Anime characters watches The Legend of Son Goku

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Chapter 1 - chapter 1

The chapter begins

By the this is were cell saga area but don't worry characters don't change age they were age before gohan was almost a adult in buu saga.


Jflores:so it's time to summon goku friend's and others to see his life.

I was watching the galaxies and the one of them caught me watching and this planet is were it all started this planet name is earth were the others are at and the others are at the different earth from each galaxies some have 2 or 1 planet earth.

Jflores:*sigh*well then gotta get it ready then.

I snap my finger and make a box in the middle of the galaxies I also made air so they don't die from space. Once I was done doing that I went inside to put comfortable seat and lights too. I made another rooms were there's kitchen, training room and a sleep room for who is asleep.

Jflores:Well that take cares of that now let's see who should I bring well hmmmmmmmm..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ah I know which one.

I snap my finger again and make a portal for people to come so wait until they're here.

[5 minutes later]

I was reading a book that future trunks in his timeline it was about goku when he became the first super saiyan fighting against the Frieza the ruler of the galaxies.

Next think I heard people coming out of the portal each portal came for there earth so I got up and put the book away and went over so I can introduce myself.

Chariot:ow what happen?

(If you guys watch Little witch academia that's her chariot du nord also she also called her self ursula callistis as disguise so they don't know she's chariot)


Deku:Sorry kacchan.

Ruby:Yang are you okay?

Yang:Yeah rubes I'm okay. Are you guys okay?

Blake:I'm good.

Weiss:same here

Tanjiro:*worried*nezuko are you?





zenitsu:Inosuke calm down!?!?

Jflores:welcome everyone *bows*

Everyone got in defense state as I put my hands up and said.

Jflores:I'm not here for trouble

Yang:why did you bring us here?

Jflores:Cause my lord want me to bring you here the story of a man who some of you know him or forgot about him.

This got everyone attention of what I said they're now interested this person.


Kirishima:whoa bakubro calm down.

Jflores:please everyone seat down feel comfortable I'll put the screen on

As I said everyone went sit down to get comfortable the first row is chariot and the students the 2nd row is mha and 3rd is rwby and jnr/Oscar and the last one is kamaboko squad and hashiras.

Jflores:before we can continue I would put short video but it's from the future so it's like a trailer.

Akko:why do we have to watch a trailer?

Jflores:Cause I need to gather enough system to release and I have to meet my lord cause he want me something else.

Momo:I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but whos your lord?

Jflores:*sigh*what I'm about is you keep this a secret. My lord is a person that people fear of even me or other gods are afraid him his name is

Lord beerus the God of destruction

The air suddenly change when they heard the name and his lord is a God of destruction that other gods fear him.


Jflores:Yes. I'm serious.


Jflores:Don't worry he won't destroy this was lord beerus request bringing you here and if he did get mad give a delicious human food. He likes it that the only way to relax him.


Everyone look at rengoku since he speak to loud and laughing too.

Jflores:Well then let's put this different asides and I'll get more people here to watch us the trailer I'll be right back in about a second.

I turned around and make a portal to go get the forger family I already send them a message to them but they didn't I'm a God that watch the galaxies.

*No pov*

Everyone was waiting or others talking to others until they saw the portal open and they were the forgers family the spy,the assassination,and the telepath.

Jflores:GOOD everyone is here now the forger family please make yourself like home.

Now the family have taken there seat and everyone is here it's time to put it up.

Jflores:remember everyone this is from the future.

Th screen is staring and everyone look at the screen as what future are they gonna see.

(We see a desert land with small mountains and looks like there was a battle)

Chariot:what happen out there.

Jflores:You'll see.

(A explosion was heard and they saw three fighting against a man alien who is winning against them and the other people were gohan,piccolo and deku.)



Jflores:just watch the screen I'm done explaining.

(Deku 100%,gohan and piccolo were throwing punches and kicks but they were not scratching him. Far from here were the andriods and Diana who are injured from the fight.)

(Andriod 18:Tch...They're not paying us Enough.)

(Andriod 17:Dammit...I Didn't Expect this.)

(Diana:cmon we can't give up. We have to wait until Mr.Goku arrives.)


The little witches turn to see there teacher ms.ursula/chariot who was shock from the name goku.

Akko:You know the person?

Chariot:*blushing* y yeah we were friends back then when we were little kids.

(The fight still going the three fighters were getting exhausted until the enemy release a Shockwave energy were they send back. For Deku he crash to the ground next to the others and power down while being knock out.)


Class 1a got worried of there classmate cause fighting a villain is this powerful.

(Gohan and piccolo quickly put there feet up and do a blackflip then landed the rocks were they boost themselves to him and combine their attack and blast him.)

(Gohan and piccolo:HAHHH!!)

(The enemy was shock and got hit by the blast and it was still going. Jaco who was far behind them saw it and he knew that blast could break the earth so he told them to stop.)



The people of the theater were shock what they heard that if they continued to do it that means the earth will destroy.

Denki:Wait something is happening!!

Everyone looks at the screen and they were shocked to see.

(Gohan and piccolo gave one final push.)

(Gohan and piccolo:HAHHHH!!)

(It got brighter the other on the battle field close there eyes cause the bright.)

Shinobu:if they keep doing that they're gonna earth.

Jflores:Don't worry they know how to control their ki so they're fine.

Anya:Anya is scared.

Anya hug her mother yor to comfort.

(Gohan and piccolo were to shocked to

The enemy is standing there while taking the blast like it was nothing.

The enemy punch piccolo and gohan in their face and they crash the ground.)

The theater were shocked and scared cause this guy took the damage like it was nothing and that the there losing too.

Shoto:sir I want to ask if midoriya is there does that mean we're there as well.

Jflores:*nod*Yes you are correct. Some of you are fighting different villain that is around the world will the other went to kami lookout to heal there injuries.

This got people worried since some of them ate injured and went to kami lookout and they don't know who are injured.

(Gohan and piccolo stop where they are. Gohan slowly sit up while holding his head where blood coming out of his head. While piccolo was laying down to the ground they were at they're limit.)



(Jaco:*shocked*ARE YOU KIDDING ME?)

(Andriod 18:That Brute is something else.)

(Andriod 17:This maybe more than we can handle.)

Allmight:Dammit this villain is to strong none of them have the strength.

Deku:it's alright we can't lose hope yet.

Ruby:That's right we just have mr.Goku.

Yang:How do you know this mr.goku can beat him.

Ruby:we just have to believe I know we can beat them.

(The villain walk towards to gohan and piccolo with a smirk on his face.)

Blake:Dammit they're gonna get killed.

Uzui:That's not flashy cmon get up show this man who's the boss.


(Jaco:I Always knew you were no-Good Criminal Scum, But Don't you have any Pride?)

(Saganbo look at Jaco with a shock face.)

(Jaco:Why're you taking Orders Like Moro's LapDog?)

Loid forger:So there's a leader then he must stronger than him.

Jflores:You are correct loid forger.

(Saganbo:Shut up,Galactic patrol. Lord moro saved us from That Dingy hole you call a Prison. And he's Given us Enough power That we'll Never Get Caught By The likes of you again.)

Chariot:So he got his power from moro that's not good.

Bakugo:tch dammit.

Iida:Calm down everyone we can't give up yet they'll bring reinforcement.

(Jaco:that explains how the convicts got so strong...)

(Saganbo:Lord Moro's making sure we never gotta feel that pathetic again,so yeah--Well Do what he says. That what we decided.)

(Jaco:tch...If you ask me,what you're doing is way more pathetic than being locked up.)

(Saganbo:*angry*SAY WHAT?!)

Ruby:uh oh he got him mad.

(Jaco:*panicked*ack! It's just a joke!)


Sanemi:tch he's dead.

(Jack:*panicked*W-WAIT. STAY BACK!)

(Saganbo was getting closer to Jaco until he stop and fell something. He quickly look around what it was.)

(Saganbo:hmm? What the--?)

Everyone was confused what's happening when the stop and look everywhere.

Tokoyami:Something is happening.

Giyuu:Yeah it looks like he saw something.

Sero:Yeah and hey did you guys notice the wind suddenly change direction.

Chariot:hey look on the ground there's a small Crack too.

(The wind was picking up fast and saganbo was confused at this until he turn left he look like he got kick in the face by a wind.)


(Saganbo crash the ground away from others while the others were shocked.)


(Gohan:What's Going on?)

(The andriods and Diana and deku who slowly woke up from consciousness were shocked to see saganbo got air kick in the face.)

(Diana:was that you deku?)

(Diana look at who was shocked too.)

(Deku:no even if I use air force smash I won't leave him a scratch beside I try it once at him and it didn't work on him.)

(Saganbo sit up in one knee while his other hand on the ground steady from that kick. He look around who did it.)


Everyone's was more shocked to see a air kick him who was it who did it.

Chariot:Wait a minute *realize* i know maybe someone was so fast that we couldn't see.

Iida:That's impossible no one was fast enough even with quirk I can't reach that top speed.

Ruby: me too my semblance is no were there.

Jflores:Anything is impossible.

(Piccolo:*shocked*someone sent him Flying all on their own!)


Chariot:I was right.

(Saganbo he got up until he got air punches all over him he soon got scratches and blood out of mouth and head and the final a strong punch in the stomach where he quickly fell to the ground.)


Jaune:were winning.

Nora:*excited*oh yeah take that alien!

Ren:Nora clam down.

All might:*smiling*there's always hope.

(On a top of a rock we see man who looks like a goat standing there watching the fight he is leader of  the enemies moro the planer eater who drains life.)

Momo:So that's there leader.

Blake:he almost look like a faunus.

Deku:his eye he look like a dangerous person.

(Saganbo gets up and shake a little were he look around.)

(Saganbo:How...How is this happening...?)

(Gohan quickly realize and happy who he knew.)


(piccolo:HUH? I can't see him or sense his energy.)

(Saganbo got punches or kickes around him even he can't see him or the attacks.)

Ruby:*excited*looks that's mean mr.goku is here!

(Jaco:Really? You Guys can't see him?)

(Gohan and piccolo look at Jaco.)



(Jaco:Goku fighting while zipping around at super duper hyper speed.)

(Picclolo:*shocked*y-you mean you can see him?)

Diana:Wait if he can see him how he didn't join the fight if he can see fast movements.

Jflores:he'll explain.

(Jaco:Yeah. My visions actually my one strong suit.)

(Jaco turn to piccolo.)

(Jaco:but just cuz I can keep track Doesn't mean I can fight like that! So don't think that.)


Diana:now I see why.

(Piccolo:but why can't we sense goku energy?)

(Gohan:maybe he's moving too fast for us to lock to it.)

(Piccolo:what new heights has he really reached...?)

(Moro was looking the and he knows who was this fighter.)

Mina:so he knows too?

Jiro:Yeah probably he can see him.

Jflores:you are correct jiro moro can see him even when goku goes full speed.

(Moro:*grin*one of them is finally here. The one who employed instant transmissionkn namek, yes.)

Giyuu:so goku fought him before.

Jflores:yes don't worry ill show you guys next time.


(Piccolo gohan and Jaco look up at moro in a surprise.)

(Piccolo:moro can also see him!)

(Goku grab saganbo on the feet and throw him to moro. But moro smile and with two fingers he shot saganbo all the way behind gohan piccolo.)

The theater were shocked that moro hurt his comrade this anger most of them while the other scared.

(Gohan:w-what did he do?)


(Moro turn his head and saw him behind.)

(Goku:I was hoping to go right ahead and beat you too.)

(Moro look and at goku and smirk.)

(Goku:I guess it won't be that simple.)

*screen turnoff*

Chariot:*blushing little*it really is goku.

Deku:so that's him will he beat moro.

Jflores:I can't tell you that you guys have to see it your self.

Mitsuri:he looks so cute!!!

Obanai got angry at this.

Remgoku:RELAX OBANAI!!!!

Jflores:Well guys can relax while I get started the next video where Chariot met goku.

Thank you guys for reading

Sorry if you guys can't see the pictures I'll try to fix it took me a while to do this.

and also can't find any Chariot du nord x Male reader or chariot du nord x goku book to read so if you guys can make it please cause it's entertaining for me