Chereads / Heights of Magic / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15

The whole transaction took almost half an hour. It was still very fast in comparison to the number of individual items. After receiving 200 gold coins and 100 extra gold, Darius was receiving much more.

"Okey, so, 35 gold rings and necklaces with weight and let's say factor 4,5 for the weight its about 140 golds. Then you have Jewels with medium clarity gems and diamonds. Let's say medium ones are worth 6000 gold together, and the last 15 clearer gemmed jewels are worth 7500 gold. That leaves us with the two swords total of 21640 golds. Would you like additional security, and we round it up to twenty thousand?"

Darius understood that he was already on receiving end and nobody in the city could buy this much from a non-noble at this hour. Still, Trader would take these hot items from him with a colossal risk. However, this guy knew his risks and had probably been aware of them by now.

"Mister Trader, as much as I like the money, security is more important. You have a deal."

"Thank you. I will give bribes accordingly if anything happens to you. With this much gold, I would say you are pretty much set for a year or two of mission security, depending on how high-profile requests you will fill." Trader answered smartly.

"Now that I think of it, how will I carry that amount of gold?"

Mr Trader laughed a bit at this remark, "you don't. Well, after buying the slave, you will still have 18 thousand gold. Are you familiar with these magic stones?"

Darius saw similar stones that he had been wondering about what they were, "ah, these, yes, I have seen few, but how much do they cost."

"Aha, this might be a bit unbelievable to hear, but the normal price of the magic stone is around ten thousand gold coins. Typically, these are sold for even more money in nobility auctions and very seldomly, maybe two or three times per year, you can see a magic stone in the stage of a normal merchant district auction house. Still, its price is around 11 to even 14 thousand gold. But now we have special additional support for my information in the form of a curse-contracted slave that cannot lie to you after the contract."

"I see that is a decent arrangement. I assume we do the deals accordingly."

After mister Trader rang the clear bell, slave called Elvira was brought to the office, and the door was closed again. She had a decent grey hooded robe and was hunching her back a bit while not staring with a dry, tired face in any direction too long and avoiding gazes until spoken to. After a few questions before and after the transfer of ownership, Darius now knew how poor he actually was compared to mages.

"Yes, it is the ugly reality of things. These coins are merely dust in the wind for the mages. They are the ones who almost solely trade their resources with these stones and higher ones." Retorted Trader at the end of their discussion about the currencies.

"Now, back to the business with the sword. As I stated, this weapon is at least a low-medium-tier magic weapon. This means that sword is worth at least several hundred magic stones. I have these 95 magic stones for your troubles, but I will add the magic books on the lot. The book prices vary, but you are probably trying to find acolyte magic books?"

"Yes, also do you have higher quality alchemy tools," asked Darius eagerly.

After a few more transactions, Darius had a lovely two thousand gold coins and many times more left to Mr. Trader after a few bank notes. Also, Elvira was carrying a frighteningly large bulk of magic books. Darius understood that Trader had probably kept them hidden because Darius could not afford them before.

Still being one of the wealthiest non-mage in the city felt nice, and despite the weight of gold and platinum coins, Darius felt giddy about everything. While travelling back from the slums, Darius also had two guards helping them carry some items safely back to the tavern. After a short introduction to the barmaid and Elvira, Darius told her to develop a proper hideout for his wealth while he was gone. Next, Darius ran towards the nobility area with his other travel sack.

While walking to the disaster area, Darius wore a sorrowful face. Everything was a mess. Wounded people had been gathered at the street crossing, and some knights were raising tents for them on the street for immediate treatment. Every move seemed practised, and several tents went up in minutes with wagons bringing medicines. Darius yelled at the captain in command.

"Hey, I have minor healing potions. Can I help!"

"Yes, in fact, you can, but not here, follow me" captain of the guards turned and walked with Darius back inside the walls of Lumbert mansion. While Darius was thinking his odds and looking casually around captain stopped him at the barrack where wounded soldiers, guards and servants were lying.

"Okay, start with this room and give potions in room order. These are more severe cases."

Darius started giving the potions, and several servants helped him with the task. While his potions were ending in the third room, the grisly bearded large man in armour bolted inside, shouting where the captain was.

"Lord Lumbert, I am here, I had to fill in some details, and one young alchemist came to provide healing potions."

"Did you check his credentials or permit?"

"Ah, I forgot. You see, he had a lot of options, and we had to get people.."

Darius walked outside the room into the bright corridor and bent his neck a bit, saying, "My apologies, sir. I heard the news and packed my bag full of healing potions, I do not have a permit, but I had good reason I will leave immediately when the potions are administered." He continued hunching his head until the man spoke to him.

"Thanks for your effort, alchemist, and no permit needed. Take this token. How many potions did you spend?"

"Thank you, kind sir. It was a total of 45 potions, sir."

"Olrait, here are a few gold coins that should cover it. The token permits you to walk in the nobility area, and you answer to me for the use of the token. When this mess is handled, come back, let's say, after one week. I must leave now." The man left, and after a while, the captain and Darius raised their heads, and their gazes met.

"Now you have met the lord of the house Lumbert. May I have your name?" The captain said while standing between the door and Darius.

"Ah yes, my name is Darius. I am starting alchemist. You see, these healing potions are the most that I do. These are only minor potions, and it takes some time to make them."

"Thanks for coming to us. You did us big favour today. I can see by the face of the lord that he was impressed too, but he is too busy today to receive anyone."

"Oh, I understand this street fire perfectly and all."

"Yes", the captain answered slower, hesitantly to say anything else.

"It seems that the potions are administered now. That was my last one. I will be seeing you maybe in a week," said Darius curtly.

"Yes," said captain, this time with more certainty in his voice, "I assume you know the way out. There is still a lot to do here."

After seeing the silver token guards, Darius left the mansion area and let him through the gates. Oddly Darius did not see any smoke coming from the manor despite the outer building being still partially on fire inside. *I guess this is the security that money can buy*

After leaving the nobility area, Darius grinned again and felt relieved. His gamble had paid off, and now he had permission to move around the nobility area. In future, he might be able to do interesting deals. He eyed his new five gold coins. How strange it felt. Just a half day ago, he would have screamed and run back to the tavern with that kind of money, but now he felt almost mundane about the amount. *Nah, maybe I am just getting poorer* Darius amused. While walking, he made a mental note of the shops nearby the nobility area. These were not part of the merchant district. These were finer establishments next to the vast main road to the nobility area.

After a bit of a shopping spree, Darius stepped out of the last clothing store. His clothing had changed from practical to a finer robe and a decent black hat that some more affluent merchants tend to wear. He also had paid solid one gold for the fine cape with a silver chained locking mechanism. He had also bought a silver chain for the silver token and felt comfortable in his new outfit. Now nobody would question him walking in the nobility area.

*I have to give my deepest regards to lord Lumbert for my new clothing* Thought Darius with a slight smirk in his eyes while he walked back to the tavern with empty pockets.