It was in the middle of the afternoon.
The caravan that carried ammunitions, food and all kinds of supplies arrived at their destination, the Toyama Castle.
The journey itself is completely peaceful, there were no bandit attacks or interruptions from the Oda Clan. The caravan was able to make it to the city in just two days.
That's why, the commander sitting on the front most carriage was laid-back... as it is just an easy job he did not expect anything to go wrong so close to the finish line.
"Just a few more hours of sorting the goods and we'll be heading back home, it seems."
"Yes, my Lord. We can prepare for our next delivery after we went back to Niigata."
"For now let's just focus on this batch of supplies."
That is until a sudden explosion destroyed the gate house before the carriage even got close, surprising everyone in the caravan.
"What the-?!"
A group of soldiers armed with muskets immediately formed a line in the front of the caravan, creating a defense line.
The commander climbed to the front of the carriage and asked :
"What's going on here?"
"We're under attack, sir."
"I know that, stupid! I want to know who is it that attacked us! Is it the Oda?! Did they took the castle in just a few days?!"
From the smokes in front, a single shadow could be seen walking out.
"Halt!" Unable to ascertain the shadow's identity and his allegiance, the soldiers called out to him to make him stop.
However, the man didn't had a care and walked forward still... From the shadows one could see that he is holding something in his hand, put over his shoulder in a relaxed manner.
"I said halt! Don't come any closer or we'll shoot!"
Then suddenly, the man took off with a sprint, running towards the musket line at an insane speed.
"Open fire!"
'Bang-!' (?x)
'Tink tank-!'
The man swung his blade around as he sprinted forward, parrying the hail of bullets that he is running into while dodging the ones that weren't accurately fired.
When he came close to the line, he jumped to the air, still swinging his blade around to parry the bullets still coming after him.
Then he raised the blade overhead while coming down on the commander, after all the shots were fired.
With a single clean slam of his sword, the commander along with the entire carriage itself was split clean in half. A slash reaching the pinnacle of technique and power.
Blood spilled like a fountain from the two halves of the commander, pouring down onto the swordsman below.
A man with his hair tied into a tail, wielding a blood-red katana and dressed in loose-robe. He looked like any average man in house clothes, not a soldier at all.
"Tch, retreat from the swordsman! He's a skilled one!"
More shadows could be seen rushing forward to the caravan.... The man then turned towards the soldiers who were fleeing from the scene.
Then, he simply grinned at them like he was making a joke.
"Leaving so fast already?"
"Ready your bayonets soldier! Prepare for a close ranged battle!"
[Takina's POV]
I ran towards the stairs taking the fastest route there... Kenshin might be a capable swordsman, but I should still rush to him side immediately.
While making my way down the stairs and passing by one of the floors, I heard the scream from a room at that floor.
"H-help, we are being attacked!"
From then on, the cry for help was abruptly cut off and loud clashes was heard instead. Then, dead silence.
"Tch, I don't have time for this..."
I drew my blade from the sheath and dashed towards the room where the voice came from... and just as I was about to reach the entrance.
'Thud!' A bloodied body was flung right out of the room. The person's neck was sliced off, blood flowing out from it like a leaking water container.
He was the sorcerer from earlier who helped on the Severance Ritual.
Then, someone stepped out of the room.
I raised my sword and swung right at the person walking out. 'Clank-!!!'
The person walking out raised her blade by pure reflexes alone and blocked my attack. Though it threw her to the ground, she is unscathed.
But just as I raised my sword to strike her a fatal blow, my arm stopped when I see the face of the person before me.
With a familiar face, but carrying red eyes and pale hair... It feels like I've never seen her before, and yet I recognize her all the same.
I'd recognize her as easily as I'd my mother.... that's because she's family. "Marielle?!..."
By the corner of my eye I could see a few daggers flying towards me from inside the room.
As I stepped backwards and avoided the shurikens, Marielle also got back up on her feet and pointed her blade at me.
She had long white hair and red eyes instead of the Hazel eyes and Red hair that I used to know, that's why it took me more than a second to recognize her.... But it is her, no doubt.
"Marielle, why are you here?"
"...Who are you?"
What do you mean who am I?
As I was too confused to respond to her, another dagger came flying towards me from inside the room. While easy to dodge, it's extremely annoying when you're trying to collect your thoughts.
"Lady Fujimoto! Are you alright?!"
From inside, a few men dressed in armour rushed out. They got between me and Marielle in the hallway, blocking her from me.
"I'm fine. More importantly, she's that dangerous one that Gotou-sama talked about. Be careful."
"We'll do our best to take her down... You should escape with what we came for instead, leave her to us."
Hearing their conversation, I finally noticed the blade that she held in her hand. It is the black coloured Katana, it I'd the Severance blade.
"Thank you."
Marielle turned around and ran away towards the stairs trying to escape....
I quickly chased forward towards her-
"Marielle, wait! Explain yourself!"
'Fwoosh!' Immediately, an attack was thrown my way.
"Not so easy!"
"Tch, not again..."
"Fujiwara Takina, I've heard that you're quite the fighter, but it seems that you have quite the body as well for someone of your reputation. I had expected a brute, but to see a beauty like you-"
"You lots have 5 seconds. Get out of my way."
"Huh? Did you all hear her right? She told us to let her through."
"Are you insane? We have 5 men here, and you're just a woman.
If you offer your head to us, we'll consider killing you without having fun with your body first. It's your choice to-"
With one clean strike to the exposed soldier's neck, I made a deep cut into his arteries.
"Grk ah?!"
Anger isn't usually good for a fight... It makes your thoughts cloudy, and impairs judgement. Taunting your opponent is a strategy most often used by the strongest fighters to make their opponent make mistakes that they'd normally never do.
These people may be fighters, but they sure as hell aren't the strongest. It doesn't matter if I am angered or not, they'll still be slaughtered regardless.
But I do not have the patience to give them proper deaths now.
"5 seconds has passed. I'll now kill all of you."
"Just surround her, she can't handle all of us at once!"
At the same time, down at the castle gate's grounds are a series of blade clashes and explosions going around the premise.
While it is technically a duo versus duo fight, what is actually happening is that Kenshin has to juggle the aggression of both enemies while making sure that Kato Danzo can handle her own.
The first demon is the petite woman with horns. Wielding two Sais, everytime she clashes blade with Kenshin she locks up his sword using the unique guard of her dagger.
Though fast and nimble, her attacks lacked any actual weight behind and was easily deflected by Kenshin. She fights like a ninja.
And the second demon is a man wielding dual swords. While bulk in appearance he strike forth like a whirlwind instead of a brute. Non-stop flurry attacks and power is behind each of his swing.
Though he leaves himself open everytime he attacks, his heavy armour coupled with the support from the agile ninja makes Kenshin unable to find any openings to counter attack.
Unlike Kenshin who was able to handle himself even against two opponents at the same time, Kato Danzo was being thrown around by even just one of them... Kenshin is trying to protect her even while fending off attacks from either of the demons.
It was truly a chaotic battle.
Eventually, the battle come to a stop when everyone jumped back and created distance from each other.
"Gah... Hah..." Kato Danzo grasped for air using the brief moment of respite when all of them stopped attacking.
It has been a good 3 minutes since they begun fighting.... and yet the other three did not appear even the slightest bit fatigued.
The demon ninja watched Kato Danzo... and spoke.
"Hmph... I expected more from the child raised by Fuuma - one of the great shinobi in Japan."
"I have no connections to that man any longer!... He is no longer my master!"
"Is it because you're just a dead weight to him?"
"Danzo, she's just trying to provoke you into attacking her." Kenshin replied, composed as ever.
"Gotou... be serious about this battle."
"Yes of course, I yap too much.... So, have you figured out how to defeat him just yet?"
"I have. Just trust me."
"As if you've ever betrayed my trust. Okay, here we go!"
Kenshin remained silent and readied his sword anticipating a special attack from them.
Danzo also raised her daggers, watching closely the movement of the enemy intending to cover for Kenshin as it is very obvious that he is the main target....
The two rushed forward from opposite directions, rushing towards Kenshin.
Kenshin reacted immediately, jumping away from them to make it harder to circle him.
Instead of backing off, Danzo rushed in towards to catch one of them while they're chasing Kenshin.
"!..." However, Kenshin soon realized their actual plan.
He stomps into the ground to stop his momentum, and dashed back towards Danzo.
The two demons immediately changed course and targetted Danzo, who was right in their way... Caught off-guard, Danzo was unable to do anything.
Kenshin rushed right towards her, and shielded her with himself.
'Clank-!' 'Stab!'
Confirming their attack, the two jumped backwards and created distance again....
"You're a genius, brother."
"Even a fool would've noticed the dynamic of this fight... I was merely using it to the best effect."
Kenshin dropped to the ground, bleeding profusely from his ribs where he were stabbed from the ninja's daggers.
He was able to parry the attack from the dual-sword demon but was unable to do so against the ninja. As such, a deep wound was made to his liver....
"This is bad my Lord, I'll have to get you to-"
"No, Danzo..."
He grabbed the sword with his bloodied hands, and used it to lift his own self up.
"You have to escape... Don't bother with this old man...."
"But my Lord, you can't-!"
"This is an order, Danzo! I am fine, you're just getting in the way here!"
"I... Understood...."
"Go into the castle... find Genji and Takina. Go now!"
"Y-yes, my Lord!..."
"Urgh... Hah..."
After Danzo left, Kenshin stumbled back to the floor in pain.
"Argh... Are you going to just let her go?..." Kenshin asked to the two demons before him, who were only watching the entire time.
"Our target is to assassinate you, Uesugi Kenshin the Sword Saint. I couldn't care less if Fuuma's kid makes it out alive or not." The demon man replied.
"It would show to that old codger which clan's ninja is the better one if we let her run with her tails tucked... Besides, she's still young."
"Huh, I guess even demons have the idea to protect the young hmm...?"
Kenshin took a deep breath... And then, he stood up again. Blood still gushing out from his liver.
"But... My last moment shalln't be one full of words. Come, you two. I'll show you what I can do even minutes before my departure for the next world."
"I guess the least we can do is to humor you until your death then."
"Before we begin... Tell me your name, demons."
"Hattori Gotou. I am just a ninja working for the Takeda Clan."
"I am Hattori Hanzo, a swordsman. It was an honor to have fought against you, Lord Sword Saint."
"Ninjas from the Hattori clan?... I've cut down a few Hattoris before but I didn't knew those bastards take in demons to train as well."
"Our family's background is irrelevant to this battle, good sir."
"Hmm, I guess you're right. Now that we are acquainted with each other... let's kill each other shall we?"
However, before the battle could start a white haired woman walked out from the castle's entrance with a black blade in hand.
"Gotou-sama, Hanzo-sama, I've found the Severance blade."
"Good work as always, Fujimoto."
"It's time for us to leave, 'that woman' is coming after us."
"I see. Unfortunately we don't have much time here, Lord Kenshin. It is a shame I cannot fulfill your wish." The demon said to Kenshin.
"Heh... You've won anyway, it is foolish of me to demand something from you.
But hear this... you're making a mistake to steal the Severance Blade. You'll be giving Takina one more reason to come after your heads now."
"Heh... that is exactly what we want." The petite ninja answered instead.
"Gotou, Fujimoto, it's time to retreat."
"Understood." (2x)
Just as the three jumped over the destroyed gate house, a red haired woman rushed out of the castle'e entrance covered in blood that is not of her own.
Takina ran over to the bleeding Kenshin, and supported him in her arms.
"Kenshin-sama, your wound is bad! At this rate you'll-"
"Before that... is Kato Danzo safe?..."
"...Yes. She's off to find Genji for help. Hold tight, I'll take you to Enna's-"
"Don't waste time in me, chase after them... They cannot make off with the Severance Blade, it is too powerful to be left in their hands!"
"You're bleeding so much, you'll die at this rate!"
"Takina, listen!... There is no one's ability I trust more than you... and I believe only you are capable of retrieving the sword back from them. You have little time to waste!
And I can handle myself here... This is just a stab wound."
"...I understand."
Takina ripped off a piece of cloth from her robes, and bandaged it around Kenshin's wound.
"I'll go take back the sword, you have to find a doctor immediately! Don't you die on me, Kenshin-sama."
"Who do you think you're talking to, as if I'll die this easily!
Now go, they must've been half way out of the city already. Hurry up before they escape!"
"I'll definitely take the sword back from them, you have my words, Kenshin-sama."
After replying to the old man, Takina made a break for the castle gate's rubble, jumping over all of them like it was nothing.
"Argh... Hah..."
Kenshin used his last strength to get back on his feet before stumbling for the castle's entrance... Only to then collapse by the door.
"Kenshin-sama!..." (?x)
Before he loses consciousness, Kenshin heard the calls of the ninja that he protected with his life....
"Heh... to die protecting... someone... This is what you must've felt like... father..."
A small grin of pride appeared on his mouth before he finally fainted from all the blood he lost.
(Chapter end)