(6 months and 15 days after Klada Disaster)
[Lynn's POV]
(3:05 p.m.)
Black Blade End!
"Tsk..." I wanted to hit the castle itself with that one but it seems that the enemy's spell was stronger than I thought.
"I'll just have to confront them myself then!"
Just as I was about to fly up there, I catch glimpse of some thing bird-like things flying out from the castle's back... It's dragons.
"(Magic God Lynn! What is going on here?!)"
"(That rift up there was a portal, they flew a god damned castle right on top of us! Worst off, there's an extremely powerful mage on top... one that can probably destroy this entire city if I wasn't here.)"
"(Seriously?!... What will you do now?)"
"(Now I'm going to go up there and rip that asshole a new one for trying to blow me up.)"
"(What about the dragons?! Can't you at least wait-)"
"(I can't wait, it's too dangerous! I'm talking about a mage who can cast God Ranked spells above all, they have the destructive potential of Baal himself!)"
"(I... I understand....)"
"(As for the dragons, someone will take care of them... No one other than Kyrielle could fly, and she'd be able to do it herself. If you do see her, tell her NOT to go up to the castle, or she'll die. I'll leave the city up to her, the dragons shouldn't post any issues with her skill set.)"
"(Got it!)"
"(Alright. I'll be off then. Remember, don't let Kyrielle come after me no matter what!)"
I bursts upwards towards the sky at full speed using my gravity flight. In just two ty seconds, I flew so high up that I'm on the same vertical level as the castle, just about a few more seconds of flying until I reach the castle's gate.
But before I flew there, I looked closely at the castle... It seems that there are a lot of guards stationed on the castle walls. I also saw a lot of blue crests from the mages on the castle wall, preparing to fire their spells at me.
I have no time to waste.... I suppose I should go serious this time.
'Bang!' (?x)
The mages up on the castle's wall fired all kinds of different magic at me...
Call of Tornado.
With just a swipe of my hand, I sent a large tornado towards their direction to intercept all the magic fired at me.
'Boom!...' (?x)
"And then..."
Eight fold casting.... Black spears.
'Boom!' (?x)
Rapidly firing off multiple black spears, I bombarted the entire castle's front gate. Some mages tried to block with barriers, others tried to intercept my spells, but none succeeded in stopping my superior firepower.
'Boom!' (?x)
I carpet bombed the entire front gate until almost all the soldiers on top is either heavily injured or are dead, and the entire castle gate itself collapsed down from being blown up by my spells.
"Hmpt...." They are all too weak. Where's the mage that shot me with the God ranked spell?
Flying closer to the wall, lots and lots of guards rushed over to the collapsed gate from inside the castle.
The soldiers all carried a metal stick... or pipe, or some sort of short spear in hand? What a weird weapon.
But damn, that's a lot of soldiers to handle just one girl, don't you think?
"Don't let the enemy get close to the gate!Gun men, fire at will!"
'Bang!' (?x) Multiple explosions were heard as the metal pipes of the soldiers all made small explosions and fired out metal pellets at me from a range of just a hundred meters.
'Tink!' (?x) My Mana Shield made multiple metallic noises as the bullets does nothing against my thick defenses.
...Oh, those are the magic item that I reviewed before! 'Muskets' is what they are called I think. Well, they are useless against me regardless.
It's time to clean up these guys. I probably shouldn't destroy the entire gate since it'll block my way, so I should tone down the collateral damage a bit.
"She's- She's immune to bullets! Everyone retrea-'
Eight Fold Casting... Black Blades.
Eight magic crests appeared behind my body in the shape of a wing, and from all the crests spawned black spears shaped like the longsword that Gilles used... It is condensed up in order to limit the explosive effect of Black Spear and make it work like a physical projectile instead.
'Bang!' (?x)
"Argh!!!" "Keep your heads down!" "God!" (?x)
I fired off all the swords at the soldiers in front of the gate. Some were impaled by my swords and survived, others are not so lucky.
After raining down swords after swords at the soldiers there, I finally stopped once most of them are either dead or heavily injured.
The impact from my spells knocked up a huge cloud of dust and smokes on the castle gate.... I flew over all the rubble from the collapsed gate wall, and descended down at the castle's front door.
"Grk... Who... Are...." One of the injured soldiers asked me as I passed by.
"...I'm the Magic God."
"The Magic... God?!... You're... B... Baal!... Argh!..." He finally died after he said those words to me.
"Wrong." I am not Baal, you idiot. I thought my name should be legendary around the world, I guess there's still people who don't know me huh?
But no matter. What's important now is to find out who's behind all of this!
As I stood in front of the gate into the castle, a muffled voice could be heard from inside.
"Someone lock the gate! That monster is approaching!
I opened my mouth...
"I do not wish to kill all of you. If you come out peacefully, then I won't attack anyone."
"Don't listen to her! She's only tricking you!"
Gravity Manipulation.
With gravity magic, I easily blown open the entire gate. The castle is now wide open for me to enter.
"What in the-?!"
I send a cold gaze directly at the commander....
".....die." I raised my arm, pointing towards him in a motion like I'm casting magic.
"Argh!!! Huh? I'm fine?..."
"Huh?..." (9x)
"Huhuhu... A commander like you trembling in fear when threatened. How unsightly." I taunted him with a little joke.
"Wha- you little!-"
He moved his and pulled out his sword from his waist...
"...But I wasn't joking."
In front of my arm, a blue magic crest formed. Upon seeing that blue crest, he stops in place, not daring to attack me.
"....Good, you are at least reasonable. Like I said, I don't want to kill all of you here. But if you try anything funny.... You'll know it."
The blue crest dissipates, and I cancelled my spell.
"...Phew!... No one makes a move, understand?!"
"Yes sir..." (?x)
"...Thats what I like to hear. Now answer my questions. Who is your leader? Why did you attack Creimland, and what did you do to open that portal?"
"I can't betray my master....."
"Tell me, or I'll kill you."
"....Our leader is Lady Red."
"Lady Red?"
"Yes... The East Dragon..."
Red.... That name is familiar... Where did I heard it?
"...Does she have any other name?"
"No... Actually, she used to call herself Kyrielle."
Kyrielle?!... No way!
"What did you say?!" I yelled out as I spawned a Black Blade
"Eek!!! Don't kill me! T-that was just her old name! We don't know anything about her!"
Red.... Dragon of the East.... That's.... That's right! It's the dragon that is inside of Kyrielle's soul!
"But this is ridiculous... There's no way there can be two Red I'm the world, she can't split into two!"
"W-what are you saying?"
From that rift, I sensed a distortion in reality itself... And reality is composed of Time and Space... Since the rift is a portal, it might be a possibility that...
"...That this is an entirely different world..."
"Huh?..." (?x)
Yes... It is possible... For all I know, Kyrielle herself was an other worlder... She wasn't from this world originally. And in the take of the Five Headed Dragon Tiamat it is also said that there are other worlders. This means that these guys opened up a portal that can traverse through the worlds!
A fire God ranked magic... Kyrielle specializes in Fire magic so it all makes sense now, that the Lady Red of this place isn't the Kyrielle that I know, but a Kyrielle from another world entirely.
Besides, the Kyrielle that I know definitely wouldn't use a God ranked magic inside a city just to spite me... Hundreds of thousands people will die because of it! This 'Red' individual isn't someone who I should show any mercy to.
"Hello? Excuse me?"
"Tsk... I won't get anywhere thinking like this. Where is this Lady Red right now?"
"She's deeper inside castle...."
"Fine, I'll go talk with your boss." I turned around and walked deeper into the castle foowing the hhallway
"If you continue down that path you'll reach the throne room but you'll encounter that guardian... He's a formidable beast, you should be careful-"
"Roar!!!" Something down the corner of the hallway roared so loud that it shaked the entire castle itself.... This might be a dangerous creature.
"Uh oh.... Everyone run!"
"Yes sir!" (?x)
"Oi! Don't just run away!" They all ran out of the gate....
I turned around back to the hallway.... What I saw was a gigantic white colored wolf standing within arm's distance... Wait, it's a white fox, not a wolf!
"Grr... Gro!"
Standing at about three meters tall, six meters long and with fluffy white fur, the gigantic fox stared at me instensely.
"Grr!... Sniffs..." The fox started to smell me... I reached out my arm in order to try to retrict it's movement.
"Woah, easy there big boy. I probably smell like sweat because I haven't bathed today, but I hope you won't dislike-"
"-...me." Yep, I probably smells bad.
"God damned it don't bite on my arm!"
The fox bit on my arm and immediately flings my body around like a mad dog biting on it's prey toy, throwing me all over the hallway.
"Bad boy! Don't bite my hand! Bad boy!"
"How annoying!.... Mana Blast!"
I blasted the gigantic dog towards the end of the hallway.
It turns around mid air and lands on its feet seemingly taking no damage at all. It opened it's mouth....
"Grah!..." And deep inside it's mouth, bright flashes could be seen inside.
"...Uh oh..." Fire... This dog can breathe fire...
"Roar!" 'Bwuom!!!'
Hot flames consumed the entire hallway, burning down every decorations, paintimgs, chair and lamps inside.
Luckily for me, I'm immune to heat. But still, it is annoying to have fire blown at you.
"Tsk!... Enough is enough, stupid fox!"
I gathered my Mana into my arm and formed a big Mana Ball in front... Copying how Kyrielle usually does it, I used the Mana Ball to suck up all the fire blown at me by the fox.... The wind inside the Ball generates a vortex that feeds more air into the flames, making the fire inside even hotter as I charge it.
"Grah?!..." The fox finally stopped it's fire after seeing my move...
"Here, it's yours!"
The weak Forbidden Sun hits the fox in the body, and sends it flying backwards deeper into the castle, crashing into the brick walls.
'Boom!!!' After about a second, a big explosion was seen which causes the brick walls to collapses onto the giant fox.
"Well, that's what you get."
I walked closer to the rubbles in order to inspect the fox...
"Grk... Roar!!!"
"You're still alive after that?!"
"Grah!" The fox pounces at me once again with it's jaws wide open ready to bite into me.
With gravity magic I flew up to the air and dodged it's lunge.
"Sit!" Putting gravity magic onto my body, I dropped down at lightning speed and slammed my leg into the fox's head.
'Thump!...' The fox was knocked unconscious by my gravity drop kick...
"Phew!..." What sort of dog owner doesn't discipline their pet properly though?!
Luckily despite this dog being seemingly immune to fire, it's still vulnerable to a straight forward physical attack like a kick. But it's still quite tough, as I pounced it so hard that it left a crater on the ground and it's still alive.
"Uuu...." The fox wakes up again, dazed and confused.
"Bad boy! Sit!"
The dog sat it's butt down on the floor.... Wait, did Lady Red actually trained it?...
"...Good boy. Now stay here and don't bite me anymore!"
Phew.... That's one less problem for me.
I walked down the large hallway, turning around the corner that this big doggie came from and headed deeper into the castle.
After taking one corner after the other... I'm still not at the middle of the castle where the throne room is at.
"Damn... This castle is huge! Walking all of it is going to be tiring..."
But still, I wonder if everything is alright on Kyrielle's side... The dragons shouldn't pose any issues for her, but I'm more concerned about the soldiers... There might be skilled individuals after all.
Well, she won't be fighting alone so I can probably rest easy... Besides, Woods should be with her as well, I'm having a hard time imaginining those two losing to anyone other than myself.
(3:12 p.m.)
[Kyrielle's POV]
(3:12 p.m.)
(5 minutes after Lynn went to the castle....)
I slained all of the dragons dominating the city's sky, and I'm now helping the city's soldiers and adventirers to destroy the soldiers that were sent down by those dragons.
'Standing on one of the taller buildings of the city, I peeked at the city looking to find somewhere that could use reinforcements....
"What destruction... This is madness!" The entire city surrounding me has fell into a state of chaos.
Warriors with pikes and swords clashed in the streets, with magic and arrows flying around like kids playing with snow balls.
On top of the building and house's roofs are countless assassins and agile swordsmen fighting it out with each other as the soldiers clashed on the ground.
This... This is war.
"Tsk!... There's gotta be something I can do to help right?!"
"What? Are you seriously telling a 11 year old girl to help you lift something, Woods-san?"
What should I do?!... I don't know what to do!
"Tsk!..." I'm getting no where like this... Lets calm down for a moment and think....
...I can regroup with Kentwood and that demon mage... and offer them support...
But I can't find them amidst this city's chaos. I must do something else.... But I can't go up to the castle and find Lynn... It'd be too dangerous.
What else can I do?!...
The defenders of the city far out numbers the invaders... But the problem is, the invaders are extremely skilled and can take on multiple people at once.
....The enemy generals! That's right, in a battle the commanders are the most important figures of every army, if I can slay the generals myself then I might be able to turn the tide of the battle.
"Okay..." Let's scan the city properly and find someone that looks like a dangerous person...
....There! Over by the city's eastern walls I saw an enemy soldier seemingly giving out commands to a group of soldiers that are attacking the guards of this city.
"Let's do this!"
'Bwuom!' I jumped off the tall building and flew directly to the scene... I fired off two thrusters behind me, and on each of my hand I used Blaze Edges dual wielding fire swords.
Blaze Edge is what I call the fire swords that I can summon out and use as both projectiles and melee weapon.
In just twenty seconds I flew over a few hundred meters and reached the enemy that I mentioned...
I flew until I am directly over the enemy commander, and aimed my thrusters to boost me downwards....
Dragonic Burst!
'Boom!!!' I slammed down onto the street, and slashed my fire swords down at the enemy general, decapitating his arms.
"General!" (?x)
"Hah!" I wildly swung my sword around, without even caring about techniques or anything like that. With my superior speed, strength and reflexes I sliced up everyone surrounding me.
1... 2... 3... 4... In just seconds, I had slained 4 people dressed in thick western plate armour.
"What the hell is with this girl?!"
I don't know the exact numbers... But I'm surrounded.
However... I don't necessarily have to fire out my swords like projectiles or use them as a melee weapon. I can actually control them with just my thoughts alone....
Just like a video game character that I have seen back on earth, I conjured up four Blaze Edges and surrounded myself with them, making them spin around me like helicopter's rotor.
This is called Spiral Edges.
"Hoo... Hah...."
I took a deep breath and pulled out my katana from my waist.... With four Blaze Edges spinning around me, no one can approach me at all, but I can... I'm formidable in close range fights.
'Thud!' Kicking off the ground, I slashed and sliced at the people coming close to me using my katana.
My sword swings are weak... I lacked techniques, and doesn't have the experience to use it. But my Dragonic Burst boosts my strength so much so that it doesn't matter anyway.
'Slash!' (?x)
As I sliced my way around a few more soldiers, I saw a blue light at the distance.... That's magic!
"Hydraulic Slash!"
I barely leaned my face backwards as the arc of highly pressurized water flies past my face, cutting my bangs slightly.
"Phew!..." That was close!
An enemy mage that can use water magic... This is bad, I have to take him down quickly!
"Everyone stay back, I'll take her!" Is what the mage yelled out.
"Yes captain!" (?x)
I need to save mana... I disabled my Dragonic Burst, removing the red aura coating my body.
"You humans!... What is wrong with you all?! Why are you defending the demons?!" The mage yelled out at me.
"I don't know what you are talking about, but if you are killing innocents..... Demon or not, I'll not let you do it!"
"Demons as innocents and victims?!... I don't know who or what you are little girl, but I'm taking you down here!"
"Hmpt." It seems like he's capable of chantless casting, he's still a bit too weak to match me even though his Master leveled Water spells can counter my fire spells.
'Thud!' I kicked off the ground and dashed to the sides, dodging his water beam.
"Blaze Edges, go!" I sent out my four fire blades at him like arrows.
'Bang!' (4x)
'Bwuom!' (4x)
He raised a water wall, and blocked my four fire swords... But I've never intended for those swords to hit him anyway.
'Bwuom!' Immediately as my casting slots were freed, I activated two thrusters behind me and dashed with lightning speed towards him...
'Splash!' I rammed directly through the water wall that he created and closed the distance on him with my sword ready....
"What the-?!"
'Slash!' With one swing of my katana, I sliced at his shoulder, cutting his entire arm and shoulder off.
I landed myself right behind him, and flung the blood off of my katana.
"Idiot... I'm not just a mage, I can use a sword now!"
"I... miscalculated..."
'Thud!' He dropped down on the ground, now dead.
"Captain!" (?x)
"Take this you brat!" From behind me, someone swung a battleaxe horizontally at me...
'Boom!' A sharp pain hits my arm, I wasn't able to block the swing, and it slammed me to the building by the side, throwing me into the building itself through the wall.
"Ouch ouch...." That one hurt, but my arm is still fine?...
I stood back up from the rubbles, and checked my arm... there was a cut wound, but as I gather my mana to that wound it quickly closes back up.
"She's not injured....? Just who is this little girl?!"
"Ouch... I'm nobody special, but you have did well not underestimating me. I'm Kyrielle, and I won't let you kill any demons in this city!"
"Wait!... She looks like Lady Red!"
Red...?! Did you just say Red?!
"What?... Where did you learn of name?!"
"You... It can't be! You're the Grand Duchess?!"
"Impossible... What the hell is going on here...?"
I never told anyone about Red, the dragon inside of me besides Lynn...
"There's no way..... This is... Another world...?" One of the soldiers yelled out in shock.
"Another world?!..." That means these people are... Invaders from another world?
...For now, I need to make my escape and report this to the Prime Minister!
'Bwuom!' I fired off my thrusters and flew up to the sky, taking off towards the government building.
"Wait!" One of the soldiers from behind yelled out, trying to stop me...
There's too many things in my mind right now..... I can't think properly!...
First off, there's someone who's extremely powerful at fire magic waiting on top of the castle...
Then the chaos that was brought down onto the city...
And now I learn that the invaders are actually from another world?!... Give me a God damned break already!
Lynn, please come back down already! You need to know this!...
[Lynn's POV]
(5 minutes after her fight with the giant fox)
"Man this castle's layout is so confusing!"
I have been running around inside the castle for a while now... I don't know where I am at anymore...
As I walk past one of the corners, I saw a giant wooden door with two guards standing in front of it...
"Oh, is this the throne room?"
"An intruder! How dare you intrude upon the castle without Lady Red's permission?!" One of the guards yelled out to me.
The two guards are dressed in thick metal plate armour... They seemed to be high ranking offcials.
"Oh, forgive me I was actually just a lost girl... I lost my way and I somehow ended up here in those castle, please forgive me!" I said as I put my hands together and bowed down towards them, taunting them.
"Lies! You wouldn't have lost your way if you are someone from the ground, you'd never even end up here in the first place!"
"Wow haha, you actually believed my words? Have your father ever taught you about sarcasm? Why don't you make some friends of your age, and learn how people joke with each other?"
"Stop this nonsense at once! As her Lady's personal elite guard we shall punish you with death! My name is Agni!"
"And I'm Morgi!"
"Together, we shall destroy you-" (2x)
'Bzzz!!!' Even though I used just a single lightning spell, I severely injured them.
"Argh!!!...." (2x)
"Your first mistake, you wore metal armour. I thought it is common sense that metal attracted lightning, you must not have fought demon mages that could use electricity huh?"
"My lady.... We have failed you...."
'Thud!' (2x)
"Your second mistake- wait, it's not technically your mistake... Whatever, I'm not feeling up for another 'epic duel' so give me a break."
Now then, with them out of the way, let's get I side the throne room at once!
'Boom!' With a single push using my gravity magic, I blew the closed doors completely open, and walked right into the throne room.
The first thing I noticed is that it'd be a major understatement to call this a room.... It's more like a gigantic Hall, about a 100 meters square and with large pillars supporting the tall roof of this hall. It's a big room with only the pillars and a massive throne in the middle of it all...
"So, an intruder befalls upon me. You must have defeated my fox.... you must be quite powerful."
A really familiar voice sounded.... It's Kyrie's voice no doubt. When the dust screen from the door cleared, I finally saw the girl's face clearly....
Sitting on a throne is an adult woman with long and loose red hair, with a well proportioned body and a really familiar face.... She is a grown up Kyrielle, no doubt.
(Chapter end)