In the garden only the sound of birds and bugs and the occasional sounds of the teacup clicking can be heard.
He was extremely tried when he aruve here, milo wants to go back quick and rest. But his holiness to like the tea that's serve today as he is exceptionally quit quite.
Milo slowly sips his tea as he feels the since earlier burning staring towards his stomach, He placed down the cup in his hand and With a expressionless face, Milo looked at the person sitting opposite him, his voice have a tint of irritation.
"You do now that staring at someone is considered impolite, yes. "
"I don't know what you're talking about" mako said sipping his tea, denying as he blatantly stared at Milo's belly.
"Could you stop looking!"
" Are you planning to bore a hole in my stomach!?
"You're like some kind of mystical creature that Fed of those who's pregnant!"
"In short your making me feel creeped! "
"Can't you just start you're talking? (showing off)and so I can leave?"
face still with no expression Milo yapped like his rapping, only after he saw Mako's astonished face did he realized what he had done..
"Forgiveness, I have been in an off mood recently"
he forked at the cake and stuff it in his mouth, his move is gentle and elegant yet it's portrays fury at the way he stab deep at the spangly dessert.
"It the first you said such long sentence to me... The longest you talk to me is when you're greeting me, no actually it's the first time I heard you said so much, and you also always speak politely.."
Mako said his eyes are wide in amazement, and sparkling like when sunshine hits the clear water.
Is that so? "Milo's answer is brief but in his head, his rolling his eyes and being sarcastic
It's because you can't remember how much you makes me moan that you're saying that,Ah. you don't even know about that.
Stuffing his mouth With cake
and you're even taking notes of how much I talk to you? Creepy.sure enough, even though you don't remember what you do when you're visiting me at night, it's still the same person, both Creeps.
"Stop stuffing your mouth, foods not going anywhere"
Mako spoke whipping the cream that mess around Milo's plump lips... earning a weirded eye from Milo.
Not minding the look milo's giving him, Mako placed another plate of strawberry cake in front of Milo.
"you've eaten so much, this be the last one"
Mako said, weighting the three plate of cake and two cups of tea that Mill consumed.
"you should had enough, for today... "
Milo bowing his head focus on ending the life of the sweet desert. And did not caught the warm loving look that Mako's giving him, it's a look Milo is very familiar with. The eyes that come to visit him when night comes and be full of love...