9th Justar 1116, Quaday.
My eyes flicker around. An uncomfortable veil surrounds around me, of both cold and warm sweat gliding down my forehead. I open my eyes to the neighly decorated room Frey showed us yesterday, the blank walls and floor glowed up by the morning sun and dust specks hovering down in the air.
It's clear I woke up too early considering there is no chatter. I swing my legs across the bed frame, and onto the hardwood floor. I walk over to the dusty mirror, and wipe some of the smudge off.
My lavender skin shines dully in the reflection before me, and my hair is a mess. I yet again take the half flipped barrel of water, and dip my hands in it. I pull the grease out of my gray hair, lining my fingers along the strings of locks.
Laying back into the spring-like bed again, I lay here, staring at the flat dreary ceiling, not having a constant stream of thoughts projected straight into my brain doesn't help either. A ten minute break from the constant barrage of ideas, plans and thoughts would be all but a hopeless miracle right now.
I try to imagine waves, long curly folds of water, flowing slowly upon an endless sea, as they expand and become bigger and larger, increasing in speed. The sounds of the massive bodies of water crashing against each other calms my nerves, even if I'm imagining them. And slowly the fuzzing around my body tempers. And my world feels heavy.
"BRRRMP!" A large noise bellows out from the halls outside. I tilt myself to the wall to cover my ears, but the trumpet prevails it's commotion through the trees walls. Rito quickly gets up and ready, brushing his hair and admiring the new suits of armor placed in our room.
"Judari get up already, we're on the clock here." Rito quickly says as he puts his plating on. I throw my blankets farther up, it's become so cozy and warm. As suddenly my whole body feels cold, Rito yanks my sheets off me.
"Just get ready, I'll meet you out in the hall." He quickly leaves the room. My eyes smack together as I'm left alone, I sluggishly walk over to the mirror to fix myself up. Seems I've done most of the work for myself earlier, just need some cold water to wake me up. I take the near empty barrel and splash some in my face.
The cold drips of water glide slowly down my violet skin. Sadly it just got me to slightly react, and not wake up from my drowsy state. I look upon the new shiny armors we've been set with, my old one didn't do much for protection anyway, just sort of an accessory to show I was 'tough'.
That ends today, I can hope. The new shining plates radiate way more, as they are brand new and brittle. Along with the armor is a chainmail and skin tight black suit made of wool. It seems the black bodysuit is for heat and to cover the only areas not protected by the armor or chainmail.
I gear up in the whole set, and begin my way out to the hall with my sword in it's holster. I wonder what Frey has ready for us. The receptionist said we could skip the exam because of our duties having already proved our competence. Only time will tell I suppose.
A large line of suited people stand infront of me. Their metallic reflections shine straight into my eyes. I see a light-blue hand wave out from a little inside the line, and a tot of hair sticks out from the crowd.
"Judari! Over here!" Rito yells out amongst the line, I push slightly past the crowd, and position myself next to him. A couple people snare annoyed but decide to ignore me. As we slowly move forward, an entryway comes into my view.
A dark box was behind a slight archway, it seems to just be the end of the hallway, but as we traversed, I saw multiple people suddenly ascend upwards.
And as me and Rito stand inside the box, a faint sound of gears whining sounds from the walls, as the ground under us begins to lift. As the floor creaks beneath us, a flood of light begins to rain down the cramped room, as the raising ground begins edging closer to a new floor.
As suddenly as the platform stops we are off it. My eyes are met with a massive hall of great proportion, a large window shines from the very end of the arena. Leading up to a small podium sat on slight steps, is a green carpet running along through the middle, along the carpet stands rows and rows of people all dressed in shiny silvery plates.
Mounted on the walls are large shields serving as decor, with two swords crossing along the middle. With the pillars mirrored on the room it sets the whole hall up to the eyes. Walking with the carpet, Rito and I get closer to one of the many lines, we position ourselves near the front, as I try to get comfortable standing straight.
A couple more groups of people enter into the hall, and as the noise and laughter settles like dust. Frey enters onto the podium.
"WELCOME!" His voice echoes throughout the room, as if the wind is carrying words about.
"You are all here today for one reason, to upkeep order in Gaia, to uphold the word of Solan. And most importantly, to join The Order!" His voice draws roars from the crowds, as Rito bells out his own. I join in with slight hesitation.
"Good to see y'all arhe' ready, but of course. Becoming a part of The Order is a hard job, and as you have been informed, an exam is at hand." He pauses slightly and points to a couple rooms on the side of the wide hall.
"To ya' rights and lefts are the rooms in which you will be tested in. It includes two categories. The Elementary course will cover everything from history and general knowledge, to your understanding of the Elements. Another is Training, which will have you combat your fellow knights, and also be able to show off your skill in Elements.
These you will be tested on, and onwords' they will be your subjects in your year stay, at this here tree. With of course the additional subject named Field. Which will allow you to be posted up in Palelink as temporary guards." As he ends, he clasps his hands with such force it bangs through the hall.
"Now! Get on going to Elementary, and for the few who have been allowed out of the exam, please just take the day off, and get ready for tomorrow. Or you could start early and begin training now hehe." He chuckles slightly as he raises his chest towards the ceiling.
"ALL FOR SOLAN!" He shouts loudly, as we all repeat his words in large bravado. Frey steps off the podium and begins courting flocks of people into the room on our left. As Rito and a couple other people are left to go on our way.
"So uh, what now?" I ask Rito.
"I don't know, but I'm definitely gonna explore Palelink, I can already imagine the crisp fresh bread down there. I'll meet you somewhere later." Rito quickly runs off.
As I am left alone in the chamber. I slowly make my way down the elevator as well, as I somberly walk through the hallways, and slowly I reach down towards the main entrance of the tree, through the pale mist.
As my eyes are met with the shiny forest ground, I take a left towards the platform, it seems docked below on the ground, but a small bell stands on a pole. A small string is attached at the bottom of it, and as I tug in it, it rings out.
Suddenly the platform ascends towards me, making its way up the side of the tree. As it finally reaches me, I hop onto it and quickly it moves down towards the ground. Seems going down is possible with weight instead of gears, though they do make it slow down enough for a soft landing.
And as the houses and trees across the horizon begin growing over me. I finally land upon the ground. As the smells of the shifting sea starts making it's way inside my nose, and the pearly birds squawk in the sky, I'm reminded to relax. I stroll down the dirt path and through the small banners hanging on skinny wooden polls.
The towns buildings are all but exceptional, all made of plain white bricks and mainly gray roofs, with only few splicing in a tad of color to contrast the dull city, it looked so alive and spectacular with all its orange lights at night, but at day it's more like someone washed the place in null and whiteness.
The arches and walkways connecting the many buildings is the only thing of interest to look at. I can just imagine how it would be to walk up there, with just a hint of paranoia knowing the whole bridge could collapse.
I may as well get myself something to eat, even though I'm not hungry, I just want to feel something between my teeth and gums. And it seems the market is open about now, considering all the noise stemming from the town square.
Walking across the stone path, and going under the overpasses and bridges, I am quickly in front of the bustling market. Though not as wide and big as Sentinel, with it's massive cavern design, this is much more cozy and light.
Flags and banners flow loudly, as their colors are scattered across the surrounding buildings' rims and beams. Many of the market stalls seem more than permanent, with poles stuck down into the ground, and entire sections of different fish, vegetables and various trinkets. Multiple merchants scrawl out to the crowds that they are open for sale, blaring their screeches across the town.
Though through all the noise and chaos, a hint of dark brown hair sticks out close to one of the stalls, the long flowing hair quickly hides away. I move closer to see who's sneaking around, to see a Rigan girl rapidly grabbing the stuff on display.
Her dark gray skin hides her away from being seen as clearly, but with her vibrant golden eyes she stands out. As I stand there watching her steal hundreds of silvers worth of food.
She turns around and locks eyes with me, her expression turns from worried to horror. Immediately she runs away. Quickly I begin to run after her, as the salesman at the stall notices the missing food.
"THIEF! That filthy Rigan girl stole my wares!" he shrieks out in desperation.
"Someone catch her!" He yells as I begin chasing her. We quickly leave the market area and come into the open walkways through the town, as we approach a building, she jumps onto a barrel which leads further up with a plank. As quickly as she was on the ground, she's running across the tiled roofs.
I don't have time to climb up there, so I run along the buildings she's up on. As she quickly scurries along the roof tiles, making the light sound of tapping on them. Suddenly one of the tiles comes loose and she slips down.
As her body falls off the roof, she lands in a wooden crate. As all the stolen food spills out on the ground from her brown bag. Her eyes are shut close, as she probably expected the worst when she fell from way up there. Slowly her eyes peel open. And just as I open my mouth, two guards march up to the scene from around the corner.
"Holt!" One of them yells.
"We've gotten report of a Rigan thief, is the woman in this crate the thief?" The other one asks. She looks at me worriedly, I hold her tight to stop her from trying to run.
"Yes, she is. But it's under control. I'll take her wherever she needs to go." I answer with slight hesitation. I put her to the ground, as the guards throw me a pair of cuffs.
"Hmpf, you never know with these Rigans. They're always ready to steal from us, even though we work so hard for our food, simply disgraceful." The first guard comments.
"You said it. In my opinion, they should just stay below, with their fellow ash skins" ´The other guard replies, as he bellows out a coarse gross laugh.
"Haha, yeah." I quietly say as I lock her arms in the metallic constraints.
"I can see by your armor, that you're still early in training. How's it feel to be a Sigil?"
"It's good. But I best be on my way right, gotta get this criminal locked up." I quickly reply. A slight dead pause occurs out of nowhere.
"Hm, well it's good to see some work ethic from you youngin's, and just for your info, the prison cells are just slightly out of town, shouldn't take too long to find it though. But we'll see you later, freshie." The guards walk away, as I'm left alone with the ashened girl.
As I hold her close to me, her arms and hands tremble under my touch, her whole body shivering. I begin picking up all the various foods dropped out of the now ripped up sack, but with some luck, a basket is right beside me.
I begin placing all the food into the basket, and as soon as I'm done, I take her along to the outside of town. Walking along the bleached streets, I feel the weight of every person from beyond the windows and walls, staring at me holding this thief.
But their judgment doesn't end at the girl, but at me. Their dagger-like glares are just enough to feel cramped. But even with the cramped feeling, the shine of the sun still hits down onto the street with it's blazing golden strays, and wafting my eyes across the street it appears near yellow, a fully yellow brick road I've stepped upon. And the only thing distracting me from the weighting eyes around me. Quickly I make it out of the town, along an exit with no guards occupying it. Simply just an arch sitting quietly at the end of the town, branching towards the forest clearing. A small shadow cove is between the house closest to the arch, and I take the girl over to the corner. Her body begins trembling much more, as I begin taking her cuffs off.
"I-I'm so sorry, I just really needed the food." Her voice is soft, with a drowning sense of shame and guilt. I crank open the shackles, as her hands fall free. She turns around as I grab the basket and raise my arm. In return she raises hers up, but instead covers her ashened face and golden eyes. With the fear of gods implanted deep in her movement.
"Take it." I say steadily, trying to keep my voice at the bay of relaxation. My words linger on thin strings in the mellow air, making her eyes open, immediately starting to scan their surroundings.
"I bet you need it more than them, besides you stole it well." I say with light in my voice, as her eyes wander around my figure, as if trying to study me.
"T-thanks." Her stance softens.
"I don't get it though, you could've just locked me up, stealing isn't something you Sigils like, right?"
"The way I see it, you wouldn't steal something without needing it, especially food."
"Well thank you, kind Vind. May I ask what your name is?" Her eyes shift up towards mine.
"It's Judari, and yours?" I ask back in return, backing slightly away to give her some space.
"It's Iris." She finally takes the basket closer to herself, then lowers it to the ground.
"You have a pretty name." She says.
"Well uh, you have a pretty name too." I say, as she lets out a soft giggle, making my cheeks flush with red.
"Thank you. But you know, it's not often there are Vinds down here. Especially ones that speak common tongue." She looks into my purple eyes with such golden innocence.
"Oh pft, I'm no special case, I bet there are many people like me, I'm just one in a bunch y'know." I smile and let out a dry laugh.
"Yeah, I think you are." She steadily answers, letting us into a period of silence.
"Could I ask you something strange?" Iris says.
"Of course."
"Can I feel your hands for a second?" She reaches out her own, hoping I meet her in the middle. I nod and reach out my hands to hers. Her fingers run up and down, feeling the ridges in my honestly roughened hands, worn down over the years. She finally folds her hands around mine, ending her search of my hands, as she lets out a relieved sigh.
"It brings me joy to know I was correct." She says, looking down and fondling my hands.
"Correct about what?" She raises our hands up together, and turns my hands palm side to my eyes.
"You have a worker's hands. My father always says those with coarse roughened hands are to be trusted in most situations. You've worked for yourself, and you don't just take. With your hands telling of your hardships." I now finally feel her hand's texture as well, if anything they are even more toughened than my own. Suddenly the bells in the city ring like a cathedral of Solan.
"I don't think I can stay much longer, if I get caught helping you I could face serious consequences."
"Of course, I suppose you better be on your way then, just promise me one thing before you go.." She says, looking at me as I slowly back away.
"What is that?" I say as I step slightly away and closer to the unguarded city gate.
"Never lose that shine in your eyes." I look into her yellow irises with strong intent.
"I promise." Our eyes finally diverge, as I am let astray into the pale streets.
I bellow myself out into the boulevard, a smile on my lips as had been missing for o so long.
A previous delight washing across me I had been so used to, finally finding its way into my heart yet again. The weight of my steps lighter and my eyes peering towards the mid-day sun with a childlike curiosity and wonder. A year of struggle, and I finally am allowed to taste the reward.
CRACK. I hear the sudden noise of a rock's crushment, pulverized by the force it came to contact with. Like the strings of a darkened rusty lute, a set of ear-ringing cold steps voices out. Periodically moving along the strings like an elder bard would, the steps sounding closer and closer.
I feel at my neck, as tendrils of shadow come upon it, seeking to choke me. I look around for the source of this sudden anxiety, but no scarecrows peak their head for my irrationality to sunder. The street ahead's shadows descend upon the laid brick road, losing the vibrancy and color of before.
Even the feeling of being watched by a surveillance of hundreds of judging eyes has gone up in smoke, replaced by a focused and narrow set of eyes. Feeling its stare, I know that it isn't judging. But instead it's calculating how to approach me, it's prey. In my heart I let valor flow within, I need to show I am unafraid. The darkness radiates from within the alleyway to my side, and to my own better judgment, I follow my heart.
I approach the alley with my heart in my throat, I let the walls surrounding me encroach me in shadows. What am I doing…
Setting my first step into the alley, my eyes finally adjust to the dimness, and beyond me, was the truth of where my ego had led me. Not again… those blank pin-point eyes, staring through the cloth. Only for a second I felt as if it had been a stone mannequin that had stood in silence. Quickly my paranoia was proven warranted. The figure barged out of the shadows, as I feel every nerve in my body, screeching at me to run. I let myself try to fall back into the street's blinding light, but to my despair, I could see the thorned dark metal glove travel its way across my side.
Though my experience comes to play, as I let my whole body fall back whilst in a twist, dodging the impending encasement of myself. Just out of range from the monster's arm, I set myself into motion. Sprinting deeper into the darkness of the valley, the steps beneath and behind me getting louder and louder as I run.
I don't even take a second to ponder the idea of turning around to see my pursuer, the rustling of its armor gives away everything for my ears to intake. And though not fast, the being behind me isn't falling off, and is keeping up with me at full sprint.
I hear its low grunts exit as I run between wood crates, and scattered litter along the dirty mud-ful alleyway ground. I feel my heels lift off the ground every second as I try to keep balance along the ever-trashed alley.
I sprint, and I sprint, everything around me seems to darken the closer I think the Wraith behind me is. Finally, I come upon an exit, where the warm shine of the sun takes rest upon the open boulevard. I let out a final dash for escapance, and fling myself out onto the boulder-laid pavement. My ears catch onto the sudden stop of my pursuer. I twist my head back, to see if my ears were deceiving me.
I look upon the beast,
As my eyes are finally allowed to witness,
Its hideous mask in full view.
Though it suddenly fades away like a wisp of smoke, gone from the alley in an instant.
The moon slowly raises itself from beyond a dark forest out at sea, the sun has already disappeared from Palelink at this time, the large royal trees blocking it out, with the mountains serving as the final straw. I had walked around for about two hours in the town, hoping I could come across the Lunatic again, my mind floods with accusations of myself the longer my search goes unquenched, though finally I give up, and head up back the gravel path up to the wooden lift. The Gaian from yesterday still seems to be in charge of the lift, I'm guessing he doesn't need sleep anyway. I walk up to it, and feel the weight of the platform shift slightly.
"Already back Sir?" Walter asks.
"Yeah, it's getting dark and all." I mutter.
"Of course, you knights need rest." Walter finishes as he starts cranking the machinery, his own gears being silenced. And the platform raises up towards the treeline. The ground grows further and further away.
Going beyond the mist yet again, finally I can lay to rest soon. The blanket of warmthness protruding from inside the tree is all but nulling. My mind a simple hum in this caverness tree. As I start walking towards my room, along the wooden hallways, a peculiar person stands in the hall with his back turned to me, his hair white as the sun, and completely bleached skin, almost as much as his hair.
The boy turns around, his eyes drawing my attention closely. A cross sat in the middle of each of his golden iris's. Fully turned around, I see as he lights up with excitement. He walks towards me at great pace, and stops right in front of me in this empty hallway. He seems a slight bit shorter than me, but not by much. Though even as his height may be lower than mine, a strange sense of superiority and godhood stems from the boy.
"Ah, a Vind. What peculiar circumstances have led to you being born down here on the wretched ground." The boy states as he looks me straight in the eyes.
"How did you know I wasn't-"
"Simply by the way you carry yourself, it screams of how uncultured you are. Removed from your very own kin up in the sky. Tch tch." What is this kid's deal? Just comes up to me and starts spouting.
"I'm just making small talk, I mean no insult."
"Anyhow, I have to get going, it's been fun watching you Sigils train all day. And by the way Onyx, my name is Armadeus Cavaliere. Try not to forget." He says as he quickly walks off into the darkness of the hallways. Could he read my mind? What a strange person.