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She Is Unwanted

Alexis is forced to marry shy Addy Mores. The only daughter of Mores shipping company family. With his close up personality and she find...

Chapter 1 - The Forgotten Memories chapter 1

Its been a year and a half since the divorce and looking at her little bambino , Addy was proud of the mother she had become. Her little boy was all grown up now...her joy. At least that brute of a husband had given her this baby boy.

"Addy !are you listening to me?"Her best friend poked her ...sometimes she wondered why Addy was always in her own world.

"Yes Christie ...something about a party."

"You have to attend this one and you can also bring little Addy with you."

Yes she named her son by her name ...Thomas Addy Mores.

"Do I really have to come ?you know how I feel about crowds ,can't you just attend ?"She liked her own space and she just hated being among crowds .Not that she hated people it was just hard for her to communicate with people she was not familiar with. And right now she did not want to deal with her ex-husband's friends as well as his family considering that they knew nothing about her baby.

"I will be there, plus I told a few people you were coming and it's just a friendly dinner with a few board members with their families and friends."Christie knew how hard it was for her to be with strangers since the divorce.

"Okay ...I will go just for a few hours then we are going home."

"Good.I will be there for you okay?"

"Its fine Christie ...I have to do this anyway."She sighed knowing that as a major shareholder of her late fathers company she had to make an appearance of some sort.She still could not believe that her ex-husband's family still had shares in her company.She still could not get the reasons they refused to sell their shares to her .She practically ran the company anyway.

A few hours later she and her baby boy stood outside the hotel, anticipating how everyone is gonna react when they see her as well as the surprise she was bringing.

"Its now or never"She smiled at little Addy and opened the large doors and strode in with her fake smile...pausing to greet some of the guests as she searched for Christie.

"My God is it Addy!?"Ashton surprised her as he hugged her.

Ashton was one of her ex-husband's friends, one she liked very much .

"Hi Ash."She finally let her guard down and smiled back at his Irish face full of freckles.Some men were just too cute and Ash was definitely one of those men.

"Who is this little fellow?"He smiled at the little blond boy .

"My son, Thomas."

"You have a son?I thought you were single now."

Sometimes Ash surprised her with his stupidity... I mean her being single has nothing to do with having a baby.

"I can get pregnant Ash .I have to greet the other board members can you direct me to them."She bit her lower lip as the nerves started hitting her hard .why was she even here? was it too late to hightail out of here before they noticed her?She might as well get it over with

Ashton knew that Addy never liked crowds especially this one . From the time he had got to know her she had been a loner and still was judging by how nervous she was. One thing he still didn't know was why his best friend had divorced her.She was very beautiful, kind and had the sexiest body any woman would want .

"I will take you to their table."Ashton picked the baby seeing how uncomfortable she was .

Addy saw him first and her heart gave a little jerk at the sight of that smile she had fallen for. And disappointment hit her hard when she noticed that woman as they approached where they were all they were still together .As their eyes met she saw the recognition in them and then the sadness and a bit of anger .Why in god's name would he be angry with her?

"Miss Mores!How nice of you to show up."Mr Edd stood up to greet her.

"Nice to see you Mr Edd...greetings."She bowed a little to show respect and smiled at the little group.

"Addy!"Alexis's sister practically crushed her as she hugged her.

"And who might this adorable soldier be?"Reece cooed over baby Addy

"He is...that is my son Addy Thomas."

The surprise on Reece's face as well as some of the people who might have heard was priceless .

"Your baby?"She said this as she glared at her brother who was shocked beyond belief.

Was Addy seeing someone when they were married ?there's just no way that's possible.She was always locked up in her room doing god knows what .He needed to get to the bottom of this and if he was right about the hair color of that baby it was definitely his.But how could it be ?It was just once .There's just no way she could have got knocked up that night.

"Yes ,he is mine."Addy smiled at Reece as she adoringly kissed her baby boy.

"He is so cute."Reece also kissed the baby noting how he looked almost like her brother Alexis.

"I'll explain later ."Addy whispered to Reece knowing full well she had noticed the similarities between her ex-husband and the baby.

Reece knew that this was going to be worth waiting for.She couldn't wait to have a little cute nephew .She just hoped her brother would be civil with Addy ,sometimes he could be an ass to her and the poor thing was terrified by him.

"Miss Mores its nice to see you. "Alexis secretary greeted Addy with her fake smile plastered on her doll face.

"Nice to see you too Bridget ."Addy knew that she was stating her claim ,she was surprised Alexis had kept her this long .Guess she was that good with other things.

"Addy Mores"Alexis 's other best friend gave her one of his signature smile that always left her blushing. He was a charming bastard and he always made sure to smile at her just to see her rosy cheeks.

"Hi Anderson ."She smiled at him .

"Miss Mores ."Her ex-husband gave her a curt-nod as his secretary clung to his arm.

"Alexis ."She nervously smiled at him not meeting his eyes .She wanted to avoid any emotional contact that could lend her in her room crying later.Even though they were divorced she knew full well that her heart still yearned for his love.

"Cute baby."Bridget added in pure hatred earning an angry glare from Reece.

"Thanks."Addy replied knowing full well how curious she was of her child.

She came and greeted everyone as per Christie's request and now it was time to leave.

"I have an important meeting to get to, so my apologies to all of you."She took little Addy from Ashton .

"But you just got here "Reece protested.

"Come see me later ."She winked at Reece so she won't fuss.

"OK...bye little Addy ."Reece hugged them both and watched them as they left. Drama was about to start judging by her brother's frown.

After meeting her ex-husband's family Addy was exhausted.All she needed was a good nap just like her son who was sleeping peacefully on the sofa next to his mom.

Gazing adoringly at her son ,Addy was proud that asshole of a dragon had given her this little ray of sunshine.She knew that soon he would come asking questions and she was prepared as a soldier ready for battle. She just hoped that her mouth would open this time and not clam up like how she used to be.She could not do with her stammering today.

later during lunch as she was feeding her son Addy heard a knock, well to be precise some idiot was banging on her door and she was not pleased by who ever it was.Tossing the kitchen towel on the table she stormed off causing little Addy to observe her.The little boy was curious of his own mother's behavior and sometimes you'd think he was a little old for a toddler's age.

"Who the hell is it!?"Addy swung the door open with an angry scowl and came face to face with her ex-husband and he was pissed.

"Where is he?"He more than growled at her.As he strolled in as if he owned the place .

''Well come in...'' Addy muttered as she shut the door earning a glare from her ex-husband.

She hated him for disturbing her peace and here he was angry for whatever reason.So she just glared back at him ...noting how tall and masculine he was now.She knew it was a low blow for her to be checking him out but what woman would resist a hunk of a man plus it's been a dry season .

"I'm talking to you ."he snapped his fingers so she could focus on him.

"Who are you talking about ?"She walked past him towards the kitchen.

"My baby."He bellowed making her tense up.

She turned feigning surprise ''You have a baby!?''

"Stop playing.I thought you were a decent woman but a guess you are a whore like all the other women." How many women did this man have?And did he just call her a whore!