The silence persisted for about ten seconds before someone asked in a tremble. "W-wait--that's...that must be a lie...right?"
[No, it's not] I replied calmly, complete with a smile. As nice as I could give them. [We have even generously prepared a ship for you to return to your damn Empire, so you can return to your current residence and pack your belonging starting now]
Was I not generous enough? I had asked Midas to send a ship last night, the moment we determined that the tunnel was connecting the island to the palace. Zarfa's father had said he would send a ship right away through the river, so it should arrive around the afternoon.
See? I even gave them time until the afternoon after a whole week of notice. Surely, half a day was enough for them to pack their bag and wares? Once again, I had warned them for a week. The foolishness of their Lord was not at all my business.