SUITE got tipped off that Narco was meeting with another gang to make a deal the next day. I immediately made preparations.
Despite my reckless strategy, I wasn't going to go in empty-handed.
Instead of wearing my normal lightweight suit, I wore a bulletproof vest. I also armed myself with a pistol with a silencer. Though my speed was reduced by a notable amount, I wanted to prioritize my safety this time.
Though they aren't effective against mages of the same rank, they will help deal with the small fry and help me conserve mana. I needed all the mana I could get, I was going to fight someone stronger than me.
In an emergency, I could also coat the bullet with the mana of the oscillation properties, allowing me to increase the penetrating power.
Though it is wildly inefficient, as bullets were only made of regular lead, a material that wasn't very mana conductive. I covered it all with a giant coat, as wearing this much equipment is extremely suspicious.
After leaving Nightlight casino, I arrived at the meeting location. They were supposed to meet at 7:00 pm.
I sat on a bench nearby and started smoking. I hated the taste of it, but for the mission, I endured. I also hid my face with my coat, covering it in darkness. If anyone were to pass by, they would see me as an adult, albeit one with a below-average stature.
Eventually, the two parties met up. I had completely suppressed my mana, making it seem I was just a civilian.
Carl Rameriz was also in a disguise. Though it didn't fool me. I could recognize that mana signature from a mile away. I would never forget it.
Eventually, after a couple of back-and-forths, the deal concluded. Carl motioned for one of his subordinates to give the man a suitcase.
He smiled and nodded. He then shook hands and left with the rest of the members. The deal concluded smoothly, crushing my hopes of killing him now.
If the two parties fought, I would have been able to kill Carl in the skirmish, blaming his death on a gang fight. Though it was a small chance, I still hoped for it.
'Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'll just continue with my actual plan.'
Carl soon left with his subordinates. I threw my cigarette in the bin and followed him a minute later. I felt like vomiting, but I held it in. I had to complete my revenge first.
I started tracking him, ensuring I was out of eyeshot and earshot. I didn't want him to get suspicious.
I wasn't tracking him by sight, but by his mana signature. His signature was engraved in me and it stuck out like a sore thumb, like a beacon to me. I hadn't forgotten after all these years.
I confirmed my senses were better than his when I probed him during the deal. He did not react to it.
Despite so, he kept looking behind him, seemingly knowing I was following him. However, I could tell he couldn't notice me, as he was looking in different directions, trying to search for me.
However, after a while, he stopped. I hadn't noticed his gaze on me, so he probably gave up. If I had to guess, his instinct was telling him, that someone was following him.
This type of instinct or 'gut feeling' wasn't a mana phenomenon. It psychological reaction based on the brain's analysis of the mana around them.
After a series of twists and turns, he soon disappeared inside a building. It was a hotel. But what surprised me was that it wasn't a high-class hotel, but a lower class for those who are not rich.
It looked run down and barely functioning. It was nothing compared to the fancy ones you could find closer to the centre of the city.
The district I was located in was darker compared to bright Vas Gyan. According to my research on the city, this area was the 'boring' part of the city where most 'normal' people would live.
It was nothing like the degeneracy in the centre, where prostitutes could be seen on the streets.
'Even a city like Vas Gyan can be quiet.'
I walked into the hotel. I soon realized that this wasn't a hotel but Carl's base. Anyone who entered would be killed.
Being killed in this city wasn't anything uncommon. Crime ran rampant and someone like Carl could easily cover a murder as an unfortunate incident.
I immediately shoot my silencer, killing all the guards on the floor before they noticed me. I didn't want to alert Carl.
I slowly explored the floor, killing those I found. I moved quickly, I was now on a time limit. I soon found the stairs to the next floor.
I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. I didn't want to get trapped inside after all. I walked to the top floor.
I tried to open the door to the floor, but it was locked. This was probably where Carl resided. I slowly froze the door, making it brittle.
The frozen door crashed onto the ground, bent out of shape. The guards immediately reacted by spraying bullets at my position.
However, none of them hit me. I created a shield out of water, which the bullets hit, killing all the momentum.
Along with my frost attribute, I also learned to use the liquid attribute. The liquid attribute allowed me to create and manipulate liquids.
Water was the easiest liquid to create for most because of my familiarity with it and its low complexity. It is only composed of 3 atoms.
Mercury and bromine have lower complexity than water, but most use water instead. This is mostly because water is a very flexible substance and be used in a variety of ways. The only benefit the two elements have is their toxicity, which doesn't affect mages of D rank and above.
After the gunfire stopped and the dust cleared, all the guards were surprised that I was still alive. However, that momentary hesitation was going to kill them. I transformed my water shield into spears which I launched at my opponents.
They soon realized the danger of my attack, but at that point, it was too late. I all died with holes in their bodies where their hearts were.
I used my liquid attribute to collect someone of the blood of my opponents. Creating an object took more mana than manipulating it, so it was always handy to have liquids around in a fight.
The blood of my enemies was a convenient source of liquid for me. I couldn't directly manipulate the blood in someone's body as everyone has a {Distortion Field} that extends a couple of centimetres beyond a person's body. This field disrupts all mana, stopping people from attacking others from the inside. The only way it was possible was if there was an overwhelming strength difference.
I continued, killing everyone with either my silenced pistol or with blood spears. I could sense Carl's mana here at the back of the floor. My body was trembling in excitement.