You have still ten minutes before we would exit you from Mt. Sungcal. We want to be sure you're out and freed before 4:00 AM dawn. Time check is 3:00 AM."

"Where are the rest of my companion?" he asked mustering enough strength and courage to stand. It's early dawn. The valium taken must have been well timed he would arise on time just before the sun rises.

"You're all alone left Major. Don't worry we would release your surviving troops. By the way, we already buried separately your dead people after giving them a decent Christian burial," an amazon standing by uttered while extending a bunch of dog tag nameplates.

"The injured but able ones would also be set free to be reunited back with their family," said adding the pretty Amazona.

"Thanks, but . . . ." is all he could muster begging the issue.

"Psst," the Amazon readily countered putting her index finger on her pouted lips looking him straight in the eyes.

"I know why are you so concerned. It's a mutual practice among us and definitely, cowardice is a sin we can not afford to commit," the young lady readily give Major de la Rosa the benefits of his doubt.

"Are you not back to your senses now?"

"You are you! You're double was gone and already buried."

"What a heck!"

He was elated to learn the turn of events. Nothing he could do there as he was merely doing his job. He now realized how tough the job had been losing many of his men ironically buried with respect as a token of courtesy by their perceived enemies.

No need to cry on spilled milk.

"Bless their souls and make them whiter than snow," he mumbled a familiar plea.

"No more questions, please. Just do as commanded. Don't take off prosthetics on your face until you reach the destination. But you can see yourself in the mirror if you wish."

"Major de la Rosa!" the man stunned seeing his reflection in the mirror.

"Yes, you are. You should not drop your identity until you're out," the lady Amazon cleared.

"What a journey it has been!" he uttered learning the great loss suffered. Praying for forgiveness for whatever happened was all he could muster for the moment.

"Miracle? Yes, this is it," he looked up enthused.

This he reminisced as if waking up from long and deep slumber in the forest his eyes could see the fresh environment around hearing the sweet chirping of birds merrily singing welcoming another day. He sighed deep bated breath learning he was alive. In his chest was a folded Manila brown envelope. Inside were two items – a cell phone, a flashlight, and a small receptacle with a needle inside.

"This is it!" The note wrote. "You can have one Needle; the other mine. Give me back when able ASAP with its leather jacket, please. 443 "he read the number-coded signature corresponding to the first letter initial of the sender of an alphabet revealing who the sender was.

Playing back on cue the footage of the cellphone he saw a very familiar flashback of the past. Two women in bandanas hiding their identities were seen drawing out the coffin of his father. The procedure was fast and Major de la Rosa played it back all over again in slow-motion revealing the identities of two women – Illa Crispe and Manang Elsa, her mother showing a customized needle taken out from the cranium of his father in their family's mausoleum in the cemetery.

Hurriedly comparing it with those in his possession, they were not only similar but identical. Who must be it to determine the owner, he took one from the vial and inserted it into the leather jacket.

"Perfect!" he exclaimed giving him the benefits of the doubt.

"But who could have done it?" the question remained in his mind.

Seeing her mother and Mang Illa Crispe convinced him all the more that the battle line had been drawn only he was on the other side. This must be the reason why both mothers did not drag him into the issue.

"We're done! Go let's," the guide commanded.

"This way," the two others directed him to an opening of a cave that would carry them to the other side of the mountain.

They moved fast no talking except with the lady amazon continuing her instruction.

"Two men would guide you through freedom from the mouth of this mountain," catching the Major taken aback.

"That's your first leg, and the second is crossing the river across. We have already secured standby Banca with other men waiting there. But you have to blow the gate pass,"


"Whistle. No flashlight please unless you invite suspicious people along the trails."

"Wear always your red scarf on your neck. That's your gate pass to freedom. And when all is done you can catch up a plane for Manila. Your plane ticket is in your jacket with your new name, IDs, and other identification cards and documents.

"Don't you worry about authorities on the road? They were precisely planted for the success of your journey home. We just want you safe and protected. Bye for now, Ingatz , and good luck."

You can take off your wig by then. Save your prosthetics until finally, you are home."

"Goodbye, good luck, and Ingatz again Major," the familiar young guy told Taklin not recognizing him.

"And send my regards to them . . .!" the lady's last word to him.

The Major nodded. Glancing back at Mt. Sungcal for the last time heading towards back Cagayan de Oro for Manila, he heaved a sigh of relief. For the first time, he felt as if on cloud 9. The boat from Batangas would then take him home, he sighed in disbelief but full of thanksgiving.

"Home finally at long last and to be with family and parents."

"Miracle? This is the power of faith working. What more is there to say?" he uttered while the Roro boat glided vast expanse of the sea lights above glittering as if welcoming the long-lost great son from his amazing journey back to Osigan, his home paradise in Marble county.

. . . . . . . . . . .