She stood by him then, knowing that time was running out and knowing that all her cards had been casted. The thing about casting all your cards is that, when you do so - there is no convincing yourself that things could have been different. If you dont cast your cards, you can always say that it was beacuse you didn't that things did not turn out. She had never felt so powerless as she stood there knowing that she would not be chosen. She wanted to think that the world was unfari, but what wsa fairness anyway. Wasn't the fact that there would always be winners and losers, but it just happened to be that she was not in the winning party.
It had not been a close competition either. Her voice, her wrods. Her sharp unapologetic words had always been her best weapon, and for the first time she was forced to stand there without them. She used to pity the animals that were washed ashore because they didn't have the strenght to fight against such small currents that would drive them so far away from home. But then what was she if not that. A creature that could not influence the waves in her path as they sent her a drift to a conlussion of her story where she did not win in either side of it.
Her heart ached.
Was this it?