Chereads / The Plundering Demon: Mammon(paused) / Chapter 20 - A Little Talk With My Good Ol Pal, Baalzebul

Chapter 20 - A Little Talk With My Good Ol Pal, Baalzebul

"I still can't get over how you slept with Charlie's friend?..."

"I still can't believe how your world has no dragons!"

Let's just recap what happened since the last time I didn't have time to think to myself. So after she slammed on the break and we went back and forth as I was, a little understand able with why humans and other races had sex for other reason other than to reproduce, since that concept only made sense for the Incubi and Succubi to me. And a few lust Demons, look I'm still young and a bit confused, and anyways, she nagged me for it saying I wasn't supposed to-be doing that since it was "Wrong," like I even cared though and I told her that I'd probably be out of her hair in-the week or so because I wanted to go and challenge a mighty dragon and or troll since they were on my bucket list of exciting things to do, all while keeping a few things secret, but it wasn't even a second after, she... She... She.

So apparently there aren't any dragons and or creatures.

This world is bland and barely magical at all, no one knows.

There's not even 1 percent of the world that knows of the unatural and magical, and she broke my motherfucking heart just then, and shattered my freaking dreams!

And it's all because of this bastard British Wizard!

His name was Myrddin Wyllt! Known as the Wizard Merlin!

And he's the one who banished the supernatural.

After he did that, magic faded from this world!

The only creatures left here are Witches and Warlocks.

Slumbering Vampires who are forever sealed away.

And even more factions of Witches!

Who let me remind you, are all hidden from this world.

Which is overrun by billions of humans!

Pathetic... Useless.... HUMANS!

They really are like a virus and this world proves it.

Now I'm sitting here and staring out of the window as she is just running every one of my hopes and dreams, and now I'm literally a Demon hungry for adventure, stuck in some pathetic warlock's body, in a world infested with humans who want to hunt me because I hold power...

Now that sounds more like the abyss the more that I see it? And that's sort of fucked up in many ways...

Not the point! At least the abyss has value and excitement!

This place just has human made techs and cowards.

This place has technology and cowards...


And here I am going with the witch to a desolate place where she's going to perform a sacrifice and wants to watch over me. So she's going to speak to a devil huh?

I guess it's time to pull some strings and favors~

Also did I mention that this world only has one god.

A weak heaven with the powerful angels, fallen.

Oh and that "g0d" doesn't even interact with his folk.

This is perfect... Let's play a new game... "God."

Let's see if your creations here are strong enough.

Let's see if they're strong enough to handle my friends.

"Cheer up Demon, I don't mind keeping you as a pet haha"

"No thanks, I refuse to serve someone weaker than me"

"How do you know you're stronger than me, Demon..."

Talking to me like that, I looked forward and with ah bored sigh I lifted one of my hands and a wave of black and gold lifted up off my skin, I radiated demonic energy and then the thing called a vehicle slower as the ground quaked.


Yelling and looking over at me, I continued raising my hand until it hit the ceiling of the vehicle, and then, the earth all around us started to shift, but I made sure that the stone path we were on wasn't effected, but outside of the path.


Looking forward, as she slowed the vehicle the trees broke and the earth lifted up, carrying the trees and all their roots, and they continued to rise, and she stopped.

Completely stopping, she watched in awe as the earth all came up and formed both triangular and square shaped buildings, familiar to dwarven constructs but with tree roots mixing in with the molds, and then they went in this silly little square, triangle, square pattern, stretching as far as the eyes could see, all the way down the path.

Looking at me with her mouth wide open.

I glanced at her and then looked away.

"This took 20% of my current strength to pull off, and with 100% of the power I possess I can make a small village of dwarven structures using the earth and her minerals, but I'm not at full strength due to your bother snatching me out of the rift I was in and trapping me in his body"

"I'm at 2% of my real power, when I'm at 100% I can make ah large empire with towers and everything, Earth Golem guards and hundreds of Stone Soldiers to defend it"

"Before I was banished my goals where to become the successor to my father and his layer in the abyss, and become the new demon lord to rule there, but after..."

"After, when I was banished yesterday, all I wanted to do was go on an adventure, meet new people, see new things and fight some big creatures along with my new pals"

"But now I can't, I'm stuck in your world, I don't know how to return to my original form and leave his body, and now I'm going to be incredibly bored for a century till your bother's body dies and I'm probably free, if he can age"

I said telling her all of this on purpose.

The more pathetic I seem.

The more hopeless I act.

The more her guard...

Yeah, well say goodbye to it.

I'm going to have a lot of fun today~

. . . . .

Now looking at her face with a down expression, "So? Can you do that? Or are we done with this conversation, because I seriously want to take a nap"

Looking at me both shocked and surprised with her mouth half way opens, "Damn!" she said straight off the back, an I leaned back and crossed my arms, "Can we go now?"

I asked and looked forward into the darkness, "Wait? So what now?" she said but I didn't get it, "Are you just going to give up, what about that thing Demons have to–"

"I'm in banishment, I have no connection to anything"

Wanting to ask me about it but not as she paused, she grabbed the wheel and snickered, "I guess instead of some adventurer, you can just be Charlie for now"


"You heard me, you want amusement, be my bother"

"Why though?"

"You get to go to a place that gives you knowledge almost every day, you can make friends there as well as learn, and then we even have people for you to fight on the occasion, the hunters along with witch raids where we battle other covens at least twice a year around early June and and December, and plus your inhabiting a warlock of my coven so your going to have to work with me either way since I'm going to need the help and you have nothing to do, right?"

"Sigh... I guess you make a fair point"

"Awesome!" she said with a smile on her face for the first time, and looking at her, I looked back in front of me and sighed and this was going to be a long night for me.

. . . . .

Getting to the site she had planned out, we walked a mile in the dark to this isolated area where she had me sit down on a tree trunk as she walked around this open pentagram and began speaking gibberish while there was a human already there and squirming around on the dirt?

Taking out a dagger from her side, 5 flames appeared at the tips of the pentagram which is just a star in a circle and when each point lit up with redish fire above each point.

I stood up and as she was stepping over to the squirming body, so helpless and weak, I began walking over.

"This is too boring, Witch! Eat the fire and ring the bell!"

"Baalzebul! Get your ass out here I'm sommoning you!"

I said and a earth spoke shot up from under the person impaling them, and as I had and it happens in front of the witch, she veered her head at me and yelled, "What are you doing, Demon!" she acted like I wasn't planning this.

She should know not to trust a Demon uncontacted.

And as she yelled that, the flames vanished, the body of the dead Person impaled by my spike disappeared once she turned her head towards me, and as everything went dark, fire them reappeared a second later in each point.

"Who dares call for the king of gluttony..."

The both of us looked left, her more spooked than me who stayed indifferent to this, and we both saw a man who was hovering as he had 4 fly wings on his back and a yellow flame behind him on that pentagram point.

Looking at him and seeing his yellow glowing gluttonous eyes, I clicked my tongue and the girl shuddered, "The King of gluttony, the beast, lord lucif–" but as she was basically shitting herself I walked forward towards him.

"How dare you take that tone with me Bell, have you forgotten who you're standing before, or is this form too much for your small bug brain to handle!!!"

Looking over at me and away from the girl he was originally looking at, he clicked his tongue and an aura of fear cloaked him, but it was almost pathetic before me.

"What insolence, human!"

"You think your glutinous aura of fear scares me?"

Walking to the middle of the pentagram where he was at one of the spikes, I put one of my hands on my hips and looked at him sourly, "Have you forgotten who taught you such thing! You damn brat, if you didn't owe me I'd kill you"

"Or have you forgotten how much lithium you owe me?!"

But as I said that, he flinched and stepped back.

"Wait?! Ma'mon!"

And hearing he call me that.

"It's not Ma Mon, I'm not that retched greedy devil you have teamed with you, it's Mammon, get it right Bell!"

Flinching, he looked away with a sour face.

"What's with that look Bell! Are you trying to pick a fight?!"

I angrily said and he levitated down to the ground in front of me and sighed deeply, "sigh, what do you want Mammon, wait, why are you with a witch?"

He said looking over to the witch who collapsed to her knees as she was struck with utter fear in front of him.

"Long story, I don't exactly know where I am?"

"Clearly not the abyss? Say, how'd you get out? Did, SHE, just let you pass to this empty world?"

"No. I didn't go through the nine hells I was sorta just sucked up by some devil worshiper"



"So you want me to take you back to the abyss huh?"

"Hell no, no offense"

"Then why'd you call"

"Because you owe me 100 thousand pounds of lithium"

"I guess you still haven't forgotten huh"

"When you sabotage your own kind for money, I don't think that's something you just forget Bell"

"Sigh, I need more time, getting my hand on a single peice of lithium is already hard enough, so it's going to be a while before I can even get a pound of it to you, also your support in the blood war is great so I hope you'll stay patient with us, we'll try to get it to you and Minauros as soon as we can, it'll just take a while, a long while"

"You're lucky I'm a kind man then, Bell"

"Truly kind"

Crossing my arms, "Anyways, I didn't call for you to merely ask about how my debt is going, you owe me a lot and I have a few requests of you that need to be answered"


Speaking to him in his infernal language so she couldn't hear what I was saying, "Dragons, vampires, werewolves, trolls, goblins, those cute slimes, beasts, and even for the hell of it some of your devilic creatures, I want them"


"I don't care if they're the bad batch, I want tribes of them and a lot more to be sent here to this world through you, okay, you're understanding me clearly correct?"

Speaking back to me in infernal, "What you're asking is impossible, you know how much trouble I'll be in with the arch devil if he finds out what I'm doing! Especially if it's for a demon? I'll be in so much trouble!"

But as he said that I laughed, and then said.

"100,000 pounds of platinum taken off your debt"

And hearing that, he paused, and then froze in place.

Opening his mouth he didn't say anything and looked away. He's seriously thinking about it now.

Biting his lip and making it bleed.

He turned back to me, "Deal, they'll be sent here to this world in 2 months'time from now, but it's not going to be an easy transition, this world is going to change quite a bit"

He said making me smile, "I know, and that's what I want"

"You're an evil man, Mammon" he said honestly.

"What can I say, I'm a Demon after all, chaotics my nature"

"Sigh, some times I wonder why the Lord puts up with you"

"It's because I'm helping him keep back the waves of demons, not even my father knows of what I'm doing"

"Yes, and for that we're thankful to you, filthy Demon"

"And I'm grateful for the assist, you pathetic Devil"

Talking back and forth and striking deals, after a little while and this spineless bastard made me sort of mad, I felt something else too, and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Baalzebul, 10 pounds of silver for your company a week? How does that sound, it all comes off your debt"

"But I have to run a layer of hell, no deal, Mammon"

"You have someone taking care of everything else, you can fall asleep for centuries and no one will bother you"

I said and he clicked his tongue as I was right about that.

"100 pounds of gold and I'll accompany you, Mammon"

"100 pounds of gold for a year as my companion here"

I said and as he opened his mouth, "Your final chance, oh and did forget to say, while you're my companion you have chances to lower your debt while here with me?"

I told him and he... Paused...

And thinking about it for a few moments, he stomped his foot on the ground and punched the air in anger.

"Fine! You have a deal, I'll come next week"

"How bout tomorrow night"

"Tch... Why?"

But stepping up, "1 lithium, to be my female partner" I said and he paused, "You devil's have no actual gender it's only assumed, and plus, were both relatively young and around the same age, so what do you say, be my little pet, Bella"

Looking up at me in complete shock, what he didn't know was that I was going to use him for his powers, I do need insurance and a lot of backing, especially since I'm kind of.

Banished and can be targeted by every Demon as of now.

And in doing this, I'm just playing it smart, and just playing.

And clicking his tongue and looking away, "Fuck you, I'm, ugh, I'll be there tomorrow but don't expect anything else from me other than just some human companion with you"

He basically agreed.

And seeing him get flustered as he knew what was next.

I put my hand on his head and laughed.

"I guess I'll call you Bella from now on"

"Kiss my ass, Mammon. Do as you want, I don't care"

Laughing and rubbing his head, "Oh I will, friend"

"We're only friends when you want something from me"

"It goes vice versa too you know?"


Turning back around, I walked over to the frightened witch who didn't move a muscle as his fearing aura was still out, and as she was trembling, I said, "Best you go now, also, wear something pretty tomorrow, I'll be energetic haha"

Hearing him get mad, he flapped his wings and glancing back, he tore a rift into the air and flew through it, saying, "Fuck you Mammon!" as he left throughout it.

He's a funny guy, and he'll make an amusing girl.

Now squatting down to the girl as the flames stayed.

I spoke back to common, "What's wrong witch, that pesky Devil is gone now, oh yeah, and sorry for stealing your ritual, I just needed to talk to my old pal for a little"

"The next time we do this, I'll not butt in, Kay"

Slowly turning her head she looked to me but then fell into her side passing out, "Damn, tough crowd I guess?" I said just finding myself sitting next to her as she passed out.

I'll wait till she wakes up.

Using my powers, I made a shelter for us.

Now we wait.