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★ A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice
★ A Washington Post Best Book of the Year
★ An Economist Best Book of the Year
★ A Wall Street Journal Book of the Year
No one in the twentieth century had a greater impact on world history than Deng
Xiaoping. And no scholar is better qualified than Ezra Vogel to disentangle the
contradictions embodied in the life and legacy of China's boldest strategist—the
pragmatic, disciplined force behind China's radical economic, technological, and
social transformation.
"Vogel has gone to enormous lengths to document his subject…Vogel's painstaking research provides
plenty of fascinating detail…On the ways through which Deng set about the enormous task of rebuild-
ing the gutted economy, shattered by decades of turmoil under Mao Zedong, Vogel is exhaustive."
"Deng led a long and remarkable life, packed with drama and global significance, one that deserves
to be dissected in detail…There's no question that Vogel has gone farther than anyone else to date
in telling Deng's story. For that he is to be applauded; there is a whole hoard of valuable material
here that we probably would not have gained otherwise."
"Ezra Vogel's encyclopedic Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China is the most exhaustive
English retelling of Deng's life. Vogel…seems to have interviewed or found the memoirs of nearly
every person who spoke with Deng, and has painstakingly re-created a detailed and intimate
chronology of Deng's roller-coaster career."
"From arguably the most important scholar of East Asia, this is an important book on the force
behind China's transformation in the late twentieth century, whose full fruits are visible only today.
Deng ordered the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, but he was also the person most responsible for
modernizing China and opening it to trade with the West. Again and again he survived threatening
challenges in the Chinese political bureaucracy, to emerge at the top in the late 1970s. His role in
subverting Chinese orthodoxy from the inside is comparable to that of Gorbachev with respect to
the Soviet Union—and he deserves sustained attention such as this landmark book offers."