Chapter 8

The Fishermen's Seminary

(St. Andrew's Theological Seminary, QC. It's an Anglican Seminary. Students are from both Episcopalian and IFI. The training was collectively arranged resulting from Concordat between the two churches. Fr. Driarco started his schooling here in 1975-1980 before his conversion to Roman Catholic where he joined the Jesuit as Pre-Novice at Haggerty Hall, Cagayan de Oro City where he also graduated in Philosophy at Xavier University later. The present Obispo Maximo of IFI Rhee Timbang, DD was his junior at SATS.)

Fr. Driarco must have been worn out that the blast from the past kept replaying back from his consciousness. This time, however, his spiritual formation in the seminary kept coming back alive while meditating.

Fishermen's Theological Seminary was once part of St. Matthew's Regional Seminary in downtown Manila offering Secondary Education, College, and later theology. It is an alma mater of Cardinal Ros and some other fortunate Cardinals, Bishops, Monsignors, and thousands of priests now serving Catholic churches nationwide and overseas as missionaries. Others entered the military and hospitals earning secured and safe salaries as Chaplains. The rest in poor parishes thriving on the generosity of their parishioners. The late 1970s saw the seminarians in theology packing up their cassocks, books, and other personal belongings to the newly established St. John Seminary in the interior of the city. Since then, those proceeding to take up theology after Philosophy and other relevant college degrees spend their last four years stay there. The brave and able ones surviving the rigors and discipline of spiritual formation soon become part of the long roster of priests. It was said that the transfer of theology from St. Matthew to St. John stemmed from the protest of the theologians. What was it young seminarian didn't mind? Unfortunately, it's all that Driarco and Taklin heard from their classmates. And as this did not personally affect them being neophytes, they just momentarily shun themselves from the issues away.

It is a relatively new Seminary in the country but its perspectives – from façade, catwalks, rustic ceilings, unpainted walls, octagonal-shaped chapel, and excellent library – look like it has been a century-old house of God's fortunate children. But no, it's not. Subsisting from kind-hearted living souls to help complete its facilities, it produced many priests now working in God's vineyard everywhere. Suspended atop an altar is a life-size carving from Molave of crucified Jesus. Exuding an atmosphere of religiosity, the chapel is undoubtedly the most peaceful place providing the necessary lift to those who have troubled and restless hearts. It must have been St. Augustine's most wanted and much-sought chapel to house his restless soul. It does to many seminarians. It helps shape Driarco's spirituality too.Adjacent to the Seminary are St. Luke's Cathedral, Good Shepherd College, and Mary Immaculate Hospital. They are all spread within the perimeter of the Seminary compound.

"Seminarians and later priests are sons of God therefore they deserve all the best facilities available in town," he would learn later.

"What for and what's so special about them from the rest of creation? They're badly needed to mold their minds and sustain their health," he was told by his seniors. Down towards the south are poultry, piggery, and other minor livelihood projects like rabbit raising, poultry, piggery, and quail culture providing enough sustenance to productive seminarians. Here prospective priests have all their time learning the trade with hands-on training on how to raise those live stocks for their food.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

There was not much fanfare receiving the in-coming first-year minor seminarians to the Seminary by Bishop Lester, the assigned Rector of Regional seminary for secular priesthood later. Poking through a bunch of documents spread on the table, the Bishop welcomes the young aspirants to the priesthood.

"Everything I think is in order – the transcript of records, your Bishop's Endorsement, and biodata -," the scholarly Rector whose gray hair was very pronounced said.

"I think so too your Excellency," Driarco answered as Taklin nodded.

"Just Fr. Rector, please. Never mind 'Your Excellency'. It's too high-sounding words," the good Bishop interrupted.

"And how you've been . . . I mean spiritually," he further asked.

"Just fine . . . I mean deriving fulfillment, nourishment, and enjoyment from daily attendance of masses to securing holy sacraments, especially holy confession. There is also choir, seminarian other related functions, and other religious activities back home," Driarco volunteered to recognize the calculated answer stammering confused more about the answer.

"Why do tell me what is in holy confession that you find it enjoyable...." the Bishop probed.

"Hmm. . . Sorry but I do mean tranquility, peace, and religious contentment within keeping that spiritual communion with God alive .... "Driarco puts back his answer in proper perspectives.

"Aha, see. That's what I mean. You should not relate sacraments gentlemen to temporary or passing contentment. It doesn't make sense otherwise your stay here would also be confusing. God is real. Don't be like another doubting Thomases."

"I will greatly remember that while inside the Seminary and outside later as a priest myself."

"While still breathing ad infinitum I may add," Driarco recapitulated recovering his composure and resolved to be careful with his choice of words next time to avoid confusion.

"See, you're really fine otherwise you should have not been into this place," the good Bishop snapped back peering through thick spectacles solidly perching on his long aquiline nose.

"Welcome aboard then gentlemen. Enjoy your Philosophy formation here. Hope you could continue until theology when you hurdle the first test here. It's great to have you one with us. I'm personally honored to have a young man like you following in Christ's footsteps. So have a nice four years stay indeed with us and another four years stay later – should you qualify for theology," the Rector repeated back giving premium on the immediacy of time.

"We're greatly honored too, my dear Bishop Rector. Thanks a lot," both guys reciprocated both hands clasped feeling assured as if a burden was lifted away from their shoulders.

As advised, they went back downstairs for registration. The mood is festive because it happens to be the first day of the class.

Church history and Eschatology have been their favorite subjects outside their regular subjects. The same with Homiletics both excelling in their delivery given their resonant voices. Of the two, Driarco preferred however Eschatology because of its treatment of the beauty of death, it's the beginning of life contrary to common belief as an end. Specifically, not because he received an excellent mark on this subject but rather because of the didactic dimension it provides.

"As a dreamer, as we all are, talks about death and its concomitant psychological impact enables him to come closer face to face with the ultimate truth that man's life doesn't end when he's six feet under the ground. On the contrary, unless he dies, there's no special growth taking place," the familiar Eschatological concept overwhelmed him.

Again, the lyrics of the song "Unless the grain of wheat shall fall on the ground and dies. It shall remain single wheat and not brings life, "recall the beauty of its lyrics composed by the Jesuits normally sang during Lent. German theologian Paul Tillich and eschatologist Kubler Ross Khan whose nationality he already forgot are two theologians he was crazy about in the Seminary. Ms. Khan used to remind him that whether he likes it or not he too just like any other animals on this planet of apes would also degenerate or simply vanish away like any dust in the thin air. As an offshoot, the sense of immediacy and urgency eschatology provides so overwhelmed him making his move exciting as if he's boarding the last trip.

"Time is our hope, time is our security, time is our destiny and time is the mirror in which we see eternity," he refreshes with much gusto from one of his readings. Tillich's association of death with the rest of creation on the other hand so enthralled him.

"Did the earth not move, birds chirped, rocks split when Christ died and resurrected?" he synthesized from Tillich's work.

Other than chapel, Driarco's another favorite is the upper chamber of the sacristy. Abandoned but well ventilated, Driarco would use this as a haven in exploiting his patience in reading and writing. The seminary fathers in the adjacent Corregidor would call sometimes his unmerciful and unrelenting pounding of typewriter even during ungodly hours. What could he do if his classmates transformed him overnight into their ghostwriter organizing and writing their papers, letters, and all that for a snack? The same place transformed Driarco's artistic bent on poetry having published several works in Seminary paper. For many years, this room became an extension of his sleeping quarter becoming his study room. Occupying the fourth floor is still an unopened library extension where Driarco would bury later himself into books, excellent ones on loan and possibly for safekeeping by Fr. Soshenti, one of his Seminary mentors. It's where Driarco graduated from paperbacks, biographies, history, literature, classics, and other courses with flying colors yet he supposed. The one old library too was the place both he and Taklin would dabble playing although both new learners just had a feel of how and what it takes to play Chess while classmates were having their siesta upstairs.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Unlike all other colleges and universities, the first four years were marked by intense preparation. Of the four years, the first year was the most decisive. It could either make or unmake an aspirant to the priesthood. Attendance was required in the library from 7:30-11:30 pm for study. The seminary faculty would just like to have an assurance that freshmen would be imbued with the love of books. Never mind if what they read digressing from assignments given. Latin was a basic requirement.

"No exemption in taking Latin or there would be a communication gap between you and God," they would hear Seniors advising them to seriously take them.

"Lousy, lacking," Tines – one of the seniors – would later express when Driarco whined taking Latin. Just no way for a college degree would be incomplete without courses in Latin. Seeing later however many professionals sitting in the class taking Latin Driarco changed his mind. That's when he finally took the subject at heart religiously. It pays off big dividends. He begins to realize that like Spanish, it links the bridge between history and culture to the present. Latin songs too awakened his love of this classic language what with excellent magic hearing songs sung in the mass and concert. The power and majesty of Gaudeamus Igitur, the solemnity, and piety of Panis Angelicus and Adoremus Te the beauty of Ave Maria and classic Nessum Dorma – all these songs earned his respect and love of Latin music.

"Simply beautiful, moving and amazing," his reaction savoring the beauty of Latin music incorporating these songs later in his vast Repertoire performed in concert and many social functions.

. . . . . . . . . .

There is an obvious liberality in academic requirements and pastoral work. But how is it that there is seemingly premium emphasized on the general house rules in the Seminary?

For the in-coming theologians, there are only two rules to remember, observe and practice. One is, that the Captain is always right referring to the Rector of course. Rule number two is, if the Captain is wrong, refer back to rule number one. Thus, with their acceptance into the Seminary, theirs became a world of rigid discipline and intense spirituality studies included. Such rules were an all-encompassing requirement for strict compliance from each seminarian or they could go home. Thus, ham letting, namely any seminarian is only allowed to jog a certain perimeter, cleaning of the priest's quarter, and not viewing of TV during unholy viewing hours. Regularly scheduled studies in the library and many others were enforced. Surprisingly Taklin and Driarco remained unperturbed. What are four years if not short study preconditions for Theology needed most in respective parish later?

"We will cross the bridge when we're already there," the two gentlemen accepted the challenge.

Weekends saw the seminarians doing pastoral work in different parishes helping their respective priests in whatever capacity they could deliver or helping in the distribution of sacred hosts during communion to officiating burial rites. Generally, depending on the charisma one has, each one is given the chance to express himself in whatever things he could dish out. No limit. Thus far, whether it is in music, community organizing, dramatics, and sports, no one is denied to show his worth let alone develop it. The work is oftentimes crippling to their tired bodies but it's a valid excuse too for regaining and savoring what freedom is outside the seminary. Movies, visiting a friend, and beer sessions and all that become a good substitute. Sometimes, some would go back to the seminary under the influence of hard liquor caught sleeping instead of praying during evening vespers. One such unfortunate aspirant was Lito who one time fall into deep sleep incredibly snoring yet at will during the four 'o'clock early Dawn Mass. No wonder he was the only fellow left even after the celebration of the Holy Eucharist still dreaming in the pew.

"Tell me why no administrative sanction would not be charged against you?" the Prefect of discipline would confront him later.

"We don't like to have an apostle of Satan invading this sacred place," he was told flatly by Fr. Resma, the Prefect of Discipline after the summon leaving the poor Lito dumbfounded. He never understands why he was singled out from among the seminarians given his sanity.

"Know why?" the Prefect said giving Lito the benefits of his doubt.

"There's this anecdote about God and Satan contesting who's got the greatest number of members. Both tacitly agreed that those wide awake are God's and those falling asleep are his'. Soon they find themselves touring of duty in cockpit areas, lecture rooms, schools, and other forums in which God sees all are actively participating.

"Gee look even they're supposed to be your bailiwick; I have them still as members."

"Not yet. Let's go inside your church," Satan challenged.

"Deal," God replied confidently that what He's got inside would further bolster His claim.

"Bingo, none. Save for one snoring yet at will. You Lito. Now don't ask nor challenge my authority. God is omniscient. See I hope you got my point. Don't make us believe that priesthood is a folly making us accountable to St. Peter for hypnotizing you to sleep forgetting God during sermons, a far cry from reckless bus drivers who helped their helpless passengers remember God every time they maneuver difficult curves and circuitous routes not giving damn to the safety and security of the people on board," Fr. Resma dished out leaving the poor Lito died laughing inside.

. . . . . . . . . .

Summer saw both Driarco and Taklin working in the province, doing pastoral work. Vacation is there but otherwise, they always spend roughly one and a half months working again with the parish rekindling memories with their respective family, friends, and classmates. This made them feel good becoming all the dearer to the people. Not that bad. Another dimension of their summer pastoral work like immersion, hands-on experience in running the diocese' cooperative learning bookkeeping, helping in community organizing, and writing feasibility studies, the work they learned overtime and later made them quite adept at simply making their day perking their adrenaline up working more beyond ordinary time. In between, they would help form the choir as a trainer and vocal coach. As a breather from this non-stop work, they would join Dante fishing when blue marlins are at their peak in the summertime and the clouds were dark. The glimpse alone of big tuna struggling from the line enthralled them. Sometimes they would like to do this by themselves but Dante doesn't allow them because of the danger drifting them far away.

One time out of the heck of it, however, both set Dante's Banca free sailing gliding to and from over big waves for fun towards where the blue marlins were purportedly caught. Soon strong angry winds began tossing the small Banca. Not even 'The Fisherman Prayer!' invoking safety while in the middle of the sea vanished their fears. Had Dante not chased and led them back home safely ashore in the thick of the night, they would have been gone to maybe the Pacific Ocean. Since then, that become their lesson realizing that fishing is never at all fun but a thankless occupation beset with hazards.

On some occasions when fate is on their side, the Banca would be full to the brim with large tuna forty to ninety kilos a piece. Catching five to seven tuna is no big joke. They would sell these to the waiting middlemen ashore and have their stomachs whetted later with a shoot-to-kill menu, a corrupt street English acronym for Visayan sinugba, kinilaw, and tinola – all taken from the fish meat.

For Driarco, fishing is such a refreshing venture participating in the beauty of nature.

"See how good God is to man," he would tell Taklin.

"He provides us big fishpond in the ocean and moon providing light to get those big tuna all for free," he would sometimes tell Dante.

The squids he brought home delighted his parents. Watching dolphins frolic from the sea imbues him with a better understanding of this creature actually of mammal's lineage. He would know they were around when he would hear breathing sprees from afar like horses sneezing and gasping for their last breath. Unfortunately, other fishermen have the bad habit of chasing them and with calculated bold strong strokes unleashed the spear hitting the innocent creature blood mixing and making the sea red. Asking one time Nong Rene, a seasoned fisherman in the village, why they have to go that far, all he got was true they are considered endangered species but what could he do. He also eats rice like all the rest of the better-off and subsistent fishermen. The response practically caught Driarco off-guard, especially learning that Nong Rene was supposed to be the guardian of illegal fishing being deployed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the area.

"Why do we allow illegal Japanese poachers for instance to catch dolphins with impunity? Why go after us subsistent fishermen," Nong Rene challenged Driarco.

"There must be wrong somewhere Dan," ask Driarco when they were back to fishing one time.

"Having been a subsistent fisherman myself, I think so. Yes, I do believe there should be stringent laws protecting endangered species penalizing entrepreneurial subsistent small fishermen implementing them relevant letter of the law applying the full force of the Law when caught putting those illegal poachers behind bars."

"How's that again?"

"Of course, by the government ...." Driarco cleared.

"But I think the best way still is by the empowered citizenry," Dante snapped back. Driarco waited for further qualification.

"By that I mean each one should take cognizance of protecting our natural resources. Look what happened to our vast, thick, and green forest. They are now barren, bald, and destroyed. And after all the trees were cut down. Who cares? Not the illegal loggers. Yet see how they zealously campaign for ecological awareness, environmental protection, plant a tree movement, and all that. It is hardly imagined in fact that they have to enact laws protecting our remaining forest and banning illegal cutting, total log ban, and all that when a great portion of our remaining forest covers have already been denuded. It's an irony indeed pooling together their concern as if that could save the world with their last-ditch measure. No way. Just no way."

Spell bounded, Driarco waited for more narration.

"Sorry I talked about environmental protection instead of fishing but that's the way it is."

"You're right."

"As you probably realized, it's quite tough. I forgot the exact term in law. But I think it implies casuistry. Making laws themselves and practicing

something else," Dante recalls back from his meager reading on the subject.

"And empowered citizenry?" Driarco snaps.

"Yes. But how as you asked! Before a barrel of a gun. Power-broker against unpredictable people power. Quiet better term. But what do we have after all this display of our collective strength – barricade, strike, joining forces with media, non-government organizations, and the church – a cold murder of Fr. Julio Lefuve in broad daylight yet? May he rest in peace. When would we ever learn?"

The mention of Fr. Julio Lefuve's name pricked the sensitivity of Driarco. He was the missionary parish priest of Osigan before Fr. Manny, the present parish priest. It was Fr. Lefuve who took him and Taklin in as sacristans nurturing them the love of God, fellowmen, and nature. Most importantly, it was he who exerted strong influence prodding him in taking up the priesthood. And here he is now on the way to priesthood. But what a twist of the event learning about the bitter end of the beloved priest.

"What's a message his meeting with Dante is driving across? Must be indicating I have to take his place where he left off," Driarco thought his mouth agape in disbelief. Undoubtedly, he remains undaunted by the possibility but somehow disturbed by the series of events of death going on gripping him in fear and trembling. But recalling the dictum that there's nothing to fear in this world but fear itself provided him renewed strength awakening him to the greater challenge there is in his chosen field.

"I just cross the bridge when I'm already there," he cleared with Dante's reconstruction of the incident narrated from the perspective.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The story told was almost like a sick joke. Fr. Lefuve was then on his tour of duty to celebrate mass in one village. He did but it was cut short after an albino guy set his motorcycle on fire right after he gave his final blessing. Going out to check whatever happened, a lone gunshot bullet on his head dropped him instantly to the ground dead while the albino guy just speeds off faster after pumping the bullet leaving no trace leaving the faithful and onlookers horrified at the arrogant display of power.

"What's the status now of his case if I may ask?"

"As usual nothing happens to the perpetrators of crime."

"Excuse me but I read it in one of the national dailies lately that it was Col. Tapalla who masterminded the killing."

"I read that too. But that's only on paper. The parishioners have yet to see the inclusion of the big fish. He only represents a negligible fry from the military who protected illegal loggers. How about other parties, the big guns? Do you get me?" he addressed Driarco straight to the eyes.

"Are you referring to Torres and cohorts?"

"Exactly. You're right. The Mayor and coterie of accomplices?"

"You see you should stretch further your imagination. It's hard to pinpoint who the real culprits are. There are too many possibilities behind the scene.

"Thanks, many thanks indeed for the information. I think ours has been very productive brainstorming on the subject. . ."

"Cracking our brains."

"Not much. Let's just take this in stride."


"Too many things will happen. Just watch out and always be on guard."

By now the casserole was full of squids as they both caught one after the other.

"Seems we're lucky tonight Dan," said Driarco while taking a glimpse of the prize catch.

"Yap. Fr. Lefuve's spirit I suppose is all over us guiding us through while our Banca is floating on this ocean. See how he helps us get all those prized catches?"

"I hope we could catch a dozen tuna more this time. Man does not live by bread alone you know but more so bread and butter. Know maybe what I mean. I just don't want my kids would be like their father when they're grown-ups . . . mere construction worker, a fisherman, and a farmer rolled into one."

"Great. Never mind. I promise I'll just go swimming back to the shore if I could not catch eight or more tuna this time. You can have four as your target catch. Is that a deal!"

"Okay deal," Dan accepted the challenge.

"What was the bottom line of Fr. Lefuve's death" Driarco snapped back not to be left out of the incident."

"He'd been in the order of battle,"

"On what ground?"

"He's not the only supporter of the rebels but most importantly coddler and protector."

"What do you mean?"

"Making his convent haven of rebels?" Dante cleared figuring up a house with his two hands.

"And his convent and all those sacristans there and their visitors have also marked 'OB'."

"Order of Battle, you mean?"

Dante nodded.

"It is hoped that this hostility would end and would fire up the imagination of all stakeholders that peace is a precondition of all development. Among others, Church officials and authorities should come to the rescue of her flock securing their safety and security caught in a balance and under fire.

"We did have Crusaders in the past who did an excellent job protecting the pilgrims and securing the safety of their travel on the road to Jerusalem. How can we not afford to extend the same services given hostility among different people? "It is just hoped that Bishop Valdez and other stakeholders would travel the extra mile building peace among people in the Diocese," Driarco thought and prayed.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Driarco wonders about Dante's seemingly abhorrence of the dignity of labor. Maybe what he protested against, like all other Filipino laborers, is not the labor they delivered per se, but the low wages they are getting from their services rendered.

The Amags, fish as small as an index finger. So-called because they radiate light underwater and favorite foods for big tuna fish down under reason why they are normally used as baits by fishermen. They came rushing to the motor boat gliding through waves reeling from squids laced with powder from an extract of poisonous native tree Lanit. Reaching for the braided fishing net, Dan scooped them in and after suspending two pieces still alive four to five inches long hastily dipped the nylon line fifty to 60 meters deep down expecting of getting more blue marlins.

"Who do you think would follow next," disturbs Dante.

"You mean after Fr. Lefuve?"


"Not sure buddy. We're all mortals."

"Have you any plan whatsoever...."

"No, I don't have. Don't get me wrong either. I'm a man of peace just like you."

"What if you're charged against the wall and nowhere to go? That's a different scenario already and might take another defensive measure!"

"That I have to subject myself to forces or influence of 'No Exit' just like those guys who went to the hills and raise arms against the government they vow earlier to serve and protect. But very unlikely though. Why do we have to go this far by the way?"

"Well, I'm just thinking aloud considering the number of priests, laymen, and other church workers dead one after the other. It seems an invisible force is subtly taking them one by one. Just consider the number. Statistics do not lie you know. Does it not lead us to shatter trends?"

"That's the most important thing of Statistics. . . "

"Like bikinis, they cover what is all essentials in numbers?"

Dan simply agreed.

"And that's why we have with the so-called hyphenated priests. Because it is them marginalized people approached for necessary lift. Not the military, not a Mayor . . . but them because they are the only people who could be trusted."

"Problem is that the beginning of an end for them," Dante peered through the eyes of Driarco.


"It's them who empathized with his people. And before they know it extends to cover, supporting their cause and the natural ending – joining them as armed combatants because of the 'No choice or No Exit' natural conclusion.

"Do tell me how you could not be one then?", a question Driarco didn't answer.

"By just dispensing the sacraments keeping mum on issues happening outside the church premises. I'm just kidding Driarco. I agree with you. Its hard priests are caught in the web of contradiction."

"Mind you I would be very happy if I could be called one. It's the prize serving them, the marginalized poor ones most especially. Where would they go anyway when injustice happens to them - threat, rape, extortion, killing, and all that?"

"Don't tell me they would go to the police, Mayor, and or the governor. Definitely, no. Where else if not to the church. To the priest in the confession box sometimes. Remember the Beatitudes. That bias to the poor."

"What do you expect for instance if you're a priest in this municipality? Just dishing out homily, concocting liberation in sermons only? Supposing the mayor and his men are right there sitting occupying the front pew pretending to listen to your sermon. Would you not be disturbed? I believe you would suffer indigestion if you couldn't."

"Ergo, I don't think we could get rid of the hyphenated priest. I don't think so. Christ himself was one. He was where his people were, a pro-poor exercise for the priesthood. How much more today when people have practically no food to eat, a house to sleep and land to cultivate. It's not that easy I think unless we are engaging ourselves in punning."

"But do we have to go that far? If I may, killing people to stop the killing as an academician would say?"

"Not far-fetched idea. The offense is the best defense sometimes they would say. But I would rather put it this way. Peace is never given on a silver platter. Each should work for it. And definitely, it does not come from the barrel of a gun. That's the tragedy we have. People build walls faster than bridges, manufacture bullets than bread, and sows division than unity so what we've got after that as you aptly put killing everywhere. Think of Fr. Libwag, Dorente, Villares brothers both priests of course, and then Fr. Alegor."

"Oh, the list is long and still badly progressing at a very alarming rate yet.

Leaving the priesthood was never their intention. Think of the time they invested in such noble endeavor, the rigors of training and studies most importantly, the personal sacrifice of the heart embracing the vow of chastity just to serve Christ. Not peanuts indeed. But again, why do they have to go that far as you queried. I think it's the people themselves holding the key to answering that question. We couldn't just condemn Fr. Alegor for instance for having stood up against Philofil, a multi-million dollar project in Mountain Province, whose presence in the area has been a threat to the lives and safety of the highlanders; or of Fr. Libwag for having taken the cudgel for and in behalf of his parishioners abused by the Chief Executive raping there and looting the produce of their labors; or of the Villares brothers-priests who helped San Agnes laborers pressed their demand of back wages, insurances and other remuneration rightfully belonging to them. We have our own Fr. Restor of course adding to the list. And who knows good heavens if Msgr. Manny de Los Reyes, the current parish priest, and Dante Limano could be the next target? Who knows? Man, sometimes has that penchant for making himself a demigod. Once he tested power it's hard going back to the earth where he rightfully belongs."

Dante's defense of hyphenated priests draws giggles from Driarco glued at the rear of the pump boat. His good friend's words though wrapped with bitterness were soothing almost a balm to his troubled heart. They answered to his predicament as a village leader intimidated several times by the henchmen of Mayor Torres. If only his children were grown-ups and could manage running their own lives, he probably would have been driven too by violence."

"There's just no use working in constructions operated by the men of the Mayor." To avoid trouble, he would rather just remain silent over the abuses of the system.

"Who else to blame over the payroll mess he and his co-workers?"

You should know that the minimum wage is one hundred twenty pesos as stipulated in the contract. True that the amount printed in the payroll was correct but not when he received the cash. One hundred pesos is slashed for unknown reasons from the daily wage making his wife Lorna very disgusted. As expected, he didn't stay long in the work like all the rest. There's just no moral basis for proceeding with the work. He did encourage his co-workers for possible collective action. But his effort falls on deaf ears. All he received was 'never mind we'll just try to manage; we have many mouths to feed than yours.' Others sympathize with him but they remained silent as the vice mayor and some of the municipal officers supervising the work are all his compadres. Not to rock the boat in other words. Tomas, another worker who earlier signified his commitment to Dante's cause, withdraw and instead just left everything to God and would like to make it even comes the time of election. Like John the Baptist preparing the way of the Lord, Dante nurtured his heart's willingness to serve no matter what would be the cost. Ironically, no one listened. Thus, he left and tried fishing instead. It's only a transformation though as he doesn't intend to leave the struggle.

How could one abandon anyway learning the anatomy of graft and corruption in the municipality? It's right there happening right under one's nose. No one probably in his right mind could pretend not to see things around unless he's part of the whole system out to make monkey business while in office. Mayor Torres' example provides how to become one. Look how he has outgrown himself from a mere sidekick of an ex-mayor then leapfrogged as Chief Executive of the Municipality. It's just a question of practicing what one preaches by hook or by crook. For others, he's considered an epitome of a public servant. There was one time when he challenged media men to the brainstorming session. The issue revolves around his present assets by millions. The media wants to roast the Mayor to death requiring him to present facts and figures qualifying how he has successfully piled his wealth one after the other while he is in office to which the good mayor begs the question instead.

"Why not condemn the poor who remains poor instead of a poor becoming rich," the challenged the media men drawing laughter from the curious journalists. Unless you intend to surrender your sanity, it's futile squeezing an exact and convincing answer from the Mayor himself.

"Show me any proof of corruption and I'll see you in court," he continued challenging those who are questioning his assets capping his invincibility now that he was in power.

His modus operandi is simple. They are all undertaken with a semblance of legitimacy. Despite his low credentials in schooling, he knows how to make clean money in various transactions. Those in the bureaucracy would call this standard operating procedure. Deduction of ten percent plus an additional ten percent from the contractor, payroll padding, banning of relatives from joining the bidding of projects then surreptitiously subverting it himself, illegal logging and similar juicy projects are where the good mayor draws his huge resources building his empire. These are huge resources by the way. These are big projects that profits could afford to finance his plan of running next election. How he makes himself virtually a landowner overnight is another factor. But who would question his generosity in accommodating his needy voters whose inability of paying back the borrowed money would easily volunteer to dispose of their parcel of land for a very minimal amount yet? Think of the numbers of subsistent farmers who fall prey to such an anomalous scheme. But who cares? Not the mayor or the victims. Sour-graping and bitterness would only come later when the stomach is finally giving up from severe hunger and poverty.

Driarco doesn't only put his blame on the mayor and his gullible willing victims. No one could not just condemn overnight both parties. The people don't bear the cost of the problem. If they did not allow themselves to be cowed the last election with empty promises and money, they would have been under a better set of leaders. But what could he do, the voting population is sometimes among the unpredictable lot changing their choices according to the deal offered by the highest bidder? "When would we ever learn again?" was his question.

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Paddling the banca with Dante back ashore, Driarco feels that he has enough crash program on social justice finishing it with flying colors right from his municipality. It strengthened his desire to finish the priesthood. The only hitch is that the more he thinks about it the many sleepless nights he suffers drawing him closer to incredible reality namely, that man after all while still catching his last breath has to outdo others singly or in cahoots with others to show his superiority, a fact validated by history. Mayor Torres and Marcos are perfect examples showing their shrewdness and adroitness at work here, he thought.

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Back in his Theological study in the seminary, he once more engrossed himself in working hard practicing to the letter his "Ora Et Labora" work ethic. Mostly, even going beyond the limit.

Loyalty marked the bond of friendship between Driarco and Taklin. The more their mutual respect developed when they were in the Seminary. Walang iwanan or friends forever resulted from this relationship their mutual concern holding on to what is well preserved. Daily masses have been their food for the soul. How would they survive anyway with their life's journey if not feeding the need of their soul? Abhorrence towards capitalist development model is probably borne oof uthe t how Chinese and oligarchs-controlled economy in the municipality has also fired out their imagination serving labor sectors. This idealism found its way into many extra-curricular activities with fellow seminarians joining rallies in the streets. Many times, they were summoned to the Rector's office to account for their underground activities like establishing linkages with militant student organizations in the city. These were undoubtedly added burden on their work but this pressure prodded them all the more organized unions and other progressive groups as leverage speaking out the minds of ordinary Juan de la Cruz and taxpayers.

Strike, holding of dialogue, creation of the forum, mobilization of participative action among seminarians from other seminaries in the country – their most ambitious project so far but to no avail – have been attempted but fizzled out leaving the burden for the rest to carry on their work. Once they circulated leaflets denouncing the prostitution of Dinagyang, Moriones, Ati-atihan of Kalibo, Sinulog of Cebu, Ang Pagtaltal of Guimaras Island. They are all indigenous presentations of faith in cultural and art forms the Ministry of Tourism exploited later as one of the country's many tourist attractions earning handsome profits to government coffers. No stones were left unturned, both even toed the line flexing their muscles criticizing the Seminary fathers for their dogmatic tendencies in controlling the theologians. An instance was an en banc resolution of the Seminary fathers adding one more year to the theologians to accommodate refresher course in English, to cope up the insufficiency of English language shown from the performance of seminarians, a great pity to St. John Vianney. Such a move was indecisive as many seminarians dropped their vocations after e second semester to the chagrin of the staff.

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God works though in some mysterious ways. Many are called but few are chosen. Both fell into this trap. Driarco hold on to his vocation while Taklin by change of incident reconsidered his' following resurging interesting military career.

Threading separate ways. Taklin left the Seminary while Driarco continued his theological studies until finally ordained a priest forever in the long lines of Melchizedek.

"While I could still stretch further my time productively, I'll have to do it," he would say to classmates who are concerned about his sobriety over books, study, and vocation.

The sad thing though, he is left alone pursuing priesthood with Taklin's transfer to PMA to pursue a military career. When could they meet again? No answer." When able probably 5 or 10 years from now. Just who knows 'When?'"

Years passed one after the other. Driarco was all the more focused on his studies.

Even the seminary fathers noticed how he burns midnight oil over there in the sacristy pounding mercilessly the typewriter keys till wee hours. He would meet some of his classmates starting to study along the corridor while he is leading towards his dorm to take his evening nap for a few minutes. When he found it wanting, he would also sneak inside the unopened library extension after tacit clearance from the librarian has been made. There he would bury himself in all sorts of books. It's there where he earned his course on advanced theology with background reading on such subjects as Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Philosophy. Same with Church history, epistemology, eschatology, homiletics, and religious classics from such writers as St. Theresa of Avila, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the rest. He would also read the works of famous contemporary theologians like Paul Tillich, Leonardo Boff, Hans Kung, Thomas Merton, and many others whose words didn't escape his penchant for reading. In the afternoon he would jog from the seminary to San Rafael, the parish he works during the weekend. It's twelve kilometers away from the Seminary. He would run back to the Seminary chapel after a few minutes of rest in time for the evening prayer. Writing is reserved in the evening at the sacristy.

Doing pastoral work either in hospitals, provincial jails, and other institutions has also been part of the seminary curricula providing him a different perspective. This work has been carried on in theology to sustain the necessary balance between study and praxis. "You have to do it or there will be a vacuum in your pastoral formation," the Rector said explaining the importance of doing the work. But you can't just question the reservation of the young theologians given the excesses of civil strife. It simply made them sick forcing them to join some teach-ins, rallies, and anything of value.

One such very glaring sight of dictatorship was seeing casualties dumped one after the other in the emergency section of the hospital. Like dead insects, bodies completely disfigured were beyond recognition as an offshoot of an ambush. The reason, an ambush conducted was consummated when the second convoy of the military overran the young combatants. But not until the hammer of the first convoy turned turtle hitting landmines before the reds finished them off burning their dead bodies with gasoline beyond recognition. The casualties from the military were all rushed up to the nearby Funeral Parlor. Not one survived.

Not far from animals burned after butchering, the dead bodies remnants of their selves their feet only remaining immaculately clean and white after taking off their combat shoes. The bodies from thighs to torso up to the head completely burned beyond recognition speak for themselves about the horror that is civil strife.

Such has been his experience doing pastoral work in the seminary. Somehow, he abhorred the experience recurring back showing it's not easy being a mute witness of the savagery of this monster that is a dictatorship.

Completing his four years of theology with honors reminiscent of a similar feat in his Philosophy course, he was finally prepared to face world problems, issues, and challenges. But that could be after his Diaconate ordination, euphemistically translated to 'No More Use' or its corrupt vernacular translation 'di ko na magagamit' sealing his libido still intact below his belt. Passing that implied leaving of worldly desires, he is now eligible finally to be an official member of Christ's priesthood in the Order of Melchizedek," receiving all those entitlements the Church offers. Such is the reality of serving the Lord. You cannot serve both God and Mammon. Either way, you have to sacrifice one for the other.

"Beautiful and fascinating," Driarco become all the more inspired to accept big responsibility.

"This must be it after those long and arduous studies," he exclaimed savoring the sweetness of victory. Not sure though how he would fare however given the disturbing excesses of civil strife and rule of military dictatorship striking him with fear and trembling.

"What if the real thing happens to me?" the question nagging him while feeling on cloud 9 savoring his most awaited victory.

"Then welcome to the world," was an automatic answer popping right away smiling after reading its implication.

"Never mind for my accomplishment, it is still a very modest contribution by a Christian standard. A lot of things still need catching up and participation. That's where the real battle lies," he declares his thoughts slowly coming to terms with reality remembering his pastoral work in Palawan, he was caught off-guard by a young woman throwing a grenade inside the church. That time the offertory song "Lord Here I Am" was sung during Offertory was abruptly stopped as parishioners scampered for cover running scared towards the altar congregating wondering whatever happened that even the house of God is not even spared from the hand grenade blast of terrorists. Three of them were thrown in the aisle -two inside and one outside.

Of the three thrown inside the church, one exploded while the two didn't barely sighed a whimper injuring those sitting in the pews fronting the main door. Reports further noted that the incident was a handiwork of Terrorists using her young wife thrown inside the Church. A twelve years old boy did a similar job outside the Church. He was seen by several faithful throwing the said grenade earlier and slipped away on a standby motorcycle.

That boy of course was merely exploited not being a real party to the incident except for a few pesos probably as premium doing the job. The motive ruled by authorities could be obvious sending a strong message to the Church to keep its mouth shut. But who knows, it is the handiwork of generals playing the game of sowing confusion among the people to keep them working while receiving high salaries and various windfalls. More than a sick joke, the occurrence was an affront to the sensibility of the churchgoers attending the first regular masses.

"Why can't they respect dialogue settling down the issue on the table instead of dragging gullible parishioners messing up the issue."

Fomenting terrorism has been part of their culture. Defending their dear life through Rido, bloodbath, or 'Ubusan ng lahi' when provoked is normal in their culture, but that terroristic act doesn't reflect such atrocity. The worshippers inside the Cathedral were all Christians suggesting it was merely another terroristic handiwork. By now many probably those who were in attendance that fateful Holy Eucharist Celebration is either traumatized or are thinking aloud of not attending and hearing masses afraid that a similar incident might happen again.

"As practicing Catholics, such unpleasant incident is the least we would expect let alone allow to happen," Driarco said.

"But what could we do. The Church doesn't legislate a better world. We are there to provide the necessary lift."

"But as terrorism knows no boundaries and creed, everything is possible under the sun. Thus, let's just accept it and as supported by statistics it's a fact that even the church or its premises like those that happened a few months past in other cities in the country have become the laboratory of their aberrations.

"How is this that even men of God are taken as hostages and even some decapitated as in the past. How many more blood would be shed to restore peace in this troubled island of Filipinos?" he recalled Dante asking.

Lately, another foreign missionary was added to faceless statistics among church personalities life was offered to the altar of terrorism. He was gunned down in broad daylight while on his way to attend meetings with Non-Government Organization. His anti-mining stance among insiders precipitated his murder.

It's been such an unpredictable situation in the diocese lately. The human cost was high. There are still sporadic encounters between perceived enemies and the military everywhere. The other day three unidentified rebels were killed adding tension to the already peace crisis. So far, the heat is on and it appears that peace is elusive as ever, Driarco though caught off guard by these political disturbances

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That was way back then when he didn't have the luxury of time reminiscing important development at home. Seven-year missionary work in Taiwan was not that big deal allowing where God would lead him to. Probably God wanted him to return the compliment by serving back his people. Why not given the circumstances forcing him to go back home? Who knows if the incident is just one indication of persecution? That he is a party to the victim wished that he would serve the rest of his life without reservation.

Weighing the best option to secure the safety of the parishioners and avert similar untoward occurrences in the future imbue his greater sense of understanding of the new challenge facing his life even before he was still a student of theology. How this challenge came to him this early left him dumbfounded. For all, he knows opportunities and challenges come only once and they are mostly spirit-inspired. This is the thought that finally brought him back to reality where he has been serving as a missionary and herded back to his home province after the death of his father.

"What opportunity indeed going back to your roots to be with God's people some threatened for extinction," an idea engrossing him to take action. This as he prepared to celebrate regular mass that morning.

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