Ah Yue Jin walked into the medical hall with a playful smile on his face. As he was about to call his master, the old physician was quick to say:
"Ah Jin, where did you go? I have almost filed a missing person's report to the prime minister!" Old physician Wang said in an annoyed voice.
This apprentice of his never stays in one place for thirty minutes. He keeps disappearing like he appears and it was starting to give him a headache!
"Master, I went to get you this..." Jin brought out a paper bag from behind his back and wiggled it in front of his master while grinning.
"You naughty boy, why didn't you tell me you went to go get me food?" The physician hit him on the head lightly with a book and collected the paper bag from him.
"I wanted to surprise you. You are no fun master and you didn't even thank me." He sulked when he saw that his master had already started eating the bun.