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Guardians Fall

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I began tossing and turning,  remembering what happened to me, trying to escape the pain inflicted on me by my own parents. Suddenly I wake up screaming. "NO!!" I pant as I look around, I see that I'm in a hospital room.

"Oh you're awake!" I looked towards the door and saw a nurse,

"What happened?" I asked but my throat was really sore due to my screaming.

"Your parents told us all about your boyfriend, you're quite the whore aren't you?" The nurse said as she looked at me with disgust.

I knew my parents had made up multiple rumors about me, so I wasn't surprised with her outburst.

"Honestly I don't know why you put your parents through so much heartache. You should be ashamed, but I guess we have no choice but to help you." She said with pure distain.

But just as she was about to probably insult me again the doctor who I didn't even notice was hearing her insult me finally said to the nurse,

"Might I remind you that you are a medical professional." The doctor said as he came in.

"Doctor, I was just..."  She was trying to speak, but the doctor was hearing none of it.

"Oh I know very well what you were doing, you like everyone else in this town have bought into Mr and Mrs Manson's, rumors and lies about this boy, and because of that you and this hospital have refused to treat said boy for quite sometime now.

But I will remind you that I'm in charge of this hospital now and the one thing I will not tolerate is abuse towards a patient."

The doctors red hot glare he was directing towards the nurse had even me shivering.

"Doctor you haven't been in this town long. This boy has caused so much trouble for the people of this town, he spreads his legs like no ones business to any guy who'll come near him!!

He drinks and smokes, doing all sorts of drugs and his parents are one of the kindest people in town, this boy doesn't deserve any kind of help!!" The nurse screamed.

The doctor just gave her a blank look, "Firstly, I've had this boys blood tested for every drug and other substance known to man, and nothing was found.

Secondly I've had his lungs checked when I heard about his, " smoking habits", and again nothing was found.

Not only that but judging from the scars on his body and the x rays I had done, this boy has had more injuries than an entire hockey team in the championship league combined, which leads me to believe that the Manson's aren't exactly squeaky clean.

So unless you or anyone else in this rumor riddled town can provide proof of these claims I'm hearing you'll treat him like any other patient, and even if you can provide proof, which I doubt, I would still treat this boy like any other patient, because that is the oath I took.

An oath you also took MS black." The doctor scolded, and the nurse flinched,

"Its nurse black." She muttered, "I'll use your title when you've shown me you deserve to have it used." The doctor bit back.

The nurse quickly left with a huff, "Sorry about that, my name is Dr Smith, I'll be your doctor. How are you?" The doctor asked, and I could tell it as with true concern. "I'm ok." I whispered, Dr Smith nodded letting me know he heard me.

"Well I wanted to talk about your physiology. I noticed something that was very odd, not alarming but odd." The doctor told me, I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I had an x-ray as well as an ultrasound of you done and, I'm the only person who has seen the results and we're going to keep it that way, because it seems that you were born with an extra appendage." The doctor said to me, and my eyes were bugged out.

He quickly closed the door and moved to sit at the foot of my bed. "It's nothing to be afraid of but I would exercise caution, it seems that you were born with a very interesting extra body part. You have a womb and from the looks of the ultrasound you have the ability to conceive. In layman's terms you can get pregnant."

My jaw dropped significantly, my doctor had just told me I can get pregnant!! (I'm a male I shouldn't be able to carry a baby!!) I thought to myself. 

"Now I've made sure that I'm the only person who knows about this. I honestly don't know what's going on at home but this whole town seems to think you're the devil incarnate and your parents are saints.

But based on the bone fractures in the x ray I'd say it's the opposite, but I can tell you're too afraid to say anything."

The doctor looked at me with sympathy. This was my chance to be free once and for all, but he was right, I'm too afraid to say anything so I just put my head down, but I could still feel his eyes on me, and I could tell he was giving me a sympathetic look.

Just then there was a knock on the door and  the doctor went to open the door and immediately my parents along with the nurse from before came barging in.

"Well Mr and Mrs King, I'd say your son should stay here for the next four days just to recover. By the way how did he get his injuries??" The doctor said and judging from the look in his eyes he was looking forward to hearing the lie my parents were eventually going to tell.

"Well our son has had a large string of lovers, and apparently one of them was a little too rough with him. We went to check on him and we found him in his room bleeding and passed out, we instantly rushed him here." My mother spun her lie with great conviction.

"See? I told you doctor, this boy doesn't deserve such kind and wonderful parents." The nurse tried to argue, she was even going so far as to call my parents saints, but I could tell by the look on Dr Smith's face he wasn't buying it for a second.

"Yes well my patient needs rest. You can come pick him up in four days." Dr Smith shooed every one out, but before they left my mother hugged me then whispered in my ear,

"You breathe one word of what really happened and I promise you what happened today will be nothing compared to what me and your father do to you later!" She threatened, and as she sat up she gave me a warning glare, to which I put my head down.

Then she left, I knew it was always going to be like this, so I just laid back and closed my eyes, silently accepting my fate, my new reality.


I walk down the halls to my office after sending Nathan's parents away and making sure my other patients are taken care of.

Honestly the moment I came within forty feet of that room I could sense it instantly. The power that was coming off of him, he would awaken soon.

Let me explain my name is Charlie smith, I'm the descendant of Cronos the titan and the Oracle of Delphi.

I have the power to control lava and time from Cronus and I can see into the future like the oracle. I have other abilities but we'll get to that later.

One ability that all Half God's have is the power to sense when someone like us is about to awaken, we can also sense other beings like werewolves, witches, dragons and vampires, you know all the creatures that people say are fairy tales but they aren't.

Let me tell you, in my very very long life I've met many creatures that would make your head spin.

You see I'm actually much older than I look, I may look to be in my mid twenties but I'm actually four thousand years old, and in that time I've trained almost all of the others like me, descendants of the greek gods.

I've meet other gods descendants from other pantheons, Norse, Egyptian, Chinese, you name it. I've even met some angels from the Christian pantheon, but I digress, I came to this town because I had a vision of the last of the BIG SIX, the big six are the six most powerful gods in each pantheon, in ours there is as follows.







Each one of these god's are more powerful than the others, don't get me wrong the other God's are nothing to brush off at I assure you.

But back to business, I quickly head to my office and dial a number I know by heart, "Hello?" Maria answered, "It's me are the others there?" I asked "Yeah. Did you find him?" Maria questioned,

"Yeah it's him alright, how soon can you get here?" I asked, "Give us a day." She answered, "Good I got to go, tell the other's I said hi." I chuckled and hung up,

everything was going to be different for this kid. When I first discovered what I was my teacher was a centaur named Merrick.

He told me everything, said he was sent by my great grandmother the Oracle of Delphi, so he trained me and one time during our training I used a power I didn't know I had.

We went to my great grandmother and she used her sight to discover to all of our surprise that I was not only related to her but my 10th great grandfather on my mother's side was Cronus himself.

All the stories about the Titans and the God's are nothing more than pure lies. But again we'll get to that later, when I finished with my training, I began to get lonely, and after almost three thousand years, I began wondering why I was the only descendant of the Greek gods but apparently I wasn't.

The gods had other descendants but because of an agreement with the other pantheons, they decided it was best that only the one thousand descendant of their bloodlines would inherit their powers, but after that any child born after their descendant awakens would posses some power's as well.

They wouldn't be as strong as the descendant who inherited the power but their own abilities would be nothing to overlook.

And after finding this out I decided I would track down these descendants and train them myself, and I've done an incredible job if I do say so myself.

But with this boy my approach would have to be very different, normally I approach a God descendant and explain what they are and train them, the families are told about their lineage and they agree to let me train them but with this kid my approach will have to be so much different.

Who knows what those people would do to him if they found out? But one thing is for sure, his life will change, and from what I've seen today it'll change for the better.