Chereads / Family Chain / Chapter 13 - Home Again

Chapter 13 - Home Again

Yes!!!! I'm so excited!" Treasure yelled.

"A distinction...a distinction god mother!" Treasure yelled showcasing her gold medal to Mrs Smith. She had taken her RAD examination, and had performed excellently well.

"OMG Treasure! This is indeed rare, oh my, you really are a genius!" Mrs Smith replied admiring Treasure's medal.

"We should celebrate! Sydney, get us drinks!" She said. Treasure couldn't stop smiling.

"will be right back, I need to call my mom" Treasure said as she hurried up the stairs to her bedroom

"I did it mom! A distinction!" She yelled out to her mom on the receiving end of the phone

"Yes mom, the results are out!" Treasure said with ecstasy. She spoke for a while, and when she hung up the call, she hugged Mrs Smith who had just walked in with a bottle of wine.

"Thanks god mother! Thanks for your support." Treasure said.

"You're welcome dear, congratulations." Mrs Smith replied.

Three years later, Mrs Daisy stormed out of her room yelling.

"Lockhart! Lockhart!!" She called searching the house for him.

"Yes madam" he replied rushing out from the kitchen.

"Madam, I was just inspecting the dishes, they have been..."

"Arrange the whole house, prepare it for a party, organise the other maidservants and manservants, send them out to get everything on this list. No mistakes or delays, remember no garlic. You can't make mistakes with that, understood?" She said, and hurried up the stairs to her room.

"I wonder what is going on today" Eden thought to herself.

It took them four hours to get the house ready, and when they were done, Mrs Daisy decended from the stairs gorgeously dressed in a red sequin gown and a silver coloured stiletto. She was glowing in ecstasy, and as she walked, she filled the whole room with the fragrance of her Volare to the amazement of her servants.

Thirty minutes later, she received a phone call, and in excitement, she sent the driver out. The maidservants watched her closely trying to understand what was going on. They had not seen their mistress so happy in a longtime.

"Is everything ready?" She asked again adjusting her jewelries.

"Yes madam" they replied in unison waiting on the guest that had made them work so hard.

Ten minutes later, a car drove into Mrs Daisy's premises, and quickly, she rose to her feet. She was heading for the door when she suddenly stopped. The maidservants exchanged glances, wondering why she wasn't moving, until their gazes fell on a charming young girl, dressed in a dazzling white gown that exposed her perfect curves and her long legs. She was also wearing a stiletto, and a glittering anklet on her left leg. Her long black hair hung loosely from her head and rested gorgeously on her shoulders. She was holding a tiny purse in her left hand, and in her right, she held a small gift bag. She wasn't wearing any makeovers, but she was extremely beautiful with an oval face and dimples at both sides of her cheeks. She stood by the door wearing the prettiest smile on her face. Mrs Daisy stared at her without moving, but when her eyes caught sight of the dangling gold chain with a key pendant on it, hanging from the girl's neck, she was forced to voice out.

"Treasure?" The girl took a few steps away from the door into the house, and spreading out her arms, she said.

"I'm home again mom!" Mrs Daisy ran into her daughter's arms in tears. The servants of the house all stood still in shock.

"Tr...Tre...Treasure? Li...little mistress?" She's home? She's the young girl hugging madam?" They whispered amongst themselves.

"Its ok mom, shuuu..." Treasure said trying to stop her mother from crying as she walked her to the nearest couch. Turning to Rufus, she said.

"Please take my travel bags to my room, and you..." Treasure struggled to recall Ruth's name.

"Its Ruth little mistress." Ruth said smiling delightfully. Treasure smiled and hugged her. The rest of the maidservants ran to hug her too.

"We missed you little mistress" They chorused, and Treasure blushed.

"I missed everyone of you too." She replied. She shook hands with the manservants and jokingly saluted Mr Lockhart. They had all aged because it had been years since Treasure left. She couldn't even recognize the new faces she saw amongst them.

"Please get my mom a glass of water" she said after the pleasantries. Six of the maids hurried to get the water, and Treasure bursted out in laughter.

"Oh Tresh, you have changed so much. I have being worried about you ever since you left here for Bristol. So many nights, I have had really horrible dreams of you being in danger, but now that you have returned to me, I won't let you out of my sight again." Mrs Daisy said

"Mom, please calm down" Treasure said hugging her mom.

"I didn't imagine this pathetic mood on my way here. I thought you'd be excited, but it's the opposite" Treasure said feigning tears.

"Ok...ok, I'm not crying" Mrs Daisy said wiping her tears with the back of her palms.

"That's more like it" Treasure replied and got out a box from her gift bag.

"Guess what this is mom" Treasure said flaunting the box at her.

"What is it dear?" Mrs Daisy asked excitedly. Treasure slowly opened the box and drew out an expensive bracelet.

"Wow!!" Mrs Daisy exclaimed.

"I got this from a jewelry shop in Bristol. I hope you like it?" Treasure asked, but Mrs Daisy was busy trying out the bracelet.

"This is beautiful Tresh, I love it! Thanks darling!" She said pecking Treasure on her cheeks. "I'm glad you like it mom."

Treasure said and collecting a glass from five other glasses of water she was offered, she said to her mom,

"take this mom, drink up, you look a bit stressed." Mrs Daisy took the glass of water from her and drank a little from it.

"Thanks Tresh, I'm full! Let's have a party, my daughter has finally come back home to me." Mrs Daisy spoke to the servants.

"Call everyone, tell them to come down here, I'm hosting a welcome party for my daughter!" Treasure thought about her middle school friends, but she knew the chances of meeting any of them was very slim, so she didn't bother much about it.

An hour later, the house was filled with so many people, most of whom were Mrs Daisy's friends. Treasure was a bit tired, but she tried to smile once in a while as her mom introduced her to her numerous friends.

"OMG! She's beautiful! Really nice to meet you in person Treasure, I have heard a lot about you from your mom" Mr Sergius, Mrs Daisy's business associate said with a smile. Treasure tried to focus her attention on something else, but unfortunately, her eyes caught that of someone she didn't know. He smiled and looked away, but Treasure fixed her gaze at him.

"Who was that?" Treasure asked herself.

"Did you say something darling?" Mrs Daisy asked, but Treasure shook her head in negative.

"Come, I want you to meet someone" Mrs Daisy said leading Treasure to a corner of the house.

"This is Mrs Danielle Donald, your father's PA's wife."

"Hello, good evening madam" Treasure said and the woman drew her into a hug.

"You are so beautiful, nice to meet you dear" she said.

"Pleasure is mine" Treasure replied when the woman had released her.

"Wait" Mrs Donald said and called out to the guy that had smiled at Treasure earlier.

"This is my son, Rodney Donald" and turning to Treasure, she said,

"Rodney, this is Treasure Elaine Marcus, Late lord Marcus' daughter, this is her mom, Mrs Daisy Marcus." Rodney smiled stretching out his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Treasure" he said and when Treasure had taken his hand, he kissed the back of her hand.

"same here" she replied. He turned to Mrs Daisy and shook her hand too.

"Nice to meet you madam" he said and Mrs Daisy patted him at the back. Mrs Donald turned to Treasure,

"my dear, after I told my son here about you, he has been dying to meet you." She said

"Really? Treasure tried to sound excited.

"I'm honoured" she said again forcing a smile.

"We should excuse the both of you so you two can get to know each other better." Mrs Donald said taking Mrs Daisy away to Treasure's surprise. When they had gone, Rodney became nervous. He drummed his fingers on his champagne flute, avoiding Treasure's gaze.

"I have to break this silence or we'd spend hours here without a word" Treasure muttered to herself.

"I'm a bit exhausted standing here can we should go sit there?" she asked pointing out to the bar section of the house.

"Sure" he replied and when they had both sat down, he said.

"you are really very pretty Elaine, just as I heard" he said. Treasure smiled,

"thanks." She said,

"But I prefer the name Treasure or "Tresh" for short" she replied. Rodney tension eased quickly, as he reached out for a wine bottle and poured Treasure a glass.

"Thank you" she said when he had dropped the bottle.

"Its alright" he replied and got lost watching Treasure sip her wine. She became uncomfortable and was forced to throw a question.

"Do you work at my mother's company?"

"no, I work at JGM Internationals, your father's company." He replied. Treasure sipped her wine.

"My father used to be his PA" he continued.

"he talks about your dad all the time. He still blames himself for your dad's death. So many times, he told me he wished he had been the one murdered and not your dad. He wants to make up for your dad's absence in the company. Even now, he's working hard in the office, we told him about your party, but he insisted on staying back and asked us to come here on his behalf." Treasure smiled

"wow, your dad is a good man" Rodney nodded his head in agreement.

"yes, he sure is." He replied.

"He's my mentor." he said again. caressing his champagne flute.

"Cheers to your return" he said raising his glass to a toast.

"Cheers!" Treasure said as she raised hers too before sipping her wine. They discussed for a while, before Treasure excused herself.

"I need to make an important call, catch you later" she said

"please wait Tresh" Rodney called out

"can I get your digits?" He asked a bit scared Treasure might turn him down.

The party lasted for six hours, and when it was finally over, Treasure was exhausted. She managed to take her bath and collapsed into her cozy bed, not noticing that her room had been decorated to suite her age, and no longer the little Treasure she used to be. Mrs Daisy kissed her goodnight, and putting off the light, she walked to her own room, more excited that her daughter had finally returned home.

The next morning, Treasure woke up a bit late. She took her cellphone from her side table, and stared into it.

"Three missed calls? Who is this?" She asked no one in particular.

"Oh, good gracious, I totally forgot" she said as she remembered Rodney.

"I better call him back later" she said putting on her bedroom shoes. Just then, Eden walked in after knocking on the door.

"Good morning ma'am, I made you milkshake." She said giving Treasure the glass. Treasure smiled, and rubbing her eyes, she said.

"Please get me a cup of latte, take this away, I don't drink it anymore." Eden smiled.

"You really have grown" she replied and left. Treasure walked to her dressing table, and found a picture of her thirteen years old self. She looked into her mirror and couldn't help laughing.

"I don't look the same, I'm different now, I really have changed a lot. No wonder it took a while before mom could recognize me" she said to herself

"Ma'am, your latte." Eden said walking in.

"Thanks, leave it there" Treasure said. After she had gotten dressed and drank her latte, she went down the stairs to the dining room for breakfast. Mrs Daisy arrived a little late, but Treasure waited for her even though she was starving.

"Good morning mom" she greeted when Mrs Daisy had sat down before her. She saw the bracelet she had bought her mother on her wrist, and felt fulfilled. Mrs Daisy was lost staring at Treasure.

"Mom, you're making me uncomfortable with those stares of yours." Treasure complained.

"I'm sorry darling, I'm just amazed, you've grown so much, you now take coffee, you dress yourself up, you became more polite... You have been gone for nine years, and you've only just returned. I feel like I don't know you anymore..." She teased

"Come on mom, don't be like that Treasure replied.

"Yes...I should be glad you've returned. So, you will have to tell me all of your experiences in Bristol, and in details too, I want to know everything, from your highschool days till now, how many friends you had, how many boys you dated..." Treasure immediately choked on her tea.

"Are you OK darling? Here, drink some water" Mrs Daisy said handing Treasure her glass of water. Treasure drank the whole cup and when she had placed it down, she said.

"mom, seriously?? How many boys I dated?" Mrs Daisy pouring herself another glass of water, replied.

"Yes, did I say something wrong?" Treasure shook her head in disbelieve and continued munching her sandwich. After about five minutes, she said.

"I didn't date any boy, none suited my taste." Mrs Daisy was delighted.

"That's really amazing dear, you know, during my highschool days, a lot of boys were dying to ask me out, but I didn't give them the chance, but now, I regret it" she said lowering her head in sadness.

"Why?" Treasure asked.

"He turned out to be a jerk" she replied. Treasure held her hand from across the table.

"sorry to say this mom, but I don't think so" Mrs Daisy was taken aback.

"Why do you say that?" She asked a bit annoyed.

"You judged dad with his past mistakes. All of those women he had relationships with were before you, that means he finally wanted to settle down with you, to build up the perfect family he couldn't have. In Bristol, your wedding pictures are still hung up. He never forgot about us, especially me. He kept buying clothes and jewelries, and kept renovating my room waiting for the day we will both come back to him. Dad has always loved you. After you left, he never had anything to do with any other woman. He was atoning for his sins. He was sorry he couldn't hold on to you or make you stay. I have being to his study mom, I have read his diary. Every page is full of regrets for the kind of life he had lived. On these dates, February 15th, and April 4th, he tagged them the best days of his life as well as his turning points. Mom you and I know too well that you got married to dad on one of these dates, and on the other, I was born. The day you left, all of dad's dreams were shattered..." Treasure paused, and observing her mother's misty eyes, she said,

"I don't blame you, you acted out of ignorance then." Mrs Daisy rose up to her feet in a rage. She was already crying, but she turned her back to Treasure and said with a stern voice.

"If he really loved you as you claim, why then did he give you just a mansion as your inheritance? Did you see what He gave Elmer and the rest of his children?" She asked.

"What about Trinidad and her mother? Valentina isn't even married to him, but he gave a hotel and a supermarket but what did he give you..." She asked with her back still faced to Treasure.

"His chains of companies, His oil rigs, his ranch in Mexico, his Fashion houses in Denmark, Spain and Paris, his Car shop in Australia, his Dance school in Bristol, his restaurant in Paris, his flower shop in Texas, his private plane, and the sum in his bank account." Treasure yelled. Mrs Daisy was too shocked to speak. She slowly turned to face Treasure with her eyes wide apart and visibly shivering. Treasure rose to her feet to hold her mom.

"I'm the heir mom, that's was what I found out in Bristol." She said, and holding the neck chain with the key pendant late Lord Marcus had given her, she said.

"This chain and the pendant dad gave to me were the keys to the safe in his study." Treasure allowed a smile across her face.

"Dad knew how much I loved the cartoon character, SpongeBob, so he had one painted in his office, and there he hid a safe." Treasure paused cleaning the tears from Daisy's eyes.

"The key hole...the key hole was hidden in one of the holes in sponge Bob's body. It was painted black, so no one could easily identify it" Treasure said, but Mrs Daisy was crying profusely.

" did you find out?" She asked.

"The day before I was to return here, I wanted to take one last look at the whole house, so I went into dad's study. I remembered that a painting of spongebob was in his closet, so I wanted to have a good laugh at it for the last time. Looking at it wasn't enough, so I decided to touch it, I was going to miss seeing it after all. I felt something solid and protruded from the wall immediately I touched it. I took a closer look at it, and realized it was a key hole. I tried the house keys, but they were either too big or too small to fit in. So I decided to try the pendant on my neck chain, and surprisingly, it was a perfect fit." Treasure smiled caressing the chain.

"Inside the safe, I found the deed of the house, and all of daddy's property papers." She continued

"I was still a bit confused about the whole thing until I picked up a letter he had written and attached to the property papers. In it, he congratulated me for keeping the neck chain and the pendant safe, and finding the property papers as well. Then, he thanked me for deciding to stay in the house. He called me his true heiress, and asked me to take absolute care of his business and his properties. He wrote so many other things I can't even remember." Treasure said as she sat on a chair burying her head in her palms

"He gave me the biggest responsibility of taking good care of you mom, and I will make sure I don't fail." She said.

"I'm sorry mom, but I had to tell you the truth. Stop thinking ill of dad, forget the past, and help me survive, because as you can see, dad has left me with huge responsibilities." She said looking up to Mrs Daisy. She drew Treasure to herself in a hug without saying a word. She was feeling both regretful and scared.

"W...we should tell Barrister Malcolm and Mr Donald about this Treasure, your father has full faith in them." She said

"R...remember in his will, h...he had asked them both to take care of the heir, and help secure his... r...rightful p...position in the company, and...and now that we know you are the heir, we will have to tell them quickly." Mrs Daisy said reaching for her cellphone, but Treasure stopped her.

"Mom, relax, not yet." She said frying her mom's tears with her palm.

"Let's wait for a while. I only just returned remember?" She said

"I need to settle down first" Treasure said still holding her mom.

After breakfast, Treasure took a walk around her house. She noticed that so many things had changed since she left. The flowers, the designs and decorations, and so many other things. Walking into her balle practice room, she remembered Enzo. She hurried down to the maid quarters and met Sophia.

"Hi!" Treasure said, and Sophia dropped the basket of fruits she was holding.

"Hello ma'am what brings you here? You should have called, instead of walking all the way here" Treasure only smiled watching her tidy up a seat for her.

"Please sit" Sophia said

"When my mother told me about your decision to remain here, I was surprised." Treasure spoke.

"I mean, I had always thought that you would want to spend more time with your son, but maybe I was wrong" Treasure said lowering her gaze. Sophia drew closer to her.

"I'm more than grateful for your care madam, I actually considered leaving, but then I changed my mind. I didn't want Enzo to get too used to me, so that when he finally meets his father, he would leave without a second thought."

"Has he met his dad yet?" Treasure asked.

"No, but he has become really impatient with me. He has been asking people, and has even gone as far as using the social media too" Sophia replied.

"Its been years Sophia, why can't you tell him the truth?" Treasure asked.

"It will be much worse if he finds out himself you know" she said again. Sophia forced a smile.

"I wish he wouldn't find out" came Sophia.

"his father is not worthy of a son like him, but I can't stop him now, I can only pray that his father accepts him." Treasure patted her on the shoulder.

"Everything will be fine, you need not worry." She said. Just as she got up to leave, Sophia spoke.

"He never forgot you." She said

"He always called to ask after you. I had to keep tabs on madam, to know how you were fairing anytime she called you, so I could report to him." Treasure was flustered

"Really?!" She exclaimed Treasure replied.

"How is he? Have you spoken to him of recent?" She asked, but Sophia's countenance fell.

"No...she replied. Since his third year in the university, we lost contact, but I do hope he's doing ok" Sophia gasped and gulped, squeezing the hem of her dress. Treasure felt sorry for her.

"I'm sorry." She said, but Sophia forced a smile.

Two weeks later, as Daisy and Treasure quietly ate their lunch, Daisy suddenly voiced out

"Darling, what do you think of Rodney?" It was at that moment that Treasure had remember she had not returned his call the last time.

"Oh...Rodney?" She replied

"I totally forgot" she replied. Mrs Daisy was taken aback.

"Come on Treasure, what do you mean by you totally forgot?" She asked.

"I'm sorry" Treasure replied but said nothing else.

"Oh dear, he is a good guy." Daisy persuaded.

"He works at your father's company." She said, but Treasure replied,

"I know that...but of what importance is it to me?" She asked

"well dear, now that you know the chains of companies belong to you, you'd need to surround yourself with trustworthy people, people that will work to their last breath to make sure JGM reaches a height of no limit" Treasure watched her mom without a word.

"So what are you insinuating?" She asked nonchalantly. Daisy heaved a sigh.

"you should start now to equip JGM with the right people. Mr Donald and his son, Rodney are the best, and they are like the pillars of JGM so you need them." She said.

"With time, you'd get other people you can trust, but I want you to focus all of your attention on them, and work with them too." Mrs Daisy said.

"What if I said I have no interest in taking father's place?" Treasure asked as she dropped her cutleries. Daisy was dumbstruck.

"W...what do you mean?" She asked

"I'm a dancer mom, not some kind of refined business woman or a CEO. I know nothing of that, so how I'm I supposed to cope with this?" Treasure asked.

"Relax child" Daisy said holding her hand from across the table.

"That's why you've got me, Mr Donald and a whole lot of other people in the company who can show you the ropes, so leave all that to us okay?" She pleaded.

"I guess this is the end of my career as a ballerina isn't it?" Treasure asked sadly, but Daisy caressed her hands

"You were the one that told me you'd live up to your father's expectations. He gave you this business because he trusts you can handle it, so don't allow mere sentiments to weaken you. I know the child I raised and I also know you can do anything you set your mind to. I have full faith in you Tresh" she said in encouragement.

Weeks later, Daisy woke Treasure up very early in the morning.

"Tresh, you've stayed in the house for a month now" she said

"That's more than enough time to rest. I want you to come with me to the office today. I could make you my personal secretary if you want, or..."

"That will be awesome!" Treasure exclaimed.

"I could learn more about your business that way. Rendezvous here we come" she said excitedly.

Treasure worked with her mom for a month and two weeks. Soon, it was time for Mrs Daisy to take a trip to America for a painting exhibition. She had plans to meet up with one of the prominent men in the city to persuade him to buy a share in her company. She got a hint he was to attend a painting exhibition in Network, so she wanted to use the opportunity to discuss her company's shares with him.

After hours of sitting idly in the plane, they got to New York and took a taxi to their hotel.

"I'm so tired mom" Treasure complained.

"...but this place is really awesome! Newyork is a beautiful city indeed." She complimented.

"Wait till you see the painting exhibits tomorrow." Mrs Daisy said with a broad smile on her face.

"You'd love it" she said

"oh I can't wait! Treasure replied collapsing on the bed.

The next morning, by the time they got to the venue of the exhibition, they were already five minutes late.

"Keep close to me Treasure, you can feed your eyes with the paintings, but you're not allowed to wander off ok?" Daisy warned

"I will be meeting with Mr Jackson in thirty minutes." She said again

"Yes Mrs Adama" Treasure replied formally. She began to take photos of all the paintings she came across, while the attendants explained the theme behind each of the paintings. As they walked, a particular painting drew Treasure's attention.

"This looks exactly like me..." She said

"this...this is Pattison's uniform. But... I'm the only one that wears a mickey mouse hair band back then, who could have painted this?" Treasure asked herself. She checked the name of the artist, and it read "J.J"

"J.J?" She asked herself.

"Maybe its just a coincidence" she consoled herself, but as they walked on, she saw even more paintings of herself in Pattison. She was still in doubt till she came across a painting of her eleventh birthday.

"Who's this artist?" She asked herself. She called the attention of one of the gallery attendants

"please, is it possible to meet the artist of this painting?" She asked The attendant looked at the painting Treasure was pointing at, and with a smile, she replied

"You're lucky ma'am, the artist is right there." She said pointing at a corner of the hall.

"you can also meet the artists of the other paintings there." She spoke again.

"They are busy signing souvenirs." " The attendant said. "Thanks" Treasure replied.

"It is indeed a rare opportunity to meet the artists of these paintings here" she muttered to herself as she hurried on completely forgetting the main purpose of her visit there.

"please, where can I find the artist "J.J"? She asked walking in the midst of the other artists.

"Over there, the guy on a black blazers jacket." One of the artist directed Treasure.

"Thank you." She replied and hurried off. The only artist on a black blazers jacket was sitting with his back faced to Treasure. He was busy signing on a little girl's teddy bear, humming as he did so.

"J.J?" Treasure called, a bit scared of getting the wrong guy. Fortunately, the guy turned to face her, and Treasure gasped. He had really nice gaits, with a breathtakingly handsome figure He had shaved a cut on his left eyebrow and with his full lips decorating his face in their sexy color (pink) he looked too good to be true. His one cheeked dimple made him look exceptionally different, and when he smiled, he exposed a set of white, neatly filed teeth. Treasure couldn't help but blush because of his cuteness.

"I believe you called me" He said, and his voice tingled in Treasure's ears.

"Yes I did" she replied getting a grip of herself. He stared at her holding his pen, ready to give his autograph, but Treasure made no move towards him. She kept staring at him trying to recall who he had a striking resemblance with.

"Where do you want me to sign?" He asked looking a bit confused. Treasure took a deep breadth

"I'm not here for your autograph" she said.

"Really?" He asked a bit surprised

"I'm curious about your painting of a little girl and her four friends on her birthday party." Treasure said.

"What about it?" J.J asked adjusting himself on his seat.

"I'm sorry if this question is a little prying, but what inspired that painting?" She asked

J.J stared without a word, but like he finally found his tongue, he replied

"I paint for fun, it's not my profession, so all of my paintings were inspired by my childhood experiences." He said

"What do you mean by your childhood experiences?" Treasure asked alarmed. J.J smiled

"The people in those paintings were my childhood friends, Vanessa, Lexi, Romane and Treasure." He said. Treasure gasped.

"The only boy in the painting is me, Jake...

"... Jackson." Treasure finished.

"How did you know that?" He asked bewildered.

"Can't you recognize me Jake?" Treasure asked as tears welded up in her eyes. Jake stared closely at her, still unsure of what to do or say. Treasure got out her neck chain and displayed it before his eyes.

"I have seen that neck chain before. It was in my middle school in Coventry, and it belonged to..." He gasped. He got up on his feet and took a step closer to Treasure.

"No way!" He exclaimed.

"it can't be you" he said

"it is me Jake, its me, Treasure!" she replied crying. Jake drew her into a hug and began to shout on top of his voice.

"Vanessa! Vanessa!!" Everyone turned to stare at him, and feeling more than embarrassed, a chubby, tall and beautiful girl came out from the crowd of people and hurried to Jake hiding her face as she went.

"Jake how many times have I warned you never to address me by my full name during an art exhibition?" She said, but was suddenly distracted. She looked at Treasure who was still enclosed in Jake's arms and asked a bit jealous.

"And who the hell is she?" Jake burst into a wild laughter and still holding Treasure, he said.

"you won't believe who I'm holding in my arms right now" Vanessa was even more jealous now.

"could you just let go off her and tell me who she is already?" She said impatiently. Treasure smiled, and releasing herself from Jake's grip, she Said

"So you can't recognize me either Vanessa?" Vanessa looked her over without a word, but Jake quickly yelled in ecstasy.

"Vanessa, this is Treasure!" Vanessa was very confused.

"Treasure?" She asked, and Jake yelled.

"Treasure Elaine Marcus, our friend in middle school, shark head!" He said laughing uncontrollably.

"OMG!! Treasure!!!!" She screamed hugging Treasure and jumping in excitement. This time, everyone's attention had been glued at Jake, Vanessa, and Treasure. Daisy's attention was also drawn to them, and seeing Treasure amongst the other two, she felt embarrassed.

"What in the world is she doing?" She muttered to herself still trying to keep a straight face

"How? how did you find us?" Vanessa asked still hugging Treasure.

"I didn't even know you two will be here." Treasure replied when Vanessa had released her.

"My mom and I came here on a business trip. We are to meet one Mr Jackson to discuss issues concerning shares in my mother's company"

"Mr peter Jackson?" Jake asked.

"He's my uncle." He said.

"He was the one who sponsored this art exhibition" Jake laughed and continued.

"He visited my dad a week ago, and was amazed when he saw my paintings. He asked me to show it to the world, and when I refused, he set up this art exhibition, and invited so many artists. I couldn't escape it, so I asked Vanessa to accompany me with her own paintings. Those are her works." He said pointing out to some abstract paintings.

"Talented!" Treasure remarked, and Vanessa giggled.

"So your mom is here you said?" Jake asked getting up on his feet.

"Yes, she's over there, waiting for your uncle" Treasure replied.

"I know where he is. He's probably somewhere admiring an art work and forgetting about his appointment" Jake said. Treasure laughed, and followed Vanessa and Jake to a corner of the hall.

Jake's uncle was a brief man with a smiley face and a bald head. Seeing his nephew, his cheeks curled up in a smile, and when Jake had greeted him, he stood on his heels to hug him, and succeeded in patting Jake's waist instead of his broad back. Vanessa and Treasure chorused their greetings to him, and he replied looking from Treasure to Vanessa.

"I know this one quite well" he said pointing to Vanessa. She smiled lowering her head in shyness. But pointing to Treasure, he said.

"Jake who is this beautiful damsel?"he asked

"Uncle, this is my childhood friend, Treasure Elaine Marcus. I met her today after a long time." Jake replied.

Mr Jackson took a step closer to Treasure. Observing her, he said

"she has a striking resemblance to the little girl you always paint." Treasure blushed, and Jake stared at his shoes in shyness. Mr Jackson took Treasure's hand.

"your friendship with Jake must have been a strong one, for him to have had a very accurate picture of you in his mind to paint every hour of the day." He teased

"I'm flattered sir" Treasure said with a broad smile on her face but he continued.

"Are you also here to exhibit your paintings or you came to admire the others?" He asked

"Neither sir," Treasure replied.

"I actually came with my mom and boss, Mrs Daisy Adama Marcus, to discuss the company shares with you."

"Oh!!!" Mr Jackson exclaimed in delight.

"I totally forgot, My apologies please." He said enclosing Treasure's hand in his.

"Its ok sir, please, my boss has been waiting for you, she's over there." Treasure pointed out, and Mr Jackson nodded his head in agreement.

"We should leave immediately, let's not keep her waiting for too long" He held Treasure's hand and walked with her to meet Mrs Daisy.

"Where are you going?" Vanessa asked pulling Jake back.

"To Treasure of course" he replied trying to walk away, but Vanessa held him.

"Don't forget they are here for a business meeting, you can't just go there and turn the whole thing to a friendship reunion." Vanessa said. Jake thought about what she said

"Yeah you're right" he said

"But I'd wait until they are done, I can't risk loosing Treasure again" he said grabbing a seat. Vanessa was a bit irritated, but she said,

"we both agreed to eat lunch together, but you are already making new arrangements." Jake looked up at her in surprise.

"You should understand Vanessa, this isn't just any arrangement, Treasure is back to us, after nine years, and this might be our only chance of meeting her properly. We can't compromise this, I will wait here till she's done, you should wait with me, after all, she was the both of us' friend wasn't she?" He asked, but Vanessa said nothing in reply.

"Hello Mrs Daisy" Mr Jackson spoke as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"sorry for taking up your time" he apologized as he sat opposite Mrs Daisy.

"Its alright" she replied.

"I'm glad my personal secretary and daughter could remind you of our meeting" Mrs Daisy said smiling at Treasure.

"Yeah yeah, she's a pretty one" Mr Peter Jackson complimented.

"let's get down to business" He said again. Mrs Daisy adjusted her seat and began to talk about her company shares. She spoke for a while before she concluded.

", if you buy the remaining ten percent of shares in my company, you'd benefit a lot from it." She said

Mr Peter Jackson observed her for a while stroking his beard.

"Deal" he finally spoke. Mrs Daisy was delighted.

"Thank you." She replied handing him an envelope of papers to sign. As He signed them, he said

"I'm a very busy man and might not find time to attend your meetings, Mrs Daisy, but once in a while, I will send a representative" he said.

"That's fine, I will inform the board, thanks again" she replied holding Treasure.

"We'd be leaving now" she said, but Mr Peter Jackson frowned his face a little.

"don't you want to see more of these awesome paintings?" He asked

"Would have loved to, but we have other plans." Mrs Daisy replied.

"Mom, I want you to meet my friends" Treasure said pulling her mom. "Your friends?" She asked walking after Treasure. "Yes mom, do you remember my friends in middle school? Vanessa? Jake? Lexi? Ro..."

"Jake? Jake Jackson? Jade's son?" Mrs Daisy asked interrupting Treasure.

"Yes!" Treasure yelled excitedly.

"Remember they moved to America nine years ago?"

"Yes, I remember" Mrs Daisy replied, and Treasure continued, "Jake's here, as well as Vanessa, and I want you to meet them" She said excitedly. Mrs Daisy followed her to where Vanessa and Jake sat waiting. Immediately Jake sighted them, he stood on his feet, and Vanessa joined him.

"Good afternoon ma'am." They said simultaneously, and Jake added with a smile

"so good to see you after a long time." Mrs Daisy smiled

"Now I know the reason for the yells earlier today" she said Both Vanessa and Jake lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"Its alright" she said, I'm more than glad to see you two again. Treasure has missed you both a lot. I hope she meets the rest of you" she said,

"How's your mom Jake?" Mrs Daisy asked.

"She's doing great, she misses you a lot." He replied. Mrs Daisy laughed.

"I will meet her soon." She said. Mrs Daisy turned to Treasure and winked at her.

"I will be waiting for you, outside." Treasure nodded, and Mrs Daisy left. Treasure sat opposite Jake and Vanessa.

"I've got a lot to tell you two, but that would be when we meet again, hopefully." She said, but Jake frowned a little.

"hopefully??" He asked Treasure, fate has brought us back together, and you are trying to leave again." He asked, but Treasure laughed.

"No Jake..." She said

"my mom and I will be going back to Coventry a day after tomorrow, and I might not be able to sit with you two again like we are doing now..."

"No, you will!" Jake said taking her cellphone.

"Back then, we couldn't contact you, but not this time right Vanessa?" He asked turning to Vanessa, and she nodded in agreement.

"Fine then" Treasure replied putting her cellphone number in Jake and Vanessa's phones too

"I have to leave now, this trip was worthwhile because of you two, see you." She said. Jake and Vanessa hugged her

"I'm glad I met you again" Jake whispered in her ear. Treasure giggled and hurried out to meet her mom after saying good bye.