(Carl POV)
"This better be worth my time. If you give me trash, there will be consequences."
"Yes yes, sir. This will definitely be worth it for you."
If any of Carl Ramirez's comrades saw their arrogant leader acting like this, they wouldn't believe it. However, in front of Vision, you couldn't afford to be arrogant.
'I truly want to kill him. He is being too high and mighty.'
Even though this person is weaker than me (about an E rank) I cannot touch him. Best case, I will lose my ability to work with Vision. Worst case, Vision will send mages to kill me.
Even though Carl considered himself to be strong, he was nothing in front of the true monsters that stand at the top of this world. It is rumored that Vision counts a couple of S ranks among its members.
"I will show you where I keep the kid."
The Vision intermediary followed. His name is Heron, though I am sure it is just an alias or code name. He was wearing an expensive business suit, something that didn't match the atmosphere of the forest.
'Wait, how did an E rank get through the forest while wearing a business suit? There isn't even a spec of dust on it either. Oh wait, his rider and mount must be powerful enough to scare off the beasts.'
For a second I thought he was stronger than me. But I quickly denied those thoughts. His aura was exactly like those civilians I killed during the raids.
We arrived at the cell where Julius was located. He was resting on the mattress we provided him with.
I had heard from Alfred that he saw me forcing myself on his mother a couple of days ago. I thought he would have been angrier at me, but looks like got over it.
I enjoyed sleeping with her though and it was the best sex I have had in my life. I don't want to sell her. Heck, if this kid earns me enough, I might get to keep her.
He got up and immediately looked up at me. His gaze still contains animosity but it had been dulled since we met.
'Did he finally realize our difference in strength?'
Then after a second, he looked at Heron with curiosity.
(Julius POV)
I saw Carl walk in with another person. I stopped trying to glare at Carl. It was just a waste of time and effort. I already promised myself I would kill him, so I will save my anger until I have the capability to.
During my time here, I have started meditating. I had been on such a rollercoaster of emotions this past week and I was extremely angry. I had started this to gain more control over my emotions.
I lost interest in Carl and focused on the other man. He was wearing a gold embroidered business suit. This person was not a bandit.
At first glance, he looked like a regular man. Though he was wearing fancy clothes, he was emitting an aura that was comparable to a civilian. However, my senses were telling me otherwise.
'This man, he is dangerous. Moreso than Carl.'
"Ho, you must have sharp senses to see through my disguise. I am truly intrigued."
'Wait how? Did he somehow notice my probing?'
He then pointed a device at me. I felt something invading my body. It wasn't painful but uncomfortable, similar to ants crawling all over your legs.
"He's as exceptional as you say, Carl. You didn't lie to me."
The man in the suit spoke with a smile on his face. It was like he found out he had won the lottery.
"Why would I? I wouldn't want to lose favour with Vision."
I was shocked. The prideful Carl Ramirez was acting this submissive to somebody else?
'Vision must be that strong then.'
"Carl, how do you want to deal with this kid? Would to like to commission Vision and let us sell that kid at the Nox Oculta for you, or do you want to sell him to us directly? If you do so, the money will be given within 3 days."
"Sir Heron, what are the commission rates and how much will you pay me if I sell him directly to you."
I couldn't help but get angry. Though it didn't show on my face, my blood was boiling. They were just treating me as a commodity. Yet, those emotions didn't last long as I forcibly calmed myself by taking a deep breath.
"We will take 8% of the profits from the commission and if you sell the kid directly to us, we will buy him for 350 million (S)."
'I am worth 350 million (S)!'
"Sir Heron, I will sell the kid directly to you."
"Deal! I'll be taking him away now you can expect the money to come to this location within 3 days. It was nice doing business with you."
Carl then unlocked the cell and the man named Heron motioned for me to follow him. I complied as he was even more powerful than Carl. There was no point in resisting.
"Do you want to see your mother before you leave?"
"Burn in hell, you bastard!"
Even though I had the chance to visit my mother one more time but I rejected it. I desperately wanted to say goodbye to her, however, she wouldn't be able to even look at me especially after going through that traumatic experience. It was best for her mental health that she doesn't see me.
"Ooo, a feisty one."
Carl was back to his arrogant self after the transaction.
I left the warehouse and followed Heron to his hummer. He gestured for me to get in which I complied. He then got in after me. He then signalled for his driver to start moving.
The inside of the vehicle I was currently sitting in was couldn't be compared to the prison cell I was previously in. It had soft velvet seats and was pure white, decorated with gemstones.
On the outside, it looked like a regular ATV, but from the inside it was luxury.
"There is a little bit of light magic mixed in to create this illusion."
'He read my thoughts.'
"Don't worry, that's the first question everybody asks. This magic won't be seen through any below A rank. Even I cannot see through it."
He somehow answered all my questions.
"You seem very calm for someone who has been kidnapped and is now being sold."
"Well after a week, you get used to it."
"Well even so that is pretty fast. Also, you seemed to have learned to regulate your emotions. At a such young age without any training as well. I am jealous."
"I hate not being in control of my emotions and I consider myself a pretty rational person."
In this life, I have cried more times than in my previous life. I want it all to stop and I want to be in control.
"Well, sit back and enjoy the ride. We will be in the capital city soon, where the auction is being held. The city is nothing compared to your rural town country boy."
(Carl POV)
"Sir, why did you sell the kid directly to Vision? You could have 2 or 3 times that amount of Sonas if you commissioned them."
Alfred questioned me.
"I have a bad feeling about this year's auction. If I directly sell it to Vision, it would be impossible for the government to trace the kid back to me. Vision is extremely careful. But if I commissioned Vision to sell on my behalf, it is quite easy for the kid to be traced back."
My senses may not be the greatest, but I have always trusted my instincts. This is how I have survived up until now.
I didn't want to get too greedy and for it to backfire on me. Also, I have earned enough money to stop raiding and start my new business venture. I didn't even have to sell Lucy.