Chereads / DEVIL EYE / Chapter 1 - chapter 1 SO IT BEGINS


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Chapter 1 - chapter 1 SO IT BEGINS

It started with a fight between god and demon which brought the KO's to the entire universe where every species start fighting each other. which destroyed the half of universe. The big Major species who played a big role in these war were God , demon,human,vempire,daki and a organisation with mixe race of species knows as blank .

blank where the organization which apposed the idea of fighting with each other . but they weren't successfull at stoping the war and in the end half of the universe were destroyed. but there were few of the surviver left who were in great pain with body been torn a part and lose with hope of surviving . An unknown figure came through like a new hope and with his blessings he heal the wounded survier and said" it's time to let the past go and search for a better future"which made everyone cry and it was the beginning of new era which is know has "better era" .

"so that's it student the chapter is over and be sure that you all study these cause these will be 30 percent mark question okayy. The ball rang and all of the students rushes out of the school like it's a race ."hey hey slow down you all " say the teacher .(FM)

in present day 2022 may 1 .a sunny weather with clear sky .time for bich and bikini girls but some where in a abadon factory a gruop of people is planning something bad . covered there face with masks."hey will it really work?" "no need to warry everything will be fine as long as we stick to the plan . say with proud voice (its a guy and has a big muscle like a beast ).

SO now time for our main character. he is right now in a small apartment and sleeping and it's 12:00 pm in evening.well and he's name is knock !knock !knock!!! ."huh" wait!" said the main character as he woke up from his sleep from the banging door with furius he went to see who was out there bit to his supsrise no one was there."huh I'm sure I heard a knocking to my door right now ? was I imagine thing or some just pulled a prank ? where is the camera?" with confuse he slowly look around and than closed his door . as he was returning bak to sleep he realized he hadn't ate a lunch so he took his wallet in a though of eating lunch at out side in a restaurant.

After he finishes eating he went to sleep and than he lived his life happily ever after .bye

hey hey just kidding. the story had jut started so put on your seat belt and get ready for a dangerous ride hehehehehhehhhheeeeeeeee(with echo)

as he ( main character)was eating the lunch .oh I forgot to introduse him probably sorry my bad .so his (MC)name is jorden it's not Michael jordan .jorden means rich in tibetan .but our jorden is broke i mean real broke okay . while he was eating lunch in a road side small restaurant where he goes daily cuz that's what he can afford. he ordered one plate momo( similar as dumpling) .well jorden was eating his lunch as usual with feeling shity about his life. Suddenly a stranger seat's beside him and say "you look broke broo"(with a laughing expression) but jorden say nothing cause at these point he has already heard too many time people saying him he is poor and low life and more which doesn't borther him anymore."hahh hey im talking to you broo! don't just ignore me "!(say the stranger beside him)"what just leave me along "(says with a boring voice by joeden) "YOU are really done with your life huh sad ." i mean it's your false that your life is these bad so you are to blame broooo. As the stranger said that right at that moment jorden got angry and shouted and said" YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY LIFE!!! " SO JUST LIVE ME ALONG!!!." okay fine but! what will you do after you run out of money cause im sure you have no source of income and in like few months you'll run out of money.Thannn what will you do"."OH i know you will kill your self"( says the stranger with a confidant smile). jorden couldn't say anything and his eyes were cold." hey but you try to change your life atleast give it an another shot . Soo here's my card if you fell like changing your life than come at these locations written here" OKayy byee" jorden was just thinking about the things he said that he couldn't listen what the stranger said. honestly he is telling the truth. I've already planned to kill myself after two months causes that's how long ill have Money after that I'm planning to kill my self . hah im so pathetic. " any way i guess i have to go home now .Hey mam here the money and thank for the meal !!. but owner didn't took the money cause today was her birthday so she said" no today treats on me ". why " "well todays my birthday you see" " oh i guess happy birthday. don't you have anybody coming to celebrate with you mam " "oh huhh YEAH they might come soon so i guess I'll be closing the shop soon see yeah" "okay " and than the mam(owner of the shop) when to clean up the table but she found a business card on there so she shouted " hey hey you left you card here son " "oh i don't remember bringing any card" " it's not mine so you throw it mam " "i think you should take the card cause it might help you in future." so jorden Takes the card when goes back to his apartment.Around 5PM at his (jorden) apartment sleeping. he had a bad dream where he is being chased by hundreds of unknown figure and suddenly he is stabed in by a sword in his stomach ."HUH " " it was a dream same dream for the past 8 years" (says with a scared voice)when he checks his phone it's 12:30 AM so he tries to sleep but can't so he think of taking a walk on the road.(and yeah he is not scared of dark . not like you) jorden goes to take a walk at mountain caus that's where he usually goes for a walk . it's around 1Am and jorden is Jogging (partially) with ear phone in his ear.Suddenly out of no where a fire ball come towards him and he barely dodge it well his hair get on fire so he quickly rub's his head with his hand and makes the fire go away. He becomes curios and looks at the direction where the fire ball came from . it's cover with lots of big leave.and then he hear a deep voice " you are whom they send haha you're just some weak bustard. You'll die so you better pray a quite dead cause I'm gonna tear your whole body a part""HAH HA ha HA !!.after following the voices he saw a big monster with fire cover around his body like an armor and very scary looking also but to his suprise he saw the same stranger (restaurant guy) also." huhhhh i really didn't wanted to be here"( say with a bored and confident voice) by the stranger to the monster ."Huh you wish cause now you are dead!!!" as the monster scream and jumped way up in the aky and the monster directly attack on the stranger witha dangerous pung which suprisingly the stranger dodged it very easly but it made a big hoel on the mountain." Huh you are not bad but how long you thini you can dodge boyy" ( said by the monster). the monster Starts to attack'the stranger with sieries of dangerous punches which is dodged by the stranger very easily but it destroythe mist of the teees and ground. in these whole kos jorden try to run away but for aome reason ge stays and watches the fight while making shure he keeps his distant. after many attamped of punches the monster becomes tiered and starts to think if he can even lay any punches at him(stranger).the stranger looks at his phone and makes a face when there is a urgent thing to do. after reading looking at his phone he(stranger) say " oh well yourntime is out you had your chance now turn" (say with a confidant voice and about to artack"). the monster quickly throws some fire ball and tries to attack him from behind but the stranger cathches the monster and say " die you piece of shit"( with a evil face ) and then the stranger crushes the monster's head with his bare hand.( blood in his habd and partially covered with blood on his face. He wipes the blood and lives the scene by flying in the sky.) after jorden witnessing that horerfic scene he run fast as he can to his apartment and he vomets right infront of his door. he gets scared and faint right in front of his door .at morning around 7AM his neighbour wakes him up ( a beautiful lady with blod hair and kind one)" are you still drunk"( says with a concern voice) by the ladie to jorden."huh no im fine "(said by jorden) jorden quickly when inside his apartment and locked the door before the lady could say anything to him.( a consern looks on the lady face)

after going inside his apartment he thought about what happened yesterday and couldn't stay relax so he thought he should go to that same location right now. So he went there but on the way he saw a many policies with curiosity he went there to check and he saw that some people Robbing a bank and also having a hostages but he wasn't concerned about that he was concerned for the shop owner caus the bank was just next to her shop." where is she(restaurant owner) i can't see here is she also one of the hostages"(talking to himself in thoughts with being sacred)" hey i want to know the name of the people who are being kept hostage "( said to police by jorden with a concern voice)" sorry sir bit we don't have the information yet we are trying so please try to understand"( said by the police to jorden)but jorden just couldn't stay still so he thought he should go inside the bank to check if she is there .so he prepared to go inside but suddenly the owner of the lady tap on his back and said "where are you going "the moment he saw her he was Relief and said " oh why are you late today " "ohe about that it was my birthday yesterday do you remember?" "me and my friends were celebrating whole night" "oh good " " but why were you looking for me "( said to jorden whit a question look) so jorden showed explained her the situation.

" huh i guess I'm lucky huh hahah "(lady restaurant owner). but the situation turns into bad to worse as the police gets the information that the robbers are power user so they immediately calls for backup while they were calling for a backup a mom and a son were thrown from the bank window .when the police when to check there they straight vomated caus the scene was very horrific.mon was shot twice at her head and the son body was full of scratches and his stomach was half out .they quickly covered to body so that media can't see but yhey were late and it went viral in media in just in few second." these is not good send him now" " okay sir as you oder " ringing sound " hello yeah CoMe ON okay ill go there ." sir is he the right option cause i think he'll make it more complicated." " just watch ( an old man ). while everyone at there scene is schoked and some demanding full explanation suddenly a man come on the scene from the sky with a grand entry.just after few seconds everyone's attention switches towards him as he is a celebrity.nobody bother about the bank situation anymore." oh my goddd" " he is my hero " " PLEASE WILL YOU MARRY ME" Iove YOU" ( random people mostly girls)" who is he "( jorden say to mam(restaurant owner)" you don't know hom he is a memeber of 10 pillar " " HUh what is10pillar"( says with a confuse look by jorden) "well they very powerful people you can think of them as the wordl strongest people thers are 10 of them and he is rank 10 . He is known as (nightmare ) " talk about comic name huhh"( says jorden to mam). nightmare calms down every one and says " no need to worry every thing will be done ahortly so please go and do your things.he walked pass by the dead body of the mon and the son like there was nothing."hoh ho. okay please every who is here i mean the robbers please come out quietly or it'll be a very bad for you people." (says with confidant voice fom nightmare)

slowly some of the robbers comes out with gun and some of them have powers also." okay now just stay calm and live the hostages okay ." no fuck you we are 5 and you are one you think we are sacred of you ( says with a worried voice from the robbers)" he takes a deeo breath" I'm trying to be reasonable here okay give methe hostages and then I'll go you can do what ever you want to do after than .OKay"(nighmare) " don't act smart if we don't have any hostages then they'll attack and we don't want that"." we HUH it means there are still some other people here who's dow there " " i thought i told you all to come play time is over now " ( says with a angry face). while nightmare is talking suddenly smokes comes from every direction and blocks the vision and nit Robbers they were already prepared for it.they starts to fire shots at him ( machine gunn and akms)" nice try body but bullet doesn't Hurts me . sorry my turn "( says with a cocky smile) nightmare runs so fast that they couldn't react and he kill evey one if them with few punches ans he made sure to make it painless so he ripes there head out from there body in a second." hello you guys musr be there friends oh here take your friend head "(nightmare).they got very scared the moment they saw there frends head but they were more worried about what will happen to them they knew they were going to die." i knew we would get in these situation so we came prepared "( says the robber with a confidant smile) " whta will you do tell me I'm curious "( nightmare) " we uave put more than 10 boms in these city . which is enough to blow these whole city and turn it into ash" (Robber)

" but you'll die also" " we don't care cause we have been preparing for these moment." hehe okay okay just tell me what do you want you want a free pass I'll give it you just don't ress the button okay .( says with a scared voice)" just kidding bom can't kill me and i know certainly there is no human weapon that can kill me " so your BAD ahahAA ( says witha evel laugh) " no you are jut lying so that we don't press the button." there's noway that youbare invisible" "than go on press the button" (says the night mare with an evil look) .robbers started hesitating and scared to press the button cause they were just bluffing. night mare came slowly towards them and took the remote from there hand they couldn't do anything caus they were just too scared to even react. he presses the button and nothing happens." so ot was a bluff huh I don't like people who lie .but suddenly ge hear a lot of kos he hoes out sie yo check.and His see's explosion everywhere whole city is immediately put in alert and military and many heros came to rescue the civilians."hah shut you guy's really did put boms in the city huh crazy.

right now evryone in the city(wnagchuk)are in the panic stage ." huh run come with me jorden follow me. jorden and mam ran from that area together and saw a rescue airship they ran fast as they can and they reached the airship. and they got saved ." pheww that was close are you okay mam" ( says to mam by jorden in a cobcern voice) " I'm fine no need to worry". quickly the airship get's full and they are about to live the scene but hear piolet saying some one needs to get down from the airship cause an important person is coming.afyer hearing that everyone get's Panic and starts refusing to give there place for someone .then the important person comes and it turns out it's the daughter of the president (tseyang ) (FM) with a wheelchair cause her half part of the body is Paralyse.and the reason is unknown and she is also accompany by her personal body guard (robert).no one is ready for letting there place go so on military threw one men forcefully which mad everyone silent and scared and they killed him on the spot ." if one of you don't volunteer to step out then we have to throw one of you forve fully.evryone strats to argue with each other about which one should be left out." let throw the grandpa out " " no he is my dad"( a small girlysays while crying) " we should live one of the men caus without girls theybare nothing. some argue one girl should be live then it'll be fair.while in these arguments military get's angry and hold's a random girls hand and about to throw her but he couldn't caus the lady is the (restaurant owner)jorden hold's her hand tightly and says "you guys are supposed to safe civilian not live them in important time.( says with an angry voice)." don't give me that bull shit when we threw that guy oyt from the airship you weren't there to defend him ."

" YOu not just you YOU all just care about yourself and your love one . sacrificing for the better good for these country is what military are made for . "AND That's our duty as a military"( says outloud to everyone) l." don't worry jorden im getting old anyway and I've already done enough that i have no regret with my life but you have more than half of your life to live so don't waste it" " Okay" " no i wouldn't let you my is not worth living anyway so i should die ." i mean i already planned to killed myself anyway ha "( says to her with a smile ) .she slapp's him and says "don't you dare ever say like that" and she quickly jums from the airship .and the military quickly get's the lady and her body guard in the air ship and they preparento took off.

He couldn't say anything and it was his first time crying after a long very long time . as the airship took off and both of them looking at eachother she says see you next time you idiot ( in a very quiet voice)which he couldn't listen. and whole city exploded and the city turned into dust and more than 60 percent of people were dead." as you all know the incident that happened yesterday we are confirmed that the culprits are dead as well.the recovery is under goitao we hope that we have full support from the people and thank you for watching our wb news and see you all next time" ( news reporter)"huh why did she go why noo nooo !!!." huh live life what is there to live anyway." hooi!! " hello remember me ( stranger from the restaurant).

"when you hate yourself

you forget that there are people

who love's you "