A girl with beautiful eyes, a sharp nose, normal height, pale skin, and silky hair was sitting in a dark room. A room that looked like an isolation cell.
She was sitting there with no fear on her face, and no thoughts on her mind; even after being in such a horrible place surprisingly she seemed tranquil. These peaceful expressions were delivering the notion as if she was a worrier who had fulfilled his duties and was now waiting for her death.
Her beautiful deep blue eyes were illustrating her innocence, and kindliness and were proclaiming her achievement.
This darkness was not affecting her at all she was as calm as one could be but her lips were sealed; not a single word was being uttered.
Her long silky hair was still as pretty as one could imagine but seemed a little tangled. Her indescribable beautiful face had lost youthfulness but a spark remained.
A sharp sound of slamming a door came and someone strode in
A small smirk appeared on her face and she slowly rolled her eyes in an upward direction.
" Are you still planning to stay shut?"
A woman in a fancy dress and expensive stilettoes blurred this question out in a very brutal tone.
"Do you want to die in this hell? Just tell me where are those documents and I will set your sole free?"
And that girl just replied with a smirk
"You think that he is going to come to you and save you. No, this is never going to happen."
"Lower your eyes or I will give you a spank."
The fearless girl still didn't lower her eyes and in the end, she received a slap from an evil-looking lady.
" So no answer again," she said while grinding her teeth. " okay so if you are going to stay this way I definitely will bring a better treatment for you next time."
After saying that she turned her face outwards and as she was about to open the door she uttered with a cunning smile on her face " You think he is going to come and save you then I must tell you that he has already forgotten about you."
Upon her withdrawal from the room, The girl started to burst into tears, and finally, she whispered " why would I handover you my last hope."