"I need your help." Sting said.
"The almighty Sting needs help from me? For what exactly." Red asked.
"I don't know why, but I feel I can trust you with this truth." Sting said.
"Well? Spill it out." Red said.
"I... I... I think... I'm in love..." Sting finally said.
"What?! With who? How did it happen?" Red asked in amazement.
"Well... I don't know how but I'm in love." Sting replied.
"Wow. That is one shocking news." Red said and Sting frowns at him.
"Will you help me or not?!" Sting yelled.
"Okay okay. Just calm down." Red replied.
Sting takes a deep breath and sits down on the chair closest to him.
"I'll help you out. Just tell me, who is the lady?" Red asked.
Sting hesitates to tell Red.
"You need my help so you have to tell me who it is." Red added.
"Sofia." Sting replied.
Red's mouth fell open.
"Wait... What?!" Red asked.