After roaming in the space of low gravity, she finally descended on an unknown planet which immediately opened up and swallowed her.
"ahh", She screamed, groaned, and winced in pain as she was been turned around by the endless bluish tunnel. She tried to steady herself and flap her wings but the hole that kept turning her around was too fast making her dizzy. She finally gets out of the almost eternal tunnel but before she can try to stop herself from being dizzy and get a clear picture of where she is, she finds out she was falling below the sky. She began to pant and got so scared when her wings seemed so weak and lifeless. She was falling at great speed and yet her wings and body felt so numb and empty. She screamed out of horror and fell on a tree, hitting her waist hard on the branch. She cried as she kept falling, sustaining bruises till she finally fell into the mud. She feels so weak and exhausted, her whole body aches. She winced and groaned in pain, getting more irritated to be in the mud but at the same time noticed something was wrong with her wings. She yelped as she saw her wings fading.
" Ho no! no no no", she cried. She helplessly watched her wings fade before falling unconscious.
(12 hours later)
The scorching sun woke Amelia up. She groaned as she tried to remember what happened. Her heart jolted immediately as she recollected her disappearing wings and she quickly looked at her back hoping it was a hallucination or perhaps a dream but it was the reality.
" oh no! Not my wings", she cried out. She checked and rubbed her back countless times but there was no sign of any wings. She wept. Some seconds later, she looked around wondering where she was. She wiped her tears off and stood up. Everywhere was looking so irritating, the mud, the dirt around, her dirty dress, and her muddy face. She managed to get out of the forest and ended up on a deserted island. There was no sign of any living thing apart from the forest she just emerged from, the whole place was filled with just sand. She stood isolated and confused.
" where am I?", she asked no one as another tear streamed down her eyes," you can't be weak now Amelia, you have to do something", she said to herself. " okay now let's think", she looked around and observe the environment," with the wind, how the frequent breeze keeps blowing off the sand, and the mud earlier means one thing, it's either there's an ocean or sea nearby or there was a flood here", she resolved.
" I hope there's an ocean", she prayed and hoped and began to walk to nowhere in particular, hoping she would come across an ocean and solve the puzzle of where she was and how to get back her wings. She felt so weak and her whole body felt numb but she couldn't give up, she couldn't die or give up just like this.
" But mum won't you take me to school?",
" your dad will do that",
" Seriously honey?",
" I'm sorry sweetheart", she quickly pecked her husband, " I can't get to the office after my boss unless I want to get fired",
" you wouldn't even eat?",
"I'll eat when I get there", she said and hurriedly put on her sneakers keeping the heels in her bag,
"Hey! Be careful, your boss isn't going to kill you",
" you can't understand, my boss is a handsome god devil", she said and ran out of the house,
" handsome god devil?", her husband snorted and headed back to their kid, " handsome? Is she complimenting him or insulting him?", he frowned.
A blonde woman kept on pacing to and fro at how impatient she was. She wouldn't stop tapping her phone and checking her wristwatch every minute looking so worried. The moment the bus arrived she was the first person to board. A few minutes later, she alighted and ran towards the LM RESEARCH ORGANIZATION meeting another woman in sneakers on her way in. She was also running with her untied hair.
" good morning", the first woman greeted,
" there's nothing good about this morning let's just hope he hasn't arrived yet", the second woman said as they both pushed other people out of their way only to see their boss entering the elevator.
" This doesn't look good",
They both took the stairs as the other elevator was occupied, running with their might and panting heavily. They managed to get to the office two seconds before their boss. They all stood up to greet him but as expected, he replied no one. He just scanned the whole place to see who was absent but no one was either absent or late. The two women collapsed on their swivel chairs panting when he left, they were happy that they both made it.
" that was close", Emma, Liam's secretary said to them as she walked passed them. Emma entered the office and met Liam on call, he directed her to drop the files on the table with his hand gesture and told her to leave. He concentrates back on his call,
" making use of the team always comes with great and interesting outcomes so why are you reluctant? I could have used the other departments but they're busy with drug research at the moment, why exactly are you reluctant?",
" Because I know you are crazy Liam",
"I'm crazy?",
" very crazy",
" Okay yeah accepted but my last craziness fetched you millions didn't it",
" hmm sure.. okay let's hear it",
" This research is on rock",
" a rock? when did you become a geologist? Are you planning on finding more rubies or what?",
" no, I want you to create a path into a rock",
" like it's some sort of hut, huh? breaking a rock isn't even easy not to mention creating a path into it, are you even hearing yourself?",
" bye",
" hey wait wait wait..why did you want to create a path into a rock? why did you choose a rock of all things to research on? moreover, this isn't a cave you are trying to create a path for?",
" sounds like someone is dying of curiosity",
" That's why we should find out, as a researcher",
the other person hissed,
" What kind of rock are we dealing with then?",
"The Rock in Positano",
"Po... Positano?",
" yes".
Catherine alighted from her car elegantly, her red ankle trap shoe grace her pale skin that glitters in the sun. The men admire her shape and beauty as she's also dressed in a skimpy skirt and crop top. She is a model so flaunting her beauty and cat walking is the easiest thing for her to do. She was about to enter the building when a security man stopped her,
" good morning ma'am",
"good morning", she said and made to enter but was stopped again," what?",
" I'm sorry ma'am but you can't go in",
She laughed, "Are you serious?, did you know who I am?",
" I'm sorry but that is the order from the boss",
" you better stop lying cause I'm sure your boss will never order anyone to stop me from meeting him, did you even know who I am?",
" you are Miss Catherine ma'am", he replied her respectfully. Catherine had already begun to feel embarrassed,
"Really? So you know", she said and wanted to walk past him but he obstructed her way. She scoffed and brought out her phone then dialed Liam's contact. After four attempts he still didn't pick up. She felt ridiculous and embarrassed.
" I.. I'll surely come back", she said and walked away angrily," how could he do this, tell a mere security man to stop me from meeting him?", she snorted,
" thank you ma'am", the security man answered.
"yeah...", Catherine yelled immediately she entered her car and brushed her blonde hair back with her fingers, feeling so angry. She exhales, trying to calm herself.
" you can't get away from me Liam", she said smiling devilishly, "you are mine".
It was getting late, everyone had gone home except Liam and the security guards. He was busy trying to finish up some files before he headed home. He was too busy to notice the presence of someone walking towards his office. She entered without a knock until she reached the table before he became aware of her presence. He looked up and exhaled feeling relieved,
" Did I startle you?", she asked giggling,
"what are you doing here Sophia?",
"What else? I came to check up on you knowing full well you'll still be in the office",
He sighed and went back to his work,
"care for coffee?",
She smiled understanding what he meant. She found her way to the canteen kitchen and made two cups of coffee. She headed back inside with a smile and handed one to him. Of course, she knew he wasn't going to thank her so she wasn't expecting it. She took her seat opposite him and rolled up her sleeves.
"need some help?", she asked referring to the files,
"by using the door",
"or by massaging your forehead and your shoulder",
"here", he handed over some files to her. He would rather prefer she uses the door or does some files than rub his body in the name of massage but Sophia Chuckles mindlessly.
(2 hours later)
Liam closed the door behind him as they exited the company. He headed towards his car but Sophia followed him causing him to turn back at her with a questioning look,
" What?", she asked as if clueless at why he was giving her such a look,
" I'm heading home ",
" same here",
" Why are you then following me?",
" Isn't it obvious I didn't bring my car",
" then take a taxi", he said and opened his car door,
"Hey, can you stop being so mean? I helped you with your files and even made you...",
" get in", he cut her short already feeling exhausted with her whining.
She chuckled and hurried into the car. The drive was quiet all through until they arrived at her apartment but she was already fast asleep.
" hey, Sophia", he called but she wasn't replying," wake up before I throw you out of the car trust me you know I can do that", he said sternly. Sophia hissed as she opened her eyes,
" you are not even romantic", she said realizing he caught her pretending already. He rolled his eyes without replying to her.
" hey Liam",
" What?",
She looked at him with a calm face making him wonder what the matter was, she didn't look at someone like that unless it was out of pity or something was bothering her.
" what going on I'm listening", he said impatiently,
" hey when a girl falls asleep in your car you should carry her into the house and lay her carefully on the bed that's how gentlemen do, can you be one for once", she said in a serious tone.
Liam hissed thinking it was something serious or meaningful, " 1..2...",
" hey hey!!",
She quickly stepped out of the car and he zoomed off immediately without a ' good night '.
" tsk tsk tsk", Sophia shook her head and went inside, " he can't be a gentleman", she said but then smiled.