Chereads / A Swallow's Path / Chapter 12 - The Dragonstone

Chapter 12 - The Dragonstone

Ciri and Lucius followed the Jarl to a well lit room.

A long L shaped desk littered with scrawled scrolls, gems, and ingredients occupied most of the room. A hovering light of white magic hovered above a hooded man who was facing away from them, absorbed in his research.

"My mage, Farengar, is in here. Likely buried in some book. If you help him i'm sure he'll take your request." The Jarl spoke to Lucius, stopping at the entrance to the laboratory. "What's your name elf? You seem above the common rabble i usually deal with." He finished, looking into Lucius's silver orbs.

"Lucius Frey, my Jarl. Born in the Summerset Isles." He responded with respect.

"Hmm? And what brings you to Skyrim, if i may ask?" The Jarl curiously replied.

"My mother was a Nord you see, i wanted to visit the land she was so fond of." Lucius gave a reminiscent smile.

"Ha! So that's why i liked the look of you! I hope our land welcomes you with open arms, brother." The Jarl departed, giving Lucius a friendly punch as he walked by.

'A good ruler it seems...A rare and valuable thing in these times.' Lucius happily thought.

"I was completely ignored." Ciri huffed.

"Don't be jealous, he's clearly a man with good eye." Lucius teased, walking into the lab.

Ciri rolled her eyes and followed.

"Come to Dragonsreach to discuss the ongoing hostilities, like the rest of the 'great warriors'?" Farengar said, not looking up from his book and moving to his bookshelf.

"Look out - you're about to step in your own Frost Rune." Lucius snipped.

"What? I never even cast... ah, I see. You have some knowledge of the Higher Arts. Please forgive my earlier rudeness. I am so often interrupted by visitors wondering in, I can occasionally become quite savage. Now... what did you say you wanted?" Farengar apologised.

"We found a stone tablet we were hoping you could translate for us in a nearby crypt. The Jarl said you had a project you needed help with, and that it could be payment for your services." Lucius informed the mage in front of him, who put his book aside.

"Ah, indeed? Jarl Balgruuf... Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. Now that you mentioned it. I was looking for a stone tablet i believe to be in Bleak Falls Barrow. That wouldn't happen to be the crypt you spoke of?" Farengar asked with bit of excitement.

"It is actually...How did you know that it was even there? The place looked like it hasn't been touched in millennia." Ciri asked.

"Ah, you see a close associate of mine told me of its existence. I traced it through old records of the ancient Nord's." Farengar quickly replied. "May i see it? i should have a book for the dragon language around here. One moment." He said, scouring his shelves for the book. "Here!" He announced dropping a huge, aged book on the table.

Lucius handed over the tablet to the mage. "Here, careful it's fairly heavy." Lucius said.

"Now let's have a look." Farengar whispered, rubbing his hands together.

"It says in dragon tongue. 'het nok un mahlaan drogge erei suleyk. se ALDUIN vokrii'. Or, in common speech. 'Here lie our fallen lords. Until the power of Alduin rises once more.' That does not sound very good, does it?" Farengar said with a small chuckle.

"You were right, Lucius. It wasn't a coincidence... Shit!" Ciri cursed, while Lucius face went red.

"Is there a problem?" Farengar asked the pair, seeing their reactions.

"Ahem. Nothing to worry about for now. Thank you for helping us, Farengar. How should we repay you?" Lucius asked after composing himself.

"Not to worry, i wouldn't have charged for this service. It's always a pleasure meeting another mage or scholar. The knowledge alone is payment enough." He smiled.

"Farengar! Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon's been sighted nearby. You two should come, too. Any able fighter is needed." The housecarl from before came barging in.

"A dragon! How exciting! Where was it seen? What was it doing?" Farengar beamed.

"I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you. If a dragon decides to attack Whiterun, I don't know if we can stop it. Now let's go!" Irileth chided the giddy mage.

Lucius shrugged looking to Ciri for any opposing signs.

"We'll help, come on Lucius." Ciri declared to the dark elf.

Lucius and Ciri followed the housecarl and mage up to a war room with a map of Skyrim in the centre. The Jarl was talking to a guard as the foursome approached.

"So, Irileth tells me you came from the western watchtower?" Jarl Balgruuf said to the guard.

"Y-Yes, my lord." The guard stuttered out a response.

"Tell him what you told me, boy. About the dragon." Irileth demanded, giving a stern glare.

"Uh... that's right. We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... faster than anything I've ever seen." The guard shuddered.

"What did it do? Is it attacking the watchtower? Are the men fighting it? Well, speak up lad!" Jarl Balgruuf demanded.

"No, my lord! It was just circling overhead when I left. I never ran so fast in my life... I thought it would come after me for sure." The guard stood straight.

"Good work, son. We'll take it from here. Head down to the barracks for some food and rest. You've earned it. Irileth, you'd better gather some guardsmen and get down there." Balgruuf said, placing a hand on the guard's shoulder.

"I've already ordered my men to muster near the main gate." Irileth informed her lord.

"Good. Don't fail me, Irileth." Said the Jarl softly, watching the guard disappear into the barracks.

A small tense silence hung in the air before the Jarl turned to the duo.

"I know this is a lot to ask of you, friends. You have no need to answer my call. But me, and my people, would owe you a great debt should you accept. I would ask you to help slay this beast. Name your price if need be." The Jarl requested, with a respectful undertone in his voice.

Lucius smiled at the Jarl before answering. "We'll help you. No need for a reward of gold. Your respect is enough for us." Lucius said, responding for the both of them.

Balgruuf sighed in relief. "Thank you, truly. You should join the men and Irileth at the gate before they leave." He said.

The pair nodded and began making there way to the gate.

"He really does seem to be a good person, doesn't he? A lord that finally puts the safety of his people first." Ciri said walking past the market stalls.

"He does. I was expecting a racist comment if i'm honest." Replied Lucius.

They came upon a small gathering of men in a line.

"Here's the situation. A dragon is attacking the Western Watchtower." Declared Iirileth

"A dragon?" The first guard questioned.

"Now we're in for it." Another guard said.

"What?" A third sounded.

"You heard right! I said a dragon! I don't much care where it came from or who sent it. What I do know is that it's made the mistake of attacking Whiterun!" Irileth's charisma let loose.

"But Housecarl... how can we fight a dragon?" The second guard queried with worry.

"That's a fair question. None of us have ever seen a dragon before, or expected to see one in battle. But we are honorbound to fight it, even if we fail. This dragon is threatening our homes... our families. Could you call yourselves Nords if you ran from this monster? Are you going to let me face this thing alone?" Irileth shouted.

"No, Housecarl!" A chorus of agreement.

"But it's more than our honour at stake here. Think of it - the first dragon seen in Skyrim since the last age. The glory of killing it is ours, if you're with me! Now what do you say? Shall we go kill us a dragon?" Irileth riled.

"Yeah!" "Damn right!" "Yeah!"

Irileth: "Let's move out!"

Ciri and Lucius looked at each other.

"That was a pretty good speech." Ciri said.


*Not proof read*

I had a thought... We're debating all these fictional worlds. but, Ciri has already been to our world(Earth) in the lore. Why not have a short 10 chapter arc of Lucius fucking around in our world. Save Joan of arc? Murder Hitler? Solve inflation rates in the Uk so labour don't get into power? Just some food for thought...

(Not so big) Big reveal next chapter.

Thank you guys for all the support, it means a lot :)

Have a good one.

From your "patently evil" Author ;)