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Prologue & Epilogue



Lycanthropy: Werewolves (Lycans) & wolves 



Therianthropy: Shape shifters





Therianthropy: Shape-shifters



Lycanthrope: Werewolves (Lycans) & Wolves




Aougst town is the center of attraction and a fictional place and like any other fictional places that are included in this book. Why the name might sound attractive and slightly familiar in whatsoever way, it was where the IMPERISHABLES colonized with the mortals, before and after the war. It has had it fair shares with the people in good and bad terms, Aougst town is a big place with so many routes and geographics. Making it a place inhabitable for all, with various supernaturals and descendants who resides in Aougst town with the humans such as; The Stone's, the Jacob's, the Lance's, the O'Hara's and the Wise which are not far from town. 

Why being the centre of attraction, Aougst town is quite a unique town with the best flourishing economy, her people are very protective of one another despite the troubles within her premises. It is where the best hunters are made and where most of the descendants resides.

On the origin of name for Aougst town, the author was originally going to call Aougst town Transylvania or Pennsylvania seeing that both names are very catchy and most commonly used in movies, comics or animation as a place and home for the supernaturals, like vampires, werewolves, witches, goblins, fairies etc. In most cases Transylvania is easily recognized for the animation of "Hotel Transylvania" aside from other popular TV shows for supernaturals. The word Aougst town came from the month "August" additionally transforming "August" into "Aougst" town. Having a different view of perspectives Aougst town has always been the right name and place for the center of attraction for this book, which can easily be relatable and remembered when the word August is been said. Hopefully Aougst town might just be one of the additional names added to the fictional places in the near future for fantasy and horror.


The countryside of West might seem a bit fictional but it does actually exist, the author had no idea that this particular location existed, just after the book was completed, he'd do some research about the places used and was surprised to see that the countryside of West actually exist. 

According to Omega novel, the countryside of West is a resident for all, just like Aougst town, the countryside of West has it all. In this particular geographic, the West resides there with the family business, and also with the Hathaway's. Take a look at this information about the countryside of West that actually exist.

West Sussex is a county in South East England on the English Channel coast. The ceremonial county comprises the shire districts of Adur, Arun, Chichester, Horsham, and Mid Sussex, and the boroughs of Crawley and Worthing. Covering an area of 1,991 square kilometres (769 sq mi), West Sussex borders Hampshire to the west, Surrey to the north, and East Sussex to the east. The county town and only city in West Sussex is Chichester, located in the south-west of the county. This was legally formalised with the establishment of West Sussex Council in 1888 but within the ceremonial Sussex. After the reorganisation of local government in 1974, the ceremonial function of the historic county of Sussex was divided into two separate counties, West Sussex and East Sussex. The existing East and West Sussex councils took control respectively, with Mid Sussex and parts of Crawley being transferred to the West Sussex administration from East Sussex. In the 2011 census, West Sussex recorded a population of 806,900.

John Hitchens (born 1940) is an English painter. His work is influenced by the landscape of the South Downs and his main subject area is the countryside of West Sussex, England. He also spent extended periods working in North Wales and North West Scotland. Hitchens' paintings are primarily concerned with expressing patterns and textures of the landscape. During the past decades his work has evolved into an abstract style using a range of earth colours.

Sussex from the Old English Sūþsēaxe (lit. 'South Saxons'), is a historic county in South East England that was formerly an independent medieval Anglo-Saxon kingdom. It is bounded to the west by Hampshire, north by Surrey, northeast by Kent, south by the English Channel, and divided for many purposes into the ceremonial counties of West Sussex and East Sussex.

Poppy was born in Hampstead, London and grew up in the countryside of West Sussex in England. She is the youngest child of model Janet de Villeneuve (née Griswold) and manager/photographer Justin de Villeneuve (born Nigel Davies) and the sister of illustrator Daisy de Villeneuve.

Pease Pottage, southern junction with the M23 through the relatively rural countryside of West Sussex, before following along valleys to cross the South Downs and entering Brighton, here is now East Sussex becomes the London Road, Brighton, passing under the London Road railway viaduct the road ends at Old Steine, Brighton, at a roundabout intersecting with the coastal A259 road, and opposite the entrance to the Palace Pier.

A23 road (category Roads in West Sussex) relatively rural countryside of West Sussex, before following along valleys to cross the South Downs and entering Brighton here is now East Sussex.


According to English dictionary Wicca is a neopagan religion that was first popularized by books written in 1949, 1954, and 1959 by Englishman Gerald Gardner, involving the worship of a horned male god and a moon goddess, the observance of eight Sabbats, and the performance of various rituals. And sabbat being any of the eight major holy days celebrated in Wicca. In other words, simply put Wicca Sabbat as Witches' Sabbath which in terms means "A supposed meeting of witches at midnight to practice sorcery or to take part in a demonic orgy". Or "A religious gathering of a Wiccan coven at a covenstead or circle". But in this case, Wicca Sabbat or witches' Sabbath simply means the homeland of all witches. Created by Sarah Lance the mother of all witches.


Fairyland or fairy colony is the home and birthplace of the fairies. There entrance or gateway can only be accessed by fairies only. Fairies are mystical being born of magic and are magical themselves. In other myths and folklore fairyland entrance are described below.

Fairyland's Entrances

Fairy Hills

According to Celtic tradition, fairies live either in or beneath the hills and mountains in Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales. History is littered with tales of men and women who accidentally found an entrance in a hill. One rumour suggests that if you find the right hill or mountain, walking around it nine times will reveal its secret entrance.

In Joseph Jacob's English Fairy Tales, published in 1890, a boy named Childe Rowland must enter the land of the fairies to rescue his sister, Burd Ellen, who has been kidnapped by an Elf King and is imprisoned in his Dark Tower. Rowland circled a terraced mound three times and had to do so in the opposite direction of the sun. He chanted "Open, door! And let me come in." Suddenly, a door opened and allowed him to enter Fairyland.

Fairy Rings

A fairy ring is distinguishable by a circle of darker than usual grass which is caused by the spread of fungus. They mark the meadows and fields where fairies dance during their clandestine midnight parties. On rare occasions, a circle of mushrooms springs from these circles and some of these rings are known to be hundreds of years old.

According to legend, once you step inside a real fairy ring, you will succumb to the irresistible urge to dance and will have no desire ever to leave. As we discuss later, the passage of time in Fairyland is very different to our world. If you spend what you believe is one night dancing inside the fairy ring, you will discover that several years have passed!

In The Fairy Mythology by Thomas Keightley, we learn the dangers of setting foot inside the fairy ring. In the tale, a man named Rhys was returning from work with his friend Llewellyn when he heard music. His friend was unable to hear, but Rhys insisted on finding out the source. It transpired that he encountered fairies in a ring, but to the outside world, Rhys had vanished.

Llewellyn was arrested on suspicion of causing the disappearance, but when he led the local people to the site where Rhys vanished, they discovered a fairy ring, dozens of little people and Rhys inside dancing. They pulled him from the ring but soon, Rhys became melancholy. Depending on which version of the story you believe, Rhys either died in bed or vanished.


Caves regularly appear in tales as portals to strange new worlds and Fairyland is no different. A rare text called The True Annals of Fairyland: The Reign of King Herla, by William Canton and Charles Robinson, wrote about how King Herla entered Fairyland via a cave on a high cliff.

After spending some time in a remarkable palace, he returned home only to discover that centuries had passed. Furthermore, the dwarf he met placed a curse on the king and his men. They were doomed to roam the land for eternity and were unable to dismount from their horses.

Life in Fairyland

If you're ever fortunate to visit the sacred realm of Fairyland, please remember that all bets are off because you are living on their terms!

Fairyland & The Passage of Time

First and foremost, time flows very differently in Fairyland; what seems like an hour there could be months or even years back home. There are multiple tales about people who spent what felt like a short time in the realm that returned and found that their entire homeland had changed.

One of the most famous tales of this nature of all time involves Oisin, the son of Fionn mac Cumhaill and a fairy woman. One day, the fairy princess, Niamh of the Golden Locks, invited Oisin to Tir Nan Og and after settling there for a few months, Oisin decided to return home to tell the Fianna Finn that he was doing well. Niamh gave him a gift of a white horse and warned him not to touch the earth or else he would never return to Tir Nan Og.

Oisin was shocked and saddened to learn that everything had changed back home. The Great Fort of Tara was nothing but a hill, and the magnificent woodlands and forests were much smaller than before. It turned out that hundreds of years had passed. Oisin then encountered a group of men who struggled to move a stone. Oisin tried to help but his saddle slipped, and he fell to the ground. The proud, young and strong Oisin transformed into a weak and withered old man but lived long enough to tell others about his remarkable time in Fairyland.

Don't Eat the Food!

While you may be enamoured by your welcome in Fairyland, it is best to decline their offer of food politely. In reality, the 'food' they provide is not for human consumption because it is of a completely different substance, even if it looks delicious. It is said that if you try to eat the food of the fairies, you will be trapped in Fairyland forever.

However, the opposite scenario happened to a young labourer in Lady Wilde's Legend of Innis Sark which was published in 1887. One night, soon after Halloween, the exhausted young man fell asleep in a haystack. When he woke up, he saw fairies chopping up an old hag in the kitchen; then they boiled her and got the meat prepared for the guests!

At the banquet table, the man politely refused to eat even though the table was laden with gorgeous food such as turkey, chicken, cakes, and butter. The prince of the fairies finally persuaded the young man to drink some red wine and when he did, an enormous clap of thunder rocked the table, and the lights went off. The young man woke up and found himself back in the haystack. Given the macabre nature of the experience, perhaps he was better off!

Beware Fairy Treasure

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from life in Fairyland is that nothing is as it seems. Time flows differently, food isn't real and glittering treasure is often a trap to snare the capricious. In 1870, William Bottrell published a collection of fairy stories entitled Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall.

In one tale, a man named Lutey is enchanted by a mermaid named Morwenna who tried to lure him into the water kingdom with promises of incredible treasures. She handed him a pearl comb and spoke of diamond covered roofs and gems so bright that they shone through the dark waters into ocean hillsides.

However, she also spoke of "thousands of handsome bodies so embalmed" (the fate of many victims before him), and while this should have been a warning to Lutey, he was so entranced by the mermaid's beauty that he was set to follow her and meet his doom. Fortunately, the barking of his dog broke the trance and Lutey realised the danger. As the mermaid tried to drag him down, he produced his knife, and the mermaid returned to the sea.

Alas, the mermaid vowed revenge and promised to return in nine years. She had given Lutey the power of healing, and he managed to help scores of people who came to his village for miles around. Nine years later, he went fishing with a friend and Morwenna appeared once again. Instead of resisting, Lutey said "my time has come" and jumped into the sea with the mermaid; he was never seen again. From then on, one of Lutey's descendants died in the sea every ninth year.

Final Thoughts on Fairyland

If you wish to find an entrance to Fairyland, there are a few locations worth considering. In Welsh fairy tales, the Vale of Neath in Glamorganshire is one of the most likely passages in the realm of the fairies. More specifically, a crag named Craig u Ddinas is said to have been the location of the last fairy court.

The Hill of the Goblins (Bryn Yr Ellyllon) also in Wales, is haunted by a ghost in golden armour. Incredibly, a skeleton and a golden corselet were found by archaeologists in the 19th century.

In Scotland, Tomnahurich Hill near Inverness is one of the best-known fairy locations while in England, your best bet is arguably Glastonbury Tor in Somerset. Of course, the Hollow Hill is Ireland's #1 location.

If you ever have the opportunity to enter Fairyland, think twice about the consequences. Perhaps you will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience but is it worth the prospect of never coming home or worse still, returning home after several centuries when all your loved ones are long gone?

In most folklores fairies are depicted to resemble that of an elf with wings of a butterfly, sometimes they exceptionally small creatures like tiny sprites with glowing light as they fly with fairy dust. This description is commonly used in Disney's animated movies like "Tinker bell" or "Pirate fairy". Sometimes they're portrayed as a human having wings like a butterfly that glows, such description are very common in "Cinderella". But in the case of Omega, the author gave a different perspective of how he wants to portray the fairies and their colony. They're extremely wonderful creatures and very unique, fairies portrayed in other books, animation or movies less happened to have wings or fairy dust but are capable of performing magic being that they are magical creatures. In most cases, fairies can grant wishes and even give magic why others don't. The most recognized way in which a fairy can give magic to human are flight via fairy dust or when an enemy is able to extract magic from them via other means necessary; thus, leaving the fairy powerless of magic and vulnerable to enemy. Just as humans need food for survival, fairies need their magic to harness and accomplish any given task at hand, in the case of Disney fairy description, they need fairy dust to be able to fly at great distance and speed and could not withstand bad atmosphere like heavy wind, rain or even a terrible storm. 

Fairies are sometimes confused with Elves and that's quite very relatable since they both possess similar attributes, fairies fly why elves don't. Another difference or similarity is that they both have same shapes and size of ears, sometimes their dresses and cultures are similar, they also both possess incredible magic at their disposable. Although Omega never introduced any Elves in it content but hopefully in the near future it will.


Lymaxille is a fictional place of abduction for supernaturals by the imperishables. In lymaxille they experiment on captured supernaturals for testing, research and combination of DNA to produce results. Lymaxille was also the place in which Marcus Brian was mutated, producing a far better lycanthrope than any supernaturals. It was also were Charlie was taken to where she met Jeanne who was captured and tested on for three years before Emma and her friends came to the rescue.

The origin of the word Lymaxille is gotten from "Lymantriid" meaning any of the moth family Lymantriidae. Why on the choice of names, Lymaxille was supposed to be called "the dark dungeon" or "the den" but the author wanted something different of which he chose the word "Lymanxille" with the "xille" gotten from the word "ville".


Pytaminc is a fictional place and a junction located at the east centre coast where the witches of light also known as the sisters of light safeguard the wicca sabbat from the sisters of the dark Han. They're also the keeper's of prophecies. Pytaminc was built on mere words with magic by Sarah Lance in order to safeguard the prophecy which serves as a guide to prevent the unknown. 

The origin of the word "pytaminc" doesn't exist and was invented randomly with no thoughts of alternative choice, not even a choice of preference was made before arriving at the word pytaminc. 


Aihamdrui is an invented word by the author, although the author had used the word "Aihandrui" on his previous work titled "The future princess of now". There Aihandrui represents a kingdom for monarchs. In his aforementioned title, Aihandrui is the richest kingdom to ever exist under the rulership of the Queen and her daughter Teresa of Aihandrui. But in this case it's described as a town for all, not a very big town per se and it's where the immortal human John Maxwell reside to protect her people from the IMPERISHABLES.


The coven is a place for the vampire clans, they live as a family, group or assembly of vampires. 


Emma Stone (Protagonist) (Deceased)

Age: 18

Occupation: Student and Hunter

Relation: Dracula Stone, Clair Stone and Liliana Stone 

Supernatural: Omega 

Emma Stone is the daughter of the great immortal Dracula Victor Stone and Clair Stone also known as Azriel, and the main protagonist of Omega. She's the only omega supernatural to possess all the abilities of the supernaturals unlike the Alpha king. In search for peace, Emma is tasked on a journey to reunite the clans and colony; where she meets others like her fighting for the same cause. She meets new friends with her bestie who journeyed along way of uniting with the chosen (descendants of the first order of supernaturals and imitators) and together they form an unbreakable bond, made new allies and drove out the IMPERISHABLES. 

The character Emma is described to be fair in complexion with blond hair, average in height, having blue eyes and pink lips. She's most charming and loved by all and ready to protect and fight for the good of all. She's was a student under the protection of the guardian as a child who prepared her for the unknown.

Abilities: Emma possessed all the abilities of the supernaturals. Here are just some handy abilities of her's since she has tones of other abilities: Vast immense superhuman strength, Super speed, Durability, Stamina, Reflexes, Agility, Hemokinesis, Clairvoyance and precognition, Enhanced senses, Intelligence, and longevity, Accelerated regenerative healing, Immortal, Enhanced telescopic vision, Powerful empathic sensitivity and telepathy, Elemental manipulation via magic, Able to sense magic, Spell casting & powerful practioner of magic both fairy and witch magic (teleportation, telekinesis, invisibility, intangibility, shape shifting, flight, fawich scream, astral projection etc.), Skilled hand-to-hand combatant. 

In Omega rage her powers are limitless: Advanced vampiric abilities, Enhanced shaft shifting abilities, and Enhanced spell casting and magic (both witch & fairy).

Powers and Abilities 

The daughter of the great dracula and Clair Stone (aka Azriel), Emma inherited their powers, making her an extremely powerful supernatural in her own right and is granted both immense magical and psychic powers. As a child, her powers are said to be strong enough to rival that of her parents, even greater than Dracula's. In all supernaturals, she is seemingly the most powerful of all and her powers was compared to mother (Azriel), Sarah Lance and Alicia East, in which are stated to be superior too understood how powerful Emma is compared to the Alpha king, in which mother would come to reclaim her lost abilities from Emma.

Primarily an empath, Emma can sense both pain and danger in order to avert them in time. She can also read the emotions of others and control them, something Veronica is capable of doing, also granting her telepathic-like insight into their minds. She can also induce calmness, suppress negativity, and even make someone fall in love with her. In addition to her psychic-related powers, she is considered highly adept in the mystical arts, in which partly is connected to her soul-self. She capable of a plethora of abilities through magic including: teleporation, hypnosis, telekinesis, and astral projection through her soul-self (a variant of magic in Omega Novel capable of perfoming magical acts without following a system [i.e incantations, enchantment, divination and chants, etc.]).

Unlike her sister, Emma can induce and amplify the omega rage at will, if being stable as it's said to be the most lethal rage of any supernatural if the user is not fully in control of their powers. In this state, she hardly recognize friend or foe. Emma also has limited precognition, which allows her to predict future events that are about to happen, although this happens involuntarily and infrequently. She has also been described to be an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, despite the fact that she rarely uses most of her abilities.

Astral projection 

Emma is able to leave her physical body and return at will, while in this state, her physical body is vulnerable but can sustain any damage that is been done. If her astra form is overwhelmed, it'll trigger the omega rage. Her astral body can travel long distances, become intangible, and is able to telepathically communicate. It can act as a shield as it can absorb a limited amount of magical attacks or projections from those capable of sensing her or summoning her before reintegrating with her body. Using her astral form, she can spy on her enemies who are unable to detect astral travel. Emma in her astral form can stay outside of her body for as long as she so desires to reintegrate with her physical body; due to her training with the witches. 


Emma possesses two weaknesses: The Beta sword, capable of killing any supernaturals and subseptible to overwhelming mystical forces.

Victor Dracula Stone (Deceased)

Age: 3000+

Occupation: Alpha king

Spouse: Clair Stone aka Azriel Alpha Queen (Presumably deceased) 

Relation: Emma Stone and Liliana Stone 

Supernatural: Alpha

Victor Dracula Stone is the father to Emma and Liliana Stone and the Alpha king of the supernaturals. Dracula Stone is almost three thousand years plus and is married to Clair Stone who is presumably deceased. After centuries of war and five hundred years of peace before the IMPERISHABLES emerged with vengeance. Dracula Stone sacrificed himself for peace to reign. 

Powers and Abilities

Dracula Stone possess enhanced abilities of all vampires, being the father of the immortals dracula possesses the following: Super strength, Speed, Flight, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Enhanced senses, Immortality, Healing factor, Advance Magic and spell casting, limited shape shifting, Immunity, Reflexes, Agility 

Dracula is able to hold his own against the most powerful supernatural who's nearly same age as Dracula and with the help of the first order of supernaturals in alliance with the first imitators, he was able to subdue their maker/creator of the IMPERISHABLES. He's also able to take the form of bats being the only shape shifting ability is capable of, he's extremely faster than any supernatural combined and has a great sense of smell. Dracula is immune to daylight and powerful of casting even the most deadly spell of all. Although this has not been proven since he doesn't stand a chance against the mother of all witches and fairy godmother of the fairy colony. He's capable of hypnotizing his enemies with ease and even heal instantly from fatal wounds.


Dracula Stone possesses two weaknesses: The Beta sword, capable of killing any supernaturals and subseptible to overwhelming mystical forces.

Clair Stone aka Azriel (Presumably deceased) 

Age: Unknown

Occupation: Alpha Queen & Creator 

Spouse: Dracula Stone  

Relation: Emma Stone and Liliana Stone 

Supernatural: Unknown (presumably Alpha and Omega)

Azriel's alter ego is Clair Stone, wife of Victor Dracula Stone and the mother of Emma and Liliana Stone. She's the main antagonist of Omega and the Creator of the imitators and IMPERISHABLES. Clair Stone/Azriel's age is unknown. Six thousand years ago, she made her way to earth with her comrade Michael, seeing that the mortals are weak, Azriel decided to conquer the human world all to herself but was eventually subdued by Michael and the first order of supernaturals. This drove her to madness as she imitates the creation of Michael to battle the first order of supernaturals, and ever since then, the world knew no peace until five hundred years.

Both Michael & Azriel's place of Origin are unknown. She's the mother of magic and all things supernatural, whereas Michael is the father of magic and all things supernatural. she and Michale are both the creators of all supernaturals.

Powers and Abilities

Azriel powers are similar to Michael and Emma: Vast immense (unfathomable) superhuman strength, Super speed, Durability, Stamina, Reflexes, Agility, Hemokinesis, Clairvoyance and precognition, Enhanced senses, Intelligence, and longevity, Accelerated regenerative healing, Immortal, Enhanced telescopic vision, Powerful empathic sensitivity and telepathy, Elemental manipulation via magic, Able to sense magic, Spell casting & powerful practioner of magic both fairy and witch magic (teleportation, telekinesis, invisibility, intangibility, shape shifting, Flight, fawich scream, astral projection etc.), Skilled hand-to-hand combatant.

Others: Nigh Omnipotent, Nigh Omniscient and nigh omnipresent.

Liliana Stone

Age: 25

Occupation: Explorer and Tour guide

Relation: Dracula Stone, Clair Stone and Emma Stone 

Supernatural: Tribrid 

Half Vampire, Half Werewolf (Lycan) and Half Witch 

Liliana Stone is the elder sister to Emma Stone and daughter of Dracula and Clair Stone. Unlike her sister who's an Omega supernatural, Liliana is a tribrid supernatural; a half vampire, werewolf and witch. She's been taught by the guardian as well as a child (both she and her sister). Why Liliana isn't that advanced in magical spell like Emma, she does know one or two about magic tricks and can pull off any spells within her sleeves.

In some cases, Liliana is arguably stronger than Emma in strength with little or no proof, whereas, she was able to subdue an Omega rage Emma with little effort. Being the daughter of the most powerful supernatural, Liliana is extremely powerful in wits and brawl. She's also protective of her little sister. Liliana is a tour guide and an explorer but sometimes tend to use that as an excuse in order to reason with mother. Although her strength isn't compared to older supernaturals but she's got the skills and power it takes to kick-ass.

Powers and Abilities

Liliana possess some wide range variety of abilities: As a vampire she possesses all the abilities of a vampire but in a limited way, as a werewolf she possess similar abilities of a Lycan and as a witch she's very consistent in spell casting. Although Liliana needs a magical pendant for teleportation in which in most cases some witches don't including Emma who doesn't require magical pendant for her magic to activate. Witches use their pendants for invisibility and intangibility in order for their spells to work effectively, why most witches use pendants for teleportation can either be a fluctuating/limited magic or still learning how to control it.

Liliana possess the following: Super strength, super speed, regenerative healing, via magic: teleportation, intangibility, invisibility, limited spell casting, and flight, enhanced senses, hypermotility.

Marcus Brian (Presumably deceased)

Age: 27

Occupation: Farmer and Hunter

Supernatural: Werewolf (Lycans)

Marcus Brian is the lover to Veronica who allied themselves with mother to take out the first order of supernaturals and their descendants in order for mother's will to be met. He's a farmer and a great hunter for the IMPERISHABLES with him and Veronica leading the imperishables, he's deemed a worthy opponent for Emma and her freinds. He's an experiment at Lymaxille which enhanced his specie into some kind of mutated Mega-brid and Mega wolf to surpass the form of mere Lycans.

Powers and Abilities 

Marcus in his mega-brid form still maintains his human physique but at a remarkable size and overwhelming strength, speed, stamina and agility. And could easily take out an experienced vampire as the case maybe. While in his mega wolf state/form, he's capable of going toe to toe with an Omega wolf which is said to overpower a Lycans with ease if not on par and could even take out an older vampire. The mega wolf state of Marcus Brian is an advance form of transformation, increasing his senses and gaining more extraordinary senses as well. All abilities of his are enhanced to the fullest, the state of Mega wolf is a bizarre state and transformation. As a werewolf (Lycans) Marcus possess every attributes of lycanthrope. 

Abilities: Super strength, Speed, Enhanced senses, Healing factor, Longevity.

As a mega-brid: Immense Super strength, Speed, Enhanced senses, Healing factor, Longevity, Reflexes, Stamina.

As a Mega wolf: Vast Super strength, Super speed, Enhanced senses, Longevity, Regenerative healing, Stamina, Durability, Hypermotility, Reflexes, Adaptability.

Bella Grace (Deuteragonist) 

Age: 20

Occupation: Student 

Supernatural: Hybrid/half-breed

Half Vampire and Half Lycan

Bella Grace is a second supporting character to the protagonist, Emma Stone and her best friend. Bella Grace friendship is said to be unbreakable by Liliana. Having such a wonderful at your beck and call, Grace is always on the lookout for Emma whenever and however she's needed. They grew up together as inseparable bond. Bella Grace is an Hybrid/half-breed, a vampire and a werewolf (Lycans). She's selfless, brave, courageous, fearless and determined. She's the kind of girl that would do anything for her bestie.

Bella is extremely powerful as she possess both attributes of a vampire and a werewolf. She's also capable of transforming into an hybrid like looking creature.

Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, stamina, enhanced sense, reflexes, healing factor.

Clara Johnson

Age: 30

Occupation: Fortune teller

Supernatural: Witch 

Clara Johnson is a witch member of wicca sabbat and a fortune teller. She's vastly experienced and knowledgeable in every aspect of witchcraft. She once helped Emma and her friends in locating the guardian with a magical compass only empowered by two most powerful descendants in the art of mystical prowess. 

Abilities: Spell casting, Immobilization spell, Telekinesis, Divination, Cryokinesis/Witches fire, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility & Intangibility via magical pendant, Attraction spell.

Silas Deane (Deceased)

Age: 45

Occupation: Entrepreneur 

Supernatural: Shape shifter

Silas Deane is a business man and a shape shifter in countryside of West who helped provide information to the supernaturals to take down the IMPERISHABLES. He died a hero protecting the innocent. As a shape shifter his senses are very well developed in whatever form he takes as an animal, including strength, speed of a cheetah, enhanced sight of any bird. Animal form grants him unique abilities like that of any animal he chooses to transform.

Abilities: Shape shifting

Dante Fowler (Tritagonist)

Age: 17

Occupation: Assassin 

Supernatural: Vampire and Vampire fairy

Dante Flower is a hired vampire assassin working for the coven. At a young age, Dante suffered with his childhood friend Chris aka John Maxwell who grew up together before departing to their various ways. Dante found new profession and calling when turned at the age of 17 by a vampire named Charles who took him under his care and taught him the ways of a vampire. Why is perpetual age of transformation took place at seventeen, Dante Flower is actually a hundred years (100) old vampire still maintaining his teenage looks. He was later transformed into a vampire fairy due to the last dying wish of Taylor Lance.

Abilities: Super strength, Speed, Flight, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Enhanced senses, Immortality, Healing factor.

As a vampire Fairy: All enhanced vampire abilities with fairy magic.

Taylor Lance (Deceased)

Age: 33

Occupation: Teacher

Relation: Peggy Lance and Sarah Lance (Grandmother)

Supernatural: Fairy and Vampire fairy

Taylor Lance is the mother of Peggy Lance and a descendant of Great Sarah Lance, mother of all witches. Why Taylor isn't anywhere close to being a witch, she's definitely a fairy due to the ancestral coupled bloodline. Thus, leaving only Peggy Lance to inherit the ancestral powers of her ancestors (Sarah Lance). Taylor was severely injured during the battle at wicca sabbat after her abduction for her child's surrender, she fought to protect her child but was eventually put to the point of death by a werewolf; luckily she convinced Dante to transform her as an act of blessing and a curse since mother had taken the gift of day walking from all immortals.

Abilities: fairy magic, repelling spell, fairy blast: (destructive construct that can pulverise an enemy using the environment within as a means of increasing your potential: This kind of spell draws life force out of every living organisms within various or wide range), binding/immobilization spell: (which are able to immobilize an enemy for a long period of time, this kind of spell last twenty-four hours for a supernatural, unless you're a witch or fairy that can break through the spell, but if left on human, they'll simply die if not being freed), Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Precognition, Pryokinesis, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility, Attraction spell.

As a Vampire Fairy all abilities are enhanced to it's fullest potential, with additional powers such as: super strength, super speed, enhanced sense, endurance, durability, agility, hypermotility.

Peggy Lance

Age: 12

Occupation: Pupil, Guardian and First Order Witch 

Relation: Taylor Lance and Sarah Lance (Grandmother)

Supernatural: Witch

Peggy Lance is the daughter of Taylor Lance and great grandchild, possibly the 6th great grandchild of Sarah Lance whom she inherited the mantle of being the most powerful witch in the entire colony and the one to be called mother of all witches. She's the first order witch, Guardian of the mystical myth of the supernaturals just like her ancestor Sarah Lance. She's also powerful enough to summon and communicate with Emma astral body with ease. All abilities of Peggy Lance are on another level and far greater than any witches known in the entire colony.

Witches ability: Advance Spell casting, Immobilization spell, Telekinesis, Divination, enchantment, incantation, Cryokinesis/Witches fire, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility & Intangibility via magical pendant, Attraction spell, Astral Projection, healing spell, unlimited magic.

Sarah Lance (Deceased)

Age: 666

Occupation: Guardian and keeper of the mystical myths and mother of all witches 

Relation: Taylor Lance and Peggy Lance

Supernatural: Witch

Sarah Lance is the great grandmother and ancestor to Taylor and Peggy Lance. She's the most powerful witch in all colony and clan, guardian and keeper of the mystical myths and mother of all witches. She possessed all abilities of a witch and are far more superior to any supernaturals.

Abilities: Unlimited Magic.

Eric West

Age: 35

Occupation: Plumber 

Spouse: Jeanne West (Missing) Hybrid: Half Werewolf (Lycan) and Half Human 

Relation: Jessica West and Mark West

Supernatural: Human

Eric West is a human and a plumber by profession in the countryside of West who got married to an hybrid and had two children: Jessica and Mark West. 

Jessica West

Age: 20

Occupation: Salesclerk 

Relation: Eric West, Jeanne West and Mark West 

Supernatural: Wolf

Jessica West is the daughter of Eric and Jeanne West and a wolf by specie. Jessica works as a salesclerk/salesgirl in the family business. She's sanguine in nature. Jessica possess every attribute of a wolf pack as she hasn't been described to transform due to her committed life of none violence.

Abilities: Wolf ability grants her, immense strength, speed, durability, enhanced senses, agility. 

Jeanne West 

Age: 29

Occupation: Salesclerk 

Spouse: Eric West

Relation: Mark West and Jessica West 

Supernatural: Hybrid/half-breed

Half Human and Half Lycan

Jeanne West is the mother of Jessica and Mark West. She's married to Eric West. Jeanne is an hybrid specie; a half lycan and half human. 

Jeanne was captured by some group of imperishables to be experimented on three years ago but was eventually rescued by the hunter Tyler O'Hara with Emma and her friends.

Abilities: Super strength, Speed, Enhanced senses, Healing factor, Longevity.

Mark West

Age: 17

Occupation: Hustler and Farmer

Relation: Eric West, Jeanne West and Jessica West

Supernatural: Werewolf (Lycan)

Mark West is the son of Eric and Jeanne West and brother to Jessica West. He's always protective of his sister and family and would do anything to prevent the imperishables from hurting his clans.

Abilities: Super strength, Speed, Enhanced senses, Healing factor, Longevity.

Hanna Wise

Age: 50

Occupation: Seeker

Relation: Agatha Wise (Grandmother Deceased) and Becca Wise

Supernatural: Human

Hanna Wise is the mother of Becca Wise and a descendant of the great and Nobel Seeker. Agatha Wise. All seekers are gifted with knowledge of the supernaturals and being a descendant makes you one of the most respected supernaturals in all colonies.

The seekers also have the ability to see through another supernaturals and know when a newly supernatural is formed or created. The seekers are solution finders, with great knowledge of all events. They're also the seekers of truth.

Seekers are humans and considered as supernaturals due to their unique abilities they possess.

Abilities: Able to detect a newly born/made supernaturals, seeker of truth

Agatha Wise (Deceased)

Age: 120

Occupation: Seeker

Relation: Hanna Wise and Becca Wise 

Supernatural: Human

The bloodline of the seekers passes from generation to generation and Agatha Wise the great ancestors of Hanna and Becca Wise. She was the first seeker to be ever infused with the knowledge of supernaturals by Michael. This hereditary was later passed down to her descendants and thus, making Becca the most knowledgeable seeker of all times. Seekers are considered as humans despite they possess some traits of being a supernatural due to their abilities.

Abilities: Nigh omniscient of all things supernaturals.

Becca Wise 

Age: 8

Occupation: Seeker

Relation: Hanna Wise and Hanna Wise 

Supernatural: Human

Becca Wise is the daughter of Hanna Wise and a descendant of great Agatha Wise who inherited the mantle of the most knowledgeable seeker in the entire colony. She's able to reveal the history of old to Emma and her friends, despite her not been born at that time, labelling and giving every details as though she had existed in the past for six thousand years old. Her knowledge and prowess are not to be underrated as she could easily detect a newly born or made supernatural. 

Abilities: Able to detect a newly born/made supernaturals, seeker of truth, nigh omniscient.

Elijah Wood 

Age: 24

Occupation: Guardian 

Relation: Rita Wood

Supernatural: Tribrid

Half Fairy, Half Vampire and Half Human

Elijah Wood is the creation of Alicia East who possess both mother of all witches DNA. He and Rita Wood are both guardian of the mystical art. Elijah Wood is a tribrid supernatural and a formidable one as well. He's skilled in the art of mystical force and all things supernatural, he's also trained Emma and Liliana Stone and some supernaturals as well. Both guardian are extremely powerful but can be overwhelmed by their creators/makers or any descendants of their makers and perhaps a powerful descendants of the chosen.

Abilities: Elijah wood possesses all Vampire abilities (enhanced), Enhanced fairy magic, self awareness.


He can be killed with the beta sword, as its the only weapon powerful enough to kill a supernatural.

Rita Wood (Deceased)

Age: 24

Occupation: Guardian 

Relation: Elijah Wood

Supernatural: Tribrid

Half Witch, Half Werewolf (Lycan) and Half Vampire 

Rita Wood is the sister to Elijah Wood and a guardian of the mystical art, she's a tribrid and the creation of Sarah Lance. Rita was later corrupted when Veronica's spy cast an attraction spell to one of the creator's work, she became drawn and loyal to the imperishables and stole the legendary talisman that help resurrected Veronica and restore mother partially to her state.

She's skilled in the art of mystical force and all things supernatural, as she was killed by Emma at a certain point but resurrected again by Azriel and then killed by the hands of her brother during the last battle.

Abilities: Rita wood possesses all Vampiric abilities (enhanced), Enhanced witch magic, she also possess the attributes of lycanthrope.


She can be killed with the beta sword, as its the only weapon powerful enough to kill a supernatural and any descendants that are far superior to her.

Josh Adams Jacobs (Deceased)

Age: 27

Occupation: Bartender 

Spouse: Beatrice Adams

Relation: Charlie Adams, and Isaac Jacobs 

Supernatural: Wolf and Omega wolf

Josh Adams Jacob is a descendant of the great lycanthropy, Isaac Jacobs, father of all Lycans both Alpha and the Omega pack. He's married to Beatrice and have daughter named Charlie Jacobs.

Josh Adams has some traits of the Omega wolf inherited from his ancestors, a rare form of lycanthropy, far superior and stronger than a werewolf and greater than a wolf. He and his Child possess similar trait to that of their ancestors but with Charlie being the greatest of all to inherit the mantle of a lycanthropy.

Josh died protecting his family from the imperishables who came for his daughter.

Ability: He possess the attributes of a werewolf and as an omega wolf all attributes are enhanced to their potential.

Beatrice Adams Jacobs

Age: 35

Occupation: Bartender

Spouse: Josh Adams

Relation: Charlie Adams Jacobs, and Isaac Jacobs 

Supernatural: Wolf

Beatrice Adams Jacobs is the wife of Josh Adams Jacobs and the mother of Charlie Adams Jacobs. She's a wolf by specie, unlike her spouse and child who both possessed the omega wolf state, Beatrice is unable to inherit that form. She and her husband both run their family business.

Abilities: Wolf ability grants her, immense strength, speed, durability, enhanced senses, agility. 

Charlie Adams Jacobs

Age: 9

Occupation: None

Relation: Josh Adams Jacobs, Isaac Jacobs and Beatrice Adams Jacobs 

Supernatural: Lycanthrope

Alpha and Omega pack

Charlie Adams Jacobs is the daughter of Josh and Beatrice Jacobs and the descendant of Isaac Jacobs. She's the only descendant to possess the lycanthrope of Isaac Jacob who's both an Alpha and Omega pack. When in the Omega state, Charlie finds it hard to recognize friend from foe, thus, she looses control and attacks her opponent.

Abilities: Enhanced Lycanthropy (Alpha & Omega pack)

Isaac Jacobs (Deceased)

Age: 150

Occupation: Alpha and Omega king of Lycanthropy 

Relation: Josh Adams Jacobs, Charlie Adams Jacobs and Beatrice Adams Jacobs.

Supernatural: Lycanthropy

Alpha and Omega pack

Isaac Jacobs, father of all lycanthrope and ancestor to the Jacobs. He's both alpha and Omega pack and one of the ruling council member of the supernaturals. 

Abilities: Enhanced Lycanthropy.

Karl Carl Hathaway (Deceased)

Age: 20

Occupation: Hustler

Relation: Helen Hathaway (Grandmother Deceased)

Supernatural: Shape shifter 

Karl Carl Hathaway is the descendant of Helen Hathaway, the first and Nobel therianthropy and mother of all shape shifters. Karl inherited this gift as the chosen one. It was said he had a lost twin who also possess such abilities in the book. Karl journeyed with Emma and her friends to reunite with the colony and died a hero by the hands of mother.

Abilities: Enhanced shape shifting.

Helen Hathaway (Deceased)

Age: 120

Occupation: Therianthropy and mother of all shape shifters

Relation: Karl Carl Hathaway 

Supernatural: Shape shifter 

Helen Hathaway is the ancestor to Karl Hathaway and the first shape shifting supernatural to ever live. She's was also among the council of supernaturals who helped stopped the war for centuries before her death. This abilities was later passed down to her heir.

Abilities: Enhanced shape shifting.

Sharlene East

Age: 20

Occupation: Hustler and Princess/Queen

Relation: Alicia East (Grandmother Deceased)

Supernatural: Fairy Princess and Queen

Sharlene East is a descendant of Alicia East the Godmother, Queen and mother of all fairies. As a princess, Sharlene had always neglected her duties to one day inherit the mantle from her mother, just as fate puts it and with the situation of the colonies and clan, Sharlene had no choice but to return to her people, save the day and become what she was meant to be. She's most loved by all and ready to take full responsibilitis as well in order for the safety and protection of her colony. As a Royal bloodline, Sharlene possesses the attributes of a fairy from her mother.

Fairy's ability: fairy magic, repelling spell, fairy blast: (destructive construct that can pulverise an enemy using the environment within as a means of increasing your potential: This kind of spell draws life force out of every living organisms within various or wide range), binding/immobilization spell: (which are able to immobilize an enemy for a long period of time, this kind of spell last twenty-four hours for a supernatural, unless you're a witch or fairy that can break through the spell, but if left on human, they'll simply die if not being freed), Telekinesis, Clairvoyance: This abilities runs in the royal blood line or someone assigned as a ruler, Psychokinesis, Precognition, Pryokinesis, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility, Attraction spell, unique healing spell, unlimited fairy magic.

Alicia East (Deceased)

Age: 900

Occupation: Godmother, Queen and mother of all fairies

Relation: Sharlene East

Supernatural: Fairy Queen

Alicia East is the creation of Michael the great, Fairy's aren't born, they're made unless they mate with other supernaturals or mortals to produce their kinds. Alicia East was the first and noble of them all, mother to Sharlene East, Godmother and mother of all fairies. She was also a member of the great council of supernaturals who fought and drove out the darkness called the IMPERISHABLES.

Abilities: Unlimited Fairy magic.


Age: 17

Occupation: Hunter and Tracker 

Supernatural: Human

Xara is one of the greatest tracker and hunter and protégée of Tyler O'Hara. She's also a friend of Dante. She's very skilled and an excellent fighter. Xara has what it takes to lead an army of hunters to victory.

Abilities: Skilled hand-to-hand fighter, swordsman & marksman, great tracking skills, intellect, utilizes high explosives dynamites and weaponry, athletic prowess, master tactician.

Lafayette O'Hara (Deceased)

Age: 100

Occupation: Hunter

Relation: Tyler O'Hara 

Supernatural: Human

Lafayette O'Hare is the great ancestor to Tyler O'Hara. He was trained by the supernaturals themselves as the finest human to lead the hunters by Agatha Wise.

Abilities: Enhanced mental brain activity & heightened senses, expert swordsman skilled in variety of weaponry, endurance, master tactician & strategist that employs psychological warfare tactics, expert marksman, enhanced physiology.

Tyler O'Hara 

Age: 29

Occupation: Hunter and Tracker 

Relation: Lafayette O'Hara 

Supernatural: Human 

Tyler O'Hara is one of the greatest hunter in all colony, he's the descendant of the Lafayette O'Hara who was one of the finest human to ever become the greatest hunter. Tyler inherited most of his ancestor gene and enhanced them via training, there he also trained some hunters as well as Xara who became one of the top student of Tyler O'Hara.

Abilities: Genius level intellect, expert hunter, fighting skills, expert and skilled weaponry, eidetic memory, expert swordsman & marksman, master tactician & strategist, endurance, skilled acrobatics.

Dorothy (Deceased)

Age: 45

Occupation: Witch leader

Supernatural: Witch

Dorothy is one of the witch leader in wicca sabbat who sacrificed herself trying to save Peggy from the IMPERISHABLES. She's the only one who had faith in Peggy during her trials of initiation when the council members doubted her. 

Dorothy is a kind and gentle soul who would do anything to protect her people and the chosen.

Abilities: Spell casting, Immobilization spell, Telekinesis, Divination, enchantment, Incantation, Cryokinesis/Witches fire, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility & Intangibility via magical pendant, Attraction spell.

Becca Addison

Age: 22

Occupation: Witch leader

Supernatural: Witch

Becca Addison was once a witch member who took after the chancellor Fuji was dead. She was appointed by the witches in pytaminc as the new chancellor. Becca Addison is a faithful sister of light/witch of light who is devoted to protecting the wicca sabbat.

Abilities: Spell casting, Immobilization spell, Telekinesis, Divination, enchantment, Incantation, Cryokinesis/Witches fire, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility & Intangibility via magical pendant, Attraction spell.

Sam/Uncle Sam

Age: 45

Occupation: Pack master

Supernatural: Wolf & Omega wolf

Uncle Sam is the father of Josh Adams and grandfather to Charlie. He's also a descendant of Isaac Jacobs who also inherited the Omega wolf. He was able to rescue Charlie from the imperishables with the help of Emma and co- 

Sam, Josh and Charlie are the only ones to ever possess an Omega wolf.

Abilities: Wolf ability grants him, immense strength, speed, durability, enhanced senses, agility. 

Abilities as an Omega wolf: Vast super strength, Speed, Enhanced senses, Healing factor, Longevity, Agility, Durability, Reflexes, Stamina, hypermotility.

Corner (Deceased)

Age: 30

Occupation: Dealer and pack member

Supernatural: Wolf

Corner is a pack member of wolf clan and a traitor to the pack who secretly wants the omega wolf all to himself and for his comrades to take over the packs. Although it wasn't confirmed if he was secretly work with imperishables for Charlie's abduction. Corner was later killed by a vampire witch.

Abilities: Wolf ability grants him, immense strength, speed, durability, enhanced senses, agility. 


Age: 40

Occupation: Fairy Guard 

Supernatural: Fairy

Damian is a fairy guard and a traitor to the fairy colony who sold out the princess to the IMPERISHABLES for protection. He had always envied the Royal bloodline and wants to be fairy king, with the help of the IMPERISHABLES to conquer his colony. Damian later became a vampire fairy in his last confrontation with the Princess. His greed for power led to his death in the fairy colony. 

Abilities: fairy magic, repelling spell, fairy blast: (destructive construct that can pulverise an enemy using the environment within as a means of increasing your potential: This kind of spell draws life force out of every living organisms within various or wide range), binding/immobilization spell: (which are able to immobilize an enemy for a long period of time, this kind of spell last twenty-four hours for a supernatural, unless you're a witch or fairy that can break through the spell, but if left on human, they'll simply die if not being freed), Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Precognition, Pryokinesis, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility, Attraction spell. 

As a vampire fairy all abilities are enhanced.


Age: 25

Occupation: Royal Fairy Guard

Supernatural: Fairy

Margret is a faithful Royal fairy guard with the sole duty of protecting the Queen and princess. She helped bring back the princess to take her rightful place as Queen in the colony. 

Margret is brave, strong, fearless, courageous and ready to lay down her own life for the Royal bloodline.

Abilities: fairy magic, repelling spell, fairy blast: (destructive construct that can pulverise an enemy using the environment within as a means of increasing your potential: This kind of spell draws life force out of every living organisms within various or wide range), binding/immobilization spell: (which are able to immobilize an enemy for a long period of time, this kind of spell last twenty-four hours for a supernatural, unless you're a witch or fairy that can break through the spell, but if left on human, they'll simply die if not being freed), Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Precognition, Pryokinesis, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility, Attraction spell.


Age: 2000+

Occupation: Assistant 

Supernatural: Hybrid/half-breed 

Half vampire and Half witch

Veronica is ruthless and a faithful servant of Mother (Azriel). She's relentless to put anyone down who defies mother's will. She's also the lover of Marcus Brian who both led an army of IMPERISHABLES/IMITATORS to war with the supernaturals. 

Her strength and determination for mother led to her downfall. It was stated that her powers are slightly on par with the Alpha King. Although she was later killed in battle with her lover as well.

Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, stamina, enhanced sense, reflexes, regenerative healing, spell casting via magic: teleportation, intangibility, incantation, invisibility, flight, enhanced senses, hypermotility, attraction spell, divination, cryokinesis/witches fire, empathy, telepathy, levitation, adaptability.

Fuji (Deceased)

Age: 55

Occupation: Witch Leader/Chancellor 

Supernatural: Witch

Fuji is said to be one of the wisest chancellor and leader of the witches of light. She's brave, unique, selfless and loved by all. Fuji helped trained Emma in the ways of the witches to harness the witch side of her. 

Abilities: Spell casting, Immobilization spell, Telekinesis, Divination, enchantment, Incantation, Cryokinesis/Witches fire, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility & Intangibility via magical pendant, Attraction spell.

Nicki (Deceased)

Age: 18

Occupation: witch member (sisters of the dark han)

Supernatural: Witch

Sister Nicki is a member of the sisters of the dark Han who disguised as a sister of light in pytaminc to help Emma fulfill the forbidden prophecy. Nicki led an amry of the dark Han to attack the sisters of light. 

Nicki was later killed in pytaminc by the witches of light alongside with her comrades.

Abilities: Spell casting, Immobilization spell, Telekinesis, Divination, enchantment, Incantation, Cryokinesis/Witches fire, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility & Intangibility via magical pendant, Attraction spell.

John Maxwell Aka Chris

Age: 17

Occupation: Merchandiser 

Supernatural: Immortal Human

John Maxwell also known as Chris is a merchandiser and a childhood friend to Dante who happened to stumble upon a beautiful fairy maiden on a fateful day. He risked his life in saving a fairy on patrol named Brenda of which they eventually fell in love. John was at the point of death when Brenda took him to her colony and gave him the fountain of youth which granted him immortality.

John Maxwell is immortal and immune to diseases and most magical attacks, his regenerative abilities are extremely remarkable and faster than a vampire and any known supernaturals. John could take as much damage as possible and heal from them instantly. 

Abilities: Immortality, Immunity, Regenerative healing, Longevity, Endurance, Stamina

Shawn White

Age: 35

Occupation: Assassin 

Supernatural: Vampire

Shawn white is a vampire assassin to the coven and second in command after Charles the great. He's skilled in every way of vampirism as well as being one of the most lethal deadly assassin in the vampire coven.

Abilities: Super strength, Speed, Flight, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Enhanced senses, Immortality, Healing factor

Brenda (Deceased)

Age: 20

Occupation: Fairy Patrol guard

Supernatural: Fairy

Brenda is an highly trained fairy guard patrol to the fairy colony. During her patrol she encountered a vampire fairy but was eventually saved by a mere mortal who risked his life for her. With the badly injured mortal Brenda offered the fountain of youth to revive him which granted him immortality. She was eventually killed during the attack in fairy colony. She's the lover of the immortal human named John Maxwell.

Abilities: fairy magic, repelling spell, fairy blast: (destructive construct that can pulverise an enemy using the environment within as a means of increasing your potential: This kind of spell draws life force out of every living organisms within various or wide range), binding/immobilization spell: (which are able to immobilize an enemy for a long period of time, this kind of spell last twenty-four hours for a supernatural, unless you're a witch or fairy that can break through the spell, but if left on human, they'll simply die if not being freed), Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Precognition, Pryokinesis, Empathy, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility, Attraction spell.


Age: 107

Occupation: Coven Leader

Supernatural: Vampire

Charles is the maker of Dante and the leader of the vampire assassin's coven, he's nearly a thousand plus old with so much experience and leadership tactics. He's the strongest in the entire vampire coven.

Abilities: Super strength, Speed, Flight, Telepathy, Teleportation, Levitation, Enhanced senses, Immortality, Healing factor, agility, stamina, endurance.


Age: Unknown 

Occupation: Creator of the first order of supernaturals 

Relation: First order of supernaturals 

Supernatural: Unknown (presumably Alpha and Omega)

Michael is the creator and maker of the first order of supernaturals. He's the father of magic with unfathomable powers. Six thousand years ago, Michael was able to create the first order of supernaturals to stop Azriel from conquering the mortal world and by so doing, he gave out his abilities to his children (creation) to multiply, take back and protect their world. He died a mortal being who relinquish his powers to the humans for protection.

Abilities: Nigh Omnipotent, nigh omniscient and nigh omnipresent.