(6 months and 11 days after Klada Disaster)
[Lynn's POV]
When I opened my eyes, the first thing that I saw was the giant blue colored portal up in the sky.
"Hah!... Urgh!" I can't breathe!...
My jaw was shattered by Red's punch.... I gathered Mana to my jaw, instantly fixing my jaw and restoring my ability to talk.
"Urgh!... Cough cough!... Argh damn, I was killed for a second there!..." That girl seriously left me in a bad shape, if I was a normal human I'd have been dead by now.
I gathered Mana around my body, quickly healing all wounds that she inflicted upon me.
"....Can't believe that someone is so strong though...." That dragon form of her boosts her power pretty damn much, it's something to behold.
"Welp, all healed up its time to beat her ass..."
It seems that I'm inside a crater, where the hell am I? While I can see the portal, I couldn't see the castle anywhere on the sky. Shit, how long have I passed out?
I jumped out of the crater and took a look around. It seems that I'm... not in Creimland? The city seems to be normal, and doesn't have any sign of damage to it. I'm in an entirely different city.... What?
"Terrorist! As the guard of Pretannia I order you to put your hands up to where I can see them!" From my back, a man yelled out. I turned around and saw that he is dressed in a set of armour and holding a sword... is he a guard?
And Pretannia? That's a island city in the Western coast of Centralia Continent....
"Ah... Great..." Now I know what happened. It took me a second to realize but....
"What's so great?!"
"...Red punched me through the portal into another god damned world.... This is just crazy."
What an insane girl, this might be the first time in history where an attack has knocked someone into another god damned world.
"Regardless, put your hands up! You are under arrest!"
"Oh shut up, I just woke up from a long nap! Can't this lady get a little break?!"
"Then I'll have to cut you down right here and now!" He said as he raises the sword ready to swing at me. I guess I should humor him at least.
"Woah woah, you don't have to act so defensive! It was a joke!"
"Stop fooling around! If you don't want to die then come with me!"
"Okay, I'll come with you.... If you can catch me that is!"
'Bwuom!' I used gravity magic to fly up to the sky.
"What the?!"
"Hahaha! Can't catch me here can you? So long, brother!"
'Bwuom!' I bursted up towards the portal in the sky.
"Hmm.... I'll just have to fly through the portal and I'll be back at Creimland right? Sounds simple enough." But more importantly, I'll seriously beat her ass when I get back there, I need to pay her back for the injuries that she dealt on me!
I flew up until I reached the portal and went through it. A bright light flashes at me as I did so, blinding me from.seeing anything and before I know it, I'm back at the sky above Creimland.
[Red's POV]
"Hah!... Hah!... Hah!..."
I dropped down on my knees after landing on the roof of one of the buildings.
True Dragonic Burst is powerful, but it leaves me completely exhausted like anaerobic exercise.... It's a final Trump card, meant to be used to end fights quickly. That's why I'm so tired right now.
"Hah!... Hah!... Hah!.... Finally, I've beaten her...."
'Bwuom!' Someone flew up, and hovered right in front of me....
"You! You must be the one that Lynn was fighting just now.... What monster are you?!" It's a girl... Wait!
"What in the world?!.... You're... Kyrielle?!"
Why am I seeing myself?!... How is this possible?!
Wait a minute... am I seriously in another world entirely?!
"How did you know my name?!... Who the hell are you?!"
"There's no way... it can't be..." She's an alternate universe of myself?!
"I don't know what is wrong with you but I'm not letting you go so easily, you are under arrest!" She said as she conjures a fire sword in her hand.
"Tsk...." Great, now I have to fight myself?... I'm seriously very weak after I used True Dragonic Burst, I'd prefer not to tango with anyone right now-
'Boom!!!' A really big impact happened right behind me, shaking the ground itself from the force alone....
"Yes, I made it back!"
"Lynn! You're okay!"
"What the hell?!" She survived a True Dragonic Burst version of Rising Dragon?!...
[Lynn's POV]
"Lynn! I was so worried about you when I saw that huge explosion...."
Hmm... It seems that Kyrielle doesn't recognize Red in her dragon form... This is perfect, she doesn't have to know that Red is herself.
"Naturally. I'll talk to you later, I have a business to settle with this woman in front of me..."
"You... How did you even survive that?!..."
"Well if you think you are the only one who has a Healing Factor, you'd be dead wrong. I died right there for sure but I can heal the damage in just a few seconds!"
"You.... Why won't you just die?! Dragonic Burst!"
'Bwuom!' She coats herself in a red aura again as four crests forms behind her. She dashed forward with lightning speed, intending to hit me.
But her movements is now much more sluggish.... she's way slower than before!
"Not on my watch! Blaze Edge!"
Kyrielle dashed right in front of me, with a fire sword in her hand, she slammed her sword at the charging Red and pushed against Red's thrusters with her own.
'Clank!' Red catches Kyrielle's sword clashes with her hand, and tries to punch Kyrielle with her other hand. 'Clank!' Kyrielle summoned another fire sword on her hand and attacked Red, which she caught with her other hand.
"Blaze Edges, go!" She summoned two more fire swords over her shoulder and fired at Red. Seeing danger, Red dashed away and retreated from the fight.
'Thud!' Landing on one of the buildings, she seems to be tired.
"Blaze Edges, fire!"
'Bang!' (4x) She disabled her own thrusters to free up casting slots, firing off four fire swords towards Red....
'Tink!' (4x) But Red easily deflected Kyrie's attacks using just her red-aura coated arm.
"Kyrie, this fight has nothing to do with you, stand down."
"....If you don't want me barging in, then I won't."
"Good... Red! It's time to finish this mess that you've started! This time I'll go serious as well."
'Fwuom....' 'Bzzz...' The air around me starts to distorts, and electricity sparks from my body.
"You showed me your Dragonic Burst... But, that boosting technique itself was a derivation of the original technique not much people know of.... Mana Burst."
'Fwuom!!!' 'Bzz!'
Mana starts rushing out of my body, generating powerful winds and electricity just as Red's Dragonic Burst.
My eyes shined brightly pink... I could feel my Mana control getting even better. It boosts the user's Magic Power and Mana Shield by almost twice, but it doesn't boosts their physical power unlike Dragonic Burst.
"Such power... So this is your true strength!"
"That's right... bring out your True Dragonic Burst, show me what you have. If you hold back..." I put out my hand and aimed it at her.
"...you'll die."
"Hah.... True Dragonic Burst!" Once again, that very same power which demolished me just now started gushing out from her Dragonic form body.
"Argh!!!.... Hmpt!" Letting out a dangerous war cry, she dashed forward at me once again and closed the distance in the blink of an eye. Not even Kyrielle could react to her.
Freezing Point.
'Boom!' Right as her punch connects to my face, I generated on the area where her punch lands.... Condensing mana to my face like this to act as a shield, I was able to take her punch without being blown away.
With Gravity Magic pushing against her, I forced myself to stay in place without being knocked back and grabbed her throat with my arm....
'Bzzz!!!' "Gah!..."
"And here's a little something special for you... Combustion!"
'Boom!!!' With gravity magic boosting my physical power, I copied her technique of imbuing magic into her punches and hit her in the body, sending her flying backwards.
"Urgh!... You dare use my own technique against me?!"
"Eight Fold Casting, Consecutive Black Spears."
'Boom!' (24x)
I sent a barrage of Black Spears right at her body. The entire area surrounding her was blown up by my spells, and her body was shot into pieces by my magic... She is utterly destroyed by my enhanced Black Spears.
[Red's POV]
Urgh..... Am I.... being defeated....?
No.... I will not lose... Not when I still have a mission to fulfill in Kyrielle's stead!
[Lynn's POV]
A red aura gathers into the shape of a body and glows extremely brightly...
'Splash!' Red instantly regenerated her entire body while she was mid air.
"Urgh!... I will... I WILL defeat you!"
She hovers higher up at the air, and energy starts surging out from her body again. She reached out her hand, stacking six magic crests on top of each other as she casts her magic.
A giant ball of pure condensed energy starts to form in front of her body, turning purple with intense heat and burning everything around it.
Something dangerous is coming, this is that god ranked magic again.
"Kyrie... Get behind me."
"Yrrah!!! I'll use all my remaining Mana to unleash my strongest attack, blowing you along with this entire city into kingdom come! At this range, even if you intercept it with your spell the result will still be the same!"
"So this is your strongest attack... In that case, I shall bring out my strongest god ranked magic as well."
"Very well! Take this Lynn Howard, Collapsing Star Cannon, Supernova!"
'Boom!!!' A beam of condensed, blue colored energy that rivalled the sun itself fired out at us....
"Hoo.... Hah...." I took a deep breath, waiting for the beam to reach within range. That's right... Just when it was about to hit me.
Red's beam was reflected directly back at her hitting her dead center.
The beam was reflected towards the sky to minimize damage, and as it flies out towards the sky it caught the floating castle above the ocean, destroying it entirely.
The entire flying castle was split in half by the beam, and then turning into multiple chunks as it falls down into the ocean.
'Fwuom!!!' Extremely large shockwaves was generated by her spell.
"Are you alright Kyrielle?"
"Yeah.... But that spell.... That was insane...."
"Is that so?..."
"I mean, just look at the sky, Lynn."
The clouds of the vast sky parted into two halves from the resulting shockwave of her Supernova, and the beam itself was sent out of the world towards space itself. It didn't hit anything in its path flying out of this world, but it left a trail of purple and blue light, shining brightly as if it was the light of a flying comet itself.
"...It was just as powerful- actually, it was even stronger than my Black Blade End in pure firepower alone."
This is indeed as it name implies... A Supernova. A feat that not even me or Baal could've performed. This is the God Ranked Magic of Kyrielle... or rather Red, the dragon inside of Kyrielle. This was her at her peak, the strongest attack she could ever muster, an attack that could've wiped this city off the map itself.
I've killed the parrallel universe Kyrielle... She doesn't have to know this.
"....Let's go Kyrie."
"Wait, we have to make sure!"
'Bwuom!' She took off to the sky.
"What are you doing?"
"....Over there, I could see her body!"
"She's on the port!"
"Your eyesight is incredible.... Let's go!"
'Bwuom!' (2x)
We both took flight and flew towards the port where a burnt and charred body of Red rests on the ground. It's amazing how she wasn't turned into ashes.
'Thud!' (2x)
"Is she dead?..."
"No idea..."
"Did.... I.... lose....?"
"You are still alive after that? You really ARE strong."
"...." Kyrielle stared down at her, without saying anything.
"Hah.... Is Kyrielle.... here?..."
"Yes. She's right next to you."
"I want.... to.... say..... sorry.... I failed...."
"I see..."
"...She's dead, Kyrie."
"Somehow, it feels a bit...."
"...Gloomy. But she had it coming, because of her countless innocents have died in this battle. It was all her fault. I don't care if she knew me or whatever, she has to pay for what she did."
"I see.... Sorry Kyrielle."
This apology is not directed to Kyrielle here, but to the dead person lying on the floor.
But she's not literally Kyrielle. She comes from an other world, there's bound to be differences. I didn't killed her here because inside my heart there is only one Kyrielle which I know and care about.
"So, what should we do with her body?"
"I don't know."
"Well, if we tell the soldiers then they'll retrieve her body themselves... I'm sure they won't mind that you killed her right?"
"Hard to say, she seems to be an important figure for them after all.... I think there's bound to be one or two consequences to killing her. Well I kind of had to do it, but that's not the point. I guess in the far future, I'll have to stay here in order to help with the negotiations at least."
"I see."
"But for now... I need a.... a little rest.... Urgh..."
'Thud!' My body loses strength, and I almost dropped to the ground before Kyrielle caught me in her hands.
"Zzz.... Zzz...."
"She's asleep.... I guess regardless of using Dragonic Burst or Mana Burst, it still leaves someone dead tired afterwards huh?"
[Kyrielle's POV]
Six months had passed after the sudden invasion of the other world.
The entire world itself was shook by the news. The new country, United States of Monproximus was suddenly attacked by another world, and it was a misunderstanding. Such news would be extremely crazy even for this world full of weird things like talking skeletons and magical things.
Many countries in the Bostnia Continent itself sent soldiers and supplies to the city after it's destruction to help rebuild it. No matter the worlds, empathy and help connects us to the rest of the world, such is true for Earth... and even demons.
A few human countries from the Centralia Continent also helped out by sending talented architects, mages, and other kind of professionals to Creimland in order to help rebuild the port city. The relationship of the demons and humans were further improved by this incident, deepening their bonds.
The giant portal in the sky remained active without any sign of closing on itself. As a result, the two countries from two different worlds are now trying to establish a political relationship with each other, seeing as how bizarre this entire incident was.
The alternate universe me's body was later retrieved by the soldiers and sent back to the other world, where she was buried at. I wish I could've attended her burial but many things made it difficult for me to go.
That is because entrance to the other world is STRICTLY prohibited by the Monproximus government.... This is to prevent any further damages and also because the other world itself is still in one way or another, hostile.
The reason being that while Baal the Supreme Demon Lord was killed in that world, the Great War itself still hasn't ended yet. Demons and Humans are still at odds with each other, with no sign of stopping anytime soon.
During this period of six months, Lynn with the help of officials from the government negotiated for peace with the people of the other world.
Just two months ago, a ship with multiple envoys from different countries and the princess of Monproximus, Lady Asmedea was sent over to the other world. Lynn used her gravity magic to lift and fly the ship up to the giant portal in the sky where she travelled into another world and stayed there for a while before she came back. I wanted to follow her, but I wasn't allowed to.
Like that, a truce was negotiated between the two countries. Two entirely different worlds has now made temporary peace with each other....
More work has to be done in order to solve this major problem that arised with the invasion of the Dragon God, Red.... But that is another story for another time.
History of that world is very different from the one of this world.... Lynn as a person didn't exist there, Red was the one to kill Baal instead.... Just as the prophecy of this world states, a Dragonkin would come out during the Great War and slay the demon Lord. Such prophecy never held true in my world, I was but a Dragonkin girl that has no grand destiny or fate, as Lynn was the one to kill Baal instead.
Ironically, Baal was the Magic God that was slained by the Dragon God there. Later, this Dragon God was defeated by Lynn who is a Magic God. She took revenge for Baal, technically and literally.
As for how the portal was created.... It involved a sword. Specifically, that sword could open up portals by bending time and space itself. Red was the owner of the sword, and she carried it with her during her fight with Lynn.
The sword was left in the castle, and it was lost under the ocean when Lynn reversed Supernova, destroying the entire castle and possibly even the sword itself. Many searches were conducted, but no one could find any traces of the sword from the remains of the castle deep in the ocean.
No one knew how that sword and how Red accidentally opened a portal into another world.... But the main reason they were trying to open that portal is because they were planning on a surprise invasion to Creimland... The Creimland of that world, not of my world. They were going to fly that castle over to there using the portal, and invade the city like that.
That plan had gone to shit now, as the portal brought them to a Creimland that is in another world entirely.
As for this Creimland, the city itself didn't suffer a lot of damage but the port was destroyed... It made getting out of the city itself difficult and almost impossible.
As for myself... There are a good and a bad news.
Bad news first... Nothing was known about my letter that I sent back home, as the post office was destroyed during the attack and still hasn't been rebuilt yet as of now.
As for the good news... The adventurer guild recognized my achievements in stopping the battle by myself in giving out cease fire orders and also figuring out that this entire battle was a misunderstanding. As a reward, I was granted 5 gold coins as well as jumping from E rank to C rank, over two ranks entirely. This is actually a really great reward, as 5 gold coins is equivalent to 50k dollars back on earth.
With nothing to do, I helped Lynn with her multiple documents during the peace negotiations. I also offered to help out voluntarily in rebuilding the city, as my enhanced strength with Dragonic Burst is priceless for others to use.
After a long six months, the port was finally repaired. Coincidentally, it is also the season where ships can sail out towards the Centralia Continent.... It won't be long before I leave the city.
But for now... This is the conclusion to the entire event that'd come to be known as the 'Creimland Disaster.'
But even for such a big event to happen... nothing will change drastically in the long term. Even if your family was killed... your home burned down in front of your very eyes... and your life took before your very eyes... even after all of those things, nothing will change drastically in the long term. Life goes on, you still meet new people, buildings are still being made, and new adventures still begins.
Afterall, everyone moves on eventually... just like I did.
But this is all a story for another time. What is important right now is to continue in my journey back to Centralia Continent and then back to my home country.... The Holy Kingdom or Ataraxia.
And then when I reached my country, all it takes is to just walk home back to Klada city.
(Chapter end)