Day 12 month 11 year 2256.
Paola was with Benjamin on her lap as she helped him to sleep after he had suckled. Elliot and Betrin were still talking on the porch of the house. They might think they were smart and more capable than the others but in Paola's opinion? They were incredibly dumb!
In the span of a few minutes, Elliot, out in the open, assumed the authorship of more than 15 different crimes of different stages. Betrin was not much better. According to the law, for not reporting this immediately, he would be arrested as an accomplice!
Paola was at the window just above the balcony, and both of them didn't seem to care whether she heard their conversation or not. Paola regretted the day she had met Betrin. She had only been in Amerid for a short time that day, and after a relatively long period of traveling across the country, she had met some friends and decided to go out for a drink in a pub near the hotel she was staying in.