The imperial palace was on the side of Sapphire dukedom. Because imperial palace always wanted Reinhardtz dukedom to be completely under their control but couldn't because of duke Reinhardtz. On the contrary, Sapphire dukedom was completely under control of imperial palace. Duke Reinhardtz had also found out the involvement of the empress in the black market business of magic stones of Sapphire dukedom. Therefore Sapphire dukedom plotted against Reinhardtz dukedom with the empress. Therefore not only did Sapphire dukedom got away with their illegal acts but also duke Reinhardtz was accused of treason as he had mentioned the involvement of empress in Black market business. Even though duke Reinhardtz gave solid evidences, his every evidence was proven false by Empress and he was now sentenced with death penalty. That marked the downfall of the Reinhardtz dukedom.