Chapter 7 - Lost Sword

Bilhelm was completely unaware that Aleina had been waiting behind him for a long time.

Aleina waited for the right moment so she could give Bilhelm a decisive blow, and when she saw Bilhelm off guard after defeating her husband Aleina immediately stabbed Bilhelm in the back.

"You!" Bilhelm bit his lip in annoyance while enduring the pain, the wound on his stomach was wide and bleeding profusely.

His body was getting weaker and his consciousness began to fade from time to time, but as hard as he could he kept his consciousness under control.

"I'm sorry my nephew, but it looks like your time is up! Time to rebuild the Sequa empire!" Aleina said as she walked over to her husband.

Bilhelm was annoyed, but he couldn't do anything else, even standing was very difficult for him.

Staring at the two royal traitors before him, Bilhelm caught his breath and spat out a mouthful of cloudy air.

He firmly gripped his royal heirloom sword while closing his eyes.

"Never mind Bilhelm, there's nothing more you can do! You and all your troops have been defeated! Even your beloved bird is running away from war!" Edward sneered.

He was also badly injured, but thanks to the medicinal healing tonic from the hill of life he was able to recover quickly.

Although the risk of getting hit by the drug hasn't decreased at all, it's not going to happen anytime soon.

"Tch! You think Haamos is a coward like you?" Bilhelm pulled the corners of his lips into a sinister smile.

Edard and Aleina furrowed their brows, they didn't understand why Bilhelm was still speaking confidently when defeat was imminent.

"You have a last wish? We're not that cruel to kill without giving you a chance to say a final wish!" Edard sniffed coldly.

It was time for this little nephew of his to die, so he inquired about the final request, just as a formality.

"Acting like a knight after betraying your kingdom? Where is your shame?" Bilhelm quipped with his sharp smile.

"That's enough! No matter what you say this kingdom has fallen into our hands, save your energy to meet the ancestors!" annoyed with the man who was kneeling in pain, Aleina sneered in annoyance.

"If you don't have it, I will kill you right now!" Edard got up and gripped his sword firmly. In one slash it was certain that Bilhelm's head would separate from his body.

Hearing that Bilhelm didn't show the slightest bit of fear, he didn't even tremble when Edard pointed the sword at his face.

On the contrary, he looks so calm with his face that still shows firmness and authority.

As the supreme king of this land, there was no way he would be afraid of such a cheap threat. Even if he was dying like he was now, Edard couldn't kill him.

"You think with that sword you are strong enough to kill me?" Leaning his head on the sword he had stuck into the ground for support, Bilhelm asked coldly.

"I've never seen someone as arrogant as you at the second of his death." Edard was no longer provoked by any of Bilhelm's words because he already had victory in his hands.

"Arrogant? We'll see who's arrogant!" Bilhelm smiled sinisterly before raising his head and staring intently at his uncle and aunt there.

Then he stretched his fingers before firmly gripping the hilt of his sword once more. He raised his sword and held it up.


At the same time, the light in the sky began to dim and a strong wind began to blow. The clouds began to gather to form spheres like a magnetic field just above the sword.

Edard and Aleina who saw this phenomenon widened their eyes in surprise, they had no idea what Bilhelm was doing with his sword.

And feeling Bilhelm would become more dangerous than before, Edard intended to attack Bilhelm but Bilhelm seemed to be covered in something he couldn't get close to.

"What happened?" mumbled Aleina panicked.

"Aaaah!" Bilhelm shouted and continued to raise his sword to face the sky.


Elsewhere, Faruq who had been seriously injured saw the sky starting to darken and moving towards the kingdom.

He squinted his eyes while gripping the ground with his paws, then muttered under his breath, "It's about time!"

After that Faruq immediately turned around and walked away from the battle and the kingdom!

"What? He ran away?" Beem sniffed coldly. This battle was really about to end with the two of them winning but the lion ran away instead.

"Stand! Beem look around you! Something is happening in the kingdom, let's go back!" Seeing that Beem has the ambition to kill the dying lion, Laxi stops him.

He sees the sky which was getting dark and moving toward the kingdom, therefore he chose to ignore the lion and immediately returned to the kingdom.

"Well!" Beem replied in annoyance, after all their master's safety was more important than the life of that weak lion


"Haamos, Look!" Queen Erciliana was now sitting on Haamos' back, and she saw the clouds suddenly moving towards the kingdom followed by the color of the sky starting to turn dark.

"It seems that the great king has already done so, queen!" Haamos closed his eyes for a moment as he answered, as if he wasn't ready for that yet.

"This is!" Erciliana's teary eyes stared at her kingdom which was far away, her glazed look explaining the sadness in her heart.

"Right! The great king is planning to eliminate Sequa's powerful sword by sacrificing himself!" Haamos added.

"Goodbye, my king!" sobs again covered the beautiful face of the queen. This sadness is so deep because she knows that she will never see her husband again in the future.

What the Sequa sky was showing right now was a sign that nature would take over what they had given to the great king.

The Sequa power sword can only be owned by the rightful ruler of Sequa, so when that ruler dies then nature will take the sword until someone replaces it.

That was why Bilhelm raised his sword!

Knowing that he would die, he immediately asked nature to take his sword, so Edard would not have a chance to have the sword.