the sound of thunder getting louder and louder the rain become heavier.
outside the cave there is running all kind of beast towards the cave.
it's seems like they are welcoming someone very powerful and precious to nature,
like they are welcoming there master.
inside the cave the baby is smiling widely
like see is queen of the earth.
her mother is almost unconscious and her father is standing and looking outside the cave with fighting spirit.
the man said to the unconscious women Tyra please stay awake they are coming towards us.
we have to run from here , we can't let them catch us and let them take our daughter away we have to fight for our daughter sake.
the unconscious women slowly regain her consious and open her mouth to said don't worry I won't let them harm our daughter I will protect both of you until I died .
the man eyes were moist and he keep shaking his head because he know what his wife is planning to do , but he can't denied that her plain will protect there daughter .
Tyra looked at her husband and her heart clenched she close her eyes and think in her heart that she will protect them and kill all the enemy until they beg for mercy.
listen to me Dylan we have to do this we can't let them hurt our daughter , and I promise I will come to both of you .okkkk?
till then you have to hide your identity and I will seal baby power okk.
(stay tune๐)